[TRANS] Japanese fans’ tweets: the people and businesses of Ibaraki thankful and impressed by JYJ, concerts were successful despite hardships faced


[TRANS] The taxi driver asked me “Why did the three leave?” so I explained the details and the current circumstances. He said “That’s so maddening… That must be why people want to root for them even more. They must be really good because even though they don’t appear on TV in Japan so many people from distant places came” Thank you Mr Driver… (T_T)


[TRANS] When I was eating at a ramen stand at the Ibaraki venue the guy at the yakisoba (Japanese stir-fried noodles) stand next door was working busily with a big smile saying “I’m so thankful to JYJ”! So glad ♥


[TRANS] A taxi driver told me that the Hitachinaka Park was heavily damaged by the earthquake and tsunami and because of liquefaction the road in some places is still twisted. So he said that the Rock festival in the summer and yesterday’s JYJ concert was really appreciated.


[TRANS] Another story from a taxi driver. Some staff (probably ZAK) went to Korea 3, 4 days before the concert and rode his taxi. At that time they were still not sure if the concert was possible. But local businesses, at the risk of going out of business, cooperated. So I am thankful to the people of Ibaraki too.


[TRANS] A taxi driver said “More people come to the Rock Festival but there are more artists. They must be really popular for so many people to come for just 3 people. Incredible.”


[TRANS] On the way home from Ibaraki airport I happened to talk to a staff member of the concert executive committee. I got tears in my eyes hearing how much difficulty they went through for the JYJ concert to happen and how much effort they put forth. People from company “A” came in person to the prefectural office and the venue to protest. But through the various efforts of people surrounding them they were able to hold the concert. Thank you so much!


[TRANS] I received a call from staff at the hotel I stayed at and talked about JYJ’s concert. He wanted to take a look and got in the concert area. (People in local tourism businesses were allowed to enter) “I was amazed at how good their singing was” “And amazed again that they weren’t lip syncing”. He said “please come every year!”


[TRANS] I heard that the area where the JYJ concert was held was particularly damaged by the earthquake. The driver of the taxi I got on told me that this was the first time he had seen Ibaraki so full of life. He sounded very happy. This is truly the best recovery aid! I am full of distrust for the Japanese media.


[TRANS] The guide at the venue said to us in the Ibaraki dialect when we were leaving “Don’t cry so hard. They’ll come again”. Those words felt so warm.


[TRANS] It was so bad that the staff were really worried. The obstruction was so bad that they were barely able to finish the preparations on time. With such a large scale event there are so many things, effects, products, so many businesses involved, so there was a possibility of some unexpected trouble happening at some unexpected place. It’s practically a miracle that the concert was able to be held. I’m so grateful.


[TRANS] Funny thing that happened at Hitachinaka → A couple came together. At first the guy looked like he had been dragged there by his girlfriend but after a while he was watching with his hands clasped in front of his chest like a girl. He finally ended up gazing intently using his girlfriend’s opera glasses that he had taken from her neck.


Additional notes from a Japanese fan: Apparently so many people were tweeting and replying about Avex’s obstruction of JYJ’s concert that “JYJ”, “Avex”, and “obstructing concert” were trending on Twipple at the same time. There was no official homepage about the concert with JYJ’s name (just ZAK’s ticket site) no signs with JYJ at the park, no media coverage except for that small article on Ibaraki newspaper because of Avex.

Sources: The respective twitter accounts
Translated and shared by: TheJYJFiles
Please do not add, alter, or remove the credits.

13 thoughts on “[TRANS] Japanese fans’ tweets: the people and businesses of Ibaraki thankful and impressed by JYJ, concerts were successful despite hardships faced

  1. okay now I’m crying. it’s been years and they still have to face these kind of things. but happy that they can still perform, despite the difficulties!!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing and translating these amazing tweets. Everyone should know how much JYJ and JYJ fans love to help others.

  3. I was able to attend the concert (I’m writing my own fan account now), one really old grandma in the bus was asking me lot of questions about the concert, JYJ and us. She said it’s a shock for all the people in Ibaraki to see such an amount of people going to support just 3 boys. She also was impressed that we attend both saturday and sunday, the money we spent for the tickets and transport to Ibaraki and specially that I’m a fan from Mexico who do that kind of things XD.
    Also the people at the hotel was happy and thankful to JYJ, they were more than kind with the fans staying at the inn and even changed the time of the shuttle bus to let us return after the concert was over and not miss anything

  4. Our endless love and support for our amazingly talented boys…!!! So sorry…me and my hubby will always think of Jaejoong..Yoochun and Junsu as our precious sons..XD!!!

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