Yunho and Changmin Switch Their Stance on JYJ

Editor’s note: We deliberated on whether to post this article and our decision was not an easy one. The JYJ Files wanted to ignore “the other side” and felt there were many things best left sorted out in the courtroom. However, it was very disheartening that after the cosmetics business accusation against JYJ was proven invalid by the court, instead of just letting it go and leaving JYJ alone outside of the courtroom, there are still actions taken to publicly malign JYJ. As we all know, JYJ stand on disadvantageous grounds for they cannot even appear on television to defend themselves. We wish the other side would leave JYJ alone and instead, focus on building their new brand image. Instead, new accusations against JYJ’s characters were flung. With KDG, even though we were disappointed with Yunho’s answer, The JYJ Files have endured it for such a question from the host might be expected for that show. But with Changmin’s recent answers on Chosun Ilbo (the largest newspaper in South Korea), we realized that these defamation tactics will not cease and JYJ will not be left alone. As fans of JYJ, we are stepping up to the plate to present facts that showcase the situation as it stands. In doing so, we hope that people become aware of the reality of the situation and will accept the responsibility to guard against further slandering of JYJ’s names.

In the end, we presented the facts and our readers have a right to know the facts. We did not want to create controversy, but to refrain from posting what Changmin said in his interview with Korea’s largest newspaper and what Yunho said in one of the most popular programs in Korea, out of our desire to avoid controversy, would have been a disservice to our readers. These things are public and widely commented upon in Korea where people can read them on their doorsteps, but since the international fandom is once removed, we faced the temptation of censorship for the sake of peace. In the end, we stand by our decision to reveal the facts despite how uncomfortable they may be for some of our readers.

*Please click on image below to enlarge

Written by: Inklette of DNBN
Shared by: TheJYJFiles
Sources 1, 2, and 3

987 thoughts on “Yunho and Changmin Switch Their Stance on JYJ

  1. I wish they would never speak about JYJ again. JYJ have never spoken badly about them. They made their choice to stay with SM, they should let JYJ go. It’s not like they don’t have a choice. They do so they are not victims. I have had enough of them blabbering on and on about JYJ. JYJ have a life too. They can’t live and won’t live for SM or any other people but themselves and their family, maybe us fans are lucky to be part of it.
    JYJ have always treasured their friendship with Homin. Homin, if a part of you still remember the friendship you shared with JYJ, how about focus on your career and never speak of JYJ again if there’s nothing nice for you to say?

      • When I read this it sounds more like SM and less like HoMin. I don’t think these are words coming from their hearts and if it is that really splits cassies up and hurts our hearts.

      • @Tasha Yuuki-chan Cooper

        These are twenty-something men, they are not children, they are responsible for their own decisions and their own words, spoken in public. They understood what they were doing and they knew the implicit meaning of what they were saying. There is no conceivable way that they do not “really mean” what they say. They have made their choice, they have chosen to ally themselves with SM. So now, they are all about putting forth the SM Agenda, in all its evil machinations and low motives. Yes, it’s sad, it’s a shame but that is the reality.

      • That is so crude. Homin, I admit, said some… words about them, but they can talk about them, okay? They still treasure their friendship if you watch some other videos like TAXI. YOU should shut your mouth.

      • I dont understand what Homin did wrong.. Im a new fan and i have researched on all this but i dont find Homin saying anything bad about JYJ at all ! Must you be so harsh on them ?

      • Come on guys, be wise for every single news, everything Homin say or did is always wrong, JYJ and TVXQ (Homin) have their decisions just let it go…they will never come back again, so just close the book, and watch their drama, variety show, etc or just listen their music…Done..CASE CLOSED!!

    • you know what? this just makes me love JYJ even more! I mean, HoMin are saying these things..yet, JYJ never say anything bad about HoMin! Gosh…. They have such beautiful hearts….no matter how people try to bring JYJ down, JYJ will always win because they have good hearts….

      Plus, they have us, great JYJ fans, behind them! Ready to back them up anytime!

      JYJ fighting! JYJ fans fighting!

      • Please don’t separate and talk …the 5 of them will still treasure their friendship even if they can’t express it outwardly…all the cassies who knew them from the beginning can never take sides and will always wish for the 5 to come back together to where their happiness lie …because the 5 still will love and care about each other

      • I totally agree also. If you know anything about JYJ at all you know about their incredible sensitivity, gentleness and love for their fans. They have so much heart and they work so hard and give so much. What other way is there to respond in kind but to support them till the end?

    • MTE…
      They should just say, no comment or whatever along those lines if they still have some respect left for the three since JYJ has never said anything against them eversince.

    • @jyjdancetime
      Totally agreed and well said. Let bygone be bygone, all this sour grape will only highlight what kind of a “heart ” both of u have! Why cant u just laughed at the question like Junsu did when he was asked whether the 5 of u will be reunited? Isnt it better to be like that rather than saying things that will only show your true color? JYJ Files, thanks so much. We, as a fan deserve to know the truth about JYJ, be it good or bad. JYJ fighthing!

    • So JYJ have the right to speak about HOMIN (twitter, interviews) and they can cry at Tokyo Dome and sing about HOMIN but HOMIN can’t say anything? So unfair, JYJ families can say awful things about HOMIN and their families (6.25 meeting) but Changmin and Yunho can’t say what they think? IF JYJ HAD always treasured their friendship with Homin then why THEY DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING WHEN FANS (blinded by the rumors invented in that meeting) bashed HOMIN, because they were called traitors, liars, their families suffered. Where were they? Oh I know, making concerts, dramas, dvds, cds, and tweets, such good friends they were.

      • Dear HoMin Hugger,

        Well, again it’s happened. You’ve mistakenly stumbled onto the JYJFiles, thinking to convince someone here of something. So yet again, we must regretfully inform you that we’re not buying what you’re selling. Please go sell Crazy somewhere else.

        Best wishes consoling YH&CM. They need your every attention now.


      • In interviews, JYJ only spoke kindly of HoMin. The Twitter incident, I agree, was poorly executed.

        Please revsit the 625 meeting transcripts and note where HoMin were bashed because you won’t find it.

        And your last point could also be asked of HoMin: Why didn’t they stop Forever and the HoTel girls?

      • I agree, it would be unfair if HoMin can’t talk about JYJ..

        However, when JYJ gave interviews they wished these 2 a great success and lived up to TVXQ legend, what did these 2 say about JYJ, talking down, assassinating JYJ everytime they had a chance in national TV and newspaper, with all the goose, no-right-from-wrong, slapping JYJ’s heads statements.

        Junsu’s tweet was an emotional cry of disappointment, HoMin’s freinds’ tweets were downright bashing Junsu with HoMin taking a picture supporting their actions the next day, and saying sorry for those friends who got criticized by professors, journalists, fans.

        JYJ cried while singing ‘W-we will be together again…’ to HoMin and fans, HoMin sang ‘Keep Your Head Down’ while gesturing a suppressing act and a 3vs2 fingers.

        JYJ’s families asked fans to support both JYJ and HoMin in the 625 meeting, did HoMin’s families do the same on 623 or asked fans to spread rumours instead.

        If HoMin treasure their friendship with JYJ, why don’t they wish JYJ’s success in their activities and stop ‘Forever and HoTel girls’ to spread lies and rumours. Oh I know, they are busy filming dramas, modeling, shooting MVs, recording music for OSTs and their album, attending SM town and MBC concerts, appearing on music programs and variety shows, etc.

        Such good friends they were!

      • This is really biased to Jyj. Not planning on convincing anyone since this is apparently JYJ files.. Just stating my thoughts. I support DBSK as 5 and i love both groups. I still dont see how Homin is actually in the wrong about saying anything about JYJ. Their friends supported them during the tweet Junsu made because they knew what the two had gone through at that time.

      • Please don’t separate and talk …the 5 of them will still treasure their friendship even if they can’t express it outwardly…all the cassies who knew them from the beginning can never take sides and will always wish for the 5 to come back together to where their happiness lie …because the 5 still will love and care about each other

      • Yeah,I agree with you…Why JYJ didn’t mention anything about HoMin on variety shows instead of keep quiet??HoMin just expressing what they felt.They were shocked about the lawsuit news..HoMin really felt sad and just honest to their feelings.I am sure that both HoMin and JYJ wished for each other success.

    • @coffee craze:

      “However, when JYJ gave interviews they wished these 2 a great success and lived up to TVXQ legend”…
      For me, the actions speak louder than the words. Junsu’s father, JJ’s sister said “support 5 but please say things like “why HOMIN aren’t leaving SM with JYJ? It will look better for us”, …OH so they wanted to LOOK GOOD, that was important to them, LOOK GOOD, even if they have to use the others.

      “Junsu’s tweet was an emotional cry of disappointment”
      So you don’t think he is bashing HOMIN at all?Again, he seems to be like his father, doing bad actions and using POOR excuses. Poor Junsu.

      “JYJ cried while singing ‘W-we will be together again…’ to HoMin and fans, HoMin sang ‘Keep Your Head Down’ while gesturing a suppressing act and a 3vs2 fingers”.
      Maybe he felt regret because the 6.25 meeting, that’s why he cried, JJ also cried when they received the award. The finger thing it’s Sign language, do some research please but even if they did it (not the case but anyways) they are not lying. Another thing, JYJ didn’t write W, HOMIN didn’t do the dance for KYHD or the lyrics, but JYJ fans are saying that the song is describing JYJ, when they heard it, they thought it was for JYJ, (if the shoe fits, wear it). They didn’t say, “oh HOMIN is lying”, no, they said “they are singing about JYJ”. Poor fans.

      “JYJ’s families asked fans to support both JYJ and HoMin in the 625 meeting, did HoMin’s families do the same on 623 or asked fans to spread rumours instead.”

      Well like I said, I haven’t find it, if you find it, please show me that meeting, meanwhile you can’t say if they asked or not to spread rumors besides I barely read ugly things about JYJ, all the ugly things I read in english and spanish were for HOMIN. Remember, they said “Support 5” just for their own convenience, the objective of that meeting was to clean JYJ reputation (of course they used the same excuse that you said,the 6.23 meeting), they can’t said “just support the 3, No, it won’t help JYJ to look BETTER. Fans have to do it wisely. Did you remember it now?

      “If HoMin treasure their friendship with JYJ, why don’t they wish JYJ’s success in their activities and stop ‘Forever and HoTel girls’ to spread lies and rumours. Oh I know, they are busy filming dramas, modeling, shooting MVs, recording music for OSTs and their album, attending SM town and MBC concerts, appearing on music programs and variety shows, etc.”

      You copied me, it’s OK, like I said to Greenie, HOMIN didn’t hold a meeting or asked their parents to do that, and didn’t ask fans to spread rumors, about Forever, that post was after the 6.25 meeting, so they didn’t ask that, HOMIN can’t take responsability for others acts but theirs. JYJ and their families asked fans to spread “info” so they had the obligation to stop it when all the exagerations started. Until now those rumors still circulate today on internet.

      Hope you can see things better, If you can’t it’s ok, everybody has their own moral principles.
      Have a nice day and Thank you for your polite reply, you didn’t insult me like other people.
      PS: Sorry for my english.

      • Another thing, JYJ didn’t write W, HOMIN didn’t do the dance for KYHD or the lyrics….
        how about nine and fallen leveas, that the real JYJ fealing.
        and in every JYJ interview they never bashing homin if they asked about them , way homin always includin they self in situation SM and JYJ?
        For you to live your live.

      • @Sofly –
        Sofly, HOMIN doesn’t have to “hold a meeting.” They have every possible Korean media outlet at their disposal. They are snugly perched under the poisonous umbrella of SM and their S. Korean co-conspirators in the media. They are, as we say here in the US, PHAT with mass communications options. But here’s the difference: HOMIN and their parents are toeing the SM party line at all times. They are woefully transparent in this. I (and only I; it’s just amazing–I can speak for no one else here. Maybe I’m the only observant one! Yikes! It’s me against the World!)
        I … will continue to do my part to expose the propaganda campaign SM is waging via their salaried employees, the oh so (not) helpful HOMIN parents and the now in contempt of court media outlets to utterly silence and destroy the careers and futures of the members of JYJ. Their great crime? Wanting, no insisting on being paid what they rightfully and honestly had earned and, when that showed itself to be impossible after repeated attempts, wanting to end their association with SM.

      • Wow what bullshit is this? Junsu father asked them to consider both sides because SM had already spread malicious rumours about JYJ. He said, if you are questioning JYJ why nor Homin and I don’t see anything wrong in that. As opposed to the venom spewed by Homin in letters as given above as well as the disgusting attempt by Yunho’s father of Tohoshinki history or whatever bullshit was that. Personally, Yunho’s father should be spit upon because of his disgusting actions but Jaejoong is so forgiving that he actually talked with that psycho. Time is again proving that JYJ are the only nice people from all this spectacle.

    • @yhen13:

      “I’m gonna ask, why do you think majority of korean fans supports the trio?”

      Please, do not ask me that, I don’t know if majority of korean fans supports the trio, but it is irrelevant, your question is out of place.

      it’s as if I asked you ¿why do you think majority of german population supported the WWII (in a pasive way or active way)?
      Even if that is the case that doesn’t mean they were right.
      That doesn’t prove anything, majority are not always right.

      I do not understand your point.

      Take care.

      • Well, the fact that they’re koreans, and that the meeting that you insists that ‘bash’ HM is not believed by most koreans to be what you believed and insisted to be.

        It’s so simple that why you had to include WWII, i don’t know, though i love history.

      • LOL!! Are you comparing Nazi era Germany to the JYJ/TVXQ lawsuit. You are ridiculous.

      • LOL! @Mia, totally agreeing with you. That was a terrible comparison on Softly’s side, but you know what? He/She has her/his own opinion, and if she/he sides with HoMin, then fine. Let it be. I guess we’ll see who comes out on top after justice is served, no matter how many years that will take. If it’s HoMin that was right, then fine. If it’s JYJ that was right, then fine. Let it be. Obviously they don’t want to be together anymore, so fine. Let them be. JYJ & HoMin are humans as well. They will never be on top again, neither of them, so let’s just let it go and support both of them as much as we can. I think we can all agree that HoMin or JYJ alone, will never make it as high as they were, ever again. So let’s cherish our memories of that peek. Call me delusional, but I don’t care. 🙂

      • @PaHoua Vang
        “They will never be on top again, neither of them, so let’s just let it go and support both of them as much as we can. I think we can all agree that HoMin or JYJ alone, will never make it as high as they were, ever again.

        I agree with you up to a point. But I say, we will never know what JYJ is truly capable of until SM and AVEX stop all the blocking of their activities in the media and in concert venues, etc etc etc. Perhaps you know some of what they have done to impede JYJ’s career progress over the last year but I bet you don’t know all of it. It’s pretty sickening. I wish I could direct you to the topic on JYJ3 where their year’s worth of underhanded activities was cataloged, but I didn’t save it. I’ll ask and re-post it below if I can find it.

        The point is that JYJ may very well eclipse their earlier efforts as DBSK — we’ll never know until they can compete fairly on an even playing field. The fact that SM and AVEX don’t want this to happen means they must “know something” about the talents and capabilities of Homin and that’s why they can not allow a fair competition.

        Personally I don’t have any reason whatsoever to “support Homin.” I disapprove of what they did, I think they’ve acted badly and I do not think much of their musical abilities. No one who “listens with their ears instead of their eyes” can possibly think that these two are worthy bearers of the DBSK legacy. They are riding on the last traces of the hypnotic trance that SM Entertainment has had the Cassie faithful in for the last 7 years in order to sell product and grow richer. SM doesn’t care about Homin – they care about continuing to exploit the name DBSK/TVXQ until they have squeezed the last won out of it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is indeed still asleep and dreaming.

    • Hope 5 of them remember what they have been through for past 7 years. Everytime i watvh thier video, not only thier perforamance or MV, i feel warm becasue 5 of them staying together. Nothing beautiful than a true friendship.

      • i think i went to the wrong site but im just uncomfortable leaving this site without commenting. im still supporting both even if theyre now separated. its a bit saddening that even fans are fighting over this. i hope u guys dont need to fight or bash jyj and homin. they chose their own path and we should just respect them. i dont get why we have to know whose on the right and wrong side. so what if u learned which one is wrong and right, are u gonna change and stop supporting who’s on the wrong side and ditch your idol group? youre no fan at all. you dont even love them. love is unconditional, if u think they chose the wrong path, if u really love them u’ll just support them and be with them until they learned the right path. please be mature enough. im sorry maybe this comment doesnt belong here. i respect your fandom though.

      • @tVxq DB5K TOHO5HINKI
        ” im still supporting both even if theyre now separated. its a bit saddening that even fans are fighting over this. i hope u guys dont need to fight or bash jyj and homin.”

        I enjoyed reading your comment; I agreed. The fanwars and fighting were never necessary and accomplished nothing but a lot of hurt feelings. I think they are largely over at this point. (If you’ll notice, most of the comments here on this thread are months and months old.) Beyond everything else, there’s just no REASON to continue to fight on about who said what and who was right or wrong, like you said. It’s not going to change anything. There are 2 groups now, they are committed to following their own paths and the past is the past. I guess if people still really want to argue and be unhappy they can, but why? What will it change??

        Anyway, everyone is completely free to like who they like, listen to whom the want to listen and hopefully we’ll all be back to a happier time soon.

    • “JYJ have never spoken badly about them”, um… I don’t think JYJ really has the opportunity to speak ill or well about them. They aren’t on shows, where people ask them hard questions and they have to answer. They can post whatever they want on their twitter accounts and etc, without people questioning them live on television.

      Homin was just answering the question and expressing their opinion.

      There is nothing negative about what they said, the post highlighted yunho’s “swept up in the atmosphere” referring to success at a young age then he says his heart hurts because of the situation. That is nothing unreasonable, TVXQ did have success at an early age, and the atmosphere created from success is nothing anyone of us can truly understand unless we ourselves were idol stars who were equally successful at a young age. So nothing was really conveyed in his statement other than his heart hurts from the situation, which is a pain everyone can understand. A group who has worked so many years together and are so close splitting is a situation that most people can relate to. Like a close group of friends splitting. Actually my own friendship circle is going through this situation, and it is very hard because people aren’t talking to each other and it is confusing and all I wished was for our group to stay together. But things sometimes don’t work out that way in life.

      Changmin also did not say anything negative, the post highlighted “I see it as needing the ability to discern right from wrong and the ability to make good judgement” and young idol singers “face many temptations”. The “JYJ” was not stated and simply speculated by a translator. If changmin did not indicate his statement was about JYJ then why should fans speculate that it is. The temptations of success is a broad of range judgement that is made about every single idol in the whole entire world, it is not harsh in any sense. Furthermore, this statement shows what was important to changmin, “needing the ability to discern right from wrong and the ability to make good judgment”. He is doing what he thinks is best for him and at the same time I’m sure the JYJ members are doing what is best for themselves as well.

      I don’t understand why fans have to go about reading in between the lines and analyzing each and every statement any of the members are making. They have been a group that has been providing excellent music and entertainment since 2003. Now that they have decided to split, shouldn’t we simply respect their decisions and support them and wish them success in every way? Although they are not together now, the years they have spent together is real, their friendship is real. Although, it is not publicized as before, there is countless evidence of their past friendship. I don’t think fans should forget this. I can’t speak for the members but I doubt they have forgotten their friendship either. They are not enemies and as fans we should not make them out to be enemies. We should do our best to support them in any way possible and try to always present a positive attitude towards them and to the people they love.

      • @tina
        “I don’t understand why fans have to go about reading in between the lines and analyzing each and every statement any of the members are making. They have been a group that has been providing excellent music and entertainment since 2003. Now that they have decided to split, shouldn’t we simply respect their decisions and support them and wish them success in every way? ”

        Hi Tina,

        This is such an old thread and it’s been so long since we all posted our thoughts here.
        I’ve evolved in my opinions and understanding of where to go from here as have others who posted comments here. I think the most important thing to do now is to end the fanwars. We’ve all seen that they are pointless and only lead to hard feelings and then of course retaliation in endless succession. Nobody ever changes anyone’s mind about anything. While my assessment of SM’s involvement in wrongdoing has remain unchanged, I feel that the reality of the 2 distinct group’s existence and their well-being and happiness is what is important now. I have come to believe that the members of neither group wish each other ill. So in every way that I can, I would like to lend my support to ending the fanwars now. Both groups of young men have talent and are great at what they do. Both of them actually have rather different musical directions now.

        My hope is that all fans can simply like who they like and support who they want to without needing to harm the other side. Thanks for reading this.

    • i feel sorry for jyj and homin..I think Homin’s intentions are good but i think ,,…everyone has different perspectives..Its just like looking at a glass half empty and looking at a glass half full.. Im a 5DBSK fan, but i dont think , any of us fans, HAVE the rights to question either party. It happened between 5 of them. not us, fans..Plus, because we all love dbsk, Its common to have things exaggerated, so what we hear may not be 100% true and vice versa..If there were a betrayer/traitor in this case, i would dare to say that the betrayers are you, me and the rest of the cassiopeians..You cant always blame and hate one party just because something big happened..Some of you( majority) support JYJ and whats left either hate kpop or stands firm for HoMIn or just supports BOTH! Now thats what i call, a real fan..Taking sides is so lame..rather than taking sides, just love both. U are not the Main Victims of the situation, so you don rlly know much,..( you refers to me , you and cassiopeians.)..The day will come when dbsk reunites and thats when we will either find out the truth or maybe, it shall stay hidden forever..Love is unconditional and remember the 2008MKMF award? They won right? Werent you just one of the billion fans around the screaming: DBSK! HERO JAE JOONG, U KNOW YUNHO, MICKY YUCHUN, CHOIKANG CHANGMIN and XIAH JUNSU!! SARANGHAE!!! Life isnt always smooth.. it has its ups and downs. We cant expect YUNHO?CHANGMIN?YUCHUN?JAEJOONG?JUNSU to be perfect! No one is perfect except for God. Fans are so stereotypical about their idols: Oo…they must be perfect, ah…They dont smoke…wa…they can do just anything^^, etc..BULLSHIT…Come on,..they are humans, not demi gods! Give them a break…I know, (Dont bash me yet,,im not finished..), Fans love their idols thus fans defend their idol in any way possible. But dont u guys think the way we are defending them is wrong? I’m sure JYJ nor HoMin would want us to exchange bashings.. Instead, i bet, they would love us, fans to reunite and form the stronghold of TVXQ= Cassiopeia..Because for stars, fans are most important. Yes, we give them the strengths to perform in this industry but we also have to play our role as well. All im trying to say is.. There is no use bashing each other or trying to investigate what happened. When the time comes, All 5 of them will step forward as a Group again( DBSK5), and ease our pain..for time being, i just hope you fans out there, wont destroy the plan of their reunification.Remember, we are only the audiences, they are the victims. They didnt ask us to speak in their places. They didnt ask us to bash each other. They asked us to ‘ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH’, remember? they told us to stay united and wait for 5 of them remember? thats what FAITH is about.. trusting that certain someone and believing that they will keep up to their words. Thank you…

      • AHAHAHAHA! I <3<3<3 your standpoint on this! That's how I feel! We didn't live their lives, we don't know what's missing from the picture, so who are we to judge them? Just b/c we're fans we think we have the right to condemn one? I don't agree! As fans our job is to support and that is all, not to spread negativity about any of them! But when fans, take sides, that just shows that there's blame. But it's just sometimes we can't help it, my gut tells me to trust JYJ, so that's just who I feel most comfortable with right now. But I still love all of them no matter what. 🙂

    • hohoho.. so now, anti-tvxq were happy to see we argue on this members split… well, court have give choice.. jyj have choosen… tvxq just accept… since here, how cold they not say anything if they asked ’bout this matter???? they could not blame anyone, ‘cuz they still luv each other, they say differ in some program to prevent they hurt each other, so that answer for any question is the best and positive… yorobun, they keep smiling in front of us… but, you don’t see they crying inside and show only their back when they hurt badly, no matter its jyj or tvxq… they are only human too like us… they choose their own path, so let them be… if you like, just follow, not turn down anyone… everyone hurt by your writing… please, be open-minded even little bit… judge something positively and negatively reason… not only one sided… luckily, both succes with their comeback… cassies!!!! show me your love…. support them for music industry….

    • @yoomin
      “Homin, I admit, said some… words about them, but they can talk about them, okay? They still treasure their friendship if you watch some other videos like TAXI. ”

      So you’re actually taking what you’ve seen in old DBSK videos as the truth of their feelings in 2012?? My goodness. There really are NO lengths to which deluded OT5s will not go to stay asleep.

      Oh, and just as a p.s. – JYJ Files is a list composed largely of educated adult people who do not use such language as “Shut your mouth” in lieu of making any sort of reasonable argument.

  2. >.>…that’s an even worse attack than it was before with the cosmetics business.
    Oh homin, you continue to disappoint me.
    this quote comes to mind: “Show me your friends and I show you who you are.”
    If JYJ have such “weak moral character”, then how does that make you look for having been so close to them for so long? See how stupid this whole thing looks?
    This is getting ridiculous, JYJ, having gone through all this crap have shown that they are STRONG mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
    This is so low homin, you should be ashamed.

    • “show me your friends and i show you who you are”

      i completely agree with this. let see…how many friends changmin has ? hmmm…i know that he prefer to drink alone, not much chance to make friends. and his friends were always be his dongsaeng, or his old school friends…so what can u tell about changmin ? hmmm….
      and yh, he’s practically the same. despite his status as a leader, he tens to spend time with old friends, not much have new friends.

      so let’s move to our social butterfly. he has so many friends and all of them are respectful persons. CEO, top artists, professional, etc…etc..and what they say about him ? the best personality they have ever known. what does he do now ? planning for jyj concert by himself. what are homin doing now ? become sm’s puppet, do whatever they are told to do.
      junsu and chunnie were also known to be humble and down to earth to every person who just met them.

      yeah, i know exactly who jyj are and i know exactly who homin are. i’m sorry, i may sound a bit rude, but those people are desperately trying their last effort to taint jyj’s image, especially homin which i found it humiliating, knowing that they’ve been friends for 8 years, yet still act like stranger who don’t know them at all.

      i prefer not to have them together again. what for ? i prefer jyj to have their own peace with their own way, even it has to get rid of homin and sm out of their life.

      • je suis d’accord , j’avoue être vraiment déçus par leur comportement on peut très bien être amis sans pour autant être du même avis sur certaine chose, on ne me fera pas croire qu’ils n’ on jamais discuter en eux du problème de la SM , je ne comprend pas que l’on puisse jeter aux oubliette une si grande amitié ou alors c’est qu’elle était factice pour certains, ou le niveau social n’était peut être pas assez élever aussi aller savoir.Après tous ses toujours quand tes dans les problèmes que tu voie tes vrai amis. JYJ a eu le courage de révéler tous haut ce qui devait ce dire tous bas, ce n’est pas seulement pour eux mais aussi pour les futurs chanteur qui arrive. Comment ce fait t-il que parce qu’ils ont le courage de leur opinions et de se battre contre une immense société on les rejettes comme si de rien n’était, de la télévision et de la radio sans que cela ne choc les personnes travaillant pour le show biz ? parce qu’ils se battent pour une injustice, on les à bernés il est normal qu’ils demandent réparation pour le préjudice en quoi est-ce mal? quoi! parce que c’est là SM ? et alors! parce que c’est la plus grande boite a faire de chanteurs en Corée ? et alors! c’est pas parce qu’on est grand et tout puissant qu’on est Parfait. cela montre combien le monde de la télé et de la radio coréenne est hypocrite elles aussi . si tu te fait avoir par la SM sans rien dire tu passe à la télé si tu en parle tu disparait des ondes radio téléviser . et bien je leur tire mon chapeau a JYJ pour leur courage et leur volonté de ce battre pour ce qui leur est juste. ils veulent chanter et faire plaisir à leur fans autant qu’ils le peuvent.Qu’on les laisses en paix et faire ce qu’ils font extrêmement bien chanter et avec un peu de chance à la télé

      • @cecile je leur tire mon chapeau a JYJ pour leur courage et leur volonté de ce battre pour ce qui leur est juste.
        Moi aussi. (Je comprendes francais, mais je ne parle pas bien. ^^)

    • I dont know the details. I’m a new fan. but i love Homin alot. I dont see why you guys are so against them.. I like Homin but i dont hate Jyj. Why cant you guys see that Homin were also sad about the breakup? why cant you think from their point of view instead of just Jyj’s ? Maybe someone can explain to me why Homin is getting bashed so badly. Cos i dont see why even after reading all this. Jyj arent the only ones that are mentally strong and all. Homin went through alot too. they used to be 5, we used to be cassiopeias who supported all 5 of them. Why is this happening now ? I find this way too harsh on homin..

  3. Don’t know why, Just have the feeling that SM now is using HoMin against JYJ, they are now playing some kinds of conspiracy to distort “JYJ’s Image” when not having solid evidence to win ……!!!! What a “low… plot ……”””””…….JYJ fighting ………. the justice exits in this planet……!!!

    • If this is their strategic, I doubt the impact, it turns out more fans are pushed away by Homin’s own words. To me, they are now more ugly than ever

      • But @JLYM is right. That’s exactly what HoMin are: SME’s weapon. That doesn’t excuse what they are doing, but to ignore SME’s part in this is also foolish. HoMin’s statements show us SME’s strategy.

      • yes, because they are the men that why they should know their words like that will hurt JYJ, their old close friend for long in a hard time , but they keep doing that more wose then the kids…

    • @JYLM

      This saddens me, but it does not surprise me.

      What I think all of us should keep in mind…EVERYTIME JYJ prepares to have something significant happen in their career, SME slides something out to distract from it. It happened when they were ready to launch the new album, the injunction. It happened just before the Seoul Concert, the announcement about the new AVEX arrangement. And now…the Thailand concert, the start of the next successful phase in their career. Not to mention the shenanigans whenever there is a scheduled court hearing.

      This is another attempt to keep public attention off of the good positive things happening in JYJ’s career. Let’s also not forget Yoochun’s beginning work on his new drama, while Yunho’s is on hold…maybe to never see the light of day?

      If Yunho and Changmin don’t mind having their careers flush down the toilet, why should we? This is a very pitiful way to conduct their own careers when it is obvious to everyone else, JYJ has never engaged in this kind of personal character assassination. They are grown men, and to allow themselves to be used in this manner, only shows just how weak their own characters are.

      Far from demeaning the character of JYJ, they are raising it. By the mere fact that Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu are going on with their lives, and conducting them in a manner that garners praise and support from those who come in contact with them; JYJ is engaging in the process of growing up and being successful. This is a far cry from behaving like bratty little kids who are throwing temper tantrums. The contrast is STRIKING!

      So, to Yunho and Changmin I say this…if this is the best you can do to conduct your own careers, I feel sorry for you. I can’t hate you, just pity you. How sad you don’t see what you are doing to yourselves. Letting SME send you in this direction, is a sign you are not in complete control of your own careers.

      The more negative you become, the less likely you are to succeed. The reason good things are happening to your former friends, is because they have a focus in life. They are taking responsibility as grown men for their own actions and behaviors. You should both try this sometime and see how much better your lives will turn out.

      • @ButterfliesAre Free
        Agree on your comment…!! You”re awsome….:)
        I think I’m in process of becoming your new fan…..Seriously..!! Hope you don’t mind..:)
        @ Everyone who call themselves cassie but hated JYJ so much….please do not enter this site if only just to make a commotion. We’re JYJ Big Family…just love and adore peace in here. The choices are…either Be a good educated and polite guest in here…or just go to your own site…..PLEASEEEE !!!

      • My basic problem with giving YH&CM “equal time” is I just don’t see a real, lasting career happening for them. Honestly, I don’t see how it’s going to work. Will they get new members? Will they “play the old hits” in concert?? How will they do that without the ultra-distinctive voices of JJ, YC and JS singing the vast majority of the lead vocals? Those three defined the signature sound of TVXQ. About all YH&CM can do is continue starring in these lavish video productions and pretty much disappearing into the middle of over-produced recordings. Neither of them have a vocal quality that is unique or readily identifiable or ever-expanding songwriting skills, as each one of the members of JYJ does. This is why their decision to stay and pretend to be TVXQ is dumbfounding to me. The 2 of them should have handcuffed themselves to JYJ and done anything they had to do to stay with them! From a purely artistic standpoint, I just don’t see them as having a hope of lasting long on their own.

      • @Butteerfliesarefree

        “EVERYTIME JYJ prepares to have something significant happen in their career, SME slides something out to distract from it.”

        This to me is the key point to understanding what is going on here. Once you get this, you know many things. A journalist has also posted in this forum that this is a well-known tactic in P.R. So let’s be clear: this latest stunt by YH&CM is just a further cynical, orchestrated move by SM, in the last desperate hours of their crumbling dynasty.

        You CANNOT win, SM, with these transparent attempts at misdirection. We are out to catch you at it every time.

      • @Lilibaiyu

        To your first reply…this is one of the reasons I strongly believe HoMin is being used as a diversionary tactic by SME. No way can they embody the original sound of TVXQ, even with ‘subs’. It’s already been shown in the few attempts they’ve made, that has been an epic failure. And if SME tries to recompose the group with new members (although legally, that will be a very risky move), whatever truly caring TVXQ5 Cassies are left will probably knock each other over trying to get out the door.

        Giving them a ‘new’ sound? Well, so far, it makes them look and sound like they are angry at the world. No soul in their music. I would love to have been a fly on the wall to listen to how SME described the direction they were going to take them in.

        But again, their CHOICE, and choices have consequences. Sadly, they just don’t seem to get – working on your own career is more important than trying to trash those of your former friends. So, by agreeing to becoming ‘company spokesmen’, they are sealing their own fates.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –

        “this is one of the reasons I strongly believe HoMin is being used as a diversionary tactic by SME.”

        Now, ~there’s~ a truly scary thought…. What if SM has only been using The 2 all of this time as one of the several weapons in their armory with no intentions of helping them continue to launch their own careers afterwards? [Please, people, don’t mistake me: this is merely a THEORY, not proveable fact! ] That kind of makes my blood run cold. Well, we shall see, I guess. The reason it makes sense to me though, is because of the somewhat limited musical abilities of ‘The 2’ going forward.
        THIS makes sense to me now.

        And also…. I hope I’m wrong. What a crushing blow the realization of that would be for YH&CM – that they were used to win a lawsuit.

    • I support both Homin and JYJ.. I love Dbsk as 5 so i dont see why you must all be so against Homin. Changmin can sing really well in my opinion :/ JYJ arent the only ones with talent ! Im not against JYJ. I am just trying to help Homin cos i think that this is as too harsh on them.

  4. Makes me suspect that they are all SoMEone’s mouthpiece & SoMEone’s pawn. If this is true… how sad to be controlled by SoMEone… even the parents are being dictated to. How sad.

  5. Huh? Weak moral characters???? If JYJ do have weakness in their moral characters, why they got acclamations and praises from many people who used to work with them.. Yo~ HM, does your heart full of jealousy??? Is that because of none of your drama is considered successful as them??? Is that because none of your fan did the massive ads to support you??? Tell me who’s the real loser here!!! I used to respect both you, but now fuck off!!!

    • why are you so harsh ? Do you know Homin ? have you ever spoken to them ? Have you ever heard them say I am jealous of JYJ ? Have you ? Stop assuming !

  6. Sigh~~~fancy seeing you here HoMin. Well what ever….Changmin’s comment on how Junsu is inhuman for his tweet and Yunho being busted lying about so many things pretty much makes me being ignorance towards them. They already a history in my life. They already gone in my heart. What ever comes from their mouth since then doesn’t matter anymore to me. They just another idol in everyday Kpop. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. Once one accusation gets debunked, another one pops up. They’re putting down their former bandmates on public television. Please, they are not one to talk about other people’s “weak moral characters.”

  8. Hope jyj never read about SM anymore..*hurt.. Company could make useless reason to attack jyj.. N make their artist do what they want

    • If you read carefully, you’ll see that everything presented are the facts. Nothing is made up. If you disagree, please write your reasons.

    • What’s ‘low’ about it? I think it’s good to keep track of what Yunho and Changmin say because they keep changing their statements and contradicting themselves in the process.

      Also, these are statements they’ve given to the public (through interviews and press releases). It’s not like the translator took their words out of context.

    • lol. you should watch the sub version of that vid and see for yourself, and tell me who’s “low” in saying that.

      and if you’re following the case, you should now that those statements of HM and HM’s father were real. SME released it.

      • T_______T I cried when I saw the subbed video. T______T HoMin totally broke my heart through that interview. T_____T

    • @babyredocean But everything that was written there’s is true, and has its proof, the original sheet even have the signature of HM, I don’t like you trying to dictate jyjfiles. This was release by DNBN. Now, international n japan fans, please open your eyes.
      I guess, unlike Hotel, we didn’t need to spread some ugly rumor, HM did it by themselves

    • what has made thejyjfiles low then? Why did you expect from this site? Care to enlighten me? Show us just how “high” you are.

      These pieces of information are related to JYJ, so I think at least we as JYJ’s fans should know. We brace ourselves with facts so that we can defend JYJ when someone throws some baseless accusations at them. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    • HoMin are the biggest weapons SME has against JYJ. Their statements are the primary indicator of the direction of SME’s attacks. It’s good to keep track of the trends and see which way this is likely going to go.

      From the sound of it they are going from the boys are bad and just plain greedy, to them being misled and not knowing right from wrong. It’s a little softer in some ways, but it makes seem like JYJ don’t know what they are doing. Given the success the boys have been having lately, it makes me wonder what SME’s PR department has been smoking.

      • I agree with Eliza. SM is using HoMin for their attack against JYJ. Such a weak moral character. And if HoMin feel they have a value, HoMin should stance as neutral. HoMin should focus on their job, not SM’s.

      • @Puti Ramli Unfortunately, there is no neutral with SME. If you don’t actively work for the company, support all of their endeavours, then the company isn’t going to work for you. By staying with SME, HoMin knew they’d committed themselves to the company and it wouldn’t make sense for them to go halfway now. Supporting SME is their job.

      • Well said. I wonder how bad the terms can be when (young) celebrities signed contracts with management companies. We need fair treatment, fair business. Hope no companies earn money through exploitation.

    • @alljyjfamily just ignore babyredocean.. i’ve seen some of her comments at syc(a few times at jyj site) and i can tell that she doesn’t like jyj. so just ignore her
      *sorry for my bad english

      • T_____T I just can’t imagine having a single soul hate JYJ. T_____T They have beautiful hearts and beautiful talent!!!

      • I dont hate JYJ either, in fact im a new fan of DBSK.. But i dont see why you guys are so against HOmin.. I love homin so much.. and a lot of you guys say they have no talent and are nothing without JYJ but i think they are pretty aweome.. Of course DBSK as 5 would obviously be better but we were all cassiopeias… why must this happen ? I dont see how Yunho and changmins words in the show were in any way, insulting to JYJ … they were just saying what they felt at that time and what they thought wwas happening..

    • @babydorean, how low can it be when they are all facts? Did u also wrote the same thing when those two said such thing? After all its the crazy two who are destroying the image. I for one feel JYJ File is doing the right things for us, i-fans

      • omo lots of responses, but here is mine for all of them: i guess if you need a whole pasted together article to point things out instead of just reading plain translations or even just watching kdg yourself to draw conclusions, then yeah this might be useful for you. basic reading and listening skills are the requirements if you would rather think for yourself instead of being fed.

      • Sorry, but this is a response to babyredocean’s reply down below (March 27 2011 at 6:07 am)

        -Your reply is stupid.
        I suggest you to look at the WHOLE picture, at ALL the FACTS that were presented and only from there should you THINK and draw a conclusion. Looking at one piece of the puzzle and drawing the conclusion like you said = DUMB.

      • cont @ babyredocean:
        And that typical comeback of yours, “oh basic reading listening skills yadiyadiya are required in order to understand”, is so old and I assure you it will not offend anyone here.
        Instead, take that sarcasm and that rotten mouth of yours out of here.

      • @babyredocean

        just “plain translations” of KNG and for all the other instances have already be out and accessible for a while. Are you saying those “plain translations” are wrong? If so then correct them instead of merely insinuating the translations are inaccurate. But I personally have read multiple versions of KNG, parent’s letter, etc. that all confirm the negative substance and tone of HM’s words toward JYJ. This post just compiles different instances all together.

        Regardless, all of them reveal that Homin are publicly endorsing SM’s stance/attack on JYJ. So honestly, I don’t care whether they “truly” in their hearts of hearts “mean” or “believe” it. That’s irrelevant. Their actions demonstrate they actively and publicly support/fight for SM Ent NOT JYJ in the SM-JYJ battle. So of course JYJ fans want to track how SM’s stance toward JYJ changes through Homin–they are the most effective medium through which SM can slander JYJ in the court of public opinion. HM have made their choice of who to fight for and how, we’re making an observation they have done so.

        And your “response” is completely non-responsive and laughable. You have nothing to say in refutation so you string tgh random words to the gist of “you are all incapable of thought and are sheep but I can’t explain why I think any of you are wrong so I’ll just resort to /ad homs/ as red herring

        It’s fine if you don’t want to be confronted with (for you, uncomfortable) actual words from Homin you’d prefer not to hear. But if you’re not interested in reality and want to retain the delusion that HM have not taken sides then don’t go looking for contradictory info and don’t go provoking people armed with info that you want to ignore. Stay in the comfy cocoon of Homin and “peace” prioritizing OT5 sites where you’re only fed confirmatory info that’s not non-threatening to your preferences and stop wasting everyone’s time here on JYJ Files.

    • @babyredocean,
      Not as LOW as u n Precious..but well, no one expect anything from u low as we are, we know the truth. As low as u are, u are just like to eat shit-load of lies after lies by sme and the gang, just like yuhno and changmin eat their lies in all their interviews!!

  9. In my opinion, HoMin’s reasons do not contradict each other. It’s simply a different perspective. The first one is from a business and professional viewpoint, while the one expressed in KDG is just a more general explanation. If you think about it, the reasons can go together. JYJ could’ve gotten caught up in their success (like Yunho’s suggestion in KDG), hence they believed they could do things on their own without their company, hence the cosmetics business. Fits to me.

    • The post never said HoMin contradicted themselves: just that their official answer to why TVXQ separated has switched. First, they, their fathers, and SM Entertainment blamed everything on Crebeau. Once the cosmetics issue was dismissed by the court, HoMin and SM switched their stories about why the group–for all intents and purposes–disbanded. Since they can’t pin it on JYJ being involved with the cosmetics business, they decided to smear JYJ’s characters instead and implied on national television that JYJ lack morals.

      • Watch KDG again. It’s clear Yunho had no malicious or hostile intent when he made his suggestion as to why he thinks turned out the way they did. Getting caught up in your success is common and Yunho never put them down for it. You guys are just overly paranoid or looking for a way to turn more people against HoMin when this was really unnecessary and low.

        Oh, and maybe it seems like they’re “switched”, but like I told you they can be the same thing but just expressed according to the situation. In their official statements, it’s a little too vague and informal to say they think it is because JYJ got caught up in it all. In KDG, being so specific with the cosmetics business would’ve surely caused controversy and tension, so Yunho explained it in a more general way.

        theJYJfiles, whatever happened to being the better fandom? To just ignoring the other side and focusing on only supporting JYJ. This doesn’t look like any form of support to me. It looks like your trying to cause more trouble and turn people against HoMin even more. Well, it’s working so I hope you’re happy.

      • I’ll give JYJfiles admins credit for not deleting your comment. In some other sites that I shall not mention, I had good counter arguments but they were deleted or never allowed through.

        It is your opinion that Yunho never put them down for it. Perhaps your bias clouds your judgement just as our bias clouds ours. There is a case to be made for both interpretations. However, the article above makes no judgment on HoMin: it merely states the fact that they switched their stance–their official answer–as to why JYJ sued SM. It’s interesting that out of all the good reasons HoMin could have mentioned for why JYJ left, the answers HoMin gave were all either possibly ambiguous and misleading or cast JYJ in a negative light.

      • To Allison87:

        I am trying to see how your logic works, please enlighten me…

        “Getting caught up in your success is common and Yunho never put them down for it.”

        How is saying JYJ filed the lawsuit because they got “caught up in their success” not putting JYJ down. One doesn’t have to swear or say really nasty words in order to put another down.

        And if according to you, Homin’s stance has not switched, then aren’t you saying that Homin are still standing by their accusation that JYJ left out of greed/because of the cosmetic business?? Is that what you are saying? If Homin are standing by their earlier, DEBUNKED accusation, then please explain to me how the hell are they not being malicious, hostile and putting down JYJ?

      • @Allison87
        It’s clear Yunho had no malicious or hostile intent when he made his suggestion as to why he thinks turned out the way they did.
        So why did he make those statements in the first place? Since he’s incognizant of the lawsuit, what he has to say are mere speculations.

    • Many celebs make investments using their own money which really has nothing to do with believing they could do things on their own without their company. It is what it is, an investment.

      • Precisely. Anyway, the logic of believing that they could do things on their own is being caught up with your own success at a young age doesn’t convince me. Why can’t they do things on their own? It’s just a management company, would they have to consult the company regarding their own private matters no matter how trivial? On the other hand, they have proved that they are capable to doing things on their own.

    • hence they believed they could do things on their own without their company, hence the cosmetics business
      This is not the case with JYJ though. The cosmetics business was an investment on JYJ’s part and such investments are not uncommon among Korean celebrities. It’s not because they thought they could do things on their own.

    • lol…some people just wanna try to find attention. you don’t even know the difference between “caught up in their success” and “exploring what they can do more”. if you’re an employee, and you know your capability, yet your boss didn’t give u chance to grow, he even takes advantage of everything you did, what would you do ? sitting on your cubicle, waiting for some miracle that would struck your boss so he can finally be fair and give you more opportunity to prove yourself ? if you want to know there are other things you can do, why not try to do it ? but your lovely leader, his goose expert and sm insist that it’s greedy and drunk of success that make them do it. think carefully.

    • ‘Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.’
      I hpe this enlightens you a bit.

    • Allison 87; each person has the right to have his/her own opinion. If you don’t like the comments posted in JYJ Files, ¿What are you doing here? We are serious people who know the facts. We aren’t crazy mindless fans, we are thinking persons. We don’t like gossip nor lies. And we certainly don’t like morally weak characters.

    • Either way, I don’t understand why JYJ would be caught up in “weak morals” when HoMin “are not”. They lived the same way, were paid the same way, were successful at around the same age(changmin even being the youngest) so how could the reason for JYJ leaving the company be justified as having weak morals because of success at an early age? They were all in the same boat. If they are considered to have “weak morals”, then HoMin have “weak morals”, too.

  10. when i see that in youtube its my turning point to stop support them,
    i feel they like a child who blame everything on JYJ,
    please grow up boys what kind of brothers are you ?
    when jyj win the law suit *it will we just have ti wait till the time comes*
    i wonder what will homin say ? or will they still can say anything because being an idol its not about sell album, dance and act, its about become role model for your fans.
    and thats the different between TVXQ and JYJ, JYJ its not just an idol to me JYJ its my role model and i want to be like them, have the courage to chase dream eventhough must suffer and break the comfort zone.

    • At youtube, some of people’s comments were: “Homin were almost crying; they looked very touched, they’re telling the truth”. Of course they were almost crying. They were telling lies about JYJ on purpose to make SME look good. Their consciences betrayed them.

      • Lol did they say that ? Please give me evidence that they were telling lies ^^ Unless of course you were just assuming 🙂

  11. i agree with almost every comment on this page, this is low even for Homin, after reading such prideful comments about JYJ their great work ethic and happy-go-lucky personalities from Shane Yoon and just about anybody else (that speaks english cuz i can only read that 🙂 ) that worked with them on their recent English album i cannot accept that they have “weak moral character.” Maybe Homin and SM is mistaking the idea of ‘living life to its fullest with no regrets’ as simply giving up. Maybe SM should have gotten to know their artists more. And i think after all those years together Homin would have a better idea and impression of JYJ’s action than this interpretation. It makes me infer that this may not be Homin’s full own personal thoughts.

  12. this is not helping anyone or any side, what’s the point of doing this?

    to me thejyjfiles is loosing credits.

    this is going to be as nasty as those pro Homin sites, nothing but full of biased opinion and a place to bash whatever seems like going against your bias.

    i’m disappointed.


  13. wht is this means? are now homin don’t support JYJ? 😡 can anybody tell me what is this means and give me a reason not to hate those two?

  14. @ Zoe92

    Do we really want to go there? To who have been the ones giving ambiguous statements and implying things to make the other side look back throughout this whole lawsuit?

    And yes it merely states the facts but you are either naive or ignorant to think that theJYJfiles did not know how their readers would respond and look upon HoMin after this.

    You guys are truly the better fandom. I only wish I could be saintly fans like all of you.

    • To who have been the ones giving ambiguous statements and implying things to make the other side look back throughout this whole lawsuit?

      If you’re trying to imply JYJ fans then you’re sorely mistaken. There are “bad” fans on both sides so please don’t cast aspersions on only one side for you lose all semblance of being logically biased.

      And yes it merely states the facts

      You said it. If you don’t like how the facts add up, that is your problem. It’s rather convenient of you to only believe facts when they present your own viewpoint and to tell people to cover up and not reveal facts when the consequences don’t align with your wishes.

      • Most blogs I go to I don’t keep reading new comments but I do here because of intelligent comments like this one. Finally a place within fandom where you are impressed with clear, logical thinking and most importantly without W0RdS LiKe tHIs (God, help me I don’t know how they type like this).

    • “you are either naive or ignorant to think that [HoMin] did not know how their [fans/general public] would respond and look upon JYJ after this. ”

      The same can be said to those defending Homin’s statements, tbh. What they said painted JYJ in a bad light, fans would obviously react.

    • And how HoMin fans will react after hear their idols? Maybe the answer will surprise you… BASHING JYJ!

      Maybe the naives and/or ignorants are Homin? ^__^

    • as a reader I feel offended by your statement. Are you implying that we’re not able to think and just take whatever thrown at us accordingly to admin’s opinions? These are facts, and they’re available all over the place. When we read the interviews and those statements, and watched the show, we’d already formed our own opinions and reactions. If there’re more fans who turn their back toward HM, it’s HM who did it to themselves based on what came from their mouths. Here, the admins just gather those facts, and state that we should be aware of the situation. I don’t see their opinions about the matter. Believing it or not, supporting the idea or not, is all up to each and every one of us, just like how your opinions are so different from ours.

      Thank you for recognizing us as a better fandom (I don’t give a damn if it’s sarcasm or not). At the very least, we have facts here, and we don’t bash on others unless it’s very necessary. I can see JYJ fans are usually careful with their choice of words. Not like at those “nasty HoMin sites” that you mentioned where there’s a lot of bashing but very little proof to back up what they claim.

    • We are not saints. We know the facts. We wish HOMIN could be honest to speak their true hearts instead of SME’s lies.

  15. I think that I will never ever care about anything coming from Homin again, in order to ease my mind. they are just driving me nuts.

    • You should care for one reason — everything that comes out of their mouths is SME approved. It gives us an idea of what strategy the SME camp is using.

      I think they’ve stopped trying to make JYJ seem like they are greedy and unreasonable, because the court keeps slapping that idea down. Now they are leaning toward weak and misled, trying to make them appear that they don’t know what they are doing. That they have been lured away from the righteous path….blah,blah,blah. You can’t argue against that because it is highly subjective. However, it would much more impressive if JYJ weren’t kicking-ass at everything they do.

      Oh. I just noticed something. SME tends to try and reflect the accusations being aimed at themselves onto JYJ. When the news of the terms of the contract came out it was “greed”, now that their questionable practices are coming to light it is “weak morals”. Hmmmmm.

      • LMAO AT THE LAST PART !!! so true so true 🙂 🙂

        What I wrote was when I was most angry, when I first started reading the whole thing and felt as if the anger clouded my head. Now that I’ve calmed down, you’re right. I should still pay attention to the new strategies of SM, and from there protect JYJ. Can’t believe HM fans said “I”m so glad that things have started to look good for HM, and that JYJ have moved on and let HM go…..” Excuse me! The one who can’t let the other party go is HM. !!!! They just never miss any opportunity to drag JYJ’s name in all the chances they have. !!1

  16. wow oh god, is this really necessary?

    JYJFiles, do you really have to become truetrvxq? I mean what in the actual fuck you guys are fucking disappointing. I thought this site had at least SOME sane fans.

    Can’t we just let it go? I mean really? Can’t we just move on and stop thinking about Yunho and CHangmin if that’s what you guys want and just support JYJ and not look like idiotic cry babies while doing so.

    This whole finger pointing is ridiculous and i’m just embarrassed I have to relate to people like this in the fandom, having the need to put down the other side instead of focusing in JYJ.

    This is lame and ridiculous and just put JYJ fans in a bad light. You guys are doing a great job sabotaging what we have done. Standing ovation for all of you who support crap like this.

    • But news are news! Why JYJFiles should hide this? Yes, It´s hard to manage, maybe some of us (fans) get angry but that´s life! Accept it!
      No more silent!

      • lol are u for fucking real? Girl get real, even if this are news, leave it for news sites, not a site that tries to bring credibility in an unbiased manner for the masses.

        That’s life? How old are you for god’s sake? I’m extremely dissapointed on the author of this site who claims to be all level-headed, allowing his persona and site get involved in childish finger pointing, I expected a lot more from someone who claims to bring the unbiased truth in a manner who will not hurt JYJ’s credibility. And that includes their fans.

        What makes you any different from those crazy hotels fans who take every chance to attack JYJ and bring them up and down? Think about it and then get back at me with something other than ‘that’s life!’

      • hotel girls make up crap and spread rumors.
        This is what was really said and done IN CONTEXT.
        You need to go somewhere Lili cause you seem to think that we need to censor ourselves just for the sake of people like you.
        The article is straight to the point, no opinion of the poster involved in it.

      • @LILI
        Girl get real, even if this are news, leave it for news sites, not a site that tries to bring credibility in an unbiased manner for the masses.
        What does this even mean? News is supposed to be unbiased/objective and from credible sources.

    • bye lili.
      What was put here was for a “FYI” PURPOSE.
      How people react is not up to this fansite.
      People like you will continue to put your head in the sand and expect us to pretend these things aren’t being said and that they’re not affecting JYJ negatively.
      Go back into your lala land while the rest of us deal with the reality of the situation.

      • lmfao what reality of the situation?

        This article takes out the little (or much) credibility JYJ Files and their authors had. You should take your head out of the sand and see how the things fans do and say affect JYJ, but i’m not talking about Hotels or Homin fans, i’m talking about our own ‘kind’, JYJ fans are becoming Hotels 3.0

        Now sit down and see all the backlash this will get, and you stay in lala land pretending everyone loves JYJ when things their own fans do and say affect the public’s opinion the same way hotel fans and homin fans have affected Yunho and Changmin.

      • LILI, You are talking down to the WRONG ONE.
        I’m gonna tell you that right now.
        Everytime you come here you’re whining and moaning and groaning about how this site isn’t saying and doing what you want them to do.
        What, should we not look at and react to what is being used against JYJ? Should we pretend it’s not happening? Ridiculous.
        If you don’t like it,guess what? Go press that little red “X” in the top right hand corner since you’ve got a problem with people trying to stay informed.
        We don’t need “your kind” around here.
        Get out of here.

      • @ Lili

        While I see where you are coming from, IMO you are not helping the situation by insisting on lumping this site with the hotels- even if you see no good reason in posting this entry, it’s still uncalled for to label an article that tells no lies as equivalent to people who create and spread malicious rumours.
        Can you not criticize this particular action without such crude exaggeration and unfair accusation, which will only sidetrack your real point, and worsen the conflict. Don’t you think?

      • @LILI Please read the editor note before ranted…
        unlike those blog whom most its context are little fact and a lot of psychological n author opinion.
        In this article there’s only a cut of real fact, without any manipulation .
        The sheet are signed by HM, the video are in YT, u couls watch it by yourself, n the most recent one, the one with CM had its source. So, if you want to blame someone, please blame the one who printed those newspaper

    • they are just keeping track of what being said by Homin and SM until now. They aren’t altering any fact here. What’s your problem?
      Anything JYJ related, especially the comments that would give false image on JYJ should be addressed and JYJfiles is doing exactly that.

      Since you believe there’s no one here sane enough to accommodate you. I suggest you take yourself somewhere else for some intelligent reads.

      • JYJ files are not addressing them, its DNBN. If this was written by the JYJ FIles author, I’d be more disappointed since I expect The JYJ Files to address these matters in a smart manner. However is fucking low to repost this which is clearly biased and just brings more hurt to JYJ FANS than benefit. You can stay in your delusional circle of friends and blogs, but the rest of the people out there are starting to think not very high if JYJ Fans and if you don’t know it yet, this affects the artiste in question.

      • Oh don’t even try to pull that tone argument shit. That is grade school nonsense.

      • @ LILI

        “You can stay in your delusional circle of friends and blogs, but the rest of the people out there are starting to think not very high if JYJ Fans and if you don’t know it yet, this affects the artiste in question.”

        QUITE the contrary. JYJ’s talent, credibility and motives to purely and unrestrictedly do what they do best are positively mushrooming in popularity. See–this is why few trust your opinions here: you make statements like the above as if they were undisputed fact and they are in fact just flat out wrong.
        It makes us question your motives for coming here and being so rude and divisive. So maybe this is no longer the blog for you.
        I don’t know, it’s up to you I guess, but as far as expressing each individual’s opinion, the genie is out of the bottle here and as another writer said earlier, neutrality benefits the oppressor, never the oppressed. SM has had all the clout and has thus far put a stranglehold on the Korean entertainment media to silence JYJ. I think it’s unlikely that on your say-so the fans here are going to sit back and remain silent anymore, EVER on these issues.

    • Defending comes with supporting, just so you didn’t know. HoMin can clearly make statements that put down JYJ, and we shouldn’t defend? is that what you are saying?

      JYJ to us is family, JYJ fans to us is family, if anyone puts them down, we won’t keep quiet. Period.

      theJYJfiles is not like truetvxq. Go read there blog again, they mostly talk about how fans bashed HoMin.

      P.S. – Are you seriously blind? Why must we ignore what these boys said to put down our boys? WHY? WHY? WHY?

      • I think I understand Lili’s viewpoint. Given the present situation, we have to be extremely careful not to get portrayed in a manner that could be potentially advantageous for someone who has the intent to twist facts around.
        Lili, the post does seem to pose some potential problems but I think the admin had thought about it. As someone esle said, they can’t control how fans respond to the facts presented. Please have faith in most of us though. Although we feel hurt by the words, most of us have expressed our opinions in a restrained manner, we do not bash them without facts and there are no nasty rumours.
        I also understand the admin when they explained that they have thought hard about whether to post this or not. I agree with their decision as I want to be informed of what has been said about JYJ, good or bad.

    • There are many fans who don’t read any lawsuit related news at all, that’s fine. But this fan site is dedicated to providing information regarding the JYJ-SM lawsuit which include the official stance of SM which Yunho and Changmin is repeating through multiple media channels including national TV. This also involve attempts to unfairly cast JYJ in a negative light through false rumours and insidious insinuations such as those made on Knee Drop Guru.

      There is nothing “embarrassing” or “disappointing” about JYJ fans fighting against these attempts to damage JYJ’s reputation nor is there anything wrong with pointing out the change in the official SM stance or official Homin stance.

      There is no finger pointing in this release from DNBN just an FYI.

      And personally there’s only so much of turning the other cheek one can do before realizing that to remain silent and do nothing as one party intentionally inflicts harm on another is to be complicit in that violence upon their reputations.

      • Do you really think this was just a DNBN FYI? like all of you are saying. This is clearly putting the reflectors on Yunho and Changmin?

        I don’t need a translation to understand what they said in that interview, so I know what they said. Do I agree with that? No I don’t. But is it really OK to push someone over the edge just because they are already in the verge of falling? No it doesn’t make it right.

        Do you really think this whole ‘they said this blah blah blah bawwww!!’ is not tainting JYJ’s reputation? At this point this is just UNNCESARY. JYJ and TVXQ will never be one again, they are separete identities and if people can’t let it go they won’t be able to move in, JYJ will be forever stuck on the bad shadow of TVXQ and this will bring a lot more hurting than helping in the future.

        Saying this is just FYI from DNBN its like saying the articles posted by hotels about the Cosmetic company per say is just an FYI for people following the lawsuit.

        We refuse to believe we do the same as those we hate because we think we are helping. This is getting ridiculous its almost two years and fans can’t move on.

      • ^^ why blame JYJfiles/dnbn when it waas CHANGMIN who said it?
        methinks you just cant handle him being painted in a egative light even if it is just the truth!

      • @Lili

        A lot of JYJ fans have little desire to see a TVXQ reunion unless it happens on terms JYJ is happy with. JYJ is lucky in that they created new individual and group identities for themselves by acting, composing, directing, pretty much doing all professional activities under their own names. They have practically no visible legacy to speak of. The general public and new JYJ fans only know them as JYJ who is fighting a legal battle with SM and could care less about the other members of the old TVXQ. But Homin don’t have that advantage, as long as they perform under “TVXQ” they will always be working and living under their old shadow.

        I think the fans who can’t let go are people such as yourself who react so violently and with such vitriol to any mention of the other side. Personally, I don’t really feel much of anything whenever Homin is brought up other than a morbid curiosity as to what on earth is SM’s PR dept thinking/smoking?!

        And the difference btw HoTels and DNBN is that HoTels falsify what they post whereas DNBN is merely transcribing and translating what Homin themselves and their families have said. It’s not pushing someone off the cliff … they’ve already flung themselves off a long time ago. It’s bring fleeting sadness for me to watch when people people remind me of it but it doesn’t bring out as strong emotions for me as it apparently does for you. You can only feel so strongly about something you care about. For JYJ fans who never knew HM or have long let them go, it’s almost impossible for us to muster that level of emotion towards them.

    • Sanity has nothing to do with it.

      Also, this is a pro-JYJ site the last time I checked. I, for one, am glad that sites like this and DC TVXQ Gallery exist to clarify information and spread the truth. Supporting JYJ doesn’t mean letting other people spread lies about them and defame their character.

      • Supporting JYJ doesn’t mean putting others down, especially when that people was part of the group we all came to love. It’s stupid to think JYJ did everything right and the rest did everything wrong, that’s not how things work in real life.

      • Supporting JYJ doesn’t mean putting others down, especially when that people was part of the group we all came to love. It’s stupid to think JYJ did everything right and the rest did everything wrong, that’s not how things work in real life.
        Where are you getting all these?

        If you are saying that through this article, JYJ fans are putting HoMin down, you are mistaken. This article merely tracks the statements that HoMin themselves have said in the past. If the article makes it seem as if they “JYJ did everything right and the rest did everything wrong”, to use your words, then it’s not JYJ’s nor JYJ fans’ fault. Surely, HoMin are responsible for what they say in interviews and press releases?

    • hahahaha Ok
      And how old are you that you are so sour?
      Please, be people! where are your manners?
      I was thinking that you were a JYJ or TVXQ educated fan… Shame!

      • “Please, be people!” What is that supposed to mean?

        What? am I supposed to forget about the guys I’ve been following since 2004 just because they split? Oh please excuse me if I sound bitter about fans creating more trouble than helping.

      • Please it´s up to you keep your love for 2 or 3 or 5
        But… It´s bad for your health come here a JYJ site or go to Homin sites…
        Just saying! ^__^
        *Age doesn´t matter*

      • LOL, I’m sure you get nothing out of your comment here. You rile up more “hate” on people you love.
        I wonder how you can be so sure JYJ will be put in bad light because of this when they are the one under attack from the other party.
        Whatever suits yourself I guess.
        Take a chill pill and exit this site for good if you think you’re too knowledgeable and more informed than this site.

        Everyone has a choice, HM has a choice to leave and sure you do too.

      • I really don’t know how posting this will put HoMin down. These are not what the admins here or folks in DNBN said, they came directly from HoMin themselves okay? Whatever bad it may bring, HoMin should have been aware before they spat out those words. I can’t comprehend all your reasonings about how we keep up with the situation and anything lawsuit related will put JYJ under the bad light. So yeah, we will sit back, relax, and see what is the backlash that you mentioned. But in the while, we JYJ fans everywhere will keep defending JYJ against false accusations, and launch out more projects to support JYJ. Let’s see how it turns out alright? Now, LILI, if you’re not happy with the way things are here, why don’t you just leave and never come back? 🙂

      • agree with you…the interviewer didnt even ask abt the past, he asked the story abt AFTER the three members left, and Changmin somehow still wanted to bring things up this way…why cant he stop his hating and move on?!

      • @LILI
        If u said why putting others down, no one else other than Homin themselves, those words came from them. They have to be responsible for their own actions.

      • @ LILI: All I can say is that tone down your vulgarity and stop being a tool. And oh yeah, please don’t come back.

    • Wow did someone just woke up from the wrong side of the bed? Using profanity words to get your comments across sure make you satisfied right? Girl you need to take a chill pill ! This article is HoMin stance agianst JYJ so the cry babies would be HoMin and sorry to burst your bubbles but this stance that HoMin gave have already put HoMin in a bad light. Now go in the corner and cry your heart out because obviously THEJYJFILES and THE JYJ FAMILIES is here to stay and to protect JYJ forever.

      • protect jyj? what about protect everything the 5 of them did before in the past? Is that not as precious or not more precious than jyj/hm itself?

      • @dbsklove
        Tell that to HM. They’re the one ruining what’s the 5 of them has done.

      • dbsklove: I do think both the past and the present is precious. This is precisely the reason why some of us are upset with what HoMin have been saying. The way they have accused JYJ, first of being greedy then now of being unable to tell right form wrong. The way they have presented themselves in public, it is an insult to those who hold the past dear.
        Before HoMin made their comeback and gave all these interviews I had the hope that they could work together again, no matter how far in the future that would be. Now? Not at all. Why? Would you want to in these circumstances? Where your friends have said these things about your and your character?

    • @LILI
      Your vulgarity makes you look ugly. And what you say lacks credibility cause you’re shouting and swearing.

      Thanks jyjfiles for informing us non-Koreans of what’s being circulated in JYJ’s birth country. If not for your translations and analyses, we’ll never know the oppression the boys have to live with. Us international fans need as much info as possible in order to solidify our own opinions. We’re not ignorant fans who follow a herd instinct.

      I don’t understand what the anti-JYJ are so frightened about. This is just an update and compilation of the news on Homin vs JYJ. Are they so insecure about their own idols?

      • I’ll add my thanks to An’s. I am so appreciative of this site, I can’t tell you. As an American who doesn’t read or speak Korean, I’ve also found myself shut out of a large chunk of the story and the debate surrounding this lawsuit. Not being able to do basic things like read liner notes, find out who wrote specific songs, who produced what–it’s been hard and frustrating. At least here we
        i-fans can finally get up to speed, grow to understand and finally weigh in with our opinions.

    • Can you stop swearing please. You disgust me because of your vulgarity as well as your annoying attitude.

      You and search the original articles yourself, what thejyjfiles posted is all legitimate. And it’s not as if we JYJ fans like to hear or update anything about those two. It’s only because the other side keep bringing up this issue at such an irritating manner, that’s why we can’t help but have to notice their actions.



    • It’s different when fans put homin or jyj down than when HOMIN puts jyj down. We are just fans…in their private life we are nothing…but homin means a lot to jyj.

    • @LILI

      I am going to do something unkind and rude… Are you ready? Here goes.

      “Find an egg and go suck it up your A**! I don’t give a rodent’s patootie if you don’t like what’s being said and how it’s being said. Gee that felt good!”

      This site belongs to the admins, they started it to support JYJ. They have a right to post whatever they want to on THEIR site. The admins here do a superb job of keeping the fandom informed. Every fan of JYJ who comes here for that information is quite capable of reading, discerning, and absorbing the information.

      Having said that, it’s obvious this site doesn’t quite meet your standards. Well, I think it’s pretty good bet the regulars who come here will not be offended in the least if you choose not to come back.

      You see, for those of us who are going to protect JYJ’s back, we simply are not going to let those who wish to demean their character, do so without impunity. Those days are long gone. Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu have work to do. They have a career to build and maintain. Something HoMin seem to be too distressed to do. That is not our problem.

      So, since you find this site so beneath you, there is a very logical solution. You may leave and never return. How much you wanna bet no one is even going to miss you being gone?

      • And don’t let the door hitcha on the way out.

        Trolls! What is up with them?? People’s masochistic
        tendencies always make me feel kind of sad.

      • My friend, if they didn’t do this, what else would they do? It’s obvious they don’t have any lives. Yeah, I’ve never understood that masochistic thing either. It is pretty sad. But if they want to rumble, I’m not going to back down.

  17. 1st…let me LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!
    damn it man!! lol….how stupid..i say..

    How can “Weak moral characters” people like
    Kim Jaejoong-who is now advance to become ‘Stage Director’,
    Kim Junsu-being prise for his musical work..
    and Park Yoochun-with his drama,

    If ‘previously’, they are in a pattern growing up one level at a time each year,
    See!! NO BIG COMPANY!! Just Ordinary peoples around them ENOUGH brought some MIRICAL towards their ways…

    Now my question go back to both HoMin…could you ‘STAND’ the way they are now???

    Enough talk rubbish…and just PROVE IT!! *sigh*

  18. I dont know what they’re thinking now….bu for me, JYJ or Homin are also TVXQ in my mind….no matter what I believe in HOmin….JYJ too..I love them so I can’t blame someone that they’re a person who break TVXQ ….!!!!
    If u’r cassiopeia, U should know what Yunho & changmin are…..!!
    u’ll believe a document that given by SM ???
    Did anyone notice Yunho’s sign in those document ???
    It seem He signs in a Fanmeeting …In a docu official like this, He can put a Star below a sigh ???? haha………how funny…….!!!!
    SM can do everything that we couldn’t know…..please keep ur heart look at Homin not look in Documents…..!!!!!!!
    If we’re the one…..SM can’t let JYJ down…..please keep our faith eternally…..our five stars never gone ,……They’re always in our heart until a last breath ….!!!!
    P.s : please watch Homin sing ” Balloon ” live show with Shinee….fancame is better…U’ll see a real thing in Homin…..^^

    • uhm…what? like they are being forced by SM?
      They have the option to leave SM and they didn’t leave. The truth is they love SM that’s why they stay. It’s ok. They need to stop badmouthing JYJ and act like they are victims when they are not. God knows they are making the decision to stay in SM for their own benefit. Why act like victims when JYJ are trying their best to survive now?

      JYJ can’t even go on national television, I’m sure everyone knows especially people from SM, including Homin of course. They take advantage of it and make JYJ look like liars to the viewers.

      We need to clarify that JYJ are not liars and what people think of HM is none of my business.

    • Ok, I get it! I like fans who have their believes and respect others. ^__^
      I only want you to understand no everyone here was cassiopeia and no everyone can get over when someone hurt the ones we love!
      Don´t take words too personal.

    • @5onlytvxq Errr… are you really OT5 fan? How could u love balloon that was sing by other people except the true original TVXQ?
      Don’t you think u’re contradictory?
      I’m teary every time, TVXQ5 song was sang by HM and another people, esp in national TV.
      Errr, n you said “If u’r cassiopeia, U should know what Yunho & changmin are…..!!” Ano, then you should know right? That CM n YH are the people who very dislike lying.
      So, I have to trust my heart, CM n YH never lie, right? That’s way their word must be come from their heart, no matter how misguided it seems

    • I love the old TVXQ, they’ll forever hold a special place in my heart. I’m addicted to their songs, but now I’m with JYJ, not 2TVXQ. What you’re trying to say just makes HoMin look like SM’s puppets. How can they be compared to the mature independent JYJ who make decisions for themselves and advance so much in their careers despite being blocked from national television?

      Don’t you dare recommend the “Balloon” performance with SHINee?! I can’t see what you saw, but a TVXQ song has to be sung by TVXQ, not by HoMin and someone else.

    • errr….i’m not following you…what the hell “document given by sm” got anything to do with “homin said on interview and tv show” ? we’re not talking about document here now. those words came out of homin’s mouth. you are what you say.

    • I can’t understand why some OT5 (i made myself clear that only some) refused to accept that Homin are grown up & adults to make their choice, they have chosen to say it, no one can force them if they don’t want to. this is just stated all the facts they have been contradicting themselves.

      • Yes, they are adults, I wish people would start respecting HoMin as grown men. I don’t not begrudge thier choice, they wanted to stay in SM, that’s their choice. Who’s to say whether they were right or wrong? It’s their own choice, it affects themselves the most. We should respect their decision.
        What irks me is what they have said in interviews recently? You maded your decision, fine. Don’t point fingers and keep trying to convince me that you are RIGHT and they are WRONG. It was a choice, an important, life altering one, no doubt but it was not a battle of GOOD and EVIL and someone chose the dark side like Darth Vader (excuse me for my pop culture reference but I’m a Star Wars loving dork).

    • I have to clarify what 5onlytvxq said. The fancam of Balloon shows Yunho’s true feelings when singing with SHINee. The official one does not show his expressions. If you are once a OT5 fan, you will know what 5onlytvxq means…

      Reality hurts but I will just keep trying to support everyone of them in their music.

  19. This is appalling…

    When the 3 of them are working so hard and even missing the 2 of them.. Here they are saying things that could hurt each other..

    Friendship or even brotherhood in TVXQ’s case.. Is it such a fragile thing to so easily break?

    I’m not siding anyone here but just really hope that no one would say hurtful things about each other at all..

  20. i wonder what will happen if it was Yunho an Changmin who said something first.. will JYJ turn out to be the enemies here? hmmm.. you believe Junsu’s dad when he said that HoMin wanted to leave with JYJ. but you guys dont believe Yunho and changmin’s dad? hehe.. funny.. i wonder why.. oh yeah.. because your JYJ biased.. and of course in your mind SM brainwashed them in doing those things…^^

    honestly.. the site truetvxq has the same amount of evidences as this site.. should we believe that too?

    i know what you guys will says. we shouldnt because that site is HoMin biased..

    how predictable biased fans brains work… hehe

    • What is this? Did the peanut gallery decide to pop in and talk s*** about us today?
      EVERYTHING that yunho and Changmin’s dad said in their statements has turned out to be a LIE which was proven by the courts.
      HOMIN’S fmr official statement was proven to be a LIE which was proven by the courts?
      WTF else do you need?
      Why would we believe their parents statements when they have been proven to be full of LIES?
      You make no sense.

    • But there is proof, from members’ comments before the lawsuit to reliable sources quoted in printed articles, that all 5 members wanted to sue.

    • There is evidence and then there’s “evidence”. How can you even compare the statements that HoMin themselves gave to the fabrications that anti-JYJ sites publish?

      • nope… truetvxq is not worth defending, it’s the translation is more an opinion of a person that is SM/HM bias.

        if you want the truth, and ready for the truth, read both sides, read the news and interviews then you’ll know who’s lying and who’s not.

  21. I have so much I want to say to all these comments but I won’t. I will sum it up highly simple for all you people.

    Cassiopeia is 5 stars. If you are Cassiopeia, you support all 5 stars, no matter where they are or what they do. If you can’t handle that – support 5 men’s dreams. It’s the very LEAST you can do.

    • some of us never claim to be Cassiopeia. The name Cassie shouldn’t exist if the fans can’t even clear up rumors and bad comments on JYJ. Love them no matter what? Unconditional love doesn’t exist to me. I support people who I can admire and learn from.

      No one can define what the “real” Cassie would be like. Everyone can call herself a Cassie.

    • No, Thank you, I only support JYJ because they are doing what they should be doing. People who have opinions in life is what I favor the most.

      If your Cassiopeia, you will continue to support all 5 no matter what right? even if one side does wrong? Your not supporting then, your just a fan. So why even comment?

    • I dropped the name “cassiopeia” . I DON’T want the name Cassiopeia and I feel much freer and happier not being associated with it.
      You can KEEP IT.

    • If you are Cassiopeia, you support all 5 stars, no matter where they are or what they do.
      How do you propose fans, err, Cassiopeia, support all five members when two are speaking negatively about the other three?

      Also, why assume that all JYJ fans are Cassiopeia?

    • JYJ (and Homin) have LOTS of NEW fans who (in JYJ’s case) have no idea what the hell “Cassiopeia” is nor would they really care if they did. To many JYJ fans, Homin are just members of the old group JYJ used to be part of … why on earth do they need to be a “Cassie” or support all 5?

      And even if someone is a “Cassie” doesn’t mean they should blindly support all 5 no matter what. Real people have values and convictions and when those are violated why should we have blind faith in people who show their words cannot be trusted?

    • You know cassiopeia was one of the best things that happened to me because I was happy but why should I strongly continue without doubt supporting the people that make me cry.
      I will gladly support homin because I loved them so much but attacking JYJ? It breaks my heart and my inner cassiopeia.
      I really can’t do it anymore, jyj are the only ones that makes me smile and I will do anything to defend them.

    • yeah, do you know there is a new aplication for cassiopeia?
      I mean, SM open for fans to join official cassiopeia
      for yunho and changmin

      as tvxq used to be name for a 5 boy band and now is a name for a 2 member boy band

      same happen to cassiopeia

      And I believe many of us are not cassiopeia any longer

    • Anyway, who the heck is cassiopeia ? The one who support the 5 of them, no matter what? See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil! (does this describe them perfectly?) Well, i have never been one, my only interests in Kmusic is JYJ, so u have to excuse me for not understanding you. But still, by supporting the 5, u mean its ok if 2 of them to say hurtfull things about JYJ and it doesnt hurt u people at all? What a beautiful blind love. Dont give a hoot what those 2 are saying. They can even say the are the best, the most matured, the one who knows the right from wrong or… whatever, as long as they leave JYJs name from their lips, i am fine with them. If they dont start all these, then all JYJ fans also have nothing to say about them. So cassiopeia, you just stay in your world and we stay here with JYJ

  22. lol at the haters hating jyjfiles~ ^^ thank you for your hard work jyjfiles admin unnies =D you’ve always done a lot of contribution to this fandom =) your hard work and dedication is amazing~ hwaiting! and about this matter not much to say anyway what said is said. but ppl should keep in mind this is what hotel girls and fans will do to hurt JYJ reputation more. don’t bash HOMIN, this is a reminder for us fans to know their stans what will they be doing on their next step. be a better fandom~ always remember~ hwaiting my jyj and jyj fandom family ^^

  23. Honestly, sometimes this kind of article does more damage than actual good for JYJ and their fans. If we want to be taken seriously do we really need to resort to this type of articles and supposedly ‘FYI’? I just rather have JYJ and 2VXQ as separate groups and stop this craziness. We have to stop contributing to the massive hysteria, its up to us, fans to stop this and allow JYJ to move on with their careers and lives, this is just holding them back to the past.

    • I agree with you however this madness will never stop if the other side would not let go of JYJ. SM need to let go of JYJ first and then HM probably do the same too. If the lawsuit has ended earlier, nothing like this would happen right?

    • It WOULD stop if homin would stop talking abt JYJ so negatively.
      Takes both sides to end an argument.
      One can say “enough!” but if the other one wants to keep going, its never gonna end.

    • Maybe you have a point here… BUT the last interview (Ch) was released on March 22, so… What past? It´s only natural that now It´s news.

    • the problem is SME and HoMin will never let JYJ go . If they stop, we will gladly stop doing all this. Honestly I dont wanna associate myself with knowing and reading about SME and their family coz they not worth my time at all. Hatred? No. Ignorance? Yes.

    • To be taken seriously, demonstrate that you have power. As a fandom we’ve done that on several occasions. Worrying about our collective reputation in a fragmented multilingual pop fandom beyond that? Not worth the effort. And IMO we as a group do not gain from refusing to confront issues such as this.

    • Letting go is easy – if no one badmouths another. If they just act with dignity and refrain from commenting on the case or their former members, no one would have anything to say.

      Jyjfiles is doing a great job filling us in on their badmouthing and also how skewed their comments have become.

    • I agree with you

      I would like so much a site with NO information no mention 0 homin

      I know is hard when HoMin keep talking about JYJ (and the other way around…)

      but I really wish for a site like that

      • I used to think like that. Now I realized when I turn away and not acknowledge that they are doing this I’m in a way condoning this behaviour.

    • @Mariland
      “If we want to be taken seriously do we really need to resort to this type of articles and supposedly ‘FYI’? ”

      Yup, we do. As many others in this forum have said, JYJ’s fans are playing an incredibly crucial role in keeping their plight before the public, creating a valuable fan base worth courting via their purchasing power and in turning over each slimy rock SM hides under, exposing a bright, cleansing light on their dishonest tactics.
      We refuse to allow SM to operate as they have been used to doing ever again with impunity. We are watching and we will duly report what we find.

  24. To all those who are trying to criticize JYJ Flies.
    come on.
    Homin goes to all kinds of tv show and media and say things that hurt JYJ’s reputation, while JYJ can’t even be on a single whatever not well-known cable tv show. If Homin had kept quiet and left JYJ alone, I would never care about Homin in any way, but since they’re lying and hurting JYJ, I can’t just pretend I didn’t hear anything. They are lying and literally cussing about JYJ on the Korean major tv show, and JYJ can’t even defend themselves. Don’t you think is so not fair?
    That’s why we need this kind of article/post. There are no rumors, and it’s just stating the clear fact and what homin said.

    If homin didn’t bash JYJ in front of the public in the first place, I wouldn’t be pissed like this. You don’t know how I felt when someone came and told me how JYJ was so awful to leave the team like that (whatever homin said on the golden fish show).
    just compare jyj and homin’s attitude on their interviews. So clear that one side had never bash another side.

  25. Since JYJfiles is the first sharer of this article, I would like to request whether the Chosun Ilbo article on 22nd of March, has been translated in whole? I am curious to read what Changmin said and how the referenced question fits in the whole interview.

  26. Singing …

    When it rains, i will be your umbrella.

    When wind blows, i will be your wall.

    Tomorrow will surely come, even at the darkest night
    (asu wa kuru kara).

    true jyj fans + true homin fans = THE TRUE CASSIOPEA.

  27. i hope TheJYJfiles didnt do censorship just for the sake of keeping peace. This site had been my ground coz its boldness and go all bare with every controversial issues it might bring. I hate to be hurt but I hate to be keep in the dark above anything else. What TheJYJfiles and JYJ3 did these past few months contribute a lot to me. I hope freedom of speech and the right to know every news, no matter how bad it is will lives on in both these two sites. Please continue doing what you did and never change. Keep up the good work.

    • Brava! Yes, I count on this site for news of what’s going on and summaries like this are exactly what I need to know.

  28. The more homin talk; The more they’ll lose.
    Just a personal comment.

    Now, for homin fans, and OT5ers,
    homin are not a victim.

    By law, sm = the culprit and jyj= the victim, and the judge dismissed the fact that regarding the cosmetics issue.
    Where is homin, an innocent bystander.
    JYJ did not leave DBSK, they left SM.

    In america, freedom of speech exists. Homin can say what they want,
    do not say their life has been destroyed.
    this is a joke.
    1. new album, 2. repackaged album. 3. mvs. 4. sm concerts. 5. dramas. 6. modeling.
    7. reality tv shows. 8. performances on shows like music bank.
    If this is what you call a ruined and destroyed life, then please sign me up, because their life is alot better than most peoples.

    I believe homin and fans who are against jyj are making matters worse for SM, and are making even more people side with JYJ. <- the irony.

    Who says DBSK can't be 5?
    If you want to hate, hate on SM.
    DBSK5 will return, when SM is out of the picture.

    I'm not getting apart of this fanwar, I'm just saying.
    SM <- root of all evil and misfortune.
    Is the source and cause of all of this sorrow and pain.

    JYJ left the devil, if you ask for JYJ to return to being slaves to the devil, then you are no better than SM.
    Why don't you wish for homin to gather the courage to leave SM, all problems solve.
    Well, Sm was going to crumble anyways. Evil never wins.

  29. I can’t hold this in any longer.
    You guys who keep saying JYJ did nothing towards HoMin, why are you never bringing up Junsu’s tweets? Just so convenient for you to leave out in your case?
    Twitter is a huge form of media so if you say he never brought it to the media – he brought it DIRECTLY to the world in a second.

    Don’t be Cassies, but at least bring some sanity to the table and not bashing & slandering every second you have. Both sides have said things. Get over it.

    & how’s this for size – if you can sit & stalk this thread, responding to every post that’s not pro-JYJ, why not do something USEFUL like say maybe…donate to Japan. Yeah. Go do that.

    • Personally I don’t object to anyone involved speaking up. What I object to are specifics of what they say.

      Junsu’s tweets made my week LOL. He finally got it.

      • My heart broke when i saw the tweet and realized that he trusted them for so long time, even after seeing all those interviews, documents they signed, etc.

        His tweet was only thing he said after all bashing he got. So if you can’t even let junsu to say that…hmm.

    • “& how’s this for size – if you can sit & stalk this thread, responding to every post that’s not pro-JYJ, why not do something USEFUL like say maybe…donate to Japan. Yeah. Go do that.”

      Aren’t you doing the same? You might not responding to every post but you’re still sitting in front of that computer screen reading or ‘stalking’ this post as well.

    • If you are declaring homin are mentally hurt by a honest tweet by Junsu, then they should not be celebrities.
      Everyone gets hurt, it’s LIFE. But I read junsu’s tweet. He never mentioned homin. Hmm…

      You accuse me of slandering <- Have I lied?
      You accuse me of bashing <- did I ever say anything to hurt homin?
      It's called freedom of Speech.

      Now here are some FACTs, I know,
      JYJ = 1 mv
      Homin = 2 really long and expensive mvs. and yunho starred in a mv
      JYJ = no reality shows, (the skk award show does not count.)
      Homin = get on whatever show they please.
      JYJ = 1 complete drama
      Homin = Changmin and yunho both have dramas
      JYJ = music essay, and teh beginning (w does not count because avex has suspended all jyj activites in japan <- WOW that has never happened to homin), and SKK drama soundtrack (note: Sm tried to prevent these songs from being release as with the beginning <- FACT, court ordered SM to pay 20,000 fine for each)
      Homin = athena sound track, paradise ranch sound track, (please note, these were recorded during 2010 which means Yunho's claim that JYJ caused them to be inactive was a indeed a LIE) Oh can't forget the 2011 album AND repackaged album.
      JYJ = 2010 showcases, and a few concerts
      homin = sm town concert <- another lie, how is this unactive. *tisk tisk*
      JYJ = 2011 – maybe 1 or 2 live perofrmances
      Homin = tons of live performances, they do whateva they want.
      JYJ -= lots f modeling (haha..SM has no jurisdiction HERE<- :P) and jaejoongs ELLE
      homin = lots of modeling
      (okay fair on modeling)
      JYJ -= lost a LOT of money from the lawsuit for paying for lawyers
      Homin = no loss, have no lawsuit.

      I believe homin are doing just fine. I worry for them though. SM makes their artists pay for everything even SNACKS. O.O . SM acts like a parasite, who lives off of people like DBSK. I sure hope Homin's getting paid what they deserve.

      Did you know

      Miss. or Mr. Thegreenman.
      I can not hold this in Any longer.

      I am terribly sorry about Japan's situation, especially since i have friends over there. however, I am a struggling college student who does not have a job or even a car, and uses loans. I apologize if I can't donote to Japan, I was not born with money. I'm happy for those who have money to help support Japan in this horrible time.

      however, I am doing something useful.
      I am the CEO of the future JYJ radio station. I really can NOT wait, to go on air live to every single JYJ fan around the world, and share the truth. And the best is, we have translators for almost 9 different language and hosts who will have shows in other languages.
      Oh, and my daddy works for an american law firm. and you know what they say about american lawyers <- *0* isn't that awesome. we are safe from ALL anti jyj

      JYJ radio will bring joy and happiness to everyone. *0* .
      I'm sorry if I seem rude, but I just do not understand how some people can be so cruel to JYJ? Are you jealous of JYJ and jyj fans? WOW, and we aren't even that old.
      JYJ fans are Amazing.

      I only come on here, because thejyjfiles have supported me, and I love reading their posts.
      I won't respond to your rude post to this because It's not USEFUl,

      • *RESPECT*
        “I am the CEO of the future JYJ radio station. I really can NOT wait, to go on air live to every single JYJ fan around the world, and share the truth. And the best is, we have translators for almost 9 different language and hosts who will have shows in other languages.”
        and the rest of it too. ❤

      • @JYJradio2011
        wow you’re spearheading the new jyj radio??

        goodluck! so looking forward to it..

        thanks kumapta arigatou gozaimasu gracie merci

    • Junsu never directly said Yunho or Changmins name. All he said by the way, was that he was disappointed in them two for siding with SM/thanking them. HOW IS THAT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE SEVERITY OF WHAT CHANGMIN HAS STATED ABOUT JYJ IN THE DOVE ANALOGY AND HIS RECENT STATEMENT, CALLING JYJ STUPID AND UNABLE TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR THEMSELVES?

      -_- you make me SMH. By the way Japan has nothing to do with this so please dont bring up unnecessary shit. I’ve already decided to donate and will with a caring heart, but in any case i dont need YOU to tell me what to do with MY money, so please, gtfo

    • @TheGreenMan – junsu is my bias and i have nothing against people speaking out their feelings but yea, i would MUCH prefer he never tweeted that. celebrities should’ve known better that posting a passive-aggressive tweets about a sensitive situation is NOT a good move 😦

      some people are being hypocrites here imo 😦

      • Junsu expressing his disappointment and honest feelings is passive-aggressive?

        some people are being hypocrites here imo

      • no i agree that the first time i read his tweets, i thought he sounded really sad, more than anything 😦 i also think that he was only expressing his honest feelings, i didn’t/never think that he had any ill intention (and he certainly doesn’t deserve all the shits being thrown at him by those SM Towners who are irrelevant in the situation, omg my blood boils every time i think about it) BUT his tweets is still passive-aggressive, and twitter is still a PUBLIC forum, and it was still a sensitive and PERSONAL topic

    • why are you here??

      lol got nothing to do?? being hm fan must be boring for these trolls to always go over the fence..

      ahhh i will never go to any hm site and waste my time on them and other worthless things..

    • His tweets were his own opinion and he did not say that the hyung he was referring to had success come to his head, he did not say that the hyung cannot tell right from wrong, he also did not say that hyung was inhuman, he did not hint that hyung had lied in any manner.
      In fact, he expressed his own disappoint and that hyung must have been been in a difficult situation for some time.
      I questioned his decision to tweet those words because I knew this sort of backlash against him was coming. What I never questioned was his genuine feelings of being hurt.

  30. “Both sides have said things. Get over it.”

    Yeah but I never heard the JYJ side say something bad about HM from the interviews I read. Never blaming others for the misfortunes. They could have played the victim card but ironically it’s your dear HM that have been doing it.

    Your post, dripping in sarcasm, makes it seem that you are the one doing the sitting and stalking here. Please don’t insult the readers of the JYJfiles. Insulting us by implying that we cannot even think of other things like the plight of Japan? You really are a newbie here because you don’t know how intelligent the readers of this site are. We don’t sink that low. Last time I checked all the vitriol was over at allkpop or some other juvenile site.

    • @Jan –
      “Last time I checked all the vitriol was over at allkpop or some other juvenile site.”

      That’s kind of the point really. For me anyway. Those commenting on The JYJFiles are usually intelligent, well spoken and insightful interested parties.
      We can spot a troll from the screamer sites a mile away. I get the feeling people here are interested in this lawsuit that had to be brought by JYJ in order to get any type of justice from SM. Nobody here that I’ve noticed seem to have much interest in how cute Yun Ho’s hair looks.

      My 2 cents is that Yun Ho’s and Changmin’s latest comments appear to indicate several points, none of which are particularly unexpected, I might add.
      They are toeing the party line and dancing to SM’s tune. SM is growing ever more desperate as time goes by and they are seeing the writing on the wall. SM is grasping at straws and I fully expect them to leave no slimy stone unturned to try to mis-direct, demoralize and further harm the careers of JYJ.
      Here they have enlisted Yun Ho and Changmin for a bit of jolly character assassination, set to a catchy disco beat on some k-pop TV show. How sad.
      These two are, in my opinion, the talent dregs of the TVXQ 5 and they seem to know it. All of their actions point to how terribly insecure they are about their abilities to have a career of their own. So all they can do now is cling to SM, who spend millions trying to fluff them up, pad their vocals and make them look good.
      These poor guys will be lucky to ever see a dime after all the bills are paid, and the shocking thing, to me anyway, is that THAT WAS OK WITH THEM.
      Well, it’s their decision and their lives of course.

      A final point about all the finger-pointing so many of our esteemed guests, The Trolls have been indulging in today. It’s dumb. Nobody should expect perfect conduct from another living human being. You may have once idolized Junsu’s way with a throaty trill in various TVXQ classics, but don’t expect him to be freakin’ Buddah. I in turn will promise not dwell on Yun Ho and Changmin’s unfortunate remarks to the k-pop peanut gallery.

      • A slight post-script to this is **please** do not confuse me with Lili.
        We’re about as mutually unique and disparate as 2 could ever be.

      • @Lilibaiyu

        I will never make a mistake and confuse you with ‘you know who’. 😉 There is a huge amount of distance between how the thought patterns flow. One of you makes a great deal of sense, the other one, well………I was going to say something rude and unkind, but I’ve already done that in another comment. 🙂

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –

        Good, because when I saw her name and assorted diatribes today I about lost my lunch! lol I can’t quite make out where these Trolls originate from. A more thankless task, on this site, would be hard to find. What’s in it for them? The word “kamikaze” comes to mind…

  31. Before I watched KDG, I was half suspicious about other JYJ fans comments about what YH said on the show… I do consider myself a very calm JYJ fan. I liked TVXQ as 5, even they parted and I chose to support JYJ, I wished HoMin well.

    After I watched the show… yes, some might say YH didn’t mean to bad mouth JYJ but his comment sure was “suggestive” enough to make anyone who watched the show to think that “JYJ lost their mind coz they tasted fame at a young age”!

    It might be “different opinions” that had caused their separation, it was how they would act after the separation would define them! It was all because of SM pressure??? Then I’m glad and thankful that JYJ chose to leave.

    Now that I’ve learnt more about what HoMin had said about JYJ (not from JYJfiles) during other interviews… it gives me this sick feeling whenever i watch those old concert DVDs… I’m trully disappointed by HoMin’s actions. If they had simply said it was due to different opinions… at least I’d respect that!

    • “It might be “different opinions” that had caused their separation, it was how they would act after the separation would define them! ”

      You have put it across perfectly for me

  32. BTW, where can I get a translation of the last trial in detail? I am sure u guys know there are SM versions of the last trial circulating which are very damaging to JYJ which claim to be minute by minute accounts of the proceedings. Hope JYJfiles is working on giving us a true picture of all that happened at the trial. I know you guys have your busy lives to lead and other constraints as well, but I feel that the SM version of the trial is more damaging than the comments Homin are making. Thank you for all your hard work.

      • There is one on truetvxq which claims to be a detailed one n brings in lots of other stuff as well, all very damaging n which ‘sound’ logical. They say the JYJ side is not giving a detailed account bcoz the last trial was more damaging to JYJ than to SM. I know we should not be even talking about rumours n stuff, but this is one I feel that requires to be combated with proper analysis from experts as JYJfiles have been doing all along. So, if it’s not too much to ask, I hope JYJfiles is working on giving us a detailed summary of the proceedings.

        Btw, I do not want to start another fanwar and believe in being a ‘better fandom’. But since the court case is at the heart of it all, I think we would much appreciate it if we get to know how things are proceeding in detail.

      • about the last trial. I’ve read all three fan accounts,
        go to withjyj, there’s a fan account much better than the truetvxq, it’s not biased. she tried to write down as much as she could. She wrote all questions asked and answers. While truetvxq have written it well but have intentionally kept other information that would lead readers to question SM stans.

      • @samvill

        call me crazy but I tried to read the whole blog… the more I read, the more speechless I become. If you don’t have any clue of what’s going on and how reality works, you’ll prettily be deceived.

    • I’ve been wondering about that too. I’m an auntie fan and I really can’t find it in me to get angry at Homin because they are much younger than I am. I remember being immature and saying and doing things that I regretted later at their age. On the other hand I feel this hard cold fury at SM because they obviously made this cold hard business decision to cruelly manipulate and defraud these naive talented kids. And now they are hiding behind Homin and making them do their dirty work. How absolutely evil can a company be? I really really need to see them publicly flogged by the law.

  33. I am certain that HoMin/Hotel girls wish it were 2010 again and that JYJ fans would keep quiet. It was so much easier for them to spread their negativity.
    Well, JYJ fans are not keeping quite anymore. We will talk about what needs to be talked about and no longer keep silent.
    It still baffles me how I keep seeing so many HoMin only fans leaving comments on a JYJ FANSITE!. Seriously, this is called the JYJ FILES. Not TVXQ5.
    Thank you for this brilliant article JYJ FILES, these are facts that need to be heard by us all.
    And remember HoMin fans, these are FACTS not OPINIONS. Big difference.

  34. I am also going to add that I am sick and tired of reading comments like “let’s be the better fandom” by not talking about these things that HoMin have said on TV and in interviews.
    So are these people saying that to be the “better fandom” we have to shut up and stay silent and I am sorry to use this very obvious and tacky pun, but to “keep our heads down?”.
    To be the “better fandom” JYJ fans present FACTS not OPINIONS. Not stay silent when people are judging and making negative comments on JYJ.

  35. While I do not need this type of article to support JYJ, I do understand why this is necessary to be posted and needed to be known for other fans.

    For a while, SME through their artist (and this including HoMin unfortunately) has been trying to smear JYJ names by calling them ‘ungrateful’, and make a statement that make them a liar and greedy/money hunger people.
    Cosmetic company reason has been dismissed by the court. It was proven to be a simple investment (although HoTel girls keep insisting that they know from ‘insider’ that JYJ invest more than 62% money on it). To show how ‘healthy’ and ‘fair’ SME is, they start calling JYJ ungrateful and greedy and the problem lied on JYJ, not SME or their systems.

    I never need a cosmetic company, parents, or company to tell me who to support. JYJ or not, if the artists tied with that kind of contract, they had my fully support.
    Everybody need money. Before SME justified their action with business reason, people should understand that JYJ also need to sustain their live after the idol era is over.

    • What I hate about this whole thing is the emotional manipulation that SME is doing. As if it is a sin to protect your interests by going to court. From a legal stand point they barely have a leg to stand on so they move to character assassination. If only they’ve addressed the situation as it was, a contract dispute, some fans would still be supporting Homin and therefore SME.

      • I completely agree..
        And the brainwashed that this company did toward their artists. It’s like everything is good inside the company. I remember old article who compare SME with mafia, where if you are inside of the ‘family’, you are loved, protected, and groom but once you are outside, you are an enemy.

        I am just glad that despite this character assassination that SME do to JYJ, the boys themselves got praised for their working attitude and their humbleness. Worker in the industry are shocked with how humble they are and how optimistic they are toward the future. Nothing but good will come

  36. hwaiting JYJfiles! We JYJ fam got your back ^_~ whoever hurt JYJ hurt us fans whoever hurt our JYJ fandom family hurt us fans too ^^ hwaiting JYJFILES!

  37. well, idk about you guys but i’m staying neutral 😐
    (btw it’s sad that we’re referring to Homin as “the other side” now … just saying)

    • Since HoMin is staying with SM, and bashed JYJ publically, and JYJ is suing SM, in court they are on the opposite side, would u call them as on the same side?

      • ^ is it so wrong for a person to not choose a side? Besides, it is sad that HoMin are now “the other side”.

      • In Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”, one of the first 5 circles of Hell is intended for “ignavi”.
        I don’t know what’s the English word for that, but it means those who commit the sin of never act in either good or bad, without ever daring to have a mind of its own, but merely to adjust the time.
        Then yes, always keep it neutral is a sin.

      • @Ellis… It’s been years since I’ve read that book…

        I hate to burst other people’s bubbles.

        but yeah, ignavi in english is sloth…

        and if you’ll think about it… it is also 1 of the seven deadly sin.
        to be exact…
        in latin it’s called Acedia
        “Acedia (Latin, acedia) (from Greek ακηδία) is the neglect to take care of something that one should do. It is translated to apathetic listlessness; depression without joy. It is similar to melancholy, although acedia describes the behaviour, while melancholy suggests the emotion producing it. In early Christian thought, the lack of joy was regarded as a willful refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world God created; by contrast, apathy was considered a refusal to help others in time of need.”

      • @masi
        “apathy was considered a refusal to help others in time of need.”

        Then, we aren’t committing any sin, because we CHOOSE to help someone and this someone are JYJ!

        P.S. Thank you for improving my English

    • @farayas nope nothing is wrong in NOT choosing side at all but it also means by not choosing side it implies you either do not care or does not want to be in the thick of things. So why bother coming here and commenting at all? While people choose side coz they have the same belief as that side and will defend that side from hell and back. I believe in what JYJ stand for and their plight is worth fighting for because they are fighting for their rights and their principles. Now can you say the same thing because you choose to stay on NO SIDE?

    • Here’s a quote from Elie Wiesel, a part of which is quoted by DC TVXQ Gallery in its blog, “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

      • @riff –

        ~That’s~ the one. What a powerful and wise statement. The sentiments there are why we must never “be polite” and remain silent and ever-respectful when SM, through their employees, are freely being outrageous, under-handed and evil.

        Thanks, RIFF for pulling that up for us.

      • @riff

        I too, wish to thank you for posting that quote, because it CLEARLY defines what happens when you stay quiet. The oppressor stays emboldened to continue doing what he does best – oppress.

        If the world had stayed silent, does anyone believe that Nelson Mandela would have EVER been released from prison? If the world had stayed silent, does anyone believe the power structure in South Africa would have let go of apartheid?

        The world DID NOT stay silent. Nelson Mandela was freed, and South Africa became a FREE COUNTRY! That is how it works when good people speak out about injustice.

        All it took were letter writing campaigns, petitions, non-violent protests, boycotting, and disinvestment. The oppressor was brought down.

        The courts have given every indication they view SME as an ‘oppressor’. Therefore, it is up to JYJ fans to continue to stay vigilant and confront the ‘oppressor’ whenever, and wherever he appears, no matter what the form.

        The ‘oppressor’ has shown that it is the poster child for George Santanyana’s quote:

        “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

        JYJ fans will not let the ‘oppressor’ continue to oppress without a response.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –

        “I too, wish to thank you for posting that quote, because it CLEARLY defines what happens when you stay quiet. The oppressor stays emboldened to continue doing what he does best – oppress. Etc.”

        Amen, sister.

    • bwahaha at the randomness. I know you’re new but since you’re a jae biased fan i hope you read most of the articles here. They really give you a new understanding of what JYJ is all about. This is a necessary fight i dont want to go back to when nobody knew anything about what was going on in korea.
      also, line up!

    • Lol~~~~ girls always fight. they fight for every single thing. In this case, some we’re mad coz others does not hold the same opinion as they are. Anyway thanx for trying to cheer us up.

    • you crazy ____ I don’t know what I should call you… but you just made me laugh.

      esp. that heaven postman pic. LOL 🙂

  38. Yes, I always want this fandom to become better by not spreading hate, because i love it so much, but I consider shutting up and hiding truth that there are ppl out there trying to put your idols down is obviously not what a normal fan should do, yet mention a good fan. Thank you JYJfiles for this translation 🙂
    and the interview…i have no cmt for the content of the words…i’m fed up now…just wonder why…the interviewer didnt even ask abt JYJ, but the story of TVXQ AFTER JYJ left…why Changmin brought up that issue again???

  39. Those who opposed of this article being posted here, I think are HoMin’s fans, first ask yourself, why do JYJ’s fans resort to this method? Remember JYJ’s fans just started doing this for the past 2 months, because they feed up of false rumours being spreaded around about JYJ. I am sure those supporting DBSK5 are in the dilemma too. If you are a ot5 fan, you should intervene whatever you can when 3 brothers being bashed by the other 2. There is no way you can sopport 2 brothers publically bash the other 3 on national TV. Otherwise you are not ot5 at all. DBSK5 had been covering up for HoMin for the past 2 years, and see what how much damaged has been done? Hotel girls has been using the reason of comestic business to bash JYJ for leaving SM, and spreading rumours all over the world, now if they know HoMin changed their stance on this then Hotel girls will find a different way to damage JYJ’s reputation. If inter-fans like us has been shut out for so long, we cant access this kind of information how are we going to defend JYJ?

    If we call JYJ as our family, I think the least we can do is to know enough information to defend them. I am glad theJYJfiles post this here, otherwise we are in the dark again.

  40. Thank you so much JYJ files for your hard work, for always sharing and giving us wise and smart analysis.. As always I enjoy reading your articles and posts..
    As for Yunho and Changmin, I wish they could refrain themselves from talking about JYJ if they dont have anything else to say than lies and insults.. they tarnish the memories of the past and the name TVXQ.. but obviously, all what matters to them is to protect SME.. I believe they’re smart enough to know they’re ruining the friendship and brotherhood they used to have with JYJ.. they choose SME over JYJ.. fine.. everything is said and done.. its time to move on.. JYJ moved on already and look forward the future as JYJ.. so why cant Yunho and Changmin do the same? they choose to stay with SME, now they must accept the consequences of their decision (as JYJ did) and not tell BIG lies about it.. or it makes it sound as if they regret their choice and are bitter about the whole situation.. be real men!!
    Someday, they’ll have regrets about their words, but it might be too late then.. I dont know if JYJ will ever be able to forgive them.. and I would understand if they cant.. they’re just human after all..

  41. guys stop feeding the trolls..

    honestly i couldnt care less what those 2 say anymore..

    they can say whatever they want to say and those who want to believe them will believe them those who dont will not…

    • I know how you feel but there are some arguments brought up that need to be addressed before it can be used as fodder to smear JYJ again

  42. On one hand, I hate posts like this (no offense to the admins of the site) but on the other hand, I can see the necessarily of it. When one side is actively spreading misleading or damaging information, it is important to inform the casual fans of what is true and what is not. A lie repeated many times is still a lie, but many people would nonetheless get convinced.

    I don’t condone fans to go to social sites like allkpop or youtube and bash Homin when they didn’t mention nor hint at JYJ but it is up to US to defend and correct rumors when somebody is sprouting bullshit about our boys.

    • What makes your belief more “true” if it cannot be backed up by anything factual.
      From this point on if you’re ot5 you will have to accept what changmin said about JYJ in the chosun interview and the smear campaign by their parents against JYJ and what yunho said on knee drop guru and changmins “leaving the flock” comments and their CHOICE to return as not Homin or even as Changmin and Uknow FROM TVXQ but simply as TVXQ and also the fact that he can say this when JYJ does not have the same opportunities they have now to have their voice heard and the fact that these statements WILL cause damage to JYJ with neutral fans and the general public.
      Its is his word and SMs words against JYJ’s now.

    • I see u an ot5? thank u for not being defensive.
      As u said, everyone can visit either jyj fan sites or homin fan sites. U can then pick up anything u want. I believe everyone should be old enough to think for themselves.

  43. hmmmmmm…………….its been a long time that “we” fight. Seriously it have a nostalgic feeling. I just realize the last one is a recent interview. I cant help but notice when ever something major happening with JYJ, SME will always have something controversial as if to buried the possible effect of JYJ news might bring. This happen during The Beginning massive pre-order, JYJ success in last year concert in Seoul, etc…. Was it coincidence that this out almost at the same time as the news on Yuuchun confirmed starring in Miss Ripley? Hmmmmmmmmmmm am i seeing things….?

      • LOL IKR. I pretty much immune to the trolls already. It teach me to be highly adaptable with “tantrums”

      • I agree. To be an authentic JYJ fan you’ve to be intelligent, strong hearted, wise, clever, trustful, and to have a very strong moral character.

      • True, all these stuffs happenning lately feel like not that unexpected… like I am not that surprised anymore.
        I learn to accept it and move on…
        Probably my hearts went stronger?XDD~

    • And HoMin’ s full MV for “Before U Go” being released the same day as the last court hearing between JYJ and SM, coincidences much ? Fans were so busy spazzing and fangirling about the video that they totally forgot about the hearing (and, when we know how desastrous it was for SM, isn’t it convenient ?).

  44. I wanna ask all of you who bashed JYJfiles and JYJ’s fans here 2 things.
    1. Does being a better fandom mean we have to spread only the good news and sugarcoated the bitter ones?
    2. Does being a cassiopeia mean support everything they did,even it hurt somebody? Like you didn’t spread Homin’s interview so that the situation didn’t get worse altho the interview defaming JYJ? Then how could you say you’re a cassiopeia if you stay still watching people misunderstood JYJ side? Don’t you have to protect JYJ as well as a cassiopeia?
    Well,now I know why so many K-cassies turn to JYJ side,facts like this spreas in Korea and people accept it.
    But the i-fandom,before JYJfiles risen up,refuse to translate this kind of article and just clinging to the past.
    Thank you JYJfiles!

  45. After all lawsuit dramas, I made my choice to follow JYJ and swear never want to hear about HOMIN ever again. I simply close my eyes and ears or run away whenever i see anything related to HOMIN. But if HOMIN keep bringing up JYJ name in bad ways, I’ll never simply play just stand and stare games. As JYJ fan I have enough sweats and tears to fight for JYJ righteous. If HOMIN keep stepping on JYJ, how can i forgive and forget what a cruel and cold blood brotherhood they had between them all this while. Did JYJ ever put HOMIN dignity to this lowest value of life?

    HOMIN stans thought this is so unfair for JYJfiles to post this article but what about fairness here when all what JYJ got from SM & associates, SM artist, and also the once called their most loving brothers were all cruel things which not even worth to mention. Do we need to ask HOMIN stans for us to fight for JYJ?

    As JYJfans who had gone through all barriers and difficulties with JYJ, all we are trying to do now is fighting and getting something whatever we can to lessen the bad and burdensome things surrounding JYJ which is not even their wrong doings. How could we, the fans, just doing nothing when JYJ oppressed by the mentioned figures?

  46. And except for Junsu tweets,in all rarely interviews JYJ has ever get,they never tried to sound as a victim.
    They keep talking positively and look forward to the future.

  47. People who said HM’re forced by SM, then I guess, we’re manipulated by SM all this time n never knew HM true personality, since we didn’t know which one is their own word or SM’s word.

    Maybe YH wanted to sue the one who poisoned him that time, but SM put stop at it. Maybe CM didn’t actually feel sorry with JJ when he can’t walk coz of his injury when he said those beautiful word to JJ n fans.

    Because they’re still under SM, right? SO why should we had to belief those? That must be some SM trick to pull fan’s sympathy.

    Please, give me a break…

    They do have their own choice, if they don’t have their own choice, then, your fanatical love with YH for his charismatic leader persona, n with CM with his cold sarcastic maknae were also manipulated by SM. Since according to you as long as they’re under SM, their words and act were controlled by SM. So, that personality that you loved was also fabricated by SM, no?

    When they had give a bad word or act you blame SM, when they act like a saint they were a goddhearted young man.

    LOL, HM are men in their 25th n 23th, if they don’t have any defiency in learning process n thinking, then they could speak and act of their own.

    Well, at least, JYJ are free from SM, so we didn’t have to guess with them, their word are true, and when they’re wrong they could apologize from their mistake, unlike some other people

  48. Fans please learn that fandom is a miniature of modern democracy. Let’s live and try to learn from each other’s differences. Keep an open mind and remember that freedom of speech goes hand in hand with the limit of tolerance.

    The problems of the idols are their own problems. This goes on to say that they are just human.

    But I honestly hope that Homin will just move on. Granted, I understand that they feel hurt and betrayed but it’s been so long already. Boys, I will always have some spots in my heart for you, I was a total OT5 and I could never choose anyone during the TVXQ5 days. But please, move on.

    People get hurt and get defeated all the time. That’s what life is about. Relationship crumbles and go down the drain. Everywhere there are inequalities and oppression. That’s what life is always about.

    C’mon my boys, move on. Forgive, forget and move on. Enough, let go of the past, let go of the happy memories. I am sure you will be fine. People who are less fortunate than you – those who are not rich, famous and good looking and experience far greater tragedies than yours – have moved on. Please, Homin.

  49. can we just have an open mind and not attacking /bashing Homin’s character or personality or whatever? we’re not the Hotel girls :/ more importantly, we know nothing about what’s really going on between JYJ and Homin.
    stay classy, JYJ fans…

    • open mind as in overlook that they have just openly publicly defamed JYJ to make themselves as victims?
      True we outsiders know nothing about JYJ lawsuit with SM or their relationship with HM but for JYJ to be attacked by the other side in this unfair manner is not going to give anyone a rest.
      You should backtrack and read what the so called OT5 and HM fans just posted on this side and compare them to what JYJ fans have said and we know which side is classier.

      • open mind as in acknowledging the fact that we don’t know what’s REALLY going on and whether anything that has been said holds any truth. i don’t see how people saying that Homin are fake etc are any different than people who are saying that JYJ are greedy etc. and do you realize that most of the things you said can be applied to JYJ as well?
        look, i’m a JYJ supporter, i’ve always been. i think that some of the things Homin said (esp CM) were… douchey (IN MY OPINION), but all i want to say is, can we not be like the Hotel girls? i usually don’t care about Hotel girls at all, but what they did regarding JYJ’s donations was just LOW. i don’t want JYJ fans to be Hotel girls part 2 (as seen in some of the comments here)

    • @you know what “i don’t see how people saying that Homin are fake etc are any different than people who are saying that JYJ are greedy etc….”

      Excuse me? People saying? HoMin said that about JYJ on the other hand JYJ never said something like that about homin… *rolling eyes*
      How can you compare them?

      Do you really suport JYJ?

      • you missunderstood here
        she said:
        I don’t see how fans saying HoMin are fake is any different than fans saying JYJ are greedy

        or that is what I understand

        and I agree, bashin, from both sides, is ugly and not necesary

        If we don’t want JYJ to be bashed
        we should not bash HM

      • rather than saying
        “If we don’t want JYJ to be bashed
        we should not bash HM”

        shouldn’t it be:
        if HM wouldn’t say/insinuate anything degrading regarding JYJ, we wouldn’t have this controversy as fellow fans, since other fans couldn’t let go of their love of HM that they forget that HM started it first by giving such interviews.

        Let’s not forget who started it first… irregardless ppl saying HM is under the influence of SM/we don’t know what they are really thinking/that is not what they meant… but the bottom line is they themselves said it in the interview. In the end of the day it wouldn’t be SM face in the news but their own. As a concerned fan, one can’t help but to stand for what is right. And give your critic about the event.

        This articles are no rumors but facts that are consolidated.

        Until HM stops living in the shadow of JYJ (by giving negative interviews), this kind of situation wouldn’t stop.

  50. thanks jyjfiles i’ld rather know all the articles coming out from korea than censorship. People have a brain to believe what they believe and information shouldn’t be censored due to some people’s inability to accept it. Its people own choice on what they choose to believe but stop the bitching that info shouldn’t be censored cause it doesn’t represent your sense or reality, you can choose to ignore it and move on instead of bitching to eternity.

    Its not a moral dilemma to chose something for yourself, to be willing to sacrifice almost everything so that you can be happy and leave with yourself. Its called wanting the best for yourself because as a person you deserve it and it within your rights to do so. People change and that’s part of life . Even without the lawsuit all the five of you would have gone your separate ways. In spite of all the heartache the lawsuit has caused am happy it has happened; allowed jyj to explore things they’ll never have and realized that the so called family in short is a façade. Seriously live your life for yourself, as long as your not committing a crime choose what is best for yourself and screw everyone who doesn’t believe in you cause at the end of day you’ll walk that path by yourself.

  51. It’s very clear to me that the ones with a weak moral character are Yunho and Changmin. I don’t want to talk about their parents because I feel sorry for them; to become a parent having such a low moral standards………..tsk, tsk, tsk. Very sad and shameful. When I was a young girl, my parents always told me that is better to be prudent and to think carefully before talking in order to be wise. Clearly, Jungs and Shims are ignoring that simple but important rule, and the result will be shame and loss of prestige before the public opinion both domestic and foreign. We support JYJ because it’s obvious to us that their fight is authentic, true and just, and we believe in their strong moral characters because they show them to us every day through their actions and behavior. We are not blinded because of their physical beauty; we’ve learned that there are even more beautiful qualities inside them than only their handsome aspect. At the end, JYJ will win and the others will be covered with shame due to their infamous and false statements.

    • And I also hope after the dust has settled and JYJ have already finally achieved complete freedom from SME, HoMin would be humble enough to admit the errors they have done against their former co-band members, aka “brothers”. If they can do such a thing, the respect that they have unfortunately lost can be recovered. One line from a particular song says so much about this, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word…”
      So, if HoMin can do that in the future, I will definitely see them in a different, more positive light.

      • Samvill: ¡AGREED! If HOMIN speak their true hearts and ask JYJ for forgiveness someday, they’ll have my respect and admiration back.

  52. I understand the reasong behind writing this.
    I agree with those who said HoMin words are mean to push down JYJ

    But… I won’t hold onto this

    I let homin go a long time ago, and stop calling myself cassiopeia the day they said they were TVXQ

    But as we like to say, let’s be a better fandom… we can move on, leaving Homin and SM behind… I know we can

    (yeah it would help if homin and sm stop talking about jyj… but we can also stop bringing the past… i think i have memorized homin and their dad possition by now…)

      • ¿Where do the so called “Hotel Girls” ( HG ) plan to go? ¡THEY ARE BAREFACED LIARS! The same day the donation were made, I posted a comment in JYJ3 about that. It said that JYJ chose the “MOST TRUSTFUL” way to make their donation because World Vision International is one of the MOST SERIOUS AND WELL RECOGNIZED AID ORGANIZATION WORLWIDE. They usually work with children, but due to the hard situacion faced by japanese people, they decided to help them. And I said: “I KNOW THAT VERY WELL BECAUSE I’VE WORKED WITH THEM IN MY COUNTRY”. That is the ONE AND ONLY TRUTH. World Vision is’nt telling lies to the public. ¡For God sake! ¡They’re christians with very strong moral standards! And, to increase HG shame, World Vision declared that JYJ HAVE BEEN SPONSORING CHILDREN THROUGH THEM SECRETLY. And, they donated money FROM THEIR OWN POCKETS. ¿Do we need more to believe in our boys word? They are absolutely generous and precious hearted. ¡JYJ fighting! ¡Truth fighting!

      • I say good for them. I do note that SM’s press release did not claim that the donation was from SM the company, in fact, they specifically said that it was from their artistes. I guess it makes it legal for them to deduc this from their pay later.
        Sorry, I couldn’t resist speaking my mind. I’m still glad that Japan has received that aid though.

      • Did we start a rumor about it? Saying that it was fake?
        Answer= Of course not… We´re the better fandom!

        But sometimes… it´s fighting time! ^_~

      • Do we have to comment about it? SME’s donation has nothing to do with JYJ, after all.

  53. Dear yunho oppa and my dearest prince changmin,
    it’s really hurt to see you like this. please just.. stop. and move on.

    I believe that u can reach ur own success without shouting something bad about JYJ. Look at JYJ who NEVER say something bad about you. What happened to JYJ now? They on their world tour, they’ve reached their own success.

    just show me you creativity, your music. stop making urself look so pathetic in front of me. It’s hurt oppa, especially because I used to love u so much.

    just stop… and move on. I miss the old you.

    It’s hurt.

  54. The question in Chosun Ilbo as translated is ambiguous (don’t know how it reads in Korean). It can refer to:
    1) tvxq’s future and what it will bring
    2) or the past and why the lawsuit occurred.

    Changmin took the 2nd one and puts himself in a morally and intellectually superior position -as if he has achieved an enlightenment that JYJ is far from- by saying “Idols singers who debut at a young age come to possess many things that others of that age cannot, and at the same time, face much temptations. I see it as needing the ability to discern right from wrong and the ability to make good judgments”. That is a slippery road with a court case that hasn’t end specially when other court judgments has been made and they’re in direct contradiction to what he has stated before as “the truth” .While I have no problem with Homin speaking out, bringing up JYJ when it can easily be avoided is foolish.

    • Then the question is why did he have to talk about it this way? Could I infer that he must be thinking of this matter all the time to answer an ambigious question in this angle.

      • If it reads in Korean as it reads in English then you infer correctly. I would infer the same. Like political spokespersons that have their talking points and they stick to them until a new set comes out. I’ve stated before that Homin are in promos and they have to create a new image for themselves . From the songs, wardrobe, photo shoots, stories told in variety programs and answers in interviews, all of it form a promotional narrative that they have to stick to. While that narrative and the way is conveyed is decided by SME, Homin goes along with it because it fits their own convictions. That’s why they have no problem doing and saying all of these things. They believe they are right and it leaves no place for a different perspective.


        maybe he’s just bitter and can’t believe that everything turned out like this. That what he believed was right, wasn’t and he can’t stand either being wrong or looking like a fool. That would be enough to keep it in his mind.

      • Sometimes, I think maybe they had considered the same things, that they might not be able to perform again if they left, that it might be the end of their careers…
        Then JYJ have come this far, facing obstacles but still forging ahead. The fans are rallying behind them, fighting a long, tough fight. Maybe it does leave a bitter and sour after taste.

      • To me this smacks of transference.

        “maybe he’s just bitter and can’t believe that everything turned out like this. That what he believed was right, wasn’t and he can’t stand either being wrong or looking like a fool. That would be enough to keep it in his mind.”

        I’ve also come to believe, this is one of the major problems with HoMin. They are not able to accept that maybe they made the wrong decision to stay. They see that JYJ is still standing tall regardless of the threat that SME made. The fans are there for them, the agency is working its butt off for them while creating an atmosphere where the guys are smiling. The opportunities are still coming their way even with the blockage attempts. Others who work with them praise them, professionals in other fields are announcing their respect for them, and the list keeps growing.

        This has to stick in their craws so to speak. But again, they made their CHOICE and now have to live with. How much nicer it would be for them to not have to become ‘company spokespersons’, when that company is SME.

      • I think they know how bad the contract is, how unbearable it’s to work under it and that it would be voided in court.

        My own fanwank/conspiracy theory is that Homin and their parents thought that by filing a lawsuit they wouldn’t be able to work again for a long time if ever again. The JTL situation showed it and they never sued, imagine what would happen to those who do. So they thought a bad contract is better than being blacklisted.
        When the lawyer suggested the injunction as a first step, they thought it wouldn’t work. That’s because the injunction petition rested on the argument that an idol’s career is short. It seems weak. They thought the court would never go for it and it would leave them in the same situation of an outright contract cancellation lawsuit. Worse because if that injunction hadn’t been granted they would’ve to go back to work immediately. Legal matters foster bad blood. Then they would’ve had to file the lawsuit all the same. Back to square one.
        The other 3 might have wavered on filing the contract cancellation lawsuit because it would’ve meant being blacklisted until the end of the lawsuit but with the option of the injunction they decided to go for it. The gambled big but it paid off big as well. That injunction petition was a breakthrough in the industry.
        That’s when the ot5 broke down completely. Changmin was angry after the court ruling, He was really angry and I think that was 1st with himself (he knew he took the wrong decision by not joining the lawsuit when the chance occurred) and 2nd with JYJ (he knew JYJ was all gone from SME). Big blow to him. What he thought was going to happen wasn’t going to happen: the injunction wasn’t going to be granted, JYJ would have to compromise with SME and DBSK will continue (Worse after the legal troubles but it will continue). Everything spiraled out of control.

        SME, Homin and Homin’s parents underestimated the situation: the fanclub reaction, the public’s reaction, the court, JYJ, Avex and SME position in the industry.

        Again for those stalking this site, this is my fanwank (apricotvodka’s) I’m in no way affiliated to this site.

      • @ apricotvodka, NingK & ButterfliesAreFree: I have had the same theory wank for the past year & a half. Explained CH’s anger at their end of year Japan’s performances, and also their current belief they are right (justifying, more like). Their current environment also influences/breeds their thinking-SM &

      • @apricotvodka

        Putting fanwank/ conspiracy theory aside…it’s a natural assumption to say they (the guys and their parents) feared the outcome. If they didn’t have fear I’d think something was wrong with them. Part of risk taking is having a fear of what is to come. But you either suck it up and do it, or keep the status quo.

        I guess the part of all this that bothers me concerning HoMin, and even their parents, is their sense of denial that everything wasn’t rosey. You cannot convince me HoMin didn’t go through the same trials and tribulations JYJ did. We’ve all seen videos of them so tired they could hardly stand up. There are videos showing them being abused, both physically and verbally. Not to mention the shafting them of their incomes.

        What parent in their right mind would approve of such nonsense is beyond me. But putting all that aside. If you don’t agree to follow the legal course to solve the situation, so be it. But does that give you the right to try and demean those who do? Who died and made you king or queen?

        For JYJ they had had enough, end of story. Every human being reaches his/her breaking point. I know I do. You try and find a way out of your mess. Going to the law firms and seeking one with the cojones to go up against SME was the path they chose. I believe them when they say they were prepared to never sing again, because they were NEVER going back to SME. They took a risk and put their faith in the law firm to do their job. So far, it looks as if that leap of faith is paying off.

        The HoMin camp didn’t have the intestinal fortitude, ok I get it. But once you make that choice to stay behind, accept the consequences and put your house in order. Start looking for the ways and means to make your career stellar. So, the only advice the parents can give them now? Don’t worry about how sorry you will look if you continue to trash your former friends. Keep doing SME’s bidding because they still control your futures.

        Well HoMin, grow a pair and pull your big boy panties up. This is the real world now. If they continue down this path, they are going to come up against some rude awakenings. JYJ are going to succeed. They will have grown up and become men amongst men. When they come out of their military service, they will have careers to resume. What will the other two have going for them?

        I keep wondering how Changmin will react to military service…somehow I can’t see any branch he goes into accepting that whinny little attitude of his. And Yunho well………..he’s old enough to know better.

      • @ ButterfliesAreFree
        I’m not condoning Homin’s actions or words after the lawsuit. I’m very much against them. Like Woo7 said they are trying to justify their position. They do it by shifting the blame towards JYJ and taking the moral high ground. Like you I don’t like it one bit. I’m not a Homin apologist and I don’t want to sound like one.

      • @apricotvodka

        Oh, I know you are not a HoMin apologist. I fully understand what you were engaged in…something like the ‘Socratic Method’…hypothosizing to try and reach a reasonable conclusion.

        We are all aware that there is more speculation going on, than dealing with hard facts. It’s simply the nature of the beast. To those who say, “we can only deal in facts”, I say, it’s human nature to deal in supposition. If we’re honest, we do it ‘everyday’, in our daily lives. We watch the news, read a newspaper/magazine, hear gossip, etc., and ‘discuss’ our opinions. So, I don’t buy into that ‘let’s not get ahead of ourselves’ nonsense. Be honest people!

        When it all comes out, if we’re wrong, so be it. But if we’re right, well……… I’m just going to keep on keeping on. So, there is no misunderstanding. I got what you were saying. 😉

        I keep to thinking myself, it’s a very real possibility, the parents are going to kick themselves, when JYJ wins and go on to bigger and better things. But hey, them’s the chances you take, when you buy into SME’s BS.

  55. I really hope those two can stop talking about JYJ. Its wont bring any good to keep stuck in the past. Hope HM and JYJ can move on and continue doing their activities.
    We fans dont want to see any more fanwars.
    Thanks u JYJ Files for translating this. I love this sites.

  56. I just think people should see what, people who are or had be close to them, talk about all three of them. Many, not only friends but people who were just ONCE with JYJ, talked about them.

    “JYJ has a strong work ethic.” “It’s amazing how they are humble and they take their job seriously,” that’s what people who have had opportunity to be close to them, talked. We can’t be talking about what the fans say about all five of them (not only JYJ or HoMin).

    HoMin decided to stay in SM. I really respect and continue supporting the two, because I don’t forget the moments in which the five were together. However, of course I felt sad when I hear the two talked about your friends like that.

    JYJ don’t talk this way about HoMin. And this is more than a proof that the five still in love. Yes, I got into a most sentimental .. but that doesn’t mean I lost the reason.

    Anyway, I’m supporting all five, or five, or in trio, either in double or every man for himself. Because my admiration for them won’t over, because I feel proud to see them working so hard now. Of course I’d like to see them all together again, but until that not happens, I will continue to accompany them that way.

    I respect the choice of HoMin, although I don’t quite agree with that. I respect the choice of JYJ, because I know they want a fairer way of working and I’m with them. But I’ll never disrespect HoMin. All five are human beings and have feelings. They’ll hurt, they will feel angry, but this is completely normal. Nothing is ever happy, nothing is perfect.

    As I said earlier, I felt so sad YES about HoMin’s talk, but that don’t mean that I’m going to bash them (the same for JYJ).

    The only ones guilty of it all (besides the SM XD) are those fans who think they know everything and are spreading unnecessary things and even false things. This is completely ridiculous. All increases because of the fans and that is what is hurting most five of them.

    PS: Sorry. I am not american.. but I understand english.. It’s just a little hard to write in English by myself haha ;x

    • “The only ones guilty of it all (besides the SM XD) are those fans who think they know everything and are spreading unnecessary things and even false things. This is completely ridiculous.”

      If you want to mention the “guilty ones, aka fans”, then it all boils down to the beginning of this whole wholabaloo… The Hotel Girls starting the ‘rumours’ even before the lawsuit, and JYJ fans staying quiet, and give it a little bit of time, then it simmers to all of this again…
      It’s a cycle… it all goes round and round…

      Good for you if you feel comfortable staying the way you are now. As for us JYJ fans, we’ve chosen our side and we’re decided to stay here… Peace out!

      • Not only hotel girls (but yes, I thought it too x3). So.. I saw many JYJ fans bashing HoMin too.. calling them “traitors” or other things.. I just think that fans, (only JYJ fans or only HoMin fans) should stay quite, supportting their side… but not bashing JYJ or HoMin.

        I just wanted to clarify that yes, I get upset with these things that HoMin said, but anyway I’m not putting blame on them or talking bad things about them. But there are fans who do that. JYJ fans that not accept the HoMin permanence in SM. JYJ fans that call the two “traitors” and I saw this with my own eyes. Like the Hotel Girls who are against JYJ, of course that there are JYJ fans who are upset and against HoMin.

        I support both, JYJ and HoMin and I DON’T REGRET IT. I love all five and nobody will make me change this idea. I am reading TVXQ(5) news and infos.. seeing TVXQ(5) pictures and videos.. and feel me happy about it. ^^

        I just wanted peace… but this still seems a bit difficult =/

      • traitor |ˈtrātər|
        a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc. : they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy.

        treachery |ˈtre ch ərē|
        noun ( pl. -eries)
        betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature

        I was actually going to say i have never called Homin “traitors” but then i looked at the definitions and i realise i have implied as much. Maybe treachery is too strong a word but essentially most of the people here are of the mind that they crossed a line that the shouldn’t have when they hit on JYJ’s characters. Now whether Changmins comments constitute “a person who betrays a friend, country, principle” or “betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature” is up to you to decide. IF we analyze Junsus tweet that there was a personal Break from that point on Changmins actions would not be treacherous but rather an act of open hostility. In that way yes we can say Changmin is not a traitor if he has already made it clear beforehand that they are not in any kind of cordial relationship.

      • @Jess
        There will be peace when the so-called SM family can shut their BIG MOUTHS.
        And there will be peace here too if HM Supporters can learn a bit of ABC and STOP coming to JYJ fansites!

      • @JUNO –

        “I was actually going to say i have never called Homin “traitors” but then i looked at the definitions and i realise i have implied as much. ”

        Think back for a minute at ALL of the photos we’ve seen of the 5, arms around each other, obviously in a state of deep brotherhood and all the articles we read about the undying friendship and loyalty of these 5 people who literally lived, worked and did everything else together, night and day, day in day out, for years.

        Then tell me if “traitor” is too strong a word. At the very most, I’d say it’s unnecessary. Referring to YH & CM in this way is very sad, I’d agree with that. Besides, they know what they did and now, so do we.

    • uhm we are getting held back all the time by SM and HM when we are trying very hard to move on. No one gives a damn if they didn’t mention JYJ at all.

      If they truly wanted to move on, they gotta stop mentioning JYJ in whatever show and interview.

      • Well perhaps if they don’t do so, not many people will bother watching them?
        Just a thought~~ :p

      • I am almost always silent but I just have to say that I have same thoughts as @jyjdancetime & @ shadow.
        HoMin need to include JYJ in their “talks” to get attention 🙂

    • @jyjdancetime please think about what you are saying.
      People isn’t going to stop talking or expressing their feelings about a certain issue because someone else doesn’t like what they say. That works in society you know.

      @eliza nice words. But if u let me give u an advice. Look for a better and dignified way to do it. the boys deserve it.

      @minnaa Okay I’m gonna give them a call.

      • You need to be more specific. All I’m getting from your comments are vague indications of disapproval. What are you objecting to? The bus and subway campaigns? The petitions? The network that has been set up by the international fandom to share information about what is going on in Korea?

        If you are referring to this little kerfuffle, then I agree. I wish people would take in the information and file it for what it is. Because comment surges always bring out the most irritating little snots imaginable.

        (For future reference, you should work on your spelling and capitalization if you want to be taken seriously.)

  57. fighting jyjfiles!

    everybody keeps coming here because they know,
    provoking JYJ fans = HoMin gets attention

    we don’t care much lately, do we? kekekeke :))

  58. Well, since I’m from the other half of the planet I’m really thankfull to JYJFiles for bring us some news about all this. Yes, I’m from Brazil. Look at the map and you will see the distance. I count on jyjfile too keep me informed about what have been happening with our boys and I never saw other site with the seriousness and
    commitment demonstrated by it.
    I used to listen and being fan of former DBSK with the five members. I loved them and it was really shocking to heard that they split up. I understand that HoMin had made a decision on stay in the agency, if they tihnk that was the best for them and keep the “always keep the faith” in my mind, hopping that everything would end up fine. Despite everything that have been said by them, I still have respect for them and pray for their sucess. That was until the day I heard that song named “Keep your head down”. I mean what was that? I felt very outraged for that violent lyric and the message that was directed to JYJ members and since them, I can no longer support HM. That was very sad and disappointing. Nowadays I can´t even listen to their music or watch their videos. And I can garantee that the same feeling have reached other fans here and in the whole world. It’s not this article that will change our heart or mind. What defines our admiration or lack of admiration for HM are their statements and their attitudes. I’m not a kid, I’m a grown woman who have respect for people who can stand up for your rights and fight for their dreams. As a journalist I know and I recognize the importance of freedom of speech and to bring light to facts that sometimes people try to cover, and for that I can only praise the site and adminstrators for your hard work and commitment with your ideas, with fans and specially with this wonderful artists, JYJ.
    Even if it hurts, we can’t ignore the truth and you guys can not control your readers reactions toward this post or whatever news you post here. This is part of the process and I thank you for let this discussion to happen, because all opinion must be heard. That fact that you not deleted the comments that was not agreeable or pleasing, indicates your seriousness. Much respect for you guys and much love for our boys.

    Brazil support JYJ!!!

  59. Thank you so much for thi article and for all these facts.

    Before this site opened and JYJ3, we JYJ fans were blind to what was happenning to them. Only since a few months we international fans have come to realized how much damage hasSM being doing against JYJ.

    BECAUSE of this site now I know what the Korean fandom is facing.

    Other sites(TVXQ5-forever), censor the information that paints HOMIN in a bad light because let’s be honest most of the negative articles come from HOMIN own-mouths, not most, I should say all come from SM and HOMIN.

    Thank you than you. I will forever be grateful for giving me the complete story with facts not lies.

    JYJ deserve all of our support.

  60. homin WTF 😀

    dont talk anymore about JYJ , cuz jeajoong Oppa Said ” FOR YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE ”

    just look at Yourself

    JYJ AKTF <3333

  61. Cassiopeia, when will you realize that TVXQ is no longer 5? As the largest fandom in Kpop, I am extremely disappointed in you! If you wanted to AKTF and continue as 5, you should have stepped in and stopped SM when they announced that TVXQ will only be HoMin. You had the power to change SM’s decision yet you did what you do best, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

    HoMin, I’m not mad. In fact, I actually pity you! When did you become so pathetic? I can turn a blind eye and ignore your “hidden messages” but this is where I draw the line. Hating on JYJ? Whether it was SM’s or your very own words, it does not matter. I thought that by having SM continue with just the two of you, you’d be happy and move on. You know, finally getting the attention that you didn’t get before. Instead, you’re still very bitter and full of jealousy! Yes, I said it! You’ve got one of the top 3 entertainment companies backing you up yet you still act like a sore loser. Why? Is it because your comeback didn’t reach your expectations? Or that your drama wasn’t successful? Don’t get me wrong, you had a good comeback but it wasn’t great. It was no where near fit for “Kings”! As for Min’s drama, what can I say? Anyone who’s seen it knows what I’m talking about! You’re not victims so you should really stop playing this game. I really do feel that if you continue acting like this, you’ll be creating your own downfall & SM is not going to help you back up. Without fans, you’re nothing. When you become nothing, SM is going to toss you out like trash. Despite everything, I really don’t want to see that happen.

    JYJ has moved on to bigger and better things, despite still not being able to promote in their own country. I hope you two can do the same. All 5 of you are very talented and can do so much more so please move on. Blaming JYJ for your misery and lack of great success shows me how truly insecure you are. Maybe if you had a different attitude and personality change, you’d attract more fans! But I did say maybe … !

    TheJYJFiles, thank you for posting this up. I know it was a hard decision to make but for I-fans like me, I’d prefer to know what’s being said and done, whether good or bad, about JYJ. It makes me fight harder and stronger to support JYJ! 😀

  62. Chosun ILBO, on March 22.

    Question: The fans will be curious about the story of TVXQ after the three members withdrew.

    Changmin’s answer: It makes me ask the question of: “For Many years that we’ve worked, I’ve stayed the same, I’ve lived well so far without any troubles, but why has the team becomes like this? Idol singers who debut at a young age come to possess many things that others of that age cannot, and at the same time, face much temptations. I see it as (JYJ) needing the ability to discern right from wrong and the ability to make good judgement.

    TheJYJfiles posted a entire topic on which even includes the statement during the Knee Drop Guru interview. But I am only copying pasting this because this was very recent on march 22.

    Notice: the question asked about the story of AFTER JYJ left. so what Changmin said didn’t have to be said, he practically chose it to be said.

    Now some of you might argue that SM made them do it, yes so if SM made them say it, then they should follow and they have no morals of their own? They have no opinions of there own?
    Some of you might say they were threatened. Yea sure this excuse isn’t gonna cut it cuz JYJ probably gotten threatened too but they took the guts and left, didn’t they?
    Some of you might argue Junsu Tweeted some absurd stuff, mind you but he only tweeted about how upset/dissapointed he was that (HoMin which he didn’t directly mention) thanked the same people that treated them wrong. BUT there is no where in his statement which puts down HoMin don’t even compare.

    The Geese analysis used by changmin…I ignored it. people will say we looked too deeply into what he said. Oh really? how else can we take a look at that analysis, you tell me?

    ‘When a swarm of geese prepare to migrate, they never forget to make the correct formation. I don’t think it’s right when a few of the geese who chose to broke away still considered themselves as part of the flock.”

    Then the Knew Drop – “because we were swept up in the atmosphere, it seems we’ve come to the current situation..”
    uh huh uh huh letting it go once again

    and again on march 22???? So HoMin Fans have been saying for a long time that JYJ are cry babies always tweeting emotional things and trying to gain sympathy. SO what is HoMin doing that? Trying to play the role of the Victim Card? I am not bashing..I am just asking..what are they trying to do by making such statements which makes JYJ seem like they left because they have weak morals and inrectly call them greedy?

    Note: Changmind said young age…for gods sake they were 23 when they left. They are not babies! JYJ needs the ability to tell from right and wrong and make good judgement? so That means you are saying they have bad judgements.

    For those of you who thinks that what Changmin or Yunho said was right and that JYJ is wrong. Okay fine, i won’t argue with you since you have your stance. but what bothers me is those people who keep repeating it over and over “It is SM making them do it” Do you realize how silly you sound, you are basically putting down HoMin in your own words, its like saying these boys are followers and doesn’t make any decisions on their own.

    What is SM going to do? Kill them? No, they didn’t kill JYJ and that is the worst possible. So whatever threat they are recieving like a lot of you guys are claiming, is no excuse because they are still alive and breathing. Your a fan of 5 no matter what? good for you. No arguments to fans as well
    but for the supporters, how can you say you support both sides NO MATTER WHAT. SUpport and Respect are two different things. I respect HoMin’s decision for staying back but I cannot support them. Why? Because I have opinions and I have morals in life, which is why I can take sides. And if any of you argue that I don’t know the real deal behind what’s going on? The contract itself is enough real deal for me to make decisions.

    • Sorry I meant to copy this and paste to somewhere else which is why the top part doesnt make sense, i accidently copied and pasted the entire statement here where I was just going to copy and paste part of it only.

  63. Thank you for JYJfiles who publish this info. I, myself, already not interested to read any interview from HOMIN. And this news, if OT5 read it, they won’t translate it to international fans, or if HM fan read it, their judgment for JYJ is would be as lower as it can be. thus they will make “neutral” fans to think same.

    I hope people who come here understand, JYJ have their own fan who will protect them whatever happen. JYJ fan is not bind by the burden of cassiopeia name who try to keep the “peace” in order to make their faith on DBSK 5 stronger. JYJ fan just want JYJ’s name is not being defamed by others, including HOMIN. JYJ fan have no ties with HOMIN and also TVXQ5. And what I mean by JYJ fan here is all new JYJ fan and also cassie who already try to move on with JYJ.

    There is no use for cassie who still tangle by past to support JYJ, why? because they just will be confused, feel guilty and so on. Can u say SM is bad when HOMIN choose SM? no (i think not whole hearted because u still have interest there) ~ some of you i am sure said, “SM is not that bad becoz homin stayed.” And u say, “how can homin say something like that to their own brother?” then some of u will said, “It’s SM doing.” The pattern would be same~~ homin is not doing anything bad, u guys protect HM even when HM badmouthing JYJ, in order protecting homin u guys even will justify every SM bad deed as just “business”. Then u hate JYJ fan who protect JYJ, because we are dislike HM to say something like that. U hate JYJ fan who are not afraid to throw the reality that HM is doing “bad” to their brother.

    Let me tell u~~ we didn’t need being saint or angel for being better fandom…. if revealing what happen is being mean and evil, then it’s okay being one. But please don’t close your eyes to see the truth.. the truth is there, it’s just up to you to accept it or not… support both side is okay, but don’t say anything bad for fans who try to present information so that they can protect JYJ from defamation. At least we are not spread rumor, not “edit” the statement and responsible for our action.

  64. I was going to leave this topic but there is one issue that keeps going ’round and ’round the comments. It seems to be that there are two very strong points of view, either the statements are all SME’s doing and HoMin are innocent victims, being forced to speak harsh words against their brothers or HoMin are completely responsible for what they are saying and SME has nothing to do with it and suggesting that they do is delusional.

    It’s neither.

    Why? Because SME and HoMin are working TOGETHER. HoMin have recently signed a contract that says they will follow SME’s lead with regard to their professional life and these interviews are part of their professional life. If SME says, “Make sure you work JYJ and how they can’t make good judgments into the interview,” then they do it. Can they say “No?” Sure! They aren’t going to get killed. But their careers might. And if they were willing to risk their careers they would have left with JYJ. So these are SME’s words. Whether HoMin agree with them or not is irrelevant.

    To answer the question why do we have to pay attention to what HoMin says about JYJ? We have to listen because HoMin are SME. They are SME’s voice in this and we should pay attention to what they are saying. Intelligence gathering is the biggest part of any campaign. We have to know what’s going on.

    Do we need to comment on HoMin’s characters? No. They made their characters clear almost a year ago when they re-signed with a slimy company and they are living with it. Whether it is with regret or with enthusiasm, I don’t know. (Although I would be sorry if it was with regret.) The only thing we need to comment on is how SME is floundering for something to say about JYJ. This latest bit seems to be harsh, however it is also so ridiculous to anyone who knows them (and anyone who is listening to Changmin knows them) that I think it’s hardly worth the effort to counter it.

    • Eliza,

      I agree with what you said above. Especially the part about these words being SME’s words. HoMin have become ‘company spokesmen’. When you become the voice of the company, people will pay attention to what you say, whether it’s accurate or not.

      The fact that SME is really reaching trying to discredit JYJ, tells more about how desperate they are than anything else. But since you mentioned it seems ‘harsh’, that to me means we should counter it. Giving these bloodsuckers a pass only let’s them feel more emboldened. Obviously, this is going to be a drawn out process. But if they think they are going to wear the fan base down, they have another think coming.

      It’s unfortuate that there is a chasm between the fan groups. But in any conflict there are sides. One is going to prevail, and one is not. But the nature of the hostility is such that shots across that chasm cannot be avoided. SME created this little scenario, but it is up to us to make sure that when the dust settles, the truth is the only thing standing.

      • “The fact that SME is really reaching trying to discrete JYJ” — should be ‘discredit’.

      • But since you mentioned it seems ‘harsh’, that to me means we should counter it

        The boys do such a good job of it every time they step into the public eye, I don’t know what else we can add. 😉 The last sentence was more of a wish than anything else. Stupidity makes me tired and SME is reached the stupid scrapings in the bottom of the barrel.

      • Eliza
        I do understand where you’re coming from. Yes, they guys do an excellent job of debunking the ‘they will ruin the Korean Wave’ nonsense. And I don’t disagree about the ‘stupid’ part. My sister-bff says, you can’t fix stupid. I guess it’s just my nature to blow back when someone gets in my face. I do try and pick and choose though. 🙂

        I’ve only known about SME since becoming appreciative of TVXQ/JYJ. But it honestly didn’t take much to convince me they are a bunch of vipers. Still msytified as to how they could have missed the signals that they were screwing up big time. But again, I’m not complaining.

    • Do you any evidence (Shows, interviews) where they have mentioned that they have signed again with SM? Their contract is for 13 years. ISnt it?

      Oh and I definitely agree with you there!

      • Nope, no direct evidence. And the only way we would get it was it was required by the court, because SME is so very terrifed of letting anybody know anything about their paperwork.

        TVXQ’s 7 year anniversary was last December and according to the FTC, that is the maximum length of a contract. SME said that they have complied with the regulations (their response to the inquiry at the beginning of the year.) SME wouldn’t have invested in the duo’s new album if there was a chance that HoMin were going to bolt in 2011. I’m sure they locked them in for at least another 5.

  65. Something I’ve been wanting to say re-the timing of these inflammatory or controversial comments from HoMin.
    Having been a journalist, it’s clear to me SME is using the oldest political trick in the book to malign their opponents during the most crucial times, usually to turn attention away and draw it towards something else, so that people will be distracted from the real crucial issues, re-court dates, JYJ announcements of new projects, etc.
    They’re using both the ‘black ops” book of tricks as well as using HoMin as their spin doctors to steal JYJ’s thunder at important times as well as to downplay JYJ’s efforts.
    In my view, CJes and JYJ has to stay vigilant, anticipate SME’s next moves as well as launch surprise ‘attacks’/events/projects in order to win this publicity battle.
    That is why we internatonal fans need to know as much ad possible what’s going on in JYJ’s birth country in order to support and fight it with them.
    “Knowledge is Power.”

    • They’re using both the ‘black ops” book of tricks as well as using HoMin as their spin doctors to steal JYJ’s thunder at important times as well as to downplay JYJ’s efforts.

      I like this description 😉 And I completely agree with your assessment of SME’s tactics.

    • @ An –
      Yes, I’m glad I found your post again. I’m especially appreciative of your comments here because they go a long way toward explaining the depths of the deception SM is perpetrating, related as these activities are to various well-known political dirty tricks and maneuvering. We here in the U.S. have had to watch a boatload of these sorts of tactics by the Republican party and they are infuriating. SM seems to have taken a page from Karl Rove’s diary.

  66. I understand a lot of the opinions that the fans are making and I don’t really care about HoMin’s statement much, it’s not the first time anyones called the other out (Junsu’s tweet) but people should seriously not be making assumptions about why HoMin said what they said or blah. These types of facts, in my opinion, should be something people take note of but not really act out on because they’re just little pieces of a BIGGER picture ( Yes, I am JYJ biased but I love HoMin equally).

    I’m not saying people aren’t entitled to their opinions and aren’t allowed to do what they want with these facts/information (or any information for that matter) and if you have something you wanna post, all power to you. I just think people have to be a little more considerate of a more IMPORTANT TRUTH which is WE’RE IN THE DARK ABOUT THIS 😛 As much as it sucks to admit this or remember this, it is essential.

    I seriously think fans forget that they really DON’T know what’s going on, we can make assumptions but that’s it. Seriously, there’s stuff that gets released ,such as this, etc. but we don’t know why jyj actually decided to sue, why HoMin stayed, why they said what they said, we’re in the dark with a dead flashlight leading us. ( I know I’m talking a lot about the lawsuit but this is what it’s all about. The lawsuit. The lawsuit we have no idea is about or intentions of each individual party or of each individual member).

    All I’m saying is you’re allowed to your opinions and stuff but if you don’t know ALL the facts then you’re opinion doesn’t really matter (not necessarily ‘doesn’t matter’ but instead not….accurate…isn’t very valid…I’m not sure how to put this with out sounding rude) and you HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT. You can’t make decisions like saying this site did something “low” or you’re no longer a “HoMin” fan on this sort of information. I’m not saying that all Cassies ( I’m also not saying that people should be fans regardless of what an idol says or that you’re not entitled to ‘hate’ or be ‘disappointed’ in them either) have to be fans of both groups, but I don’t think that fans should be determining that (whether they’re fans or not) by the lawsuit, scandals, etc.

    It should be about the music, that’s how we first fell in love with the 5.
    Seriously, I really like the re-packaged version of Keep Your Head Down and I also loved JYJ’s Music Essay: Their Rooms.

    They’re selling you music too. If you like the music then why shouldn’t you like the artist? The lawsuit has everything and nothing to do with fans…I just side tracked. What ever. The point is, please don’t think badly of HoMin after this ONLY because you don’t know the whole picture (you don’t know if they said that with meaning or if it’s just another script they’re following from SM or the about the lawsuit). I’m not saying what they said is acceptable, I’m just saying that people shouldn’t jump on the wagon so quickly.

    About the whole SME stealing the spot light. They probably (most likely) are. Maybe they’re not. Either way, the only way , I think, we can support JYJ is by sitting back ,let them handle their thing, and support them the best way we can. Buy their shit and get people to buy their shit too. (I’m not insulting their music or products by calling it shit, I just don’t feel like typing all that stuff out). As JYJ’s fans, we shouldn’t bash HoMin, SME, or anything like that, we should just be supporting and paying attention to JYJ. If there’s a concert, spread the news regardless of what SME is trying to do to distract from that. If fans get caught up in the hate of a picture that hasn’t been finished painted (again I’m bringing up the fact that we know nothing about the lawsuit) then they’re just wasting energy, time, and making JYJ look bad. JYJ fans also have an image to keep, not even much an image, just remember the golden rule and act like adults like any other human. I’m not trying to bash HoMin fans by saying this either, I’m speaking about all fans when I say this.

    Gah. I’m done with my rant. (Sorry for grammar, spelling mistakes, etc. it’s really late and I am too effing lazy to fix my shit) Reply. I don’t care. This is just my 2 cents.

    I’m also not trying to demean this article or website.

    I don’t really want anyone to get offended because that’s not what I was trying to do. I know a lot of you have big hearts and honestly care for JYJ’s not just as artists, but as humans too, and their enemy is your enemy too, but there is a line that is getting close to being crossed. All of us have to remember our place/roles.

    • I’m sorry but your argument don’t make sense. your statement are contradicting each other.
      What I get from all of your rambling is you want people to support hoomin just as they support JYJ.

      I tell you a hard cold facts, most of the people here don’t care about Homin. We care about JYJ ONLY, this post get posted here just because Homin drag JYJ’s name yet again in the mud.
      If Both guys STOP saying bad things about JYJ, we will GLADLY stop COLLECTING and DELIVERING THEIR BAD STATEMENTS here.

      HOMIN STOP SPEAKING BAD THINGS about JYJ in MEDIA and TVS !!! , and we will STOP delivering your ‘high and mighty speech’ anywhere.
      Thank You

    • “I don’t really care about HoMin’s statement much”
      why dont you care? Ignorance is just bliss isnt it

      Correction you are willingly in the dark by ignoring the inconsistencies of Homins statements and the decisions of the Korean court. This blog was created so we wouldnt be in the dark.

      “but we don’t know why jyj actually decided to sue”
      really? REALLY? you’re reading the JYJ files that has written more than one article directly addressing this subject and you are telling its readers that?

      “All I’m saying is you’re allowed to your opinions and stuff but if you don’t know ALL the facts then you’re opinion doesn’t really matter”
      I think you should take your own advice honestly. Readers of thejyjfiles come here to educate themselves on the facts and the REALITY of the situation in Korea, not a rose tinted version. We do not simply want to see what we want to see. We are trying our best to get the facts. It’s just an inconvenient truth that the FACTS show that Homin is trying to drag JYJ’s name through the mud when they are in a position of power when it comes to media access.

      “I’m not saying that all Cassies have to be fans of both groups, but I don’t think that fans should be determining that (whether they’re fans or not) by the lawsuit, scandals, etc.”
      Why the bloody hell not? Dont you realise how much JYJ has to go through just to produce music? Dont you remember how SM even tried to block the beginning? If we werent pro active do you they’d have any chance of success. If JYJ fans weren’t so active its very likely that you wouldnt even be able to hear Their rooms. Is it wrong to want to distance ourselves from a SLIMY unethical company and those who are condoning and promoting them.

      “The lawsuit has everything and nothing to do with fans”
      Dont you remember what happened to JTL? It has everything to do with us. They left trusting us. They are being blocked right now. Their large fanbase is the only thing keeping them relevant. Dont you realise the magnitude of this lawsuit. If JYJ wins this lawsuit will have far reaching consequences that wll have a ripple effect through the entire industry. Why do you think SMe are scared? Coz they couldnt do to JYJ what they did to JTL. WE are keeping JYJ relevant.

      “As JYJ’s fans, we shouldn’t bash HoMin, SME, ”
      Yes and watch them spread lies about JYJ, character assassinate them, and watch them fade away into obscurity. NOT.A.CHANCE.IN.HELL
      Int. fans can now see through the petition how much power we have. We dont want to sugar coat everything. To me its a form of deception and an INSULT to my intelligence. I want the truth and i want to do as much as i can to help them when the odds are stacked against them.

      JYJ fans were more than ready to attack only SM but Homin brought this on themselves. No sympathy.

      • END OF RANT.
        Congratulations you have pissed me off enough to compel me to reply to your long ass illogical nonsense post with a long ass post of my own when a simple *facepalm* GIF would have sufficed.

      • Don’t be mad love, it’s nothing to get upset over! Though I must say, I’ve never seen so many comments on one article! LOL, I’m gonna go watch Junsu’s intoxication mv to brighten up my day 😛 Care to join me?

      • A woman after my own heart! A very deep bow, followed by a around of applause! Thank you.

      • Oh JUNO! You are my goddess!!!
        The rant is well-appreciated and yeah, let’s breathe some fresh air via JYJ’s lovely songs… and watch Jaejoong’s ELLE vid… *breathing stopped*

      • @YouMeLove
        “Don’t be mad love, it’s nothing to get upset over! Though I must say, I’ve never seen so many comments on one article! ”

        I noticed that too and was just thinking/wondering what struck such a big nerve with everyone. Here’s my take: JYJ are where they are right now because they DIDN’T “know their place” they didn’t stay quiet and well-mannered and didn’t only always raise positive, polite points with their Overlords, SM. They were dissatisfied (which is the first step to Change in every kind of evolution, btw) they spoke out, loudly and when that didn’t work, they took it to the next level. This nonsense about only commenting “positive” sentiments is ridiculous. It’s an old ploy drummed into the heads of impressionable children by authority figures who want long-term peace and quiet. And by consciously, loudly saying “NO WAY!” when we hear wrong-headed opinions, JYJFiles readers are in fact only emulating JYJ themselves and their fighting spirits. This very ability to vigorously and intelligently dissent is why they are going to be the eventual winners in all of this! In the meantime they are teaching through example valuable lessons in courage and resourcefulness. Bravo, JYJ!

      • @JUNO – BRILLIANT!! If I ever need a great lawyer, I’m calling you! I love everything you’ve posted on this topic, & in particular this “long ass post”. 😀

    • Apparently our opinnions do matter because you ranted on and on and on! LOL I’m not mad at you or offended because I used to think like you too. I thought taking the “do nothing” and just support approach was the way to go but I was sadly mistaken. The perfect example would be Cassiopeia. Look at what happened.

      As for being in the dark and not seeing the big picture, I base many of my assumptions and theories on history. (Just in case you weren’t aware of it, Kpop history is trying to repeat itself.) There are just too many similarities between the JTL days and JYJ now. SM is playing with the same deck of cards as before. I don’t pretend to know everything because I don’t. All I want is for JYJ to be able to perform and win awards like the rest of the groups. Is that too much to ask? I was a hardcore fan of JTL so I am well aware of what dirty tricks SM can and will pull.

      And honestly, it’s alright to bash every now and then. This site, as well as JYJ3 really don’t bash that often. There are more positive articles about JYJ than negative ones. I’d say 8:1!

      FTR, I’ve always hated SM! Unfortunately, that will never change!

    • @Hello
      ” All of us have to remember our place/roll”
      Thats why we are here, you see. We remember that we are JYJ fans, and of course we have a bigger roll, that is to stand by JYJ especially when they were attacked from all angle. Alas, people who choose to be blind will stay blind… what a pity. If you want to stay in the dark, please do so, no one is going against you. If you dont want us to bash the 2, then please tell them to zip their mouth and go on with their life. Then we dont have to see u and your likes in our fandom

      • @Hello
        ” All of us have to remember our place/roll”

        Yes, that last line really bothered me too. WTH!!?? That sounds like a particularly noxious bit of advice that has NO place in 2011, the world or anybody’s thinking ever again. I’ve lived my whole life conscientiously NOT remembering my place and I recommend it to others. Be a thinking, intelligent person who can confidently look at the facts and come up with a reasonable conclusion. That’s what I’d advise.

    • i hope you write this to in homin biased site too, and see what happen there. and i am used to be a silent reader trust me this site isn’t as hostile as any other site, if you say someone bash in this site its in the comment right, some homin site bash JYJ in its articles, so this site will turn hostile when someone start trolling around and tell us what to do.

    • @Hello

      I’m pulling one little thing out just to make a point…

      “Buy their shit and get people to buy their shit too. (I’m not insulting their music or products by calling it shit, I just don’t feel like typing all that stuff out). ”

      Okay, you don’t feel like typing all that stuff out, but you manage to type all the rest of that diatribe? What kind of fools do you take the rest of us for?

      Again, I repeat, this site is for people who support JYJ – UNCONDITIONALLY – and are adult enough to make whatever comments we want to about those who trash their good names.

      This is a war, SME made it one, shots are fired. War is not for the squamish. If you are afraid to launch a salvo, then don’t. There are some of us who are ready to take aim, and fire. One does not sit back in a war…you either actively engage or your behind is dust!

      JYJ are busy taking care of their portion of this war. The fans will take care of the rest. In case it has escaped your notice…the other side in this confrontation has been using a lot ammo — KFC (whatever), KEPA, and a host of other entities, etc. I for one am not going to sit back idly.

      The only way fans can help is promoting JYJ and DEFENDING them. Anyone depending on you for help, will be sorely out of luck, because you will be sitting back, letting things take their normal course. If you want to be a conscientious objector, that’s a horse of a different color. But don’t tell the rest of us who want to engage what we should do.

      • True this.
        That’s what I always tell the loyal OT5 fans I come across with and are always telling me I’m getting too involved when I don’t have to cuz I don’t know, blah blah blah… We can no longer just sit back anymore. JYJ has been taking shit from SME and its minions disguising themselves as valid representatives of the Korean public and the International Fans’ voice has been mechanical in making public personalities notice what trash has been passed on for generations in the Korean Music Industry.
        JYJ has been thanking their Fans aka US for staying with them, and they know we have done more than just buy their albums and all that jazz that regular admirers do for their idols. So that having been said, do we now just decide to sit back when JYJ knows that we have been and are still fighting this battle beside them? Hell no.
        We are their strength and the more that they are empowered, the more we are giving them the chance to grow and become what they want to be – artists, not mere idols.

    • you know what, don’t bother to fix because as you said, it’s just shit anyway. Sorry for being mean but your rambling makes no sense to me. I was about to make a long ass comment to counteract every single point you made (trust me, it’s not difficult to do so), but since @JUNO already did a good job, I’ll not do it again. To make long story short, this article is not about the lawsuit okay? It’s about how HoMin (being fed up by SME or not) lied and defamed/slandered JYJ, and no way in hell we JYJ’s fans would just shut our mouths and let them say whatever they want to. I was once an OT5, but I never understand why current OT5 fans think it’s okay for HoMin and SM side to say shit or have their way with JYJ, but it’s NOT okay for JYJ’s fans to react. They expect us to keep our manners and just quietly support our boys. What the heck is that? FYI, if we were not active and did not take our actions beyond buying their albums, JYJ would not be maintained this long. Don’t say that we know nothing, facts are facts, doesn’t matter how you put it. The truth is being brought out to light bit by bit over the time. If you want us to stop talking about HoMin, simply and kindly ask them not to mention anything about JYJ. Then we’ll all live in peace, deal?

      P.S: don’t you dare call their hard work “shit”?! Let me teach you at least this much, if you don’t wanna list the names of their albums, just say “products” or “stuff”, not long, not hard, right?

      • seriously I agree with most of JYJ fans actions and think that you all great but you guys need to calm down a bit.

        I got one paragraph long attack just because I said shit, we say shit doesn’t mean that we really think that it’s a shit, it’s just habits.
        some people use the word shit so casually so you need to stop get so worked up just because of that.

      • @kktt
        if you use the shit casually without knowing what’s it meant here’s the meaning.

        to use the word as an expression that’s different, but to use it to describe something or call someone that’s an insult.

        shit is usually considered a vulgarity and profanity in Modern English. As a noun it refers to fecal matter (excrement) and as a verb it means to defecate or defecate in; in the plural (“the shits”) it means diarrhea. Shite is also a common variant in British English and Ireland English.[1] As a slang term, it has many meanings, including: nonsense, foolishness, something of little value or quality, trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk, or a contemptible person. It may also be used as an expression of annoyance, surprise, or anger.

        so take your pick which meaning you want to use.
        don’t defend someone who is totally wrong coz you’ll end up to be wrong to.

      • @masi:

        I’m still standing on my stance that using shit isn’t that big of deal and some people just use it casually.
        you can say something like ‘don’t use that word’ but don’t get too worked up.

        see? this is why JYJ fandom annoy a lot of people.

      • @kktt

        I’m not worked up for some irrelevant expression. Use as much as you like, I uses explicit vulgar words as an expression everyday. And that is the difference when expression and description.

        And no I wouldn’t say much since my thoughts been already said by butterflies.

    • I agree with you, I have to say that some people got really pissed off to JYJ because of their aggressive fans.
      tbh all their lawsuit stuffs aren’t our business, and we can’t really do anything but support them.

      I respect this blog though, for giving us detailed fan report.
      I also have to admit that I don’t like HoMin, idk, something about them is cold.
      And that I respect JYJ a lot, I am biased.

      I rather not to think about what HoMin are saying either, tbh I think they’re trying to be neutral but anyway they’re still in SM so they can’t do much about it. Yes it would be better if they just stfu, but what happened has happened.
      I hope someday they can get into a show together and solve their differences. Their contradictions so far really irked me.
      (and please stop trying to make homin official, it’s awkward)

      I also hate the fact that JYJ has less access to mass media, and I think their new management really lack of experience, giving them a lot of setbacks.
      I never think that they’ve done anything really wrong though, they’re in this new company also because situation force them to.

      anyway generally I agree with you. I hope the other fans will be able to cool down a bit and get your points.

      • @kktt

        “I agree with you,I have to say that some people got really pissed off to JYJ because of their aggressive fans.”

        I keep seeing this…can you please explain to me who these ‘some’ people are? Quite frankly, I don’t get who folks are talking about when they make that statement. It would help me to understand better if I know, inquiring minds and all that.

      • I have a different question in addition to the one by ButterfliesAreFree, how are JYJ fans aggressive? Most fans I’ve interacted with are so cautious about seeming aggressive that they bend over backwards to avoid that image. Perhaps you can show me examples of these aggressive fans?

      • @ButterfliesAreFree

        people in the internet? just in korean fandom community in general.


        see below? at the other time I actually got scolded just because I use shits, damn I don’t even mean anything bad with shits and even my friends use that word casually.
        and even after I explained that, the girl (I assume) keep forcing me to apologize.

        and tbh I think Hello got some points (and see how angry Juno’s response is), that the thing is we know aren’t all.
        of course we have to try telling people about what we know, but we can’t say much about what we don’t know either.

      • @kktt

        I’m not upset about the use of the word ‘shit’. Trust me, I’m not that delicate. You might have noticed some of my own expressive offerings. I probably know enough, to curl your hair. But I don’t have to always use profanity to get my point across. I’m sure the time is going to come when SME is going to make me provide samples of my ‘colorful vocabulary’.

        What I find interesting is how casually one simply uses the word when referring to say, JYJ’s music, but can continue on rambling nonsense like there was no tomorrow. While saying said usage was to shorten the comment. So far, no one has mentioned a word count for comments. Well, why the need to cut them short shrift? Just say ‘their music’ – pun intended. See, same context, different effect. I just think it’s the lazy way out, when you can go on for the rest of the diatribe and make no sense.

        “people in the internet? just in korean fandom community in general.”

        Ok, that’s your answer. Here is my response.

        First, I don’t see how making comments in reaction to ‘verified’ behaviors, is going to ‘sway’ the above mentioned folks. We are talking about people expressing their ‘feelings’ about the things HoMin are saying and doing. If you can point out how the comments are ‘lies’ being spread, then do so. Also, if ‘those’ folks are not able to discern what is being expressed, I can’t worry about that.

        Second, ‘the better fandom’ has gone on record by the support it has offered – buying JYJ’s music, going to their showcases, and concerts, writing letters to the powers that be highlighting the concerns about how JYJ is unfairly being treated by their own country. This fandom has also done exceptional promotional events from bus signs, to newspaper ads, to bus stop ads, to subway signage, to electronic messaging, to charitable donations – too numerous to mention -, the petition drive in response to SME’s cohorts’ petition to try and influence the court’s decision, and now the news outlets drive. I may have left out some examples, my apologies.

        All these activities have been posted on the Internet, commented about, and written up in the newspapers. If ‘those folks’ you mentioned are that shallow and not able to contrast the comments made on JYJ sites as opposed to those made by irrational, developmentally arrested hormonal teenagers, in the proper context, TOO BAD. Not to mention, missing all the above stated examples of what this fandom stands for. Besides, have they also missed ALL the heartfelt posts and comments since this entire situation started? If ‘they’ are that shallow, I really don’t think they are the kinds of people we can rely upon in a pinch.

        We don’t have the time, nor the inclination to hold the hands of folks whose inability to detect right from wrong is that off balance. I really don’t think JYJ’s future is going to be seriously damaged by a few folks who are that easily swayed. In case you haven’t noticed, the ‘other side’ is not doing so well in the PR department. Now that, is something you should be telling ‘those folks’ to a pay attention to.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree

        It’s people’s freedom to use the words that they like. I’m sorry that my english is not as good as yours. curl my hair what? sorry that I’m not native speaker or good student.

        what do you expect for me to answer anyway?
        and I’ve said that I think those stuffs you guys have done are awesome.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree
        “First, I don’t see how making comments in reaction to ‘verified’ behaviors, is going to ‘sway’ the above mentioned folks. We are talking about people expressing their ‘feelings’ about the things HoMin are saying and doing. If you can point out how the comments are ‘lies’ being spread, then do so.”

        Ahh, thank you, BAF. Very well said. You were much more polite than I could have been. Is this the same person who attempted to accuse and needle us into submission with the stinging indictment that ‘some people were becoming ~annoyed~ with the way JYJ’s supporters express themselves?’

        Horrors! We’ve ~annoyed~ Some People!! Let’s all go hide under the bed.

        [This has been a fictional account of one JYJ fan’s (me) reaction to a HoMin Hugger’s fictional accounts of the circumstances in question. There–are we all happy now? No? Why? Because now we are all floundering in Crazy Biased SuppositionLand and we don’t know where we are or what we are even talking about.]

      • @Mommy hen… lol

        I know this is a late reply to your question about who in general calls JYJ stans aggressive, but I’ll give you my “idea” on who these people are.

        A lot (not all) of OT5, YJ fans, HM/SME stans think we are aggressive. Even in my FB page, I see the “friends” I have there talk abt JYJ stans as such, and I also think I know the reason why.

        They think this is not our fight. It’s between JYJ& SME, so we should as someone had put it up there, “know our place”. They also think that JYJ fans are overprotective of JYJ when they already have their lawyers for that for their fight against SME. They think we are “know-it-all”, high and mighty because of the info we’ve gathered about the lawsuit and we’re using it against SME/HM on every occasion we see fit.

        But here’s what I think. We are fighters, much like JYJ. So having said that, how can we fight calmly when SME/HM are using every opportunity to discredit JYJ when JYJ haven’t said anything against the two since the beginning of this whole mess? How can we just watch them, the HOTELS, Int’l versions of HOTELS, and some associations just spread rumors and allegations about JYJ? Do just we wait for these little lies spread like grassfire? True they have their lawyers to fight for them in the courtroom. But these fans also forget that it is US that is the life of an artist. If JYJ loses fans (& potential ones) because of false/twisted information presented as fact, who will wait for them after they win the battle against SME? And would they have been able to stay strong until now if not for us “aggressive” fans? And lastly, who else do we blame if something goes wrong in the natural flow of things for JYJ’s career? Do these fans want us to blame Hitler for it?

        So, yeah. That’s me reasoning. LOL

      • Personally I think that we JYJ fans are passionate, not aggressive, & that we are passionately fighting for the rights, career & happiness of three people we love – you got it – passionately!
        We’re passionate because of JYJ’s passion, their prodigious talents, their utter love for music & singing, & their dedication to doing what they love,with freedom, integrity & self-respect.
        We’re passionate because of the many forces trying to shut them down & destroy their careers.
        We’re passionate because we too want to live in a world where greed, exploitation & abuse isn’t the accepted norm.
        We’re passionate because we care, not just about three men & their career’s, but because we also care about human rights.
        For those who choose to refrain from the fight, such is your right. But please do not label the soldiers leading this fight “too aggressive”. To ignore the abuse of others is to condone that abuse, to condone it is to spread it. That’s not a world I want to live in. & so I’m happy to be a passionate JYJ fan, or even an “aggressive” one for that matter!

      • @Sapphire –
        “But please do not label the soldiers leading this fight “too aggressive”. To ignore the abuse of others is to condone that abuse, to condone it is to spread it. That’s not a world I want to live in. & so I’m happy to be a passionate JYJ fan”

        Nicely said. Far better than my own take on such a crazy supposition as worrying about what “some people” may or may not take offense to, farther down the page. Sheesh!
        We need a better class of trolls around here. This is just too easy sometimes.

  67. I’m dissapointed that those words came out of Homin’s mouths. Even if its not Homin who uttered those words I will be hurt too. Anyone who will say or think badly, falsely of JYJ I get hurt. MUST I let those words simply pass me by because it came from Homin? Those are not rumors, words really came out of their mouths. I’m thinking of things that will cushion the pain of the words maybe Homin are misinformed..but by who? by SM? by their families? but then aren’t they are old enough to “discern” too and make their own stand? Is this really how they look at JYJ now, in their hearts and minds? feel sad also that their words are self incriminating. Damaging own self by own words. not so good words will get not so good reaction. Let’s say Homin or JYJ will say they miss each other..won’t all of us rejoice and cry our hearts out. It’s so hard not to react to what’s happening and what’s being said. I respect Homin’s choice of staying with SM if that decision is the one that will make them happy and be at peace with themselves same way I respect JYJ’s decision to leave because despite the hardships that goes with with it, that’s what will make them happy also. Much as there’s respect it doesn’t feel right if they will talk bad about the other. It doesn’t feel right. Fine if SM talks like crucifying JYJ..fine if SM using all their powers and resources against JYJ, after all this is SM vs. JYJ! Homin saying things against JYJ? must I think it follows because Homin’s still with SM? maybe, that’s the case but I expect more restraint when they speak of JYJ and I’m wishing same from JYJ when they speaks about Homin too. While I can see sincere attempts of fandoms not to fight…it will be hard if JYJ will speak ill of Homin or Homin will speak ill of JYJ. for peace, rather hope they will say good words towards each other then it will generate lots of heartwarming reactions too.

    anyway I think what’s posted are FACTS!

    FACTS should be SHARED! Thanks.

  68. Orly? So, this site started to show its true face after all. Being biased already, while keeping some info :/

    Honestly, believing in something Homin said when it’s well known fact that SM provides some scripts beforehand. When SM keeps tab on what both of them doing, keeping a tighter leash because apparently, SM still doesn’t trust Homin as much. Btw, what their parents think didn’t necessarily means that the kids have the same view.

    And aren’t you sugar-coating something my dear? The truth on why is it Homin didn’t follow JYJ? The background, hidden story…………i think you know what it is. Or you are trying to ignore it. Afterall, there is no such ‘thing’ in Korea, right? Btw, i know it’s complicated, some kind of chain reaction. Everything is connected and it’s harder to sort it out.

    Don’t get it wrong. I’m not an anti-JYJ. In fact, i support them in suing an apparently, money-hungry company. But then, how many times is it that both side said the lawsuit is between JYJ and the company? Not Homin. But people forget that. They tend to think: SM=Homin when the truth is not.

    It looks like i’m done in here. And i thought this site is different from all those site that choosing side already, either Homin or JYJ. Apparently, i’m wrong about this…………

    • Did JYJ ever try to smear Homins character.
      the original chosun article is provided. This is what they said. not an opinion.
      So what you are saying men in their twenties are being completely controlled by a company? They are sm’s puppets? If they are being forced to do this against their wills it is an insult to their intelligence as adult humans with a will and a mind of their own. The second option is that they decided to stay with SM fully knowing they would have to do this and are in agreement with SM.
      Take your pick.
      Either way it aint pretty.

    • “And aren’t you sugar-coating something my dear? The truth on why is it Homin didn’t follow JYJ? The background, hidden story…”
      Please dont leave us dying in suspense *eye roll*
      Elaborate. If you want to give any credibility to your statement. That kind of half baked generalization will get you nowhere here.

      • Oh, indeed. You seem like a person with ALL the facts.
        What the hell are you talking about!??

        Honestly–what is the point, with some people??? Did AKTF5 write that thinking that she was going to actually convince anyone of anything?? Sheesh!

    • This sites stricly for JYJ and defending JYJ from malicious attempt to put them down. and apparently (and sadly if I may say), Homin are doing exactly that right now, defaming and character assasination. Doesn’t matter if it’s SME script or not, but it DOES come of their MOUTH, they SAID it. They should be responsible for what they said, they are adults.

      Honestly, believing in something Homin said when it’s well known fact that SM provides some scripts beforehand. When SM keeps tab on what both of them doing, keeping a tighter leash because apparently, SM still doesn’t trust Homin as much. Btw, what their parents think didn’t necessarily means that the kids have the same view.

      >> So are you saying despite their mature age, Homin are merely puppets to SME ? , your description fits the term SLAVE imho. Pity them for not getting out of SME when the opportunity arise with the JYJ boys to do so.

      And aren’t you sugar-coating something my dear? The truth on why is it Homin didn’t follow JYJ? The background, hidden story…………i think you know what it is. Or you are trying to ignore it. Afterall, there is no such ‘thing’ in Korea, right? Btw, i know it’s complicated, some kind of chain reaction. Everything is connected and it’s harder to sort it out.

      >> What are you talking about ? I don’t get your point.
      What thejyjfiles are presenting are merely facts SAID by HOMIN record on audio and one of the largest newspaper in Korea.

      Don’t get it wrong. I’m not an anti-JYJ. In fact, i support them in suing an apparently, money-hungry company. But then, how many times is it that both side said the lawsuit is between JYJ and the company? Not Homin. But people forget that. They tend to think: SM=Homin when the truth is not.

      >>> We will STOP paying attention to what Homin say if They STOP defaming JYJ by saying or impliying bad things about JYJ’s characters.
      Yes, the lawsuit is between JYJ and the company, so Homin kindly STFU..

    • LOL, this is a JYJ site so of course we’re going to be biased! I see you’re OT5. Great, I’d love to hear your opinion on my thoughts!

      “Cassiopeia, when will you realize that TVXQ is no longer 5? As the largest fandom in Kpop, I am extremely disappointed in you! If you wanted to AKTF and continue as 5, you should have stepped in and stopped SM when they announced that TVXQ will only be HoMin. You had the power to change SM’s decision yet you did what you do best, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!”

      HoMin aren’t children anymore! It doesn’t matter if it was scripted or not. How long do you plan to use that excuse? HoMin chose to stay, well aware of what was expected of them!

      ” The truth on why is it Homin didn’t follow JYJ? The background, hidden story………” Please do continue and explain the truth LOL. This lawsuit is JYJ vs SM so why is HoMin bad mouthing JYJ? You should really understand that we’re not involving HoMin, they’re doing a great job of that on their own 😀

    • Jesus Christ! This is the JYJ FILES fansite, not an OT5 site, of course we support only JYJ and not all 5 of them. You go to an OT5 site and try your luck there, see if you can find serious facts and information about the lawsuit and everything related, especially anything that seems pro-JYJ. People like you keep coming here and telling us HoMin did all those things because SM told them to do. Okay, what else? Why are you so proud to announce that your idols act like real puppets and can’t even do anything in their own wills? Is SM a gang or something? Would HoMin get hanged if they decided not to comment about their former group mates (who had been their close friends and brothers for over 7 years)? And I have to say this to just another person: care to enlighten me with all the “facts” that you have? “The truth on why is it Homin didn’t follow JYJ? The background, hidden story…” I don’t know what it is, so tell me please?

      • @Angie….

        But more importantly…. there IS no more “5 of them.”
        That chapter is OVER.
        It’s pretty clear to me that there’s not going to be any tearful reunions down the road, either.

    • I don’t care why they chose to stay in SM, it’s their own choice and their freedom. What I care about is their continual character assassination.
      SInce you have so obviously hinted that you know something about the why they stayed, why don’t you say something then? To prove that this is site “showed true colours” and is biased? If you have no facts to back up your allegations it is best to keep quiet.

    • “Honestly, believing in something Homin said when it’s well known fact that SM provides some scripts beforehand. When SM keeps tab on what both of them doing, keeping a tighter leash because apparently, SM still doesn’t trust Homin as much. Btw, what their parents think didn’t necessarily means that the kids have the same view. ”

      Are you saying that HoMin don’t have any free will ? That SM are putting words in their mouths and pen in their hands and that HoMin are just following SM’s lead ? Then what does it make them ?
      If HoMin truly disagree with SM and what SM make them say/write, why are they still supporting them ? What’s the point in staying in a company which doesn’t even let you have/form your own opinions ? Are HoMin incapable to fight for their own beliefs and viewpoints ?
      Is it what you’re trying to prove ? Isn’t it even worse than them whole heartedly embracing SM’s point of view ? Because if HoMin are actually “forced” by SM to write and say such things against JYJ, it is really pitiful of them.

      “And aren’t you sugar-coating something my dear? The truth on why is it Homin didn’t follow JYJ? The background, hidden story…………i think you know what it is. Or you are trying to ignore it. Afterall, there is no such ‘thing’ in Korea, right? Btw, i know it’s complicated, some kind of chain reaction. Everything is connected and it’s harder to sort it out. ”

      I’m curious at what exactly you’re trying to imply ? Acting all mysterious isn’t going to make people take you more seriously. If you have facts that we don’t have then, please, share them with us, but don’t start trying to confuse people and stir up troubles if you don’t have anything worth to say. Thanks.

      Don’t get it wrong. I’m not an anti-JYJ. In fact, i support them in suing an apparently, money-hungry company. But then, how many times is it that both side said the lawsuit is between JYJ and the company? Not Homin. But people forget that. They tend to think: SM=Homin when the truth is not.

      When HoMin stop being SM’s “spokermen” then maybe people will also stop thinking that SM=HoMin. Until then, I believe people have all the rights to tie the 2 (SM and HoMin) together since they are defending and promoting the same stance, and this stance is obviously directed against JYJ.

      “It looks like i’m done in here. And i thought this site is different from all those site that choosing side already, either Homin or JYJ. Apparently, i’m wrong about this…………”

      This site has always been clear about the fact that this is a JYJ supporting site, I’m sorry that you didn’t noticed it before. Still, all the articles posted here are backed up by evidences which just can’t be ignored.

      • This is a good comment. I’m going to take it one step further.

        I think JYJ fans are contributing to the confusion of where HoMin stand and what the words they say mean by interpreting their statements as if they are being said from within the context of their long-term relationship with JYJ. This is exactly what SME wants, and we need to stop giving SME what it wants.

        I’m going to start a new campaign — stop taking what HoMin say in their role as SME spokesmen personally. Stop putting them in the context of their personal relationships with JYJ.

        Anything they’ve said in the past 3 months has been in service of SME. It is an important fact to recognize. These comments are part of SME’s assault on JYJ’s careers. By putting them in HoMin’s mouths they are given a lot of power (as the reaction in these comms attest.) but we should try to lessen that power by realizing where these words are coming from and not analyzing every nuance.

        Am I saying that HoMin are SME’s puppets? YES! Absolutely! They have chosen to be exactly that when they re-signed with the company. This time they joined up not as children whose dreams were being manipulated, but knowing exactly what kind of company they were allying with. They did it with open eyes. If I blame them for anything, it is that.

        I think we were all hurt and shocked in January and couldn’t quite believe how strongly they would support SME’s agenda. JYJ’s reaction seems to indicate they were right there with us. But that was two months ago, we should be used to the idea by now that HoMin are giving their 100% support to SME in return for SME supporting them. How they really feel about JYJ is irrelevant to this issue. Until the day comes that they can’t do it anymore and walk away from this mess, they are just another tentacle of the SME monster.

        I advocate interpreting how they behave as simply an extension of SME.

      • I will join the campaign, because I’ve said for a while now, HoMin have become SME’s company spokesmen. In another parlance…’mouth pieces’. This is their CHOICE. Yunho and Changmin, for whatever their reasons are now attached to SME at the hip.

        SME is out to destroy JYJ by any means necessary. They have no qualms on what tactics to use. So, dealing with this concept in mind, please remember, the ENEMY is SME. But if HoMin CHOOSE to step up and issue SME propaganda, I will make reference that is SME’s stand. If they become associated with that tag, again, this is by choice, theirs.

        Calling SME out is showing them we understand what their game plan is. This is not a fanbase that doesn’t understand the issues. We know what is going on. This is an engagement of wills, a battle, a test of endurance, call it by any name you wish.

        However long it takes SME, this fandom, JYJ’s family of fans is not going to be distracted, worn out, or disillusioned. The legal process is tedious, but a necessary process. So, for whatever length of time, WE will be around for the end. WE are going the distance!

        When that end is reached, there will be a whole lot of folks popping champagne bottle corks AROUND THE WORLD. You will clearly hear it because it will be a VERY LARGE bang!

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “However long it takes SME, this fandom, JYJ’s family of fans is not going to be distracted, worn out, or disillusioned. The legal process is tedious, but a necessary process. So, for whatever length of time, WE will be around for the end. WE are going the distance!”

        I am so on board with the entirety of your statement–I can’t tell you. I am arm and arm with you on these virtual barricades. This IS a war, SM will fight to the death to prevail, leave no slimy cheap shot unfired and we [oh, fudge, there I go again] …..

        OK, how about this, Sofly: WE, who have just read the whole post by ButterfliesAreFree above and who spontaneously jumped out of our seats and yelled “YES!!” THIS is what we will do: we will be the first line of defense, endless perseverance and undoubted comfort for JYJ. We will never back down.

      • @Eliza –
        “I advocate interpreting how they behave as simply an extension of SME.”

        This is, I think, an eminently sensible plan. It’s hard. It’s hard not to bristle at YH&CM’s continued assaults. Are these not until very recently, best friends; are they not basically decent men?? No, they are not. Are they not ashamed of themselves?? We’ll never know until they write the tell-all bio. Maybe we do need to get over this. Maybe we continue to take it too much to heart.

        No. I like this plan.

  69. And so it has begun…*sigh*

    As I have made clear on many occasions, SM does NOT = Yunho and Changmin in terms of legal status…and Korean law, like the legal systems in most committed democracies, will protect as much as possible the interests of both sides in a way that neither violates the rights of the other. However, if Yunho and Changmin are not coerced into equating themselves with SM and are doing it willingly with full knowledge of the implications of their actions under the auspices of equality…if they themselves willingly submit to becoming means rather than an end…there is little that can legally stop them….if anything, the framework of the Korea’s identity as a democracy would actually encourage it.

    I thoroughly disapprove of their actions, not because I pass judgment on their moral characters per se, but because it’s simply not advisable or prudent to waive one’s human dignity and character to become absorbed into and identified with a non-natural, heartless (literally) and faceless corporate body.

    Yunho and Changmin would find it best to realise that the only one winning from this arrangement is SM. This would be so even if SM offered the hundreds of billions of won and several more worth of SM’s stocks to get them to say this…just perusing the comments here and elsewhere, I can already see that the damage done to the two’s reputations is irreparable.

    More than anything, this makes me incredibly sad…

  70. guys, Jaejong just few minutes ago tweeting “(Jaejoong) Thank you for overcoming everything and protecting us and loving us, regardless of the feelings of uncertainty from waiting and amidst the unstable fear surrounding us. And I feel thankful once more that there is a sky that protects all the stars who love us. And I admire you all. (10:45pm KST) ” JYJ Fans hwaiting keep support them never feel so proud to be a fan before. screw anyone who trolling in this site.

      • ha ha ha i received your hug, but i must give you some credit because reading you comment its sometimes also open my eyes whats is going on and makes me join this fandom, also for all of you who still defend JYJ cause the deserved it.

      • @JYJ LOver

        At the risk of repeating myself. This is what family does, it keeps the lines of communication open, so that we all get there to the end. Our collective goal as fans is to stick together and be the barrier for JYJ so they can accomplish those dreams they have.

        Along the way, we are going to forge friendships and associations that we can point to with pride and say,
        “I’m glad I was a part of that.” This is the new version of pen pals so to speak. We just get the chance to do it faster than using a postal service. 🙂

    • @JYJ LOver

      Amazing. JYJ LOver, thanks SO much for relaying that. (reading JYJ’s tweets is yet another thing non-Korean speaking i-fans like me are not able to do.)

      I know that the JYJFiles and its fans, its readers and the writers here are making a big difference in keeping up Our Boys’ morale.

      But it’s still nice to hear it from Jae.

  71. Jung Yunho & Shim Changmin, when will you stop to hurt your ex friends aka Kim Jae Joong, Park Yoochun & Kim Junsu’s feeling?
    I know that perhaps you feel bitter about the choice you had chose, but no one force you to stay in SM Entertainment. So instead keep the bitter feeling in your heart, it will be much better if you move on, just like what your ex friends doing right now. Forget about the past, move on & create the new beginning.
    Contrary to JYJ, you have a powerful company to back up your career. If you feel, you failed, don’t blame others especially your ex friends but blame it to yourselves. If you keep blaming others, you will learn nothing & you will fail more deeply.
    Like it or not, deep down in my heart, I still have a soft feeling to you, especially Yunho since I’m Yunjae’s fan, but my heart has a limit. What you had done to JYJ, put more scars in my heart.
    To me, JYJ are like the raw diamonds which become the very expensive diamonds due to every problems they’re facing, they become more mature, act like the real men & act as the champions. You can be like them to if you face the situations with a brave heart, act like a real man not act like a loser.

  72. I’m trying my best to disassociate the company (SME) from its employees (HoMin) because in reality, the company is completely different from the people who work there.

    But sometimes, it’s a very thin line. I agree with some of the comments here. It’s obvious that SME is using HoMin (and sometimes their other SME artists) as their mouthpieces. Now, whether or not the spokesmen/women actually agree with SME’s stance, would always be up to interpretation. Frankly, I don’t care if they had been forced or if it was really their opinions – that would just be a never-ending argument.

    But what I do care about are the statements being said and their implications. The fans who know JYJ might not think much of it but the general public, those who don’t know anything, might be swayed by this “morally weak character” stance. That’s what the JYJ files, by getting this information out, is trying to present – that there ARE people who would be taken in and to be aware that this is SME’s new plan of attack. In a lawsuit this controversial where general public opinion can have a huge effect (because really, if the general public sympathizes with JYJ’s plight and it becomes a social issue, the Korean government would have to step in and regulate the entertainment industry and that’s not really what companies like SME, whose been doing just fine without any government interference, would welcome), every word that comes from both sides is relevant in swaying public opinion. The problem is, one side has more advantage in airing out their stance while the other side has, well, little to no options. As JYJ fans, you can’t expect us not to stand up for them, to not say anything and defend them when their characters are being questioned. Why should we feign ignorance when there could be possible damage and we could have done something to prevent or at least limit that damage?

  73. As much as I want to stay angry at HoMin, I really can’t. My heart breaks knowing they’ve become so bitter and cold. I remember back when they had their comeback, in the interviews, Yunho would have a blank lost expression on his face while Changmin smirked angrily. How can I be angry with them when they’re giving us signs that they need help? Actions speak louder than words, and even though their words have hurt us & JYJ tremendously, their actions are telling me otherwise.

    For the longest time, I feared that JYJ was headed straight for a depression. (All the signs were there.) All three hold a special place in my heart and I didn’t want anyone of them to be hurt anymore. Until recently, things finally started to look up for them. Now that I see them in a better place, I don’t want them to ever go back to what they were months ago. I will do everything I can to not let that happen!

    I’m not a Cassie, I only support JYJ. But that doesn’t mean I wish bad things upon them. HoMin fans (I know you’re lurking here :D) please watch out for these two. Help them overcome this so that they may move on to bigger and better things as well. JYJ has us and many influential people but who does HoMin have? SM is only using them and once they’re done, SM is going to toss them out like trash. Please help them!

    Even though this lawsuit isn’t over and we’ve still got many obstacles in front of us, I have to say THANK YOU to my JYJ family! Especially Jimmie & TheJYJfiles! You all are truly the best!!! ^___^

    • T_T

      That was really nice, yeah I feel the same for Homin, can’t hate them even a bit (sometimes they might dissapoint me but still) Please to all the Homin fans take care of them without hurting anyone else, the same thing goes for the JYJ Family.

      I hope all of us can just move on and be happy…

    • That’s nicely put. I’m at the point where all I feel for them is pity. They are in a awful spot and now just have to make the best of it. When I get angry and disgusted at their comments, it’s SME that I’m angry at. And I am sorry that HoMin have chosen this path.

      I’m with Jaejoong — I just want them to live their lives. Unfortunately, while they are at SME their lives belong to the company.

  74. omg…. homin are so annoying.
    from what homin claimed (the other three are successful at young age, possess lots of things that normal people couldn’t have thus face larger tempation to *money/profit from cosmetic business*)?? a wouldn’t call a person greedy or has lack of moral if the person DESERVE and WORK for all the profit and success that they get. SME is the one who has lack of moral to be such a bloodsucking *moneysucking?* MONSTER. If homin is so kind to donate all their blood and sweat and money to the bloodsucking SME then up to you. but accusing JYJ as having weak moral character? that’s just plain stupid and annoying. i’ll slap you if u are an annoying fly homin. enuff said.

  75. sorry to homin fans out there. i used to be their fan too. but I just cant side with people who cannot use their brain. it is also so frustrating for me to see homin being used by SM. aargghh!! SME! they are the source off all these!!! if im a billionaire then i’ll just buy the company and save homin from being used like stupid puppet.

  76. I’ve just been looking at some uTube videos of JYJ and Jaejoong as they prepare for the Thailand concert which will kick off their 2011 World Tour (!). I want to assure all the JYJFiles faithful that they are not huddling in a corner, freaking out about the latest unfortunate YH&CM utterances. They are waaaay too busy working away like crazy to get ready for the tour. It’s going to be epic. I’m soo jealous of everyone who gets to see it.
    Come on, JYJ–let’s DO this thing!!

    • i know Jaejoong is very busy right now in thailand theres a lot of vid and pic to prove it, and yoochun is busy with his drama but our maknae junsu is really need the vacation since his hardwork with TOH, i am lucky enough they come to Indonesia, so i can watch them live JYJ fandom keep support them

      • really??? you’re in Indonesia?? me too..
        i’m also going to watch JYJ concert ^^
        maybe we can meet there ^^

      • sure dear,
        im at vip a section meet you there, if you heard someone shout jaejoong its me LoL think im not the only one there he he he he

  77. I feel very angry towards HoMin and their fathers. But, I cannot bring myself to hate them. For me, their actions looks like they’re very desperate and stuck in the past (cannot moved on).

    I just pray that somehow they (HoMin) can make peace with their past and moved on with their life. SM please let HoMin, JYJ, and fans moved on with life. It have been too long. Everyone need to moved on with their life ^^

  78. In some ways these 2 have done me a favor. For such a long time I cried and grieved over the tragedy of losing DBSK, with longing for them to somehow work it out. But when HoMin debuted in January with so many hurtful comments towards JYJ, my heart and longing for the 5 of them together just died. Now I don’t even want that anymore. I like JYJ’s pure hearted, creative, free sound. Trying to include these 2 would ruin that.

    HoMin chose this route and it has led them to think and act in this way. I think they made a very bad choice, but it is too late for that, at least for a very very long time. I think JYJ is going to win this thing against SME and HoMin will be left with their regular K-Pop career, for however long it lasts. I think SME will continue to feature them just to protect SM’s their pride and image, so HoMin will not fade away easily.

    But for me, I just feel dead inside when I see them.

    • After one viewing/listening of “Keep Your Head Down” I never wanted to see them again either. Still, when I think of it, it shocks me how they could have done that.

      • “Keep your head down” was written with pure hatred, bitterness and desire of revenge. I feel sorry for HOMIN. If they keep these horrible feelings into their hearts, finally they’ll be destroyed by them.

      • @Shuheilove –

        Agreed. Honestly, I couldn’t believe it. The naked hostility. But what I really couldn’t believe was the myriad “OOOoo, cool video!” comments I was reading from all of the HoMin Hugger Cassies.
        Frankly, I was dumbfounded. Were they ~listening~ to the lyrics!?? Was this OK with them??

        Well, not with me. That’s why I am so everlastingly grateful for finding the JYJFiles. Finally, a group of people who overwhelmingly share my views!
        Thank you! Thank you! You can’t know how much I appreciate you all.

      • @ Shuheilove

        Honestly, what struck me when the KYHD controversy first came up wasn’t whether or not the lyrics reflected anything of what HoMin truly felt. Given the context of the comeback and the content of the song, it shouldn’t have taken any stretch of the imagination to predict what sort of reaction KYHD would garner from (at least a portion of ) the public. That SME would then still go ahead and have HoMin promote KYHD…that spoke volumes.

        THAT decision in itself hurts more than the actual lyrics, at least for me. Because that’s deliberateness in its crystal clear form.

        It could truly be just another love song (I facepalm-ed when this argument came up lol)…but then there are so many other love stories to sing about. Other stories that wouldn’t be interpreted this way. KYHD’s content was so blatantly inappropriate for the occasion that to still go ahead with it, well, it’s hard to argue the intention wasn’t there at all.

        And alas, yes, I’m not being explicit with putting the responsibility on HoMin or SME. I’m also kind of losing track of what I was originally saying… Hm…. LOL

        First time speaking up here~ I must say, the comments here really are worth reading. 🙂

      • ^ Errr yeah ok I still don’t have thoughts in order here. But anyway, to be clear, my post above was NOT a post agreeing or disagreeing with anything.

        Just voicing what I thought when KYHD came out. x__x

        In short, I frowned when some argued that the lyrics should be taken at face value as a love song. I didn’t bother with telling them off back then but I thought it in my head. xD; Choosing a promotional track is a deliberate act and choosing KYHD basically acknowledged/approved the inevitable interpretation that it is an attack against JYJ. …unless the decision-making parties wish to argue for their own ignorance and short-sightedness. Which would convince no sane person.

        Upon further reflection, I actually think that KYHD in itself didn’t make me think any differently of HoMin — alas I am human and they are idols (in the dictionary sense of the word)…and so it’s all too easy to assign the blame to an impersonal entity such as SME. So I felt no compulsion to let KYHD hurt my image of them.

        But then the interview answers… I would be lying to say I wasn’t sorely disappointed. Even if the two of them are channels of propaganda for SME, even if for the sake of company solidarity they cannot speak freely and cannot speak only their own words, there is no shirking responsibility for what came out of their mouths.

        I tried being positive about it, but the interviews have made me rather apathetic about the two. Even if this is a battle between the three and SME…

      • @hyo –
        you said
        “That SME would then still go ahead and have HoMin promote KYHD…that spoke volumes. THAT decision in itself hurts more than the actual lyrics, at least for me. Because that’s deliberateness in its crystal clear form.”

        Oh, how great! Yet another thoughtful, well-spoken person to contribute to the discussion. I really love the JYJFiles and was glad to read the entirety of your comments, hyo. I have listened to and read a translation of the lyrics to KYHD exactly once. That was all it took for me to form an opinion and I think it would serve YH&CM well for future reference to understand that this was NOT a wise thing to have gone along with, even giving them the benefit of the doubt about the intense pressure they were most likely under to toe the SM party line. It is ironic, is it not, that CM brought up in a nationally televised interview the subject of upright character vs moral turpitude. What a classic case of projection we have there!

        But again, the second I calm down about YH&CM’s terribly hurtful behavior towards The Three, I just feel so bad for them.

        How badly can you blow it in life? YH&CM Badly.

      • @ Lilibaiyu


        I’m relatively new to kpop and even to this fandom business. Always hesitated about getting to know the singers behind the music since I had felt it required too much emotional investment. Especially given that there always will be drama… But needless to say, I was sucked in. xD; What can I say, lives and variety shows were/are too much fun.

        Anyway, I just don’t see how anyone could have POSSIBLY thought KYHD was appropriate, before OR after the fact. I mean okay, I guess it could serve as some weird form of emotional triumph, but that would just be…hella messed up. How obnoxious could you get?

        And yeah, at the end of the day, YH & CM stand to lose the most.

        And ugh. The knowledge that it is a common tactic makes it no less exasperating when the “morality” card gets played. The problem being addressed is concrete, why the need to lump it together with a far stickier abstract dimension? I’m sure we can all answer that question, but any party for whom that answer applies is automatically on moral low-ground.

        Again, it’s obnoxious.

        Holier than thou? DNW.


        …Okay, fine these last lines are biased. xD;;

      • @ Hyo

        Loved reading your analysis. I especially agree with you concerning KYHD its not the lyrics of the song that made me disappointed but rather the context of the situation. SM wasn’t oblivious to the effect the song would have, they knew but yet went ahead with it knowing very well how volatile the fandom was and also that the ramifications would not only affect jyj but also homin. This battle is between SM and JYJ but yet why would SM involve Homin in the crossfire.

        Thinking about the lawsuit, it never seemed wise for SM to let it go this route. I just don’t see the benefit for them in this war; they still lost jyj and have damaged their reputation and brought unwarranted attention to this sector of the industry which could have been in their interests to keep afar. The only reason I can arrive to for SM’s actions is their ego; their sense of entitlement and ownership over these that these boys won’t survive without them but yet JYJ beat the odds with some failures and mistakes along the way.

        If they knew from the beginning that they could not negotiate with JYJ why not terminate the contract and blacklist these boys and keep the undue attention away from them. To most companies this war would not be worth their time especially if they have other talents available. SM runs a huge risk of losing the lawsuit ( which they should) and from recent accounts from the lawsuit they risk revealing some of the shadiness that occurs in the background. Which company would in essence pull themselves into such a trap. I am no legal expert and have no clue about Korean law but one thing am sure of is that companies would not waste their time or even risk the company’s image for 3 boys whom irrespective of the outcome they’ve lost.

        I try to look at the situation from SM’s perspective and in my opinion it doesn’t seem worth it.

      • @ oo

        I KNOW RIGHT?

        …I want to say more but, yeah, that’s all I’ve got. xD At this point, I’m just wondering what changes will be put forward and how they will be implemented at the end of this lawsuit. And how it will affect the current and future artists and trainees.

    • @hyo
      you said
      “Anyway, I just don’t see how anyone could have POSSIBLY thought KYHD was appropriate, before OR after the fact. I mean okay, I guess it could serve as some weird form of emotional triumph, but that would just be…”

      Hi again,hyo–
      I read the above last night but I was way too fried to give any of your posts beyond the first one anything but a quick read, so now I’ll go back now and add a thought or two of my own.

      This subject of how the video and song KYHD came into existence was so troubling to me. I really needed to bring it up to the members of the JYJFiles because I’ve come to admire and trust the insights and perspectives of the people here. I haven’t checked around much as to other JYJ fan/info sites on the web, but those I have were just a little too “oooooo I LOVE Jae Joong!!!” for me to hang with. I’m interested (really interested) in their music, their songwriting skills, the progression of their careers and this lawsuit.

      But back to my quandary re: the video. I asked the question here, and I got some interesting answers as to how on earth YH&CM could have become involved with this terribly hurtful statement of a song and more importantly, how their fans could be so OK with it, assuming they were all at one point fans of TVXQ. Apparently there’s a whole contingent of HoMin fans who aren’t particularly interested in what I characterized as “the music part.” (they tend to be the ones that scream throughout entire concerts instead of listening, so I was told.) Their primary focus is to ~watch~ and adore the beautiful forms and faces of CM&YH. So anything beyond that is sort of beside the point for them. The lyrics to that song, KYHD? Immaterial to them.

      So this, for me, really explained things. If you don’t care the least little bit about content, you can be free to oogle the video and fall ever deeper in love.

      Which brings me back to the JYJFiles and why I am just so very VERY happy to have found this forum.

      • I found this place because of the petition. 🙂

        But anyway, yeah, that’s the issue inherent with the idol business. Fans are not strict consumers of idol music/posters/the whole array of material goods and services on which it is possible to stick a price tag. And “idol”, the very word says it all.

        Also, bias is one thing — it’s like having rose-colored glasses, key point being that with conscious effort you can still removed yourself from it — but when one sinks even deeper, it endangers one’s judgment. As opposed to glasses, this like having it stitched into the very fabric of your being.

        But I’m actually quite unfamiliar with strictly pro-HoMin-and-anti-JYJ fans, so I can’t say. In all fairness, I’m unfamiliar with JYJ fans too. xD;; I’m like…a very isolated fan…so it’s really informative and interesting to read comments here.

      • ^Damn it it’s been too long since I’ve written anything of decent length in the English language. The mistakes aren’t of importance, but I just have to correct myself:

        “the issue inherent TO the idol business”

        “this IS like having it stitched…”

      • @hyo
        you said “But I’m actually quite unfamiliar with strictly pro-HoMin-and-anti-JYJ fans, so I can’t say. In all fairness, I’m unfamiliar with JYJ fans too. xD;; I’m like…a very isolated fan…so it’s really informative and interesting to read comments here.”

        Well, stick around. There’s good information with even wider ramifications here, thoughtfully presented by remarkably informed, intelligent people. Oh, and I’m here too! lol I have a feeling you’re going to fit right in.

      • @hyo
        you said “^Damn it it’s been too long since I’ve written anything of decent length in the English language. The mistakes aren’t of importance, but I just have to correct myself….”

        hahahahaha Got it, got it. Had it on the first try. This is what I’m saying. The people here are smart. We got it.

        I know, I’m always self-flagellating when I make a typo too (like “honestly” for honesty last night) but people here edit, copywrite and fill in the blanks here! It’s like a miracle! I haven’t been here very long either, but this is the ONE PLACE to be! In my opinion, of course.

        And finally, OMG, DON’T tell me english isn’t your first language….. Now I’m just feeling inadequate.

      • Definitely will stick around!

        It’s really great reading some of the well-articulated and structured comments here. I haven’t really tried going to other sites, but I’ve always been uncomfortable when people launch personal attacks against the other side or employ foul language. Here, it seems that most people conduct themselves in a civil manner, *thumbs up*

      • @ Lilibaiyu

        lol I’m always nervous about posting when I can’t edit. Because even if I proofread (which I usually don’t), I STILL manage to let mistakes slip by. And then I go all ZOMGNOES, because I’m a little OCD like that.

        And yeah, English isn’t my first language. xD But I think it would be fairest if I’m not considered ESL, since I’ve had a good number of years to learn and use it. And having been immersed in an English speaking environment is very helpful, haha~

      • @hyo
        you said “lol I’m always nervous about posting when I can’t edit. Because even if I proofread (which I usually don’t), I STILL manage to let mistakes slip by. And then I go all ZOMGNOES, because I’m a little OCD like that. ”

        Me too. It just drives me crazy. Call it a quirk. I’ve always been a “verbal” person; mutually entertaining discourse is my #1 favorite thing.

        then you said:
        “And yeah, English isn’t my first language. xD But I think it would be fairest if I’m not considered ESL, since I’ve had a good number of years to learn and use it. And having been immersed in an English speaking environment is very helpful…”

        Lordy. [And on a personal note here, I have no idea what ESL stands for.] Now I know how closely linked are the emotions of envy, insecurity and admiration. Maybe there will come a day when I actually Nerve Up, buckle down and learn Korean. I’ve certainly threatened to long enough. In the mean time, I will quietly esteem you.

      • @ Lilibaiyu

        It makes my toes (metaphorically) tingle when I read responses where both the use of language and the thought process are sophisticated.

        ESL = English as a Second Language. xD

        I am very fond of languages, but unfortunately I stopped putting in the effort as I got older. I also don’t read as voraciously as I used to. And with disuse, it is so easy to lose a language. ):

  79. “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

    I just receive this message from my supervisor. It fits very well with this situation.

  80. On an infinitely lighter note, a brief programming note:

    For i-fans in the USA, DramaFever has just gotten the full-length movie “Heaven’s Postman” on the site. They also have the series “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” in its entirety. All are English sub-titled.
    For those who haven’t checked it out before and are interested in Korean dramas, it’s a fantastic place to get access to loads of great dramas and historical series (my personal faves.) I like to say it’s the best 4.99 I spend all month. That’s for unlimited, no commercial interrupted, high quality live streaming. Jeez, I sound like a commercial for them–sorry! Anyway, if interested, have a look.

  81. Well, Yunho and Changmin are right.
    The fact that JYJ thought they could conquer America speaks volumes about their level of maturity and jugdment.
    People talks about the break up and make a lot of theories and blame SME but we seem to forget something: JYJ was offered the American Dream , fame, the mighty dollar, world recognization, party, hollywood, lifestyle, Kanye , The Kanye West and even Timbaland was mentioned.
    All of this didn’t come from nowhere, this was planned, the one that planned this saw the potential and thought he could have the 5 boys, make them leave their company and exploit said potential, all with the right temptation of course, just the american dream.

    Yunho and Changmin didn’t take the bait, JYJ did and we know the poor results.
    That’s why Yunho talk about success at early age and taking the wrong decisions because of it, Changmin talks about the ability to make good jugdment and they both about being influenced by bad people.
    Because they know, because they were there and because they were proposed the same thing.
    I don’t blame JYJ however, being young is being selfish and at least they tried.
    In order to achieve their own dreams they broke the band, the fandom and the bond between the 5 forever, but well, we can’t have all in this life.
    Right now is only to wait for them to win the lawsuit, we will see what happens next but I think we already know after watching how successful they are as solo artists.
    There is not another path to take really.

    • “All of this didn’t come from nowhere, this was planned, the one that planned this saw the potential and thought he could have the 5 boys, make them leave their company and exploit said potential, all with the right temptation of course, just the american dream.”

      Lol well, that’s a new one. That’s why the initial blame was on Crebeau, right?”

    • Hmmmm…someone has a lot of homework to catch up on.

      You could start by reading the Wikipedia entry on the American Dream.

      I hope for your sake that you’re not an American, because you have a false and extraordinarily juvenile conception of the American Dream. If you are American, please don’t run for office in that country spouting that line on the American Dream…for the sake of other Americans.

      Then I suggest you educate yourself on the basics of the legal systems of democracies that clearly designate that JYJ departing from SM did not have to necessarily break up DBSK…the historical progression of the lawsuit demonstrate for anyone with two functioning brain cells that it was SM’s obstinance that led to the breakup of their own most profitable group.

      • @Jimmie
        “Hmmmm…someone has a lot of homework to catch up on.”

        Re: cmonet’s veritable bouquet of misinformation

        Ahhh, thank you, Jimmie. The prospect of spending a lot of time rebutting cmonet’s stupendously wrong-headed post was daunting. Regarding JYJ’s supposed “failure” in the US, I say, as an American, “Huh!!??” Fans here are BEGGING for their return as a stop on the World Tour 2011 right now. You’d better believe they’ll sell out any venue here they choose to play in.
        You’ll never convince me that SM wasn’t somehow behind their immigration snafu last time around, where they were denied work permits at the last minute, but they came ANYWAY and played for free! We LOVE JYJ here in America and as they come back more often and release more music (not to mention dramas) their popularity will continue to grow. And not just among an Asian fanbase, either. I’m not Asian, have a long history in the music business and I can spot talent when I see it. JYJ are the real deal.

    • I just silently read the comments here, and I’m very amused with yours!. Is this a new story line for JYJ, American Dream Theory , i wonder who’s the script writer, the author and the date of the copyright. I can’t really understand why some people have to look for another underlying story when the the issue in question in here is the unfair contract, point blank = contract (length and distribution of profit, unfair provisions), that’s all. The court rulings say it all why do we have to look for side stories, whether your stories are true or not, they have nothing to do with the unfair contract issue.

    • I wrote this ofter reading Jimmie’s reply:

      The way I describe the American Dream is pursuing your goals without interfering and oppression. As in, working within a society that acknowledges and respects all of your rights, so that not only a few but everyone can prosper. If you think achieving the American Dream is to stand rich among the richest, I don’t know if I should consider you cynical or naive.

      So if they left SME for the American Dream then I say good for them. The have partially achieve it to boot. Within the framework of the Korean entertainment industry they have something that many desire: control over the artistic content and control over their career path. They can create and shape their art. Society now needs to work on the interfering and oppression part.

      In order to achieve their own dreams they broke the band, the fandom and the bond between the 5 forever, but well, we can’t have all in this life.

      In order to achieve that American Dream they had to break free of that that constrained them. You and many look at it as a bad thing that stems from having bad judgement. I don’t. To risk their long term career, to upset the status quo, to leave behind that which is “secure” and trust their own abilities and willpower that they can make it on their own… that’s something to admire. Alas! The problem is that’s the dream I think they left for and you don’t. So we approach this from different starting points.
      Also learn to separate business from personal relationships. A relationship can only be maintained if both sides work for it.

      • To risk their long term career, to upset the status quo, to leave behind that which is “secure” and trust their own abilities and willpower that they can make it on their own… that’s something to admire => love this

        leaving your comfort zone is difficult, and very difficult if you do it in your peak zone (like homin said)
        its like jaechun tatto always keep the faith its about always keep their principles and believes and they believes in their dream (i just know its from ELLE TV he he he). Fell sorry if homin dont have the same dream. and for the first time i say this thanks god TVXQ is splitting if not i will never see Musical Actor Junsu, Actor Yoochun and my fave Stage Director Jaejoong.

    • @cmonet

      Who gave you that nonsense to spew here? Go back and tell them, IT IS NOT WORKING!

      By the way, I’m American, as Bruce Springsteen says. ‘Born In the USA’, and if JYJ wants to take advantage of the American Dream, they have MY permission to do so. Got It?


      • For all your efforts, you all have not been able to derail JYJ’s success. What a pity your efforts have been for nothing. At least you can say, you gave it the old college try.

        The only other thing I want to say to YOU and ALL the rest of your ‘posse’ – IT MUST SUCK BEING YOU!

        Have a good day now, ok?

      • @Butterflies AreFree
        “The only other thing I want to say to YOU and ALL the rest of your ‘posse’ – IT MUST SUCK BEING YOU!
        Have a good day now, ok?”

        I do think it bears repeating, though: To the Guest Supporters of YH&CM (see how nice I was?) ….

        Your boys are in trouble, as has already been noted here. They are playing a particularly sad kind of permanently-on-the-defensive, low-minded ballgame right now. They need all of your support, interaction and good will, ASAP. You are wasting valuable back-patting time with them doing Troll Patrol here on JYJFiles, where we can spot you a mile away and nobody’s buying what you’re trying to sell. The career future for YH&CM is looking bleaker by the day. They will not, repeat NOT be able to sustain a career on their talents alone and if SM stops bankrolling the over-lavish productions, as 2 former idols without a contract they’re in for a hard slog, which will be unpleasant and humiliating. They need all of your tender loving attentions 24-7 for the foreseeable future, so get to it! Namaste!

    • HoMin lurker! 🙂 There is no point arguing against you because it’ll just be a waste of my time and energy. The only thing I will say is you need to take care of your precious HoMin better. I don’t hate HoMin or you, in fact, I pity all of you. Seeing how Yunho & Changmin didnt take the bait, and how they have the ability to make good judgements as well as not be influenced by bad people, why are they so miserable? Why are YOU so bitter? Smart and honorable people don’t act and say things like Yunho & Changmin, far from it! They words as well as actions put them on the same level as my trash outside. Used & dirty!

      Instead of giving us your “opinion”, you should be more focused on how you can help TVXQ2. (You should seriously huddle up with all your “friends” and figure out what to do when SM is done with them.) Help them get over the past and start a new future. Give them new attitudes, better personalities and a sense of humor. Show them that you love them and will support them. And most importantly, show them that you care! HoMin are two lost and confused souls looking for help. As their fans, it is your duty to help them overcome all this so that they can be in a bigger and better place. Give them what they’ve been searching for this whole time, HAPPINESS!

      • I’m with you , you say it right!
        but I’m really pissed of this statement “Yunho and Changmin didn’t take the bait, JYJ did and we know the poor results.”
        Granted cmonet’s script to be true for the sake of discussion, there’s this american dream bait and Homin didn’t take the bait not because they have good judgement but I think it’s all due to their insecurity of their talents and capabilities , and JYJ have all the potentials to move forward, that’s it, end of your made-up story!

      • I give you props for always being so nice 😛 cause you know I’d say f*** off troll! LMAO

    • hi cmonet,

      what you try to do its not working here, they already out from SM before the “American Dream” theory u said is offered. they are at avex at that time. and if JYJ take that “American Dream” its because Avex kick them over SM. so please like jimmie said “do you homework” ganbatte nee

      • If my memory serves me right, all the press release regarding their english album was that it is mostly for Asian countries, well english being the international language.
        So i can’t seriously comprehend where that ‘American Dream’ (taken literally) came from.

      • @yhen13 the american dream its what monet try to bull on us, im indonesian not really now about american dream except to struggle in america to become better than before. and from i know before the album is release the billboard already announce it, and i think billboard will sell in USA right ? please correct me if im wrong in my perception.

    • @cmonet


      This is so left of center that I can only assume you have just escaped from your local loony bin, & are currently giggling like a crazed hyena in some internet cafe somewhere posting delusional garbage on issues you obviously know nothing about. Please don’t resist when the men in white coats come to take you back to your padded cell. Some quiet, peaceful time, & maybe some heavy duty electric shock therapy MIGHT just fire those brain-dead cells of yours up again. Note that I did say might. Cause the diagnosis is really not looking good!

      • You’re the best..I’m really laughing right now, thanks for your comment, it brings laughter in this time of global crisis!

    • “Mouth speaks what is in the heart”. It seems you’ve a very envy and rotten heart. @cmonet; ¿Are you some kind of “demoniac beast” sent to destroy weak minds? Sorry, but we aren’t weak-minded here. You’re losing your time. None of your bad intended words are true; not even one. ¿Do you think we are ignorant fans? You’re wrong again. We are very intelligent, clever, well-informed, and above all, we know what kind of persons are our beloved JYJ boys from head to toe, so we prefer to be loyal to them and let you fall into the deep black hole where you belong.

  82. @cmonet
    ”JYJ was offered the American Dream , fame, the mighty dollar, world recognization, party, hollywood, lifestyle, Kanye , The Kanye West and even Timbaland was mentioned. All of this didn ’t come from nowhere, this was planned, the one that planned this saw the potential and thought he could have the 5 boys, make them leave their company and exploit said potential, all with the right temptation of course, just the american dream.”

    Lol.. Because that, Yunho and Changmin are right to badmout toward her friends???
    It show who is low attitude,,,

    just leave jyj,, n live in ur life

  83. @cmonet
    “Yunho and Changmin didn’t take the bait, JYJ did and we know the poor results.”

    What poor results?
    Kim Jaejoong-Show Director
    Kim Junsu-talented musical actor with ‘sold-out’ labeled on him
    Park Yoochun-award winning actor

    Group JYJ is donating 600 million KRW (approximately 600,000 USD), which is the full amount of the goal for emergency relief donations by World Vision for areas which suffered the most serious harms due to Japan’s Earthquake.

    Cmonet, you must tell me, what are the poor results that JYJ have.

    • @Puti Ramli –

      There were no “poor results.” I’m here in the USA, there WERE no “poor results.” It was a DEBUT, for heavens sakes: did cmonet and her ilk expect Instant Elvis or something? This person is either a) delusional or b) a creator of particularly ill-intentioned fiction.

      And again, I have to ask, what do these Trolls get out of coming here and spouting nonsense?? Do they for one second expect the readers of the JYJFiles to read their bizarre fantasies and say to themselves, “Holy Crap, how wrong we’ve all been!”

      Please Trolls: listen up. We’re intelligent here. You’re just making yourself look bad. Go away.

      • @Lilibaiyu

        You have made my day. Back-patting time, Troll Patrol, Instant Elvis…ROFLMAO. Thank you!

      • @ButterfliesAreFree

        Right back atcha, girlfriend. Your several comments today were inspired and inspiring.


  84. Lilibaiyu:
    All right, first I’m not selling nothing, second of all, speak for yourself, do not use “we” please, anyways, thank you for your best wishes.

    You are not rude and ironic, thank you so much, I already read a few transcripts about that meeting some biased (from both sides) others not and my POV is that HoMin were bashed because no one in that meeting was there to agree or deny all the statements about them, imagine if someone held a meeting and make statements about your person and you are not there to clarify, that meeting wasn’t public and it was inmature, even when Junsu’s father said “do it wisely”.
    About your last point HoMin didn’t said nothing behind JYJ, they didn’t ask their parents to hold a secret meeting to use fans to do the dirty job.
    You can’t take responsability for others acts but yours.
    I do not hate JYJ, of course not, because my parents didn’t teach me that and I guess there is no room in my heart for that, but I’m from Mexico, so when I knew about the lawsuit I searched info about that, all I can read was: homin are traitors, they are puppets of sm/stupid Yunho’s father/poor JYJ/etc.; statements very rude against homin, I didn’t know what to think (my favorites were Junsu and Changmin), then when I knew about 6.25 meeting I understood the genesis of that rumors, I didn’t read things against JYJ. You have your opinion, I have mine but people can agree or disagree, that doesn’t mean you have to said ugly things to convince others or even lie. All human beings at least once gossiped but it’s pretty different when you spread those lies for your own good, do not destroy someone’s reputation just to clean yours, if they claimed there were a 6.23 meeting (still I can’t find it, if you find it please let me know), you have to follow the silver rule, I hope you can understand me. I respect JYJ decision to leave SM but that meeting was so wrong.
    P.S. Sorry for my poor english.
    Have a nice day.

    • @ Sofly,
      That you didn’t see any bashing against JYJ doesn’t mean those bad words don’t exist. I’ve seen too many harsh comments on JYJ (very mean and nasty words), and it hurts my heart. This is practically the most rational site I’ve been to.

      • btw, most of bashings I saw were mainly in Chinese and Japanese, maybe that’s the reason why you didn’t see any. But even on youtube you can still see many hotel girls and other only-fans bombarding JYJ.

      • @Linde:

        “That you didn’t see any bashing against JYJ doesn’t mean those bad words don’t exist. I’ve seen too many harsh comments on JYJ (very mean and nasty words), and it hurts my heart. This is practically the most rational site I’ve been to”

        You are right, I said “all I can read”, but it’s an expression, is not absolute or restrictive phrase, in spanish we use it, it’s something like “todo lo que podìa ver” that doesn’t mean I didn’t see bad words against JYJ, but like I said to @coffee craze “I barely read ugly things about JYJ”.
        I ‘ve seen many harsh comments on HOMIN in this site and my heart hurts too. Some of you, said awful things about HOMIN, you can read it.

        ” btw, most of bashings I saw were mainly in Chinese and Japanese, maybe that’s the reason why you didn’t see any. But even on youtube you can still see many hotel girls and other only-fans bombarding JYJ”.

        Maybe they have more info than us, I do not know what you call “bashing” I call bashing when you say things that you do not have proof and you spread those rumors, I call “bashing” what JYJ families did to HOMIN and their families, ask yourself if that action it’s right, be sincere please, would you do that to your own friends or even if they are not your friends?. Somehow I justify to the fans of the reunion but not the parents, maybe this little kids were silly and inmature (under age maybe, I really want to believe it was like that) but the parents should defend their own children without using fans, that was low in so many levels. I don’t know Chinese or Japanese, my bad I guess, maybe JYJ were bashed for that meeting, you should know better.

        When I want to say something, I say it for my own, I do not use my little cousins to say what I want to say. I’m not like that, I’m brave enough to say whatever I want.

        Have a nice day my dear. Thank you for your kind reply.

    • i call bashing to for what homin family say to jyj family.
      I ‘ve seen many harsh comments on HOMIN in this site and my heart hurts too. Some of you, said awful things about HOMIN, you can read it….
      you say you heart hurts when you read in every comment in just one this artikel, i cay say MAY HEART REALY2 HURTS when i read comment in homin fans most beloved fansites truetvxq no just one artikel but every artikel there.

      All human beings at least once gossiped but it’s pretty different when you spread those lies for your own good, do not destroy someone’s reputation just to clean yours…
      say that to HOTEL GIRL and FOREVER to.
      Have a nice day to.

      • @peace:
        All right, I didn’t reply you before but you want my answer, I’ll give it to you.

        “I call bashing to for what homin family say to jyj family.

        I think you may refer about homin’s parents letters
        eh?, It’s pretty different, they signed it, they didn’t talk behind JYJ back, if JYJ would have a problem about those statements, they would complain, they didn’t. You can say, “they didn’t because they are good boys”, maybe, but maybe they didn’t because those statements are true. We can’t know but let’s see the facts, ACTIONS SPOKE LOUDER THAN WORDS, all right, do not get mad, just have an open mind:
        1) HOMIN parents are pretty respectable in South Korea (one is lawyer and the other teacher), they wouldn’t risk their reputation, besides the court advised them to abstain making statements through media but they spoke out. That is what I call to be brave, it reminds me the man that Tolstoi mentioned in his book.
        2) They mentioned that the cosmetic business was the main cause and they agreed with their sons (children) didn’t get involved because it seemed unnecessary. If you read the 6.25 transcription or you heard it, you should pay attention to the way that Junsu’s father talked about the business (he was excited and laughed), it seems he was dazzled by the business. He keeps mentioning that business. Do not reply me until you see what I’m talking about please.
        3) Parents said JYJ began to exert pressure against HOMIN, you can read at 6.25 meeting that Junsu’s father said Junsu that asked AGAIN to HOMIN about to join the make up business, they keep trying, even when HOMIN said no, they really wanted HOMIN leave with them. Of course, better 5 than 3.
        4) JYJ parents didn’t defend their children about this accusations or maybe they did it in their own way (behind their back, under the table) who knows, maybe they held another meeting. I do not have children but if someone say a lie about my son, I will speak out and defend him.

        About your heart’s pain
        The truth hurts honey, I do not know your age but when you are young you might think life is easy but then you realize it’s so damn hard. My dear you have to see beyond what people say. Do not trust so easily, sometimes you have to read between the lines. I know you think I’m biased, yes, I am, I trust in Changmin, but that doesn’t mean I will believe all his words, I’m not like that, I do not go just saying lies, first I do a research, I see all the opinions and then I make mine of course with my own moral principles.

        “say that to HOTEL GIRL and FOREVER to”.
        Forever’s post didn’t attack JYJ, he/she was pointing out the facts, it seems this person knew about the plot and asked to stop it, if the girls from fan sites had heard him/her, the fanwar would have been avoided. About Hotel girls, I do not go to their site. I came until here because I was looking for HOMIN news. Then I started to read it and well here I am, giving an answer to you.

        Take care.

    • @softly
      so you are changmin fans,
      i hope homin and homin fans never including they self in this war again this is between JYJ vs SM, just stop talking bad again about JYJ in almost every artikel and tv.
      homin to much “ACTION”.
      i always support both group and i soulfighter fans
      but this time i dont now….

      peace and take care to.

      • |@peace:

        “so you are changmin fans,”

        Yes, I already said, also I asked you “Do not reply me until you see what I’m talking about please.”

        “i hope homin and homin fans never including they self in this war again this is between JYJ vs SM, just stop talking bad again about JYJ in almost every artikel and tv.”

        I do not know if you read all my reply, I don’t think so, if you did it, by now you should know HOMIN were included in all this SM vs JYJ because Junsu’s father. Read or listen the 6.25 meeting, count the times when Junsu’s father mentioned HOMIN, count how many times he made statements about HOMIN, (even if you are JYJ biased, just open your mind a little bit), count how many times he said it was a separation 2:3, count how many times Yunho and Changmin’s names were pronounced in that meeting, if SM is the EVIL, why Junsu’s father brought to light HOMIN’S names? He should speak about SM and JYJ.
        Keep in mind that all this things were said to the fans, those who were assigned to take the LEAD to spread “rumors” like I said under the table, that’s how HOMIN were involved in this, that meeting is the genesis of all this fanwar, that is the reason for HOMIN fans refuted all those rumors. Yunho and Changmin never involved themselves in all this war, watch your words please.
        That’s fine if JYJ wanted to leave SM, but why Junsu’s father keeps talking about HOMIN? I don’t get it, please do not say HOMIN wanted to leave too because they never said that, it was Junsu’s father that said that.
        Show me all the articles, tv shows where THEY spoke bad about JYJ please. They said JYJ were talented, they said they believed JYJ filed the lawsuit against SM because they were famous at such young age, they said their families suffered because the rumors(they were called traitors).

        homin to much “ACTION”.

        I’d say JYJ TOO MUCH TWEETS. TOO MUCH VICTIM CARD (SM, AVEX, JUNSU’S TWEETS). Perhaps you admire when a person play that card, I do not, maybe you believe in all JYJ words, I’m not.
        Maybe you don’t see anything wrong with that meeting, I do, maybe you are just too biased to see reality.

        Have a nice week and take care.

    • @sofly
      so you are changmin fans,
      i hope homin and homin fans never including they self in this war again this is between JYJ vs SM, just stop talking bad again about JYJ in almost every artikel and tv.
      homin to much “ACTION”.

      i always support both group and i soulfighter fans
      but this time i don’t now….

      peace and take care to:)

      • @peace sorry not agree with homin to much ACTION things
        they to much the words things because what they can do is badmouthing to someone who already moved on and i think the had the feeling they left behind like in musical yunho vs junsu, in drama yoochun vs yunho although changmin did great in paradise ranch.

      • @JYJ LOver
        “sorry not agree with homin to much ACTION things
        they to much the words things because what they can do is badmouthing to someone who already moved on and i think the had the feeling they left behind like in musical yunho vs junsu, in drama yoochun vs yunho although changmin did great in paradise ranch.
        thats the meaning about “ACTION” in my comment, that they have to much action in badmouthing.
        sorry, now i need listen fallen leaves to make my self calm:)


    • @Sofly
      “P.S. Sorry for my poor english.”

      Oh, not at all. I think you are doing marvelously in communicating your perspective, as I’ve already said elsewhere. I admire your command of
      English, in fact. We have whole bunches of people who LIVE here in this
      country (the US) who can’t form a coherent sentence, believe me.
      In fact, I’m so inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt that I have
      delved further into why a seemingly brainy, educated person such as yourself
      would hold the opinions you do. So far, nothing much to report, but I’ll keep
      trying. Because that’s what we’re all here for, right? This is a forum, not a
      “Hooray For our Side!” wank.

      Maybe we could agree on just one thing: SM is an unethical bunch of lying, thieving thugs. I believe, as do many others here way more informed and savvy than I’ll ever be, that there are NO lengths to which these contemptible and degenerate puppet-masters will not stoop to destroy the futures of the upstarts, JYJ.

      How about that? Can we just agree on that?

  85. You should never put this article here Yunho and Changmin looks like a bad person, I watched the show and this note is only a small part of the program, just put the part where homin supposedly speaks against JYJ, and the big question is why not put the other comments made in the program? entire program was all talked about how they felt and never spoke badly of JYJ, is more when Yunho mentions the names of the members, he said, Junsu, JAEJOOGNIE YOOCHUNIE, in a loving way to call people and has so much talent they were afraid to go on stage because they could not replace the three members, please we know that they are stars and everything they say is the hot bread to the press that make it look distorted or other point of the view , So if you put the note it have to be completed and not only a small part where Yunho and Changmin seem bad people
    I’m a fan of JYJ <3, but I also like HoMin and I like the whole truth

    • You, as TVXQ5 fan, can be blinded not to see what HoMin claimed in their statements about JYJ lawsuit, but you can’t hinder JYJ fan to be blinded as yours not to see this obvious tone, convincing enough to the public that JYJ is morally weak and do not know how to discern right from the wrong. Period.

    • doesn’t the -ie ending depend on the sentence structure and is because of the Korean grammar? Maybe some fan who understands the language can confirm this.

    • I understand that it is upsetting for old TVXQ fans seeing Homin being critisized by JYJ fans. However it is a given fact that they will be critisised if they make controversial comments about the three and I’m pretty sure they realize that and still decide to say what they say. I really don’t see what they gain from mentioning JYJ in interviews so this whole thing makes me wonder what SM is thinking. If SM is really making them say things like this Homin fans should be madder at SM than at JYJ fans because they are being used in the worst way.

      • @Reese
        ” I really don’t see what they gain from mentioning JYJ in interviews so this whole thing makes me wonder what SM is thinking.”

        SM appears to be running scared, firing at will and trying ANYTHING to staunch the bleeding, at this point. Willfully and cynically using YH&CM to dump on JYJ, however awful it may be for them personally, is by any stretch of the imagination a Last Resort, an all-time low maneuver. Folks, they have seen the phoenix rising from the ashes and it aint their boys, their property. It’s JYJ.

  86. Woah so many trolls lurking around, are you lost or something. this is JYJ site if you want to read about homin or OT5 please look in their respective sites
    JYJfiles admin keep hwaiting and you must be proud so many have their attention to your site thats mean your site is very effective so the trolls take it as a threat
    JYJ Fandom Hwaiting,
    and by the way there also some trolls how make rumours about cancellation of JYJ tour in some countries and please dont take it serious its only rumours the promotors already said that “NO CANCELLATION” so help to spread the news will you?

  87. I don’t know if it’s too late to leave this comment, but as others are still checking out this post, I will take a chance.


    To do so is unbelievably rude, arrogant & downright graceless. Jimmie does a fantastic job for us & if you don’t like what she does DON’T COME HERE! Set up your own blog if you feel so strongly about your opinion – or about pushing your opinion down everyone else’s throats, & leave thejyjfiles to us JYJ fans who actually have enough brain cells to be interested in what’s going on , & who are mature enough to respect, admire & adore Jimmie for the amazing job she does.

    • @Sapphire –

      It’s never too late for a little thoughtfully considered sanity to enter the conversation, Sapphire. Thanks.

      And thanks again to Jimmie for all you do. We really do appreciate it. [I know I have been politely asked by Sofly not to use the word “we” and there I go again, so my apologies there. ]

      • Having read, agreed with & admired all your comments on this post, you can include me in that “we” anytime you want!

        Btw, I love your name. It’s very poetic! 🙂

      • @lilibaiyu i dont mind you use the we and i want to join in the “we” group, and ppl who dont like the words we in this site that means you in the wrong address, are you lost or something ?

      • @JYJ LOver
        “@lilibaiyu i dont mind you use the we and i want to join in the “we” group…”

        Thank-you, JYJ LOver, I do appreciate your comments. OK, that’s four of us and counting! lol I feel slightly able to venture another “we” at some future point.

        I felt that Sofly had a fair point about not assuming agreement without gaining permission though, and also I must tell you I have a great deal of respect for anyone who can actually converse/write as well as he/she does in a foreign language; I certainly can’t and I’m always quietly impressed when I read posts from obviously intelligent multi-lingual people. Sofly has made some arguably interesting points that have provoked my reflection. So I’m trying hard to be respectful there if I can.

      • @Lilibaiyu

        Well, I don’t have a problem using WE, so include me in as well. I figure it this way. Anyone who has a problem with ‘we’ on a JYJ supporting site, is at the wrong location. They might want to invest in a GPS device to get them to the ‘correct’ location.

        As I’ve said before, JYJ sites are JYJ’s home. You don’t insult the family in their own house. That is very bad form. I would hate to see how they react if someone came to their home and they just let strangers treat them any old way.

        Anyhow, here’s to the power of WE!

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “Anyhow, here’s to the power of WE!”

        Yay! Our growing We-hood makes my day!

  88. Here is a new comment, a notwithstanding all the above, but it is a real, genuine question that I would like someone to answer: HOW is it that the Casseopia, the TVXQ5 people can now hate and malign the members of JYJ, while simultaneously bemoaning the break-up and fervently wishing for a reunion? How does this compute?

    The Three were overwhelmingly the lead vocalists on one or another of every single beloved TVXQ song; amongst the three of them they were, arguably “the signature sound” of TVXQ.

    Perhaps a short dissertation on the difference between a “lead vocalist” and a “background vocalist” might be in order at this point. A lead vocalist needs to have a unique and identifiable style and vocal quality that is pleasing to the ear. A background vocalist needs to be able to blend his voice and vibrato well with other singers and provide a harmonious counterpoint/reinforcement to what the lead vocalist is doing.
    As a general rule, lead vocalists are not particularly good background vocalists–instinctively, even unconsciously, they don’t want to blend in, they want to stand out.
    Likewise, a background singer makes a poor choice for a lead vocalist if his voice is weak or unremarkable on its own and lacks strength and a readily identifiable quality.

    I have explained all of this because The Three have each demonstrated considerable prowess as lead vocalists over the years in TVXQ. YH&CM have, for all intents and purposes, been background vocalists (in terms of the actual sound of the group) the majority of the time. To “love” TVXQ therefore, to be a diehard fan, is to love the voices, presences, etc., etc. of JYJ.

    So how, and here I guess I am actually illiciting the responses of the many HoMin lurkers who have decided to grace us with their presences in the last few days, can there be such venom now, against JYJ, the very core, sound and soul of the much lamented and grieved for TVXQ?

    Honest to goodness, please explain this to me.

    • @lilibaiyu i also wondering with the background vocal. Oh dear lord what is SM trying to do ? its bad enough what they do to Baloons when they perform it. i hope homin a good luck they really need it.

      • @JYJ LOver –
        “@lilibaiyu i also wondering with the background vocal. Oh dear lord what is SM trying to do ?”

        And here’s a ~really~ sodden thought (also in my humble opinion)
        If the HoMin Huggers’ fandom is essentially NOT interested in the music or what goes on therein, but is merely finding opportunities to feast their eyes on the boyish beauty that is YH&CM, well then by golly maybe The TVX2 CAN have a continued career after all! The only thing that will be ruined once and for all is the lasting legacy of the original group, what made them so great, so one in a million. Amazing that SM is sooo darn willing to throw that under the bus, huh?

      • @Lilibaiyu…
        Of course I’m more than honored to be in your “WE Circle”, thinking how intelligent and articulate the people around ( I may feel shy)…
        Actually I was also attacked by the usage of “we” before in another site when I said “We became fans of TVXQ because of JaeChunSu” (that was the time when the other two announced their comeback as tvxq), I earned a long tread of reply why I used “we” when in fact I was the only one saying it .( My goodness, even of the language barrier, I still know the difference between we & I … what I was pointing was me and my circle of friends and family), and anybody can tell which side attacked me at that time.
        And here “JYJ, the very core, sound and soul of TVXQ”, this was the reason why I was so disgusted, angry and even emotional at that time when the 2 cameback as TVXQ…How dare they can call themselves TVXQ?- but that was done, so be it, they can use the name and the prestige but we will always search for the sound and soul of the TVXQ we’ve known and loved and we can find that in JYJ ( the harmony maybe lacking, but the core is there, and that’s more than fine with me).

      • @kris
        “Actually I was also attacked by the usage of “we” before in another site when I said “We became fans of TVXQ because of JaeChunSu” (that was the time when the other two announced their comeback as tvxq), I earned a long tread of reply why I used “we” when in fact I was the only one saying it .( My goodness, even of the language barrier, I still know the difference between we & I … what I was pointing was me and my circle of friends and family), and anybody can tell which side attacked me at that time.”

        Well, that must have been really lousy. It’s good you’re here now. I have not found any other discussion board that even vaguely rivals this one in terms of the basic courtesy and intelligence of the discourse and the though-provoking topics raised have really broadened my perspective on what is actually going on re: this case in Korea right now. Naturally enough I think Yuchun, JaeJoong and Junsu are very beautiful to look at but that is far, far from my primary enjoyment of what they do and who they are. And now, sneaking up alongside of my enjoyment of their music is this growing fascination with The Case, the lawsuit and everything it represents.

        But anyway, welcome. Here’s your “WE” badge.

    • “The Three were overwhelmingly the lead vocalists on one or another of every single beloved TVXQ song; amongst the three of them they were, arguably “the signature sound” of TVXQ.” I LOVE this sentence!

      • @kris –
        Thank-you to kris (and might you be interested in joining my ‘We’ Circle?) I think I probably should have prefaced my remarks by saying that this is a subject I know rather intimately, having been a working background singer for years. The reason I was initially so drawn to TVXQ was because they were doing, and doing brilliantly, what I’ve enjoyed doing and making a great success of it at that.

        And my question above is a real one, I can’t figure out how so many Cassies can simultaneously bemoan the end of the 5 man group AND spread malicious ugliness against JYJ.

        So anybody with a theory – I want to hear it.

      • And my question above is a real one, I can’t figure out how so many Cassies can simultaneously bemoan the end of the 5 man group AND spread malicious ugliness against JYJ.

        I can take a shot at this: it’s because JYJ took away their toy.

        They see JYJ leaving SME as the reason for TVXQ5 coming to an end. And since nothing is more important that what they want, they are taking their anger out on JYJ.

        Their “love” has nothing to do with the music. If you’ve ever seen a Korean TVXQ concert you know that the music is practically ignored. (Find the beautiful acoustic version of Midohyo from the “O” concert and you’ll see what I mean.) It’s about having gorgeous guys to call their own. JYJ pointed out that they are not objects for consumption, but people who have their own lives to live. That destroyed the fantasy.

    • Some ot5 fans still blame JYJ for breaking up something that seemed eternal and perfect to them. They despise them for leading the breakup of tvxq which truth be told both side played a role. It was a choice they both made which should be respected because its their life not ours.

      Your lucky you weren’t there in 2009 and early 2010 that was plain ugly coz most just saw it as the boy’s fault and that their personal well-being or wishes were not as important as ensuring that this perfection- tvxq5 continues to live on. So yes they hate jyj for ruining tvxq but still want them back to tvxq so that perfection can continue.

      To me all that died when i saw their year end performances in japan 2009. They were a group that relied so much on group dynamics and when that is lost so is their chemistry and they loose the magic they once held. Personally i don’t want a tvxq reunion if that is what will be subject to. The performance clearly indicates that there was bad blood between which majority of the fandom ignored and until things blew up in 2010.

      The issue at hand was the contract and its legality which the fandom chose to ignore and some still. They made it into betrayal, morality, ethics when the question was really the contract. Nothing lasts forever and tvxq with or without the lawsuit were not going to last forever.

      Like you said, I don’t know why they’ld want a reunion when they despise them so much. Its an irony i don’t understand but some hold the notion they’ld forgive them if they go back to TVXQ which reality wise seems unlikely unless years from now. More so than all the members forgiving each other we have a fandom that is so broken and vile towards each other and that would probably take more time to heal. So a reunion with such a broken fandom- i don’t know.

      To be fair this is true for both sides- jyj and homin.

      • Oh, THANK YOU to Eliza and oo!
        I think I can begin to understand it now. I am literally too far afield here in California to have gotten the full picture of these fan wars. Only speaking and being able to read English didn’t help either.
        And my bias really is the music, the songs and things like arrangement choices, vocal performances and production values rather than the Personal Cuteness Factor.

        But only screaming fans who are not thinking clearly could expect the members of a teen-age idol group to never grow up, mature and to powerfully wish to become real artists. That’s the only crime that I see JYJ has committed. They have grown to become young men with real artistic aspirations and a great drive to realize those dreams.

      • that is true

        Another thing i fault kpop is the illusion they create that these groups would last forever. They create a fantasy that becomes a a form of escapeism for some fans and if you noticed most fans in kpop don’t become fans due to music but the eye candy/the fantasy created. Am no expert in Kpop and the only group I listened to was tvxq which was more of their tohoshinki stuff than dbsk.

        You’re lucky you weren’t there for the fandom wars what you see now is nothing compared to what was but things seems to be heating up. One thing for sure is that when the final verdict is given, you’ll get to see the war that would ensue. Not looking forward to the fandom war which i might say to some extent when its not delving delusions is rather entertaining but can’t wait for this phase to finally come to an end. That day is going to be epic.

      • Hello Everyone 🙂 Lilibaiyu, JYJ LOver, kris, Eliza, & oo

        I’ve had some of the same thoughts myself, but from a slightly different perspective. I do recognize, and agree with what each one of you has put forth. Especially, Eliza’s comment about their ‘toy’ being taken away.

        Whenever I listen to the sound of TVXQ, I hear some amazing singing. It’s proven by their acapella renditions. Even though JYJ have been the main leads, HoMin do contribute, and their voices do add value, because you can’t do acapella, and be a bad singer. I’ve likened them to the Asian Boyzz to Men – I’m from Philly and quite partial. 😉

        Yes, the fanbase that is spazzing about JYJ leaving are pretty much not into the vocalization part. They are probably just going along with the hype. If they truly understood what the vocal talent is all about, they should really start being concerned about how long SME is going to continue to front this sham of TVXQ they are promoting right now.

        Pretty soon it is going to become obvious when they start rolling out this new boy group. The current duo, IS NOT TVXQ. There is no way the two of them can go on a stage and sing the TVXQ catalog. Anyone and everyone who has followed the group knows whose voice leads which song. Knows which voice sings which phrase. Knows who sings melody, who sings base, sings harmony and when. Those songs cannot be sung by ANYONE else and be the SAME songs! To try and do anything else – backups, support at SMTwon from SuJu, is perpetrating a fraud on the TVXQ fandom.

        By virtue of the fact, SME wants to hold onto the rights to all this work, means they will benefit from all sales of the music and videos, in perpetuity. The artists will retain, not one friggin’ thing. But SME knows the value of the SOUND. Yes, they did create it, but the members are the ones who did the work.

        Yes, breaking up is hard to do. Goodness knows, the American music landscape is splattered with the reminents of breakups too many to mention. But somehow most manage to go on. Korea is going to have to come into the 21st century and learn there is going to be a finite supply on their side of the ocean. That will one day make a huge difference in how successful they remain in the worldwide music industry.

        I apologize for the long message, but these thoughts have been on my mind for a while and this was the first chance I saw to intro them.

      • @oo
        ive been there, and its hurt alot to see the biggest fandom broke like that, but what make me sad and cry is when the TVXQ name is reclaim by the 2 of them and they blame JYJ who denied to join the comeback and after that the fandom is announce that SM make a new application that cassiopeia its only support homin. and my belief that TVXQ will become 5 again died at that point.

        i come from indo and theres alot OT5 and like you said some of them blame JYJ cause they who come out with the lawsuit and blame homin cause they dont go out with JYJ. but most of them don’t know what happen and they dont care. they don’t know what its HoTel but they still blame on JYJ fans who try to clear the situation about the Hotel. i just want to be part of JYJ fandom, but a fandom who is wise and mature enough to support those talented man whose still try to live to their dream.

        @lilibaiyu i want my bagdes ke ke ke ke

        the “We” circle hwaiting

      • @JYJ LOver –
        “i just want to be part of JYJ fandom, but a fandom who is wise and mature enough to support those talented man whose still try to live to their dream.@lilibaiyu i want my bagdes ke ke ke ”

        JYJ LOver, I loved your post. Here’s your badge.


      • To Everyone above, with regards to a reunion and how the ‘broken’ fandom will be able deal with it. I guess it is pretty obvious, it will take some time before that can happen. Providence is the only one who will know.

        But one thing I’ve learned in life is to never say never. I have seen some things occur, one would assume were not in the realm of possibility. These incidences have occurred across the board in all kinds of situations. So, I’m not going to say this will ‘never’ happen. How the fans will deal with it? I can only speculate that depends on the maturation growth level of those who need to grow up first. For those who have a firm grip on reality and the real situation, it will probably mean taking their cue from JYJ.

        I would be the last person in the world to tell them how they should resolve this. It is purely for them to make the judgment call on how this ends. They are the ones with the most invested in this situation, and they have the deepest emotions to deal with. If there is any shred of fondness, and caring left by all 5 of them, then by all means, if it is possible, they should make a stab at it.

        Families have broken up, and grown distant, and when the need arises, have come back together. As long as SME stays the F**K out of it, they should be able to come to some consensus.

  89. damn…after spending hours reading all those comments above, I’m very amazed by the high level discussion in this forum…I’m also a JYJ fan and I’m glad i found this forum that helps me a lot in understanding the whole situation.
    I’m sorry i can’t contribute any intelligent reply for now since I’m too tired to even think, but still I want to thank the admin of this blog for their hard works in giving us all information…JYJfiles ROCKS!!!!!

    lastly…to all the Trolls…STFU and Get The Hell Out Of Here
    Be back tomorrow, Good night to you all

  90. @ButterfliesAreFree –
    “If they truly understood what the vocal talent is all about, they should really start being concerned about how long SME is going to continue to front this sham of TVXQ they are promoting right now.”

    I really enjoyed reading your comments on this subject. It’s been on my mind a bit too although I wasn’t sure if it was going to be acceptable to the group to raise the issue. And I’m still trying to get my head around a fandom of a singing group who aren’t particularly interested in “the music part.” This seems bizarre to me, but whatever floats your boat.

    I also certainly didn’t mean to imply that YH&CM can’t sing. Of course, they can. And my apologies if I appeared to be saying otherwise. The question is: how proficient are they as lead vocalists to now be the frontmen of this spinoff entity currently being called TVXQ.

    In my opinion–not very. In all the vocal groups I was in, there were strong, uniquely gifted singers and weaker singers, singers naturally destined for the spotlight and those singers better suited to “back-up.” There is NO doubt in my mind that YH&CM are in that second category and furthermore, they know it. Somewhere or other on the JYJFiles blog (and I should try to find it) this fact was referenced by another reader–that YH&CM had confessed on a TV show that they were really scared to perform as a duo. Well, no kidding!! But anyway, to me, as a careful listener of JYJ’s music and growing songwriting skills, I had these nagging questions at the back of my mind and thanks so much for your considered and insightful response.

    • Oh, I’m not taking offense at the part about YH & CM.

      Yes, I think they know as well, the main vocals are JYJ. And I’m not discounting their trepidation at having to now stand front and center. I would be scared too. My concern is the fact that SME, for whatever their purposes is not being honest with the two. If they really have their best interests at heart, they would not try and ‘force’ HoMin into the mold as the ‘gatekeepers’ so to speak.

      Take their individual talents and work with that. Even if they wanted them to work as a duo, go for it. But don’t put them in the akward position of trying to be TVXQ, when they will not be able to ‘rep’ the catalog. This dishonesty is going to cost the two. The pressure is enormous. It is not fair to them, nor those fans who hold out hope for a reunion, which is a whole nother topic all together. 🙂

      This is one of the reasons I simply doubt SME’s sincerety in anything they do. If they have the best interests of their artists at heart and not their personal pocketbooks, these kinds of situations wouldn’t arise.

      I first came upon TVXQ when I heard them do ‘Thousand Year Love Song’ from the historical drama ‘The Legend’. I had heard their name before, just didn’t bother to listen to their music. Then I started listening to their songs and watched the various videos. I came away very impressed and began keeping up. The the inklings about the troubles. This made me start looking for more background info. I ran across an entry in someone’s blog, please don’t ask me for a link… :-)… this entry highlighted how LSM started SME.

      He conducted a survey amongst high school/college girls to see what would interest them about a boy idol group. From there the rest is history. Take a wild guess, if you had this information, what would you do? Just look it over and throw it into the trash? How about take that info and taylor make it to fit your amibitions, to become a music mogul. You design the fan interest so that they build ‘brand’ loyalty, make the groups popular and you rich. It’s not rocket science.

      This becomes the working formula, and it helps you build your company. You regulate everything, how the acts live, work, dress, connect, etc. You even regulate the fan clubs to your specifications, continuing to build that brand loyalty. This brings us the present.

      I believe it was ‘oo’ who brought up the past and possible future fans wars, regarding the loss of the 5. SME’s manipulations are just about all they have left at this point – spoilers – so to speak. But what they are not paying attention to is the fact that JYJ’s breaking out of the mold is giving them a fanbase that is not pliable. This fanbase is more mature, with a sweet mixture of young fans who are extremely savvy, and older, such as myself, who like to support talent and don’t appreciate bullies. I’ve always fought for the underdog.

      My wish for HoMin is that they come to the realization, like JYJ, that standing on their own two feet, with their backs straight and their heads held high is better than being led by the nose with their heads held down. As I’ve said before, this is the only way one knows in what direction you want to go, and if you’re even going in the right direction.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “I first came upon TVXQ when I heard them do ‘Thousand Year Love Song’ from the historical drama ‘The Legend’. ”

        How funnny! That’s where I first heard them too! (And, boy, by the end of that series you REALLY knew that song by heart, right?) Then a cursory e-stroll around uTube for an hour or two and the rest is history.

      • Well, it is indeed a small world, isn’t it. 🙂 I really loved the drama and the entire music score. But the song really reached out to me with their voices. Of course, there are other songs that I favor more, but that one stood out so much!

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –

        A fascinating post, this, from start to finish. What a story about LSM! Wow! His story reminds me of Berry Gordy, the man who invented Motown and also had a legendary aversion to paying his artists. In fact, the music business has been littered with thieves and gangsters from its earliest days. There’s nothing particularly new about LSM’s avarice. But now he and his platoon of flying monkeys have to LET GO of JYJ. Oh, and write out a nice big fat severance check while he’s at it.

        The minute I stop feeling incensed about YH&CM’s seamy role in all of this I just feel so awfully bad for them. They missed the only bus out of town. As I’ve said elsewhere here, in my opinion they should have moved heaven and earth to stay with The Three.
        Maybe someday we’ll learn what was actually offered to them to turn their backs on their band-mates. Whatever it turns out to have been, it was a dishonorable and worthless thing, that they now have to live with as they navigate the minefield ahead of them.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree
        “Well, it is indeed a small world, isn’t it. I really loved the drama and the entire music score. But the song really reached out to me with their voices. Of course, there are other songs that I favor more, but that one stood out so much!”

        I loved it too. I bought it, in fact (the OST). I do try to actually buy artists’ music that I enjoy (so they can get paid) but with the Korean Wave I finally just gave up. (I pay at a download site now.) As a person living in the US, the majority of K-artists just weren’t available to me because I don’t read Korean. Fortunately, TVXQ were huge enough to be on Ebay and at Yesasia.
        But artists like Tim Hwang, Hwanhee, Wheesung, 4Men (really the list goes on and on) – forget it. I’m sure you also like Korean films, right? I’m a total fanatic for Asian cinema–it’s really all I want to watch. So as you can imagine, all of my friends think I’ve gone ’round the bend. Actually, they could be right. lol

      • I got active with the Korean Wave, watching drams on one of our local public broadcasting channels. The music in dramas, has always been a draw for me. I joined a local online Kdrama forum. It covers a wide range of topics, and off I was. So, one thing lead to another and here I am. Watching some of the variety shows online offered me a chance to become familiar with a number of artists, so that also contributed to my experience.

        One of my co-workers told me about the forum, and I’ve even attended one of their annual lunches. We also have some Korean employees at my agency, which does outreach to a wide selection of ethnic populations. So, my exposure is not as confining. We also have an international film festival, and I’ve seen a number of Korean films there as well.

        I try and keep and open mind about culture. I love Spanish telenovelas, and latin music, so my tastes reach a broad spectrum. This entire incident as taught me a great deal more than I’ve ever expected to learn, but all in a good way. And I’m appreciating the interaction with everyone on the sites I frequent. So, that’s one more thing I’m greatful to JYJ for. 🙂

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “I got active with the Korean Wave, watching drams on one of our local public broadcasting channels. The music in dramas, has always been a draw for me. I joined a local online Kdrama forum.”

        Gosh, I hope it’s OK to ask here, but what is the web address of the K-drama forum? I am also a K-drama lover. OMG, what an understatement ~that~ is… Many of the Korean R&B artists I’ve been drawn to I initially heard on the OSTs of dramas. Boo Hwal, the aforementioned Tim Hwang, Yim Jae Bum, HowL, Park Wan Kyu, Lee Bum Soo, Lee Seung Chul. Yikes! Somebody stop me! Anyway, I’m now a fan of these great singers and can hardly wait to hear more from each and every one of them.

        You are so plugged in, BAF, in so many ways! I’m amazed and envious! For me it’s been a 3+ year lonely obsession (that I have no intention of giving up, ever, btw.) But honestly no one else I know is in the LEAST bit interested in any of it. Some are rather overtly hostile, in fact. So it’s been a solitary journey. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet one more person in the USA who “gets it” like I do.

        Program Note: I am now listening to JaeJoong sing “Forgive Me” from the “Legend” soundtrack. What a powerful and incredibly poignant performance this is! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing my obsession!!

  91. @softly
    I understand the need for 6.25, the 4 statements, the interviews and Junsu’s tweet. All are trying to state and defend their positions. What I find reprehensible is the use of inflammatory language. It’s nowhere to be found in JYJ side and all over SME and Homin’s side. You have no problems believing the words of Homin and their parents. I have no problem believing the words of JYJ and their family members. Just like a teacher and a lawyer have a reputation to uphold so do a business man/woman and a housewife. Just as Homin parents are honorable citizens of the Republic of Korea so are JYJ family members.

    Regarding 6.25:
    You have a problem with 6.25 being a secret meeting for JYJ fansite admins. In fact it wasn’t secret and fansites admins from all 5 were invited. Don’t forget to acknowledge that. The problem is, if you do, you have nothing to censure JYJ and their family members with. No subterfuge, no conspiracy.

    They stated that they were propelled to hold such a meeting by JYJ members themselves because there were rumors, the lawsuit hasn’t been filed and nothing was decided yet. They asked fans to stand by JYJ. The ones that wanted to post something to defend JYJ were the fans present at the meeting. The family members wanted to address the rumors that were being circulated against JYJ. The problem some Homin fans have with that position is that when someone says “stand by JYJ” for them it means “stand against Homin”. Same thing happens with “defend JYJ” = “attack Homin”. The problems were never with Homin but SME and the ones feeding rumors to the fansites.

    They explained the situation:
    The 5 had grievances with SME. Started discussions. Decided to leave together or stay together. Decision to leave together. Parents were called. Then another call to say Yunho and Changmin decided to stay. They also say they don’t know why and what could’ve SME done to convince Homin, while to the 3 they told to just leave. Isn’t it normal to wonder if all 5 work just as hard for DBSK (and SME) why the difference in treatment? They also said things can change at any minute because they are still in negotiations. But if nothing changes the members must have their plans. Where in that do you see them maligning Homin? People can have differences of opinions/choices and as adults they have the freedom to do as they want.

    They go on to say to “please support us and them both so it all works out for all of us. It’s good if everything goes well, but if not, please don’t criticize people for having left or having stayed like in the past, but just help us so everything will turn out well for all of them. If you could do that I’ll be very grateful.”

    Junsu wanted to invest and Junsu’s father wanted to involve the members. If you see it as him pushing the issue, I will give you that. Having been at the receiving end of these offers from my family members I understand the feeling. Sometimes I get involve sometimes I don’t. In this case some wanted to do it others didn’t. He got the ok and they proceeded from there. But he can’t understand if they were given the ok from SME, why are they’re backtracking? Never mind that it’s absurd that they have to get permission in the first place to make a personal investment. Now SME is saying that it was without their consent and telling it in front of the other parents some of which had invested too. I would be indignant especially if it was seen as a tactic to not address the members concerns. You said Junsu’s father was “dazzled by the business”. Here I’m puzzled. I went back like you wanted. I don’t see someone “dazzled” as if he is blinded by $$$ in front of his eyes. That wouldn’t be my characterization. If it was going well for him why shouldn’t he be happy about it? Have you seen a business man start an enterprise and have success, talk about it and be mournful about it?

    Jaejoong sister: “In conclusion, nothing has been decided yet and we hope that everything will turn out ok for all five members for now. Because we are on the same page with you all. To support all the five as the one, like Junsu’s father said. I think it’s the best thing we can do for now. If the five members choose a different path even though you tried your best, we still made this decision thinking that supporting all five members would be really helpful. I think that’s why we’ve gathered here today. It’s just a discussion at the moment and we don’t know yet, so please support all the members to stay together. It breaks our hearts after hearing bad rumors but I do hope the admins can guide it toward a positive way.”

    Where did she go wrong here? Do you really believe that the only ones trying to do some convincing were JYJ and Homin just stayed there passively and didn’t argue back? They were still negotiating to stay as 5. Isn’t that what everybody wanted, whether it was in or out of SME, for them to remain together?

    For me, the actions speak louder than the words. Junsu’s father, JJ’s sister said “support 5 but please say things like “why HOMIN aren’t leaving SM with JYJ? It will look better for us”, …OH so they wanted to LOOK GOOD, that was important to them, LOOK GOOD, even if they have to use the others

    Nice of you to omit her following sentences and truncate her thoughts. That’s a nifty trick to fit anything in whatever you want to prove.

    Yoochun’s mother: “So in this situation I think it might be better to do this. It’s better to say that why Yunho and Changmin couldn’t be part of this when we all wanted to stand together. If we wanted to show the truth like that, that might be exactly what someone had intended to happen in the first place. We would rather show our concern about Yunho and Changmin. Because that is the truth.”

    You can’t take responsability for others acts but yours.

    I completely agree with you here. So let’s not put the fans behavior as someone else’s responsibility. On the other hand even with no meeting fans would have done it the same. That’s the way fandom works. Loyalty lays with the idol not the company and fans can smell SME’s bullshit a mile away. SME shaddy behavior is legendary; ask the Seoul DA, FTC, Korean courts all to the way to the Supreme Court, H.O.T., White angels, Shinhwa, Shinhwa fans, FTTS, Yoo Minho, Lee Soo Man’s probation officer, the Korean Justice department….

    For those fans that attacked Homin the only thing to say to them was: “They choose where they want to work and I respect that. So should everybody else. Homin doesn’t equal SME. Direct your grievances to SME. Homin haven’t spoken out. We don’t know what their stance is on the lawsuit”. That’s the way you keep those overzealous fans from stepping over the line.

    From the beginning this should have stayed between SME and JYJ. Homin should have stayed out but they got involved willfully. Instead of saying this is between them and has nothing to do with us opting for a neutral position, they released statements that mirrored SME’s. Doing so aligned them with SME. The same reasoning that fans used to defend JYJ from SME claims now applied to Homin. Acknowledge that Homin, their parents and their fans walked themselves into it.

    That statement bears their name and their signature. In that release they stated that the reason JYJ had to file a lawsuit was Crebeau. That btw is in direct contradiction to what JYJ said were the reasons to file the lawsuit. One side says the truth is A. The other sides refutes saying the truth is B. I don’t know what type of advance analysis I need to make here. They are calling them liars.

    Yunho’s father also said the reason for the lawsuit was Crebeau and greed. Greed they wanted to fulfill by “questionable means”.

    Changmin’s father seconded this with his statement. He then proceeded to insult JYJ –not even putting into question- but by outright saying that JYJ’s actions and mores are ones that go against those that “needs to be followed by a human being”. Like father like son.

    I wonder if they consider Brutus an honorable man.

    From the beginning Homin and their parents have taken a position where they have a social and moral rectitude that JYJ doesn’t have. Go back and read all of their statements. If by the end you don’t think Homin and their parents have step over the line in their intent to defend themselves, then you’ll never understand why JYJ fans are so enrage with them. Go back and read them again. Think those are targeting you. If by the end you don’t feel denigrated by their words, you will never get it.

    This is a narrative that has been shaped for two years. SME couldn’t convince the courts during the injunction. So they released all 4 of those statements to give weight to their claims. The only people they can convince that’s the “real” reason are Homin fans that are predisposed to believe them. Homin was in the inside and if they said it’s because of Crebeau then it most be true. As if Homin had no reason to lie, no interests to protect. Now those statements were made in 2009 before not one (China), not two (Defamation Lawsuit against Crebeau) but three (ruling to reaffirm the injunction) independent courts ruled that Crebeau had nothing to do with the lawsuit. SME had as many chances to prove their claims and they failed to do so. In their quest to rewrite history, SME keeps being tone deaf to their problems. We are now in 2011 and now they can’t use the Crebeau excuse directly. That is the shift Inklette talks about. They can still allude to it. They don’t have a ready made antagonist. The courts took it away. That only leaves them with the premise that JYJ are unethical and untrustworthy. They have a sympathetic entertainment press that refuses to call them on their haughtiness, so the fans do it. I am one of them. Not for their decision to stay but for the way they have been behaving.

    The only instance where you can say that JYJ talked bad about Homin was in Junsu’s and Jaejoong’s tweets. And yet Junsu’s words weren’t denigrating and Jaejoong called Yunho on his lie without being disrespectful. After hearing all Homin said about JYJ and the tone they used, I blame them not one bit.

    • @apricotvodka –
      ” Just like a teacher and a lawyer have a reputation to uphold so do a business man/woman and a housewife. Just as Homin parents are honorable citizens of the Republic of Korea so are JYJ family members.”

      Thanks very much to you for your exhaustive and informative post. This is really going to help. Now we (oops) can quickly and freely quote the facts of the matter on these much referred to and argued over parent/fan meetings with clarity and detail.

      And to Sofly’s comment regarding the respectability of one group of parents versus the other, I would say that it’s probably wise to never never make assumptions on a person’s honestly and personal integrity based on what they do for a living.

      • I would say that it’s probably wise to never never make assumptions on a person’s honestly and personal integrity based on what they do for a living

        Classic case of classism.

        …say that 3 times…LOL

      • @apricotvodkha –
        “Classic case of classism.”

        hahaha and of course, I meant honesty.

        Honestly! My typing sometimes….

      • I read somewhere that Yunho’s father isn’t actually a lawyer. Could someone confirm whether this is true or not?

  92. @apricotvodka

    I applaud you wholeheartedly for your precise and patient comment on the situation. Yes, anything can be open to interpretation, but when people are so willing to deny the truth that is staring them in the face, one can only wonder what is it going to take to get them to see the light.

    You are so right, SME’s game card has been played, it is not a winner. Now it can only try subterfuge. The problem with trying to use smoke and mirrors is that once the mist clears off, what you see in that mirror might not be what you expected. The whole tenor of how SME is conducting things on their end, shows pettiness, mean spiritness, and down right ugliness. When character assassination is your only recourse, there is no strength or truth to your arguments.

    While the decision the parents made to guide their sons to stay with SME is looked upon in bewilderment, they nontheless, have to take responsibility for this decision. Also, allowing themselves to become caught up in the making those false statements, doesn’t help their sons at all.

    When I see JYJ going on about the business of working their careers to the best of their abilities, I feel good about their futures. Staying focused amidst all this nonsense shows a great deal of maturity. Are they going to stumble along the way, sure, who doesn’t in their daily lives? But how you pick yourself up speaks volumes about what you learn from those stumbles. That is what I don’t see from the other side.

    To me SME is showing a total disregard to guiding HoMin in a direction that will benefit them in the long run. It’s almost as if, when they do find themselves left out on the front porch for the next day’s trash, they will be so lost, they won’t know what to do. More’s the pity.

    • @ButterfliesAreFree –
      you said “To me SME is showing a total disregard to guiding HoMin in a direction that will benefit them in the long run. It’s almost as if, when they do find themselves left out on the front porch for the next day’s trash, they will be so lost, they won’t know what to do. More’s the pity”

      And you said some other cool stuff too, which I’m going to reference in another of hyo’s great posts. Yes, YH&HM are being used, in disgracefully venal fashion by SM. Really the more I think about it, the more I have been just feeling so sad for them and what the future holds for them. As they cave in to the pressure and go further down the road of SM’s last-ditch, cheap shot manipulations, it will just be that much harder to know where on earth to turn to when it’s all over.

    • @ButterfliesAre Free –

      you said: “The contract by which they hold TVXQ/JYJ in servitude, is so draconian, they don’t leave any room for misinterpretation. The injunction denial order pretty much, excuse my French, ‘bitch slaps’ them in the face. SME sees the handwriting on the wall. Now the only thing they have left is trying to paint as negative a light on Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu as they can.”

      Holy Cats! This thread is longer than SM’s list of deducted expenses detailing why there are no JYJ artists royalties due for this period.

      Well, nice work summing up, BAF (as usual) and I think between the bunch of us we’ve got this micro-topic in the bag, although I have to say it was one of the more interesting evolutions of discussion I’ve read lately. When I finally have achieved a working understanding of something, I get an all-warm-and-fuzzy feeling in my tummy and I have that now, thanks to you.

      Your next mission, should you choose to accept it, is to peruse, digest and construct some comprehensible summary for…… OK, I’m begging you here ….me and anyone else still conscious of “The Vicissitudes Of 6.25 (extended version)” as written and presented by Sofly. I’m not gonna lie to you, I tried to get through it and I bombed out. hyo took a stab and seems to have gotten off on a technicality of sorts, the old ‘answer a question with a question’ ploy. (That hyo is one smart so-and-so.)

      We have to be fair, no humanitarian even, to apricotvodka and say “She’s Done Enough. Let her GO!”

      So really, we’re pinning all of our gossamer thinly shredded hopes on you. God bless and God speed. Hwaiting!

      • @Lilibaiyu

        You remember that exchange we had about masochism? Unfortunately, that is not one of the experiences in life I seek to have before I leave this world, at oh, around 100 yrs. of age! 😉

        But since you are from the States, I will ask you…have you ever heard of ‘the Bronx cheer’, or by another name a ‘raspberry’? If so, that would be my sole reply to her comments. I know that’s a bit immature, but dealing with some of these folks brings out the inner child in me. 🙂

        Sorry, this is the best I can do. I will give props to those who so valiantly tried to clash with her. I know, I’ve said this is a war and we must take up the battle whenever, wherever possible. But there is also the strategy of learning which battles to engage in. Trying to deal with those who are ‘too blind to see’ is one of those times. The problem with trying to discourse with someone like that, is you begin to sound as if you are trying to disprove a negative. That is an impossibility.

  93. I will make a confession. Take a seat, lol, lots of rambling ahead.

    As I have said earlier up there ^ somewhere, I’d purposely resisted this whole idol and fandom business for years because I’m instinctively hesitant about making emotional investments into essentially impersonal relationships. And as such, even after I’ve jumped on the kpop bandwagon, I still have some…un-fan-like behavior? (Lol failed articulation right there.)

    Case in point, big drama tends to make me withdraw from a situation (and from ALL parties involved in the discord), rather than staying informed & supportive as a good fan should. This withdrawal bears no association with who’s right and who’s wrong on which matter, btw. And so for a while there, yes, I admit, I stopped caring. The only thing I did was to at least still appreciate their music, on terms of pure musical merit.

    But me being here now obviously means something changed. I guess I could give Twitter some credit. Celebrity Twitter, alas, has been a source of many disappointments for me. But if one good thing has come of it, it was being able to peek into how JYJ is living NOW. It’s not that I’m particularly fond of pet photos. (In fact cats are somewhat indifferent towards me and I have limited interest in them by reciprocity. Buuut I digress.) However, seeing the members’ interactions with new people around them, seeing their silliness, seeing them being HAPPY, and, oh I don’t know, reading that JJ wants to make pasta with that box of stuff he got from Prain (was it?)… These things, no matter how little, are gems. They allow you (or at least me) to envision a future for these boys, on a less technical/skill-wise and more emotional basis.

    The greatest gift that idols give their fans is not great music (that’s a great bonus though!) but HAPPINESS. I won’t insist you believe the same, but that’s my veritas. I am thankful that I have been able to find some again in JYJ, but I am pained that I can’t say the same for YH & CM. >__<

    Not that there is necessarily any fault to be laid here, since they aren't all communicating with the general public through the same channels etc etc. Just wanted to put this out there…

    • @hyo your comment is maybe explain the reason why they get the shorty awards today huh

      and i get your point seeing they interacts makes me closer with them. Like i always say they no longer my idol now they my role model because i envy how they interact with eachother, envy how someone who just meet them for the first time can write a blog about them and support them, and also envy them for stood for their dreams eventhough they know it will not be an easy road to take but its better than stay put in your comfort zone and reclaim a name that consist the 5 of them its very distrubing and even more when all of the geesse drama happen. Oh My God Sun thats all i will say to them.

      • AHAHA oh my god sun! xD Gotta love Junsu for that one.

        But anyway, I don’t believe that I am in any position to lay blame or speak of forgiveness, but nonetheless the DRAMA, some of it I can understand and accept, but other parts I cannot, not in good conscience.

        CM is not the only one to have said things I disapprove of, but his words in particular have rendered me speechless. I can come to terms with him feeling that way, with the importance of company solidarity, with a hella lot of things, but…there is a limit. When you are a public figure, some things you just don’t say out loud.
        *hopes no one stabs me with the “freedom of speech” stick*

      • Ahh hyo, you have a good point. From your comment above, you mentioned how different JYJ are now vs how they were before. The use of social networking is giving people a glimpse, however small, of the changes.

        That photo of Junsu with Tigger a while back, when he was studying his English, the two of them facing each other, is PRICELESS. As you said, JJ pondering making pasta from the gift sent by Prain. The photos of Yoochun doing something he likes doing, snowboarding. This list goes on.

        Its the simple things. These simple things are bringing them Happiness, and return bringing the fans Happiness. Knowing that they are getting the chance to live lives that aren’t guarded by others. I can only imagine what it was like before not to have a life of your own. Now, they can hop a subway car and go looking for something to read at a bookstore.

        There is no substitute for being able to take a breath of fresh air. When I see that video from the making of ‘Their Rooms’ where they are holding hands and start skipping along, laughing, I pump my fist and scream, YES!

      • @JYJ LOver
        you said “…how they interact with eachother, envy how someone who just meet them for the first time can write a blog about them and support them, and also envy them for stood for their dreams eventhough they know it will not be an easy road…”

        This is what I too found so singular about these 3 young men. They have that undefinable quality of somehow seeming to attract whomever they meet. You first run across them, you begin to listen to their music, you feel moved to follow them and get to know more about them… you just find yourself Loving them, as if they are the dearest friends. (They really are a one in a billion phenomenon in that way.) And so now, when they keep being attacked and maligned by this unscrupulous entity SM, you just CAN NOT help yourself but rise to their defense.

        And then you find out JaeJoong tweeted this the other night: “Thank you for overcoming everything and protecting us and loving us, regardless of the feelings of uncertainty from waiting and amidst the unstable fear surrounding us. And I feel thankful once more that there is a sky that protects all the stars who love us. And I admire you all.”

        I’ll just speak for myself here–reading that made me melt like a half eaten popcicle on a hot summer day.

      • @hyo –
        you said “CM is not the only one to have said things I disapprove of, but his words in particular have rendered me speechless. I can come to terms with him feeling that way, with the importance of company solidarity, with a hella lot of things, but…there is a limit. ”

        That phrase “the importance of company solidarity” just kind of made my blood run cold, hyo. It put me immediately in mind of all of the terrible deeds that have been done throughout history by men who were “Just doing their jobs” or “Just following orders.”

        As to the veracity and honor of the company in question SME, JYJ’s opponent in this lawsuit, our wise colleague here on JYJF ButterfliesAreFree said it rather succinctly recently: “…SME’s game card has been played, it is not a winner. Now it can only try subterfuge. The problem with trying to use smoke and mirrors is that once the mist clears off, what you see in that mirror might not be what you expected. The whole tenor of how SME is conducting things on their end, shows pettiness, mean spiritness, and down right ugliness. When character assassination is your only recourse, there is no strength or truth to your arguments.”

        So if you subscribe to that premise, as I do, how then can there be any honor or correctness, how can there be anything but shame and eventual terrible regret in “supporting company solidarity” as YH&CM continue to do?

        Honestly, the people who are driving them to do it, manipulating and blackmailing them into doing it should be made to pay dearly.

      • @ Lilibaiyu

        The concept and deep-rootedness of “solidarity” can be considered as a…cultural phenomenon? It’s a pity that I’m poorly acquainted with anything outside of the typical North American frame of mind, but I do recall a certain conversation with my Japanese teacher. Although Japan and Korea are mutually distinct, I’ll assume the East Asian region shares underlying ideology to an appreciable extent.

        In which case solidarity is VERY big, just like loyalty, vertical hierarchy, etc. (Keep in mind my teacher said this years ago specifically about Japan as he saw it. Won’t claim it is 100% true now, even for Japan. Do correct me if I’m wrong, because my intention is not to misinform.)

        When young employees enter a company, they are re-educated/trained and slowly climb up the professional ladder. Most stay with their company for their entire lives. It’s not as loose of an affiliation as in the West because to a far larger extent, they surrender their individuality in exchange for that far more powerful, er, group identity (can’t quite grasp the word I’m looking for here). And as ordinary consumers outside of work, employees still turn to their own companies for a spectrum of goods and services. It’s like they live and breathe “the company” (this is grammatically so wrong but…). A company is not an impersonal entity. It is who they are. So you just don’t get a whole lot of ship-jumping.

        Approaching matters from that point of view, I can better understand where this whole notion of betrayal comes from — I’ve seen people argue that “it’s not wrong to quit your job and ditch your company when…” but that’s probably a very Western way to think about it. I can also how “company solidarity” may be a far more personal and greater driving force than what it is recognized to be by a certain portion of the international community.

        I’m just throwing this out there. I don’t know how big of a role cultural differences are playing here, but on other occasions, I have witnessed how fundamental value differences have led people to not understand each other. (And then on top of that, understanding may still be a few steps away from agreeing with. I hope you didn’t read my previous statement as that I approve of unconditional solidarity. >_<)

        And yes, I do frown upon character assassination. Smearing another person's reputation and trying to butcher his/her integrity (and on a public platform, no less) is an ugly, ugly business. But (curious here) even in court, don't lawyers from one side also try to discredit the other side's witnesses?

        Anyway, all five boys ;__; sometimes I just don't want to dissect the situation and be all WHYWHYWHY?!

        Ahem. I'm normal. <__>

      • ^Oh wow I just keep “putting [stuff] out there” don’t I? xD

        @ ButterfliesAreFree

        I would love to come up with an intelligent reply but at this point, I think it would be better to just go off and read awesome happiness quotes. And reflect upon my own life. x)

        Something silly:
        “The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1.”

        But yeah, more than, let’s say, hearing a good live performance of my favorite song by them, I am happy when I see unorchestrated moments of them being happy.

      • Ah…hyo…I do understand there is a difference in perspective from Asian, and western cultures.

        I too have learned there is a very strong pull for the concept of ‘solidarity’ in how workers relate to the companies in which they work, particularly in Asia. That was one of the main points made about how Japanese companies were able to produce so much, so well, because of the nature of its culture. It was used as a model to point to short-comings in American companies. Thus giving Japan an opportunity to become a major player in world economics.

        That is a very real consideration. I guess the part I have a problem with, is not that Korean music companies, – just to keep the discussion in the territory in which we are engaged in this war – can’t have that outlook in how they deal with their artists.

        But taking that all in stride, why do they have a model that takes extremely young kids, wide-eyed and vulnerable, use that philosophy, and then bleed them dry? Using the model is one thing, using it and sucking the blood out of the talent is another. It’s called ethics, if they care to use them.

        To me, that shows total disprespect to the concept, because it’s a form of bastardization of it. If SME had been honest from the very beginning, its history wouldn’t be so crowded with cases of so much conflict with artists.

        And since they are fighting so hard to keep from producing their financial records, there can be no other explanation. There is something they don’t want revealed. If your books are correct and your stuff is so together, what is the problem? Produce your record of what you spent on these artists, show what revenue they produced, show what they were paid, when they were paid, and what is the true value of their equity.

        How difficult can that be? So, I am having a hard time accepting that this is a case of breaking away from a ‘cultural norm’. The ‘solidarity’ issue should work both ways. I know, that still might be too western a concept. But how does a culture that wants to play in the global world not recognize that in order to do so, some compromise may be necessary.

        You can’t sign agreements, and treaties, and then turn around and totally ignore them. That is definitely bad business. People will then begin to question how good is your word. Then we come to the issue of saving face. Do you want to be viewed as a hypocrite, or do you want to show how you can uphold standards the rest of the world works with?

        Korea is going to have to ask itself which of these two choices is the one they want. Then, they are going to have to make SME and companies like them, tow the line, and treat their artists fairly.

      • @ ButterfliesAreFree

        At this point, there is no doubt that SME’s financial records are very fishy! SME. Fishy. Synonymous. And definitely not any social norm I know of.

        I thought about “solidarity” in an effort to try to understand the HoMin portion of what is happening and why JYJ got stuck with the “traitor” label. By no means was that meant as some form of justification for SME’s actions past and present. Neither was it a form of judgment against any regional ideology.

        And it’s a chilling thought. What is the trade-off for all the benefits of that deep-rooted solidarity? How many real problems stay buried/internalized? How many problems aren’t recognized by even the victims as problems?

        Oh, and just would like to ask for clarification on what you meant by “The ‘solidarity’ issue should work both ways.”.

      • @ Hyo

        You do bring a very important point that has been weighing in my mind.

        Do I sometimes fail in how I view this issue due cultural differences. By looking at it from a western perspective does it discredit my view point or blind me from certain truths that may be the norm in Asia.

        Like you said, loyalty plays a huge role in Asia while here we’re aren’t expected to be that loyal to a company. To an extent I could call it blind loyalty.

        Issue I’ve had or something that has been bothering me, is how easily these boys are seen for their fault of wanting something better when SM or these companies bend backwards and do everything (including unethical practices) to maximize profits which will be seen as business as usual. Personally, its a huge double standard. They expect these boys to be undyingly loyal to these companies but these companies don’t have to be loyal back. If SM cared about DBSK as they proclaimed or valued this boys as an important asset why didn’t they change the minuscule parts of the contract. JYJ asking for the exclusive contract to be changed they were not asking for the impossible, it was something that Sm could have granted and still have the upper hand. Some would argue that by changing the exclusive clause it’ld negatively affect SM but I beg to differ. When they filed the lawsuit instead of negotiations or SM trying to coerce them back it turned into a personal attack on the boys, their family and their morality. You’ld expect a business to value their number one money makers but instead that was replaced with a sense of entitlement in which they didn’t have to be loyal to their employees but the employees had to be loyal.

        How can loyalty be expected from the employees and not the employers. The world is a two way road. If you expect something from me I should expect the same from you. Reminds of what Yoochun said, that they realized that the so-called family was a lie. When SM wanted something from them they were a family but when jyj wanted something in return it was business.

        And like ButterfliesAreFree said, if SM had nothing to hide why not hand in the financial documents and end this already. But instead they have successfully taken the attention away from the contract itself and played upon the importance of loyalty in their society to malign JYJ’s morality. And I wonder how came the same is not expected of SM’s morality/ethics.

        Personally, I find the loyalty aspect to be an oxymoron if its expected from one party and not the other.

      • @ oo

        Good stuff. And after reading, I think I understand what ButterfliesAreFree meant about solidarity going both ways — I think “both ways” was meant to refer to mutual support, not solidarity. Why didn’t I see beyond the wc technicality earlier? *facepalm*

        It’s exactly what I thought when the lawsuit came up. I would have expected them to treat their best assets the best. But to give a general response (applicable to your other reply as well) — I just can’t see the sense of this on SM’s part. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. They don’t need every penny but they are still going after every penny, even when it is clear it won’t end prettily. They are basically educating the public and bringing awareness to problems people previously wouldn’t have even thought about. It’s just like, wow, why would they do this to themselves? (Not that I mind, if it results in the system getting cleaned up!)

      • @oo
        you said “…And like ButterfliesAreFree said, if SM had nothing to hide why not hand in the financial documents and end this already. But instead they have successfully taken the attention away from the contract itself and played upon the importance of loyalty in their society to malign JYJ’s morality.”

        Not here at the JYJFiles they haven’t. lol Our attentions seem trained rather relentlessly on SM, in fact. I have my doubts whether they could get away with much of anything further in the way of misdirection and generalized bullying here anymore.

        And as we notice it, we’ll probably, knowing us, come right out and SAY something about it. (Holy Hannah, 2 we’s and an us in a single sentence! Gulp.) Sorry, Sofly. And I really do have a response to the encyclopedic, ever-so-slightly manic re-re-clarification you posted overnight, although I don’t think you’re going to like it much. I just need to have about another 4 cups of black coffee and maybe hit the weight bag for 15 minutes or so.

      • @hyo
        you said ” I just can’t see the sense of this on SM’s part. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. They don’t need every penny but they are still going after every penny, even when it is clear it won’t end prettily. They are basically educating the public and bringing awareness to problems people previously wouldn’t have even thought about. It’s just like, wow, why would they do this to themselves? ”

        Isn’t that the question reasonable, civilized people have been asking of sociopaths of various kinds for centuries?

        The overlords of SM, the men who call the shots and make policy aren’t hooked up right. They are arrogant beyond belief, awash in self-entitlement and they’ve always figured they could kind of make it up as they go along (aka lie whenever it suits them) because no one has ever stepped up and had the balls to question them before. Imagine that!

        This is why they’ve stumbled so badly in the lawsuit. I think the writing on the wall may have been pointed out to them at this point, but for a while there they had a real problem with blatantly lying, being caught in the lie, trying some other lie, being caught there too, etc. etc. I’m sure you’ve read here that at times actual laughter has broken out in the courtroom over the outrageousness of the statements of various SM minions.

        I’ve actually known people like these. They are oh-so used to being undisputed kings of their tiny fiefdoms and slowly but surely all that power becomes a poison to them. At this point, SM is pretty terminally toxic.

      • @hyo

        you said: “When young employees enter a company, they … slowly climb up the professional ladder. Most stay with their company for their entire lives. ”

        Hmmm… well, there has been a bit of a departure there in SM’s case then. How many 50 year old idol bands do they currently have under their excessively protective wing? More likely, boy groups stay “loyal” to the company until said company notices that they are getting a bit long in the tooth and perhaps a tad uppity. Then they are unceremoniously bounced out of the nest with nothing to show for all of their efforts and all the $$$$ they made for the company over the years. Neat system–way to pervert the concept of company solidarity and dutiful employee loyalty, SM. These guys bat 1000 every time they’re up.

        you said:
        “It’s not as loose of an affiliation as in the West because to a far larger extent, they surrender their individuality in exchange for that far more powerful, er, group identity … And as ordinary consumers outside of work, employees still turn to their own companies for a spectrum of goods and services. It’s like they live and breathe “the company” … A company is not an impersonal entity. It is who they are. So you just don’t get a whole lot of ship-jumping.>>

        Yes, I have certainly heard of this phenomenon, perhaps more so in regards to Japan because they actually made it work for them extremely well when they were trying so hard to re-start their economy after WW11. I’m certainly willing to grant you that Korea may have much the same system.

        you said:
        “Approaching matters from that point of view, I can better understand where this whole notion of betrayal comes from — I’ve seen people argue that “it’s not wrong to quit your job and ditch your company when…” but that’s probably a very Western way to think about it. I can also how “company solidarity” may be a far more personal and greater driving force than what it is recognized to be by a certain portion of the international community.>>

        Yes. There is nothing like it anymore in the west. Quite the contrary. I’m even willing to venture that, given the basic financial soundness and fairness of an Asain company and its integrity in dealing with its employees there’s probably something amiss here in the west by comparison. Corporate America plays shuffleboard with its poor employees. There is no “job security” in most of the American workplace anymore, that’s for sure.

        you said:
        “I’m just throwing this out there. I don’t know how big of a role cultural differences are playing here, but on other occasions, I have witnessed how fundamental value differences have led people to not understand each other. (And then on top of that, understanding may still be a few steps away from agreeing with. I hope you didn’t read my previous statement as that I approve of unconditional solidarity.”

        No of course not. I’ve already pigeon-holed and labeled you as a reasonable person. 🙂 I guess when I read that phrase “company solidarity” I just got this sick feeling again and thought, “Oh, here’s yet another instance where SM has used, manipulated and perverted a pre-existing system to their own greedy ends.” All the rules of correct and ethical business conduct in various situations never seem to have any relation to SM because they are dishonest to their core.

      • @ Lilibaiyu

        I like that pigeon-hole there! 🙂

        Each system/ideology has its flaws, but too often they are made out to be and remembered as greater monsters than in actuality, all thanks to human corruption and human failures. People manipulating systems/ideologies for their own interests — that’s an old one. Ah man, this is bringing back memories of Marxist and Durkheimian principles. Some interesting parallels do exist!

        …I wonder what the fallout of this lawsuit will be.

      • @hyo, oo, Lilbaiyu…Hello everyone.

        It appears as if a very good discussion has taken place. To @hyo, I apologize for the confusion of my words, but it looks like @oo said it the way I meant to. 🙂 Thank you @oo.

        Yes, one of SME’s many failings, is the reciprocity of ‘support’, solidarity, etc. They are using the ‘do obeiance’ thing to the hilt. But they themselves don’t have to obey a darn thing. ‘We will make the rules’, and everyone else be damned. Using this philosophy, they have continually thumbed their noses at the law. The don’t have to answer to anyone. “We will huff and puff and blow your house down.” Well, there seems to be one caveat they have missed, there is a first time for everything. This appears to be that first time.

        The contract by which they hold TVXQ/JYJ in servitude, is so draconian, they don’t leave any room for misinterpretation. The injunction denial order pretty much, excuse my French, ‘bitch slaps’ them in the face. SME sees the handwriting on the wall. Now the only thing they have left is trying to paint as negative a light on Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu as they can.

        If they can paint them as ‘traitors’ to everything SME stands for, well, they are the worst form of human beings. But again I say, the more you do this, the more desperate you appear. How is that going to help you win your case?

        I am so glad that the guys found the courage to draw a line and take a stand, despite all the risks. They will become stronger young men for all this fight and stuggle. In a way, SME is doing JYJ a favor. JYJ is learning at a rapid pace how to handle business conflict, how to manage their own affairs, how to conduct themselves in a fashion that shows maturity, and in other words – how to take a punch and stay up on two feet. These are very valuable lessons they are learning, and they have SME to thank for this. Who knew? This apparently is another part of the SME training program.

  94. ButterfliesAreFree…yes, happiness is what we want in life.

    forgiveness is the key that unlock the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. it is the power that breaks the chains of bitterness and and the shackles of selfishness.
    by william arthur ward.

    love u jyj

  95. @apricotvodka:

    Hi, that was a long reply. This is my reply.

    Y: “I understand the need for 6.25, the 4 statements, the interviews and Junsu’s tweet. All are trying to state and defend their positions. What I find reprehensible is the use of inflammatory language. It’s nowhere to be found in JYJ side and all over SME and Homin’s side. You have no problems believing the words of Homin and their parents. I have no problem believing the words of JYJ and their family members. Just like a teacher and a lawyer have a reputation to uphold so do a business man/woman and a housewife. Just as Homin parents are honorable citizens of the Republic of Korea so are JYJ family members. ”

    M: My dear I understand that you can understand the need for 6.25 meeting and also I understand that you believe in JYJ words, that’s O.K, it’s your decision but if you pay attention to my statements, you will see I did not say JYJ families didn’t have a reputation to uphold, I said “I think you may refer about homin’s parents letters eh?, It’s pretty different, they signed it, they didn’t talk behind JYJ back, if JYJ would have a problem about those statements, they would complain, they didn’t. You can say, “they didn’t because they are good boys”, maybe, but maybe they didn’t because those statements are true. We can’t know but let’s see the facts, ACTIONS SPOKE LOUDER THAN WORDS, all right, do not get mad, just have an open mind:1) HOMIN parents are pretty respectable in South Korea (one is lawyer and the other teacher), they wouldn’t risk their reputation…”

    M: Did I mention JYJ families reputation? You think it’s a inflammatory language, let’s see please, I didn’t know those words meaning so I did a research

    Inflammatory language; is language that isn’t dry or neutral in tone, inflammatory language often intentionally provokes a reaction from the reader by use of strong rhetoric or controversial opinions. It can be used a euphemism for hate speech, but this isn’t necessarily so”…
    Source: (I think is not the best source but I tried my best to understand/get your idea”.
    I ‘ll explain to you the real meaning of my words, I was describing for the girl or boy the scenario about HOMIN’s parents letters that for me it wasn’t bashing* because I said “I call bashing when you say things that you do not have proof and you spread those rumors, I call “bashing” what JYJ families did to HOMIN,” so this person said “I call bashing to for what homin family say to jyj family”.

    *Bashing is a harsh, GRATUITOUS, prejudicial attack on a person, group or subject.

    My response was that if she/he was referring about the letters, it was PRETTY DIFFERENT (because if she was saying about 6.23 meeting, there is not record until now, if someone have it, please show it to me), so I denied the comparative/comparison, why? because it wasn’t the same scenario, a secret meeting and a public letters aren’t the same thing. I was studying HOMIN parents behavior (that for me it’s honest) not JYJ families because there is not place to do that (in other reply I talked about JYJ parents behavior but never, and when I say NEVER IS NEVER said something about their professions). And yes, we all have the right to uphold our reputation. You said “Just like a teacher and a lawyer have a reputation to uphold so do a business man/woman and a housewife”

    I never said they didn’t have a reputation to uphold, I will never underestimate someone by their profession, class, etc, I’m not like that, my point to bring up HOMIN parents profession was to make it clear the risk (lose their jobs) for their own careers if they were lying (in public way). By the way it wasn’t the only statement that I made to prove or show my point (point: that secret meeting and HOMIN letters weren’t the same and pointing out HOMIN parents behavior), why? because even if you scream to the world something it doesn’t mean you are not lying, even if you challenge authority it doesn’t mean you are saying the truth but my English like you can see is bad so I cited an example: “That is what I call to be brave, it reminds me the man that Tolstoi mentioned in his book”. She/he didn’t reply me about that so I think she didn’t care. Perhaps you don’t care but in this book, there is a man that challenge authority even if it was very dangerous just to try to be a good son of God, his name was Ivan Petrov, if I’m not mistaken. Anyways, my analysis was about HOMIN parents behavior and that no one refuted their statements, at least in a public or direct way, that doesn’t mean it is true and I was trying that she or he/ ask himself or herself this: why to hold a meeting against rumors just rumors but when you were accused for serious things you didn’t say nothing? You can read my other reply again and see I am not lying.

    Yes, I do not trust in JYJ parents.

    Another thing, you have to accept (or not) that when you make public statements you can be sued for that, but if it’s a secret meeting, that it was not supposed to be recorded, you do not take that risk. HOMIN PARENTS LETTERS ARE THE RESPONSE TO JYJ AND THEIR FAMILIES, THEY ASKED TO JYJ MANY THINGS UNTIL NOW, JYJ ARE NOT SAYING NOTHING ABOUT THOSE STATEMENTS.

    To Lilibaiyu, she said “ the respectability of one group of parents VERSUS the other, I would say that it’s probably wise to never never make assumptions on a person’s honestly and personal integrity based on what they do for a living. “
    MY REPLY TO LILIBAIYU: I think you are putting words in my mouth. Did I ever say something about JYJ parents/sister profession versus HOMIN parents profession? I NEVER SAID THAT and I will never do something so low. I never made that kind of comparison. You made an assumption so freely on a person integrity. Who you think am I? Be careful please, do not jump into conclusions without reading well my reply.

    Y: “Regarding 6.25:
    You have a problem with 6.25 being a secret meeting for JYJ fansite admins. In fact it wasn’t secret and fansites admins from all 5 were invited. Don’t forget to acknowledge that. The problem is, if you do, you have nothing to censure JYJ and their family members with. No subterfuge, no conspiracy”.

    M: This is the best example that you believe in the words of JYJ and their families, because in this meeting they said the same that you are saying “fansites admins from all 5 were invited”, Junsu’s father made that statement. Do not forget that.

    Y: “The problem is, if you do, you have nothing to censure JYJ and their family members with. No subterfuge, no conspiracy”.

    M: You think that if I agreed about the meeting was “public”(it wasn’t) I have nothing, well in fact I have, the development of that meeting says much for itself.

    Y: “They stated that they were propelled to hold such a meeting by JYJ members themselves because there were rumors, the lawsuit hasn’t been filed and nothing was decided yet”.

    M: If I were in their position, I will hold a meeting not to spread more rumors but to clarify those not to create more. Maybe you are different.

    Y: “They asked fans to stand by JYJ. The ones that wanted to post something to defend JYJ were the fans present at the meeting. ”

    M: You are right but also you have to keep in mind that these girls were unable to say or clarify things, why? because RUMORS/POSTS ARE NOT PROOF, they are “testigo de oidas” hearsay witness in English?. What I mean it’s that those girls are not the ones that should post something that they do not have proof that it is true and they didn’t ask the other side position, besides if that was the main objective, CLARIFY, fans can’t help much in that, were not allowed to say their source, were assigned to strategically put that information in posts (not in official way), since when a post is a reliable source or make full/plain proof in this specific scenario? Why not make it official, why didn’t they say “Until now there are a lots of rumors, we beg you to wait and support JYJ, do not believe in all you can read or hear, be careful girls, JYJ are in a difficult time but they will try their best. Thank you for your support. (period).

    He (Junsu’s father) said: Just believe 10% of the rumors, and consider the 90% to be lies” but he didn’t clarify what girls have to believe in and what not. Like I said somehow I want to ” justify to the fans of the reunion but not the parents, maybe this little kids were silly and inmature (under age maybe, I really want to believe it was like that) but the parents should defend their own children without using fans, that was low in so many levels”.

    Y: “The family members wanted to address the rumors that were being circulated against JYJ”

    M: I understand but that was not a good option or way to me. There are many ways to do that (in right form of course)

    Y: The problem some Homin fans have with that position is that when someone says “stand by JYJ” for them it means “stand against Homin”. Same thing happens with “defend JYJ” = “attack Homin”.

    M: I agree, for me it’s different, I explained my position but for some reason my post to @Lilibaiyu is not here. Maybe Administration Panel (I do not know how to say it) didn’t accept it. It’s their decision but I BEG THEM TO LET ME CLARIFY ABOUT MY STATEMENT THIS TIME PLEASE. I REALLY REALLY WANT TO CLARIFY ABOUT COMMENTS AGAINST OR ABOUT MY PERSONALITY.

    Y: “The problems were never with Homin but SME and the ones feeding rumors to the fansites.”

    M: Agree, but somehow (6.25 meeting helps a lot here) all this turns out this way, sadly.

    JJ sister: “Anyways, so we said we’re all together in this and asked them why they are doing this. (change their mind Yunho and Changmin) Well, I will tell you everything”.
    M: Oh yes the solo activities

    jj sister: “I don’t know about the other two. I don’t know what SM did to grab the two”

    M: Why? You keep talking about Changmin and Yunho, it is irrelevant, speak about JYJ, defend them about those rumors(that was the objective, you said it already: wanted to address the rumors that were being circulated against JYJ), fans are there b/c JYJ , not HOMIN.
    You may say, it’s relevant b/c they were a unit, yes, but do not suggest SM had something to do with HOMIN decision.
    Fans will question about HOMIN decision, THEY SHOULD KNOW THAT, they will ask ¿why Changmin and Yunho didn’t leave with JYJ?
    IN FACT: They said to the girls:

    Yuchun’s mother with my notes: “In this situation, this is what I think we should do. We need to say the 5 needs to get together, need to say things like why we are not taking YUNHO AND CHANGMIN with us (WHO GOT THEM INTO THIS?), I think we’ll get better response if we say those. If we don’t show the truth this way, that will lead to(SIC) from what you want. Need (NOT :WE ARE WORRIED) to worry for Yunho and Changmin so the 5 can continue together(THAT IS A GUARANTEE?), which is true(REALLY?). You know that’s how it is (HOW THEY KNOW, BECAUSE THEY SAID SO?). Yuchun exists because TVXQ is here, so I think that is better.”

    Y: “They explained the situation:
    The 5 had grievances with SME. Started discussions. Decided to leave together or stay together. Decision to leave together. Parents were called. Then another call to say Yunho and Changmin decided to stay. They also say they don’t know why and what could’ve SME done to convince Homin, while to the 3 they told to just leave. Isn’t it normal to wonder if all 5 work just as hard for DBSK (and SME) why the difference in treatment? They also said things can change at any minute because they are still in negotiations. But if nothing changes the members must have their plans”.

    M: You can believe in all their words or not, ok, fine for me.

    Y: Where in that do you see them maligning Homin? People can have differences of opinions/choices and as adults they have the freedom to do as they want”.

    M: I can see it, I smell it, you can’t, of course they can have different opinions like us in this moment but like I said, speak for yourself, do not speak about the others when you do not have certainty, or the other part isn’t there to agree or deny, and far from it, ask others spread for all over the internet that, you must know the repercussions/consequences of that. Sometimes you have to see beyond what people say, why the others didn’t go to that reunion? Why they used this girls to spread rumors? They do not have capacity for that. It was irresponsible, they are under age maybe, do not use them please, even if they are not under age, you can’t use others to speak for you.

    Y: “They go on to say to “please support us and them both so it all works out for all of us. It’s good if everything goes well, but if not, please don’t criticize people for having left or having stayed like in the past, but just help us so everything will turn out well for all of them. If you could do that I’ll be very grateful.”


    Y: “Junsu wanted to invest and Junsu’s father wanted to involve the members. If you see it as him pushing the issue, I will give you that”.

    M: No please, believe whatever you want.

    Y: “Having been at the receiving end of these offers from my family members I understand the feeling. Sometimes I get involve sometimes I don’t. In this case some wanted to do it others didn’t. He got the ok and they proceeded from there. But he can’t understand if they were given the ok from SME, why are they’re backtracking? Never mind that it’s absurd that they have to get permission in the first place to make a personal investment”.

    M: They said that, you are free to believe it or not, I do not believe it. They promoted that business with photos of JYJ and even Yunho. Anyways.

    Y: “Now SME is saying that it was without their consent and telling it in front of the other parents some of which had invested too. I would be indignant especially if it was seen as a tactic to not address the members concerns”

    M: Believe it or not, it’s your decision.

    Y: You said Junsu’s father was “dazzled by the business”. Here I’m puzzled. I went back like you wanted. I don’t see someone “dazzled” as if he is blinded by $$$ in front of his eyes. That wouldn’t be my characterization. If it was going well for him why shouldn’t he be happy about it? Have you seen a business man start an enterprise and have success, talk about it and be mournful about it?

    M: It’s great if he was doing well, he was happy for the business meanwhile his son wanted to die. They keep laughing even if that is a serious matter (why?). Fine for me, maybe they are nervous, I will give them the benefit of doubt here, after all it’s not too rare than 2 persons have that kind of attitudes, and here I’m serious about it. I can’t helped but to suspect.

    Your statements with my notes: Jaejoong sister: “In conclusion, nothing has been decided yet and we hope that everything will turn out ok for all five members for now. Because we are on the same page with you all. To support all the five as the one, like Junsu’s father said. I think it’s the best thing we can do for now. If the five members choose a different path even though you tried your best(MAKES THEM BELIEVE THAT ITS UP TO THEM), we still made this decision thinking that supporting all five members would be really helpful. I think that’s why we’ve gathered here today. It’s just a discussion at the moment and we don’t know yet, so please support all the members to stay together. It breaks our hearts after hearing bad rumors but I do hope the admins can guide it toward a positive way(THEY TRUST IN THEM TO DEFEND JYJ, HOW NICE IT’S THAT, THEY WILL TAKE THE LEAD).”

    Y: Where did she go wrong here? Do you really believe that the only ones trying to do some convincing were JYJ and Homin just stayed there passively and didn’t argue back? They were still negotiating to stay as 5. Isn’t that what everybody wanted, whether it was in or out of SME, for them to remain together?

    M: You believe in Junsu’s father, what can I do about it? I don’t

    You cited me: For me, the actions speak louder than the words. Junsu’s father, JJ’s sister said “support 5 but please say things like “why HOMIN aren’t leaving SM with JYJ? It will look better for us”, …OH so they wanted to LOOK GOOD, that was important to them, LOOK GOOD, even if they have to use the others

    Y: Nice of you to omit her following sentences and truncate her thoughts. That’s a nifty trick to fit anything in whatever you want to prove.

    M: I did not omit anything for standing my point, and I did not truncate her thoughts, all right, you can’t change what she actually said, even if I do not mentioned her following sentences, my point wasn’t to say anything else but their plan to look better.

    My reference from (truetvxq.blogspot) with my notes: “In this situation, this is what I think we should do. We need to say the 5 needs to get together, need to say things like why we are not taking YUNHO AND CHANGMIN with us (WHO GOT THEM INTO THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE? REMEMBER THE HOMIN PARENTS LETTERS WERE IN NOVEMBER 09 AND THIS MEETING WAS IN JUNE 09), I think we’ll get better response if we say those. If we don’t show the truth this way, that will lead to(sic) from what you want. Need (NOT :WE ARE WORRIED) to worry for Yunho and Changmin so the 5 can continue together(THAT IS A GUARANTEE?), which is true(REALLY?). You know that’s how it is (HOW THEY KNOW, BECAUSE THEY SAID SO?). Yuchun exists because TVXQ is here, so I think that is better.”

    Your reference with my notes: Yoochun’s mother: “So in this situation I think it might be better to do this. It’s better to say that why Yunho and Changmin couldn’t be part of this when we all wanted to stand together (THIS TRANSLATION IS GOOD REALLY, IT’S GENTLE BUT EVEN HERE SHE SAID THOSE GIRLS SHOULD POST ABOUT HOMIN, YOU CAN’T CHANGE IT). If we (WE? NAMES MADAM PLEASE)wanted to show the truth like that (YOU WANTED TO SHOW THE TRUTH THROUGH FANS WITH POSTS, REALLY? WHY?) , that might be exactly what someone had intended to happen in the first place. We would rather show our concern about Yunho and Changmin. Because that is the truth(REALLY?).”

    M: For me this is fishy, for you I guess not.

    ME IN ANOTHER REPLY: You can’t take responsability for others acts but yours.

    Y: I completely agree with you here. So let’s not put the fans behavior as someone else’s responsibility. On the other hand even with no meeting fans would have done it the same. That’s the way fandom works.”

    M: You can’t be sure, I think you are trying to blame or give responsibility to the girls and RELEASE OF RESPONSIBILITY TO PARENTS, Are you? Here, it seems you are accepting that the meeting leads the girls to do what they did. Both, fans and JYJ parents have responsibility. So PLEASE, Let’s not RELEASE OF RESPONSIBILITY TO ANY OF THEM , but keep in mind there are Aggravating and Mitigating factors for someone’s behavior.

    Y: Loyalty lays with the idol not the company and fans can smell SME’s bullshit a mile away. SME shaddy behavior is legendary; ask the Seoul DA, FTC, Korean courts all to the way to the Supreme Court, H.O.T., White angels, Shinhwa, Shinhwa fans, FTTS, Yoo Minho, Lee Soo Man’s probation officer, the Korean Justice department….

    M: Like you said, my loyalty and trust lays with the idol, I do not care SM but Changmin.

    Y: For those fans that attacked Homin the only thing to say to them was: “They choose where they want to work and I respect that. So should everybody else. Homin doesn’t equal SME. Direct your grievances to SME. Homin haven’t spoken out. We don’t know what their stance is on the lawsuit”. That’s the way you keep those overzealous fans from stepping over the line.

    M: Agree but even here, there is an article about HOMIN AND SOME OF YOU, ARE DENYING THEM THE RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT, JUST BECAUSE IT DOESN’T HELP JYJ. Some of you keep saying SM is behind HOMIN statements, you can’t be sure about that.

    I will give you an example about my reasons to not support that meeting and doubt about the morality of JYJ parents for that meeting not for any other thing: Your child is in kindergarten, she didn’t do anything wrong but she has a congenital disability, mom’s children held a meeting between them and they agreed to go to Direction to ask the expulsion of the child, so you are her mom, you ask yourself : why they did that? Be brave please, come with me and complain about my child, do not use an intermediary person, be straightforward.

    You may say, this is different, yes but do not blame me to considerer that meeting immorality, immature, out of place, irresponsible, childish, low, COWARD and cruel. Both meetings.

    That girl is me, the truth comes out sooner or later like Yunho father said, and that’s one of the reasons why I can’t do what you and the other person said, I can’t do what other people did to me. Think before speak please, you can read and write much better the English than me, so be careful.

    Y: From the beginning this should have stayed between SME and JYJ. Homin should have stayed out but they got involved willfully. Instead of saying this is between them and has nothing to do with us opting for a neutral position, they released statements that mirrored SME’s.

    M: I already said, from the beginning, 6.25 meeting asked to mention HOMIN in all this.

    Y: Doing so aligned them with SME. The same reasoning that fans used to defend JYJ from SME claims now applied to Homin. Acknowledge that Homin, their parents and their fans walked themselves into it.

    M: No, they response to 6.25 rumors that JYJ families did.

    To be honest I think HOMIN parents are brave for those letters even if those are strong (I do not know the word) but in their shoes maybe I will suggest a public meeting with all of them but perhaps I will be as mad/angry as they were at that time so, I understand them, at least they didn’t hid behind the fans. They did public letters, and until now they are paying responsibility and consequences.

    Y: That statement bears their name and their signature. In that release they stated that the reason JYJ had to file a lawsuit was Crebeau. That btw is in direct contradiction to what JYJ said were the reasons to file the lawsuit. One side says the truth is A. The other sides refutes saying the truth is B. I don’t know what type of advance analysis I need to make here.
    They are calling them liars.

    M: Yes, someone is lying, you might believe is HOMIN, I believe JYJ is not telling the truth. What can we do?

    I may say here, I think they didn’t know how to handle it, and of course their parents “help” didn’t help. Maybe at first they didn’t want to leave TVXQ, but their parents have something to do, with their decision. You can see the way Jaejong looked HOMIN in Tokyo Dome, they rarely spoken between them. Junsu’s father rushed things maybe and now there is no TVXQ5.

    Y: Yunho’s father also said the reason for the lawsuit was Crebeau and greed. Greed they wanted to fulfill by “questionable means”.

    M: JYJ DIDN’T REFUTE IT. It was serious, if I were them, I will invited him in a public meeting and see him into his eyes and ask him to say the truth.

    Y: Changmin’s father seconded this with his statement. He then proceeded to insult JYJ –not even putting into question- but by outright saying that JYJ’s actions and mores are ones that go against those that “needs to be followed by a human being”. Like father like son.

    M: Thank GOD he is like his father and not like Junsu’s father.

    Y:I wonder if they consider Brutus an honorable man.

    M: Keep wondering please, if you want, of course

    Y: From the beginning Homin and their parents have taken a position where they have a social and moral rectitude that JYJ doesn’t have. Go back and read all of their statements. If by the end you don’t think Homin and their parents have step over the line in their intent to defend themselves, then you’ll never understand why JYJ fans are so enrage with them. Go back and read them again. Think those are targeting you. If by the end you don’t feel denigrated by their words, you will never get it.

    M: I say the same about 6.25 MEETING for you. In fact I understand why JYJ fans are so enrage with them, those letters didn’t fit with JYJ statements. They keep questioning the morality about HOMIN parents, but they can understand 6.25 meeting and they do not accept that 6.25 meeting was wrong. How convenient for them and their idols.

    Y: This is a narrative that has been shaped for two years. SME couldn’t convince the courts during the injunction. So they released all 4 of those statements to give weight to their claims. The only people they can convince that’s the “real” reason are Homin fans that are predisposed to believe them. Homin was in the inside and if they said it’s because of Crebeau then it most be true. As if Homin had no reason to lie, no interests to protect. Now those statements were made in 2009 before not one (China), not two (Defamation Lawsuit against Crebeau) but three (ruling to reaffirm the injunction) independent courts ruled that Crebeau had nothing to do with the lawsuit. SME had as many chances to prove their claims and they failed to do so. In their quest to rewrite history, SME keeps being tone deaf to their problems. We are now in 2011 and now they can’t use the Crebeau excuse directly. That is the shift Inklette talks about. They can still allude to it. They don’t have a ready made antagonist. The courts took it away. That only leaves them with the premise that JYJ are unethical and untrustworthy. They have a sympathetic entertainment press that refuses to call them on their haughtiness, so the fans do it. I am one of them. Not for their decision to stay but for the way they have been behaving.

    M: I’m done here, if you think 6.25 meeting is a moral thing to do, what can I do? I do not believe in law system but for what I know about the rule for that injunction, was dismissed; it wasn’t resolved, in law it is not the same, in Spanish is “desechada” however when there is a sentence (sentencia in Spanish) it means it is resolved. When some petitions are dismissed it means the judge didn’t enter to the bottom of the issue, the main point, but when it is resolved it the opposite. About what you are claiming:

    Y: “independent courts ruled that Crebeau had nothing to do with the lawsuit”.

    M: To reply your statements, let me use this from this source that JYJ fans trust please

    “However, in December 2010, SM’s counter-suit case against Cosmetic Company C was fully dismissed by the court on all three accounts:
    1) False accusations => dismissed because there is no ground for charging the cosmetic company for making false accusations.
    2) Defamation => dismissed because the evidence that proves that the three members were deeply involved in the business other than making a financial investment is lacking, and the cosmetic company’s media interview is merely a clarification on the three members’ participation in the investment of the business.
    3) Obstruction of business => dismissed because the evidence that the CEO of Cosmetic Company C directly violated the trademark rights and portraits rights of the three members is lacking, and his use of these rights cannot be connected back to the causation of obstruction of business”.

    M: 1) DISMISSED, WHY? THE JUDGE DID NOT FIND THE MOVIL, (IT DOESN’T MEAN DOESN’T EXIST) JUDGE dismissed, yes dismissed because the lawsuit or injunction didn’t have all the formalities or for invalidity causes (causas de improcedencia, sorry I do not know legal terms in English just in Spanish)

    2) DISMISSED, WHY? Because the evidence is lacking, this means that when the judge received the form (lawsuit), he considered that the evidence is lacking, he didn’t study the bottom (the main point) of the lawsuit, again dismissed but there is not a verdict, do not change things.

    3) AGAIN DISMISSED (NOT RESOLVED) WHY? Because the evidence that SM offered to the Judge is lacking and he didn’t find a connection.
    Judge never said SM is lying or Cosmetic Company win. NEVER said Cosmetic Company is innocent of the charges and far from it judge never said “Crebeau had nothing to do with the lawsuit”.

    Even in this site, they said “the lawsuit was fully dismissed”. Yes, fully dismissed, when a lawsuit is dismissed it means you can sue again if you can reunite the formalities however when the judge pronounce a veredict (sentence), it means that matter is resolved, it ends with the lawsuit, of course you have others legal remedies (medios legales: extraordinarios y ordinarios).

    I’m not an expert about all legal issues and far from it in Korean Lawsuit, that’s true, but you can read the difference about one thing and other, even if you read the statements that I cited from JYJFILES3, you can see what I am talking about.
    HOMIN never change their statements, yes they said it was for Crebeau = monetary reasons, they attributed those reasons or justify their actions because they think they were young idols.

    Y: The only instance where you can say that JYJ talked bad about Homin was in Junsu’s and Jaejoong’s tweets. And yet Junsu’s words weren’t denigrating and Jaejoong called Yunho on his lie without being disrespectful. After hearing all Homin said about JYJ and the tone they used, I blame them not one bit.

    M: Like people say: We just have to agree to disagree.
    You have your thoughts and beliefs, I have mine.

    Thank you for your long reply, thank you for your time and thank you for the new words that you teach me.

    NB: Excuse me for my English, it was a long reply and in some parts, I didn’t know how to say some things properly.
    Have a nice day.

      • @JUNO i didn’t get your point untill i read this:
        “My reference from (truetvxq.blogspot) with my notes”
        ooh okay skip this comments, i already read that blog.

        @hyo your comments are worth waiting for.

    • Hi. I am not going to go into the details of what you posted but I would like to say one thing. I listened to the recording of the 6.25 meeting after reading the English transcripts (I understand Korean though it is not my first language.) For some reason my impressions changed after listening to it. I realized from the way that the families of JYJ were speaking that the meeting was just one part in a much longer train of events and conversation. People who make a big deal in about the 6.25 meeting tend to treat it as a one only event and dissect it as such. In reality it was just the only conversation that was recorded and leaked. The reason that the specifics of the rumors were not discussed is because they had already talked about the rumors with the people at the meeting before hand on telephone and other ways. Which is why nobody at the meeting asks “What rumor are you talking about?” All of them knew what the rumors were and that everyone there had heard them. People who claim that the families of JYJ were trying to make people bash Homin say “If there were rumors why aren’t the specifics spoken about?” It is because everyone in that room had heard the rumors. The fact that no one explains what the rumors are is in a way proof that there were nasty rumors spreading.

    • One more thing. I realize that you believe Precious’s blog. I on the other hand read that blog before I was decided on who to believe, and got nauseated from the overwhelming fishy smell. The thing is that if you know Korean, you can google Lee Sooman and SM entertainment with words like”corruption” “arrested” “dishonest” ”exploitation” and you will find plenty of articles by Korean news outlets about the past problems of that company. Precious conveniently does not mention any of this which is I think is extremely dishonest for a blog that claims to be about “truth” from a logical and objective stand point. If he/she claimed to be a pro-Homin fan I might have believed him/her more.
      Another thing is that there is a Japanese anti JYJ blog with the title “Search for the Truth” which makes the same claims that Precious makes about the whole TVXQ mess. The two blogs are really too similar for me to believe that it is a coincidence. I smell “big pro-SM propaganda machine”. So if you are really interested in the truth I would advise you to take everything that blog says with a gigantic grain of salt.
      The claim that the 6.25 meeting is morally wrong can only be made if there were no vicious rumors about JYJ being spread. If you listen to the recording it’s fairly obvious that there WERE rumors because of the reasons I stated above. In the process of trying to protect JYJ maybe some unwise words were said by family members and sometimes they do sound upset ( who wouldn’t be if their sons/brother were in the situation that JYJ were in ) but my impression is that they were being remarkably calm considering the situation. A lot of Korean parents I know would be screaming for blood if their children were being worked to death and exploited like TVXQ was. I really don’t think there are grounds to claim that JYJ family members were trying to deliberately manipulate fans to bash Homin. If there were fans who bashed Homin they probably would have done so regardless of 6.25 because they were already mad because a pro-Homin person was spreading lies and rumors about JYJ. If you are going to blame JYJ for their fans’ conduct then you should also blame Homin for their fans’ conduct. Truetvxq is dishonest because it also fails to mention that Homin fans were pretty extreme in bashing JYJ too.
      The 6.25 meeting is a small piece of a much larger picture and pro SM anti JYJ stans blow it out of proportion to hide the big picture of how corrupt SM enterainment is.

      • @JYJ LOver:

        Oh please do not forget to read the reference of @apricotvodka with my notes (I do not know her/his source but from TrueTXVQ is not) AND ALSO do not forget to read my reference from JYJFILES3.

        HAVE A NICE DAY.

      • @sachi –
        you said “The 6.25 meeting is a small piece of a much larger picture and pro SM anti JYJ stans blow it out of proportion to hide the big picture of how corrupt SM enterainment is.”

        Oh, good point, sachi, good point. This pretty much sums up my feeling about 6.25 too. It happened, families are emotional, they love and wish to defend their children but from what I read the family members were remarkably calm and circumspect.
        What is there not to understand about this?? It’s one small piece of the puzzle, a rather insignificant one at that in my opinion.

        Then again, I think I’d rather chew off an arm than wade back in to Sofly’s “The Complete, Unabridged 16 Volume Analysis Of 6.25.” It’s scary and dark in there, there are pop-up funhouse mirrors and I frankly couldn’t even understand what she/he was trying to get at most of the time. Please! I’m begging you people! Don’t send me back in there!!

    • I gave up reading this, but you inspire me to study (just in writing) harder. Because, wow, this is the longest comment I ever seen (and the first one that I ever given up in reading).

      But I think, yeah, everyone outside big companies isn’t trustworthy, and should just shut up. Because big companies (and everyone inside them), especially SM (best company in the world), must be the right one, right?

    • I won’t comment on the specifics since I’m not personally well-acquainted with the meeting transcripts. I did try to comb (which turned to plowing…) my way through the post and backtrack to see how this unfolded, but I have a very hard time navigating through this point-for-point rebuttal, explanation, and expansion.

      Since I keep losing sight of what is being debated here, I would just appreciate a little clarification on what your ultimate thesis statement is.

      “The 6.25 meeting does not score high on the goodness scale and hence HoMin have the right to denounce JYJ’s moral integrity?”

      • @hyo –
        you said re: Sofly’s post: “Since I keep losing sight of what is being debated here, I would just appreciate a little clarification on what your ultimate thesis statement is.”

        Hi hyo and Sofly – Lilibaiyu here. I think I’m going to have to wait for the mini-series to come out regarding this topic. The book was way too long and confusing. hyo, if you ever manage to figure out the salient points, do let me know. I know when I’m beaten. I’ll believe anything you have to say about it at this point.

    • I just went to all the pains of reading your unnecessarily long response. /le sighs/
      The only thing I want to add is that: It’s funny how you had to change from ATTACKING to DEFENDING. And to be honest, citing every sentence of the other person to talk against it in the silliest ways possible is not a good way to defend yourself. It actually makes you become…negligible?

  96. @sachi :

    Hi, this is my reply

    “Hi. I am not going to go into the details of what you posted but I would like to say one thing. I listened to the recording of the 6.25 meeting after reading the English transcripts (I understand Korean though it is not my first language.) For some reason my impressions changed after listening to it. I realized from the way that the families of JYJ were speaking that the meeting was just one part in a much longer train of events and conversation. People who make a big deal in about the 6.25 meeting tend to treat it as a one only event and dissect it as such. In reality it was just the only conversation that was recorded and leaked. The reason that the specifics of the rumors were not discussed is because they had already talked about the rumors with the people at the meeting before hand on telephone and other ways.”

    M: Please go into details about how did you deduce this:
    “I realized from the way that the families of JYJ were speaking that the meeting was just one part in a much longer train of events and conversation”

    M: Which were your reasons to change your impressions? Please.

    “they had already talked about the rumors with the people at the meeting before hand on telephone and other ways.”

    M:Really? Before hand? On telephone? Other ways?
    I did a research so I wrote this: jyj files 6.25 transcription, because then some of you said I live in one dimensional world when I used other sites but anyways.
    It seems they used a translation of someone but they accepted it, so I read something like this:
    They said they were contacted from Japan / so QUICKLY talked to Yoochun’s mother in the morning and she provided the place from 7 TO 8. Another statement was: kids asked them early THAT MORNING to hold that meeting.
    Yes, maybe they knew the rumors, but like I said, why they should ask to the fans to question about HOMIN in the posts?
    “In reality it was just the only conversation that was recorded and leaked”
    M: And the first one, remember?, early this morning, quickly.

    “All of them knew what the rumors were and that everyone there had heard them. People who claim that the families of JYJ were trying to make people bash Homin say “If there were rumors why aren’t the specifics spoken about?” It is because everyone in that room had heard the rumors. The fact that no one explains what the rumors are is in a way proof that there were nasty rumors spreading.”

    M: Some rumors were mentioned, example: Junsu’s father mentioned the rumors against him, he said do not listen to them, they said about the rumor that kids were crazy for money but he (Junsu’s father) said as a parents they can’t say anything but he say for himself “I think money is secondary”.

    “One more thing. I realize that you believe Precious’s blog.”
    M: Before I read this blog, my thoughts were the same in some points. It’s just that this person gives you complete things (6.25 meeting), (even jyj files used it) and of course He is biased but you do not have to read his opinions, I think for myself, even if my English is awful, I give my best to understand things. JYJFILES also seems they believed in his transcription, what can we do about it?
    If you have a better source about that meeting, please let me know.

    “I on the other hand read that blog before I was decided on who to believe, and got nauseated from the overwhelming fishy smell”.
    M: It’s your opinion.

    “The thing is that if you know Korean, you can google Lee Sooman and SM entertainment with words like”corruption” “arrested” “dishonest” ”exploitation” and you will find plenty of articles by Korean news outlets about the past problems of that company”.

    M: I do not know Korean, sadly, but why you bring up SM like this?
    I know it’s not the best company, but JYJ were there, Changmin and Yunho are there, they work or worked for that company, what can we do? It’s their decision.
    Now, JYJ are working with other agency that is accused for other things so. What is your point please?
    You can also google this: cjes mafia.

    “Precious conveniently does not mention any of this which is I think is extremely dishonest for a blog that claims to be about “truth” from a logical and objective stand point. If he/she claimed to be a pro-Homin fan I might have believed him/her more”

    M:Also in others JYJ blogs are not mentioning about cjes.
    He claimed that, he is biased (Pro-Homin).
    He does not mention about the past of SM because he is not studying about that issue but his thoughts about the real reasons from JYJ to sue SM.
    You can read his blog and when I started to read about the CONTRACT, I TOUGHT HE WAS JYJ BIAS, he said that some parts of the contract COULD BE unfair for him.

    “Another thing is that there is a Japanese anti JYJ blog with the title “Search for the Truth” which makes the same claims that Precious makes about the whole TVXQ mess. The two blogs are really too similar for me to believe that it is a coincidence. I smell “big pro-SM propaganda machine”.

    M: Sadly, I do not know Japanese but are you saying that if 2 blogs are really too similar, then is pro propaganda machine, well SM has to be so stupid for just count with 2 blogs, this company is rich and just have 2 blogs? After 2 years of rumors against Yunho and Changmin and SM, this company just have 2 blogs, truetvxq is new so I really think SM must be VERY stupid.
    JYJ fans have a lot of blogs and SM thinks the company can win with just 2 blogs, Stupid SM. Yes, I said: STUPID SM. They were very busy with SNSD but please just 2 blogs?
    SM this is the INTERNET ERA, WAKE UP!

    “So if you are really interested in the truth I would advise you to take everything that blog says with a gigantic grain of salt”.

    M: That is what I try to do all the time. Thank you so much for your advice.

    “The claim that the 6.25 meeting is morally wrong can only be made if there were no vicious rumors about JYJ being spread. If you listen to the recording it’s fairly obvious that there WERE rumors because of the reasons I stated above”.

    M: Of course there were rumors, I never said the opposite.

    “In the process of trying to protect JYJ maybe some unwise words were said by family members and sometimes they do sound upset ( who wouldn’t be if their sons/brother were in the situation that JYJ were in ) but my impression is that they were being remarkably calm considering the situation”

    M; My impression is other; answer me please, really, I want to know your answer:
    Would you do the same that they did?
    You will fight against hurtful rumors about your own children through fans?
    If your answer is yes, I don’t have anything to say to you.
    If your answer is no, I must say you are brave and you are the kind of person that I admire so much.

    “A lot of Korean parents I know would be screaming for blood if their children were being worked to death and exploited like TVXQ was.”

    M: Me too, I will scream, yes I WILL SCREAM, but why the fans? JJ, Yoochun, Junsu are my children not theirs.

    “I really don’t think there are grounds to claim that JYJ family members were trying to deliberately manipulate fans to bash Homin”.

    M: I do not share the same opinion.

    “If there were fans who bashed Homin they probably would have done so regardless of 6.25 because they were already mad because a pro-Homin person was spreading lies and rumors about JYJ”.

    M_: You can’t be sure, you can check rumors against HOMIN, you will see that 6.25 meeting was the genesis for those rumors, without that meeting fans wouldn’t have so many details.

    “If you are going to blame JYJ for their fans’ conduct then you should also blame Homin for their fans’ conduct”.

    M: I did not blame JYJ for their fans actions but for their actions. In fact, did I ever said something about the contract?
    I have read it, and of course it is a contract of adhesion(contrato de adhesion), but they signed it, maybe they (JYJ and their parents) thought in that moment it was a good contract, they changed their minds, it’s ok, law gives you the right to sue, they have the right, they are using it, I respect that, but I do not believe in the reasons that they claimed and I do not support the 6.25 meeting.

    “Truetvxq is dishonest because it also fails to mention that Homin fans were pretty extreme in bashing JYJ too”.

    M: Well then many JYJ blogs also fails for not mention that JYJ fans bashed HOMIN and their families. You also fail in that, you claim about TRUETVXQ but not about any other JYJ site, I did mention one, you should reply me about that. In other reply I said I barely read things against JYJ (in Spanish and English)

    “The 6.25 meeting is a small piece of a much larger picture and pro SM anti JYJ stans blow it out of proportion to hide the big picture of how corrupt SM enterainment is”.

    M: You really care about SM, of course, JYJ sued SM EVIL, I have to say it doesn’t matter if is a small piece, it’s a piece. For me it was a wrong thing to do, if I have kids some day, I hope they never do something like that, I will teach them to speak for themselves. Small piece can demonstrate big things, can win cases.

    I will give you an advice too, if you let me, please

    Details are important, little things are important, so study them carefully.

    Have a nice day, take care.

    • I don’t think you are getting what I am trying to say at all and you probably won’t no matter what I say because you obviously made up your mind about the whole deal.
      “I do not know Korean, sadly, but why you bring up SM like this?”
      “Details are important, little things are important, so study them carefully.”
      I can’t understand how you think it is logical to put these two sentences are in the same post.
      I am saying that I think true tvxq is being dishonest about his/her motives in that blog because it lists every single tiny thing about JYJ and the lawsuit that can be used to make JYJ look bad but fails to mention SM’s dirty past which is very relevant in understanding in why JYJ decided to sue. It is obviously a anti JYJ pro SM Homin blog but is not upfront about this. It claims to be objectively laying out all the facts but it seems to be deliberately leaving out a lot of facts that don’t fit in the pro-SM scenario. JYJ sites, on the other hand say they are about supporting JYJ so I know that the posts there are written from a pro-JYJ standpoint. If this site or other JYJ sites called itself “Truth about DBSK ” I would think it dishonest and misleading too.
      Maybe Precious has changed her stance since I last read her blog. I tend to avoid blogs that I think are dishonest so I haven’t read her blog for a while.

      As for the 6.25 meeting sweetJJ has said what I was trying to say so…

    • Re “You can’t be sure, you can check rumors against HOMIN, you will see that 6.25 meeting was the genesis for those rumors, without that meeting fans wouldn’t have so many details. ”

      This is probably pointless in convincing you of anything because you have firmly made up your mind about the whole deal but I am going to post this anyway for the sake of people lurking here who are looking for facts.
      Someone posted a link on JYJ3 to a screen capture of a message to Yunho fans calling them to a chat on 6.24 at 10:00PM. There is also a copy of what was said. It’s all in Korean so you can’t understand it but you can check the date. I am certainly not going to translate the thing for you, but I can tell you that they were talking about the lawsuit and JYJ members in a very unflattering way. So that pretty much proves that the claim that all the rumors started with the 6.25 meeting is BS. Fans already knew about the lawsuit and were already fighting before 6.25. Or at least hardcore Yunho fans were.
      Here is the link.

      When I listened to the 6.25 recordings it made me hate SM. They sound like normal people who really love their sons/brother, sincerely trying to walk the fine line of protecting their loved ones without starting a fan war in a very volatile situation. You can sense their genuine anger, sorrow, worry etc although they are trying to hold it in in.
      I really don’t understand how SM could be this cruel to people.

    • Seriously… =.=

      I actually counted…there were at least 5 times (my eyes hurt so that’s the best I could do) that you said something like “You have your own opinion and I have mine”
      –> BINGO! WE have our own opinion, (and yes I’m using WE because I prefer to refer to JYJ fans as a single unit) and you have yours. So why come all the way over here and bother us?

      About the 6.25 meeting. I see nothing wrong in it, and I admit it I’m inclined to believe JYJ’s parents just as you’re inclined to discredit them.
      And if you insist on saying that HoMin got bashed BECAUSE of the meeting, then just so you know, I never hated HoMin even after I knew about the meeting. I just left the Cassiopeia fandom after the “flock of geese” incident. Yes, your bias gained some haters (myself not included, because God knows I’m not a hater) because of what they actually did, so please don’t blame it all on some generally irrelevant and potentially inaccurate inferences.

  97. Please go into details about how did you deduce this:
    It’s fairly obvious from they way that the family members were speaking that they were on friendly terms with the people present. It was definitely not the first time meeting them. You really can’t get that sense of familiarity from the English transcript, I guess. Also if that meeting was the first time they were talking about the whole thing, too much stuff is missing. There were no questions about what the rumors were from the web masters, if this was the first time for them hear about the rumors it doesn’t make sense that nobody asks. And the way Junsu’s father talks about getting mail from the younger fans shows that he received mail from fans frequently.
    If you read the explanation that DBSK gives about the 6.25 meeting then you would also know that DBSK family members (including Homin) were very close to the fans long before the lawsuit happened. So of course the fans were asking questions and the family members had to give some kind of reply. This was it ( or part of it-People generally don’t record every conversation they have). It was pretty tame considering that SM was exploiting and working their son/brother to death and they were among people who they had known for years. I don’t think they deliberately wanted to involve the fans, but as they were already on very close terms they had to say something. Like if I was going have a divorce and rumors were spreading, I would feel obliged to say something to close people even if I didn’t want to involve them in the messy details. The people at the meeting were not fans like you and me, but fans who were very close to the boys and their family and it shows in the way the family members speak in the recording.
    I don’t have time to respond to the rest of your post right now. Maybe later.

  98. what the hell is going on here?? lol
    there’s even an essay with 10pages long,lmao… skipped those,haha
    i just wanna say that i believe in JYJ…
    HOMIN are matured men now, so pls dont make any excuse for them like “oh! its SM made them said tht; its scripted” lololol.. are they even puppets at 26 n 24 yrs old??
    this my general comment, just saying^^

    • @JYJMissionMakeIt
      you said: “what the hell is going on here?? lol
      there’s even an essay with 10pages long,lmao… skipped those,haha”

      10 pages!!?? It’s ONLY 10 pages!!?? Ye Gods, I must have lost my senses and begun to hallucinate somewhere around page 7…. To me it seemed to be 10 times longer than 10 pages…

      But here’s the thing about Sofly’s chosen method of trying to convince us all of her many, many, MANY points in advancing the theory of underhandedness of JYJ’s family in their ways on 6.25 of attempting to defend their beloved son/brother and quell the rumor mill swirling around the group: it’s frustrating, tiresome and ultimately unconvincing.

      But for the sake of argument, let’s say it wasn’t. What if it was ALL true. What if Yuchun’s and Jae’s families were visibly upset, angry and said mean things about SM and YH&CM that they regretted later when they calmed down. What if they were, in short, unsophisticated in the ways of media blowup and all too human when feeling unfairly discredited?

      So What.

      What, Sofly is your ultimate purpose for leading us all down this road? What do you wish to accomplish here? We love JYJ here. Can we not do that?? Why can we not support these wonderful artists in the ways that we wish to? Why can’t we back them to the hilt if we want to? Through thick and thin, through stumbles, mistakes, triumphs and setbacks. WE LOVE THEM.

      I am pretty confident in saying that you will never manage to convince one person here of blaming the families or abandoning Jae, Yuchun and Junsu based on your, OK I’m just going to say it, crazed ramblings. It’s not going to happen. Please–let’s stop now.

  99. @softly

    -You don’t care if SME treated their artists in a wrong manner or not.

    -You don’t care if the lawsuit was filed or why was it filed.

    -You don’t like facts that contradict what Changmin says, you take them with levity so they’re easy to dismiss.

    – You don’ like facts that challenge your perception of 6.25, you take them as opinions so they are easy to dismiss as well. In your mind the fans were lied to, manipulated and instigated to bash Homin in this secret meeting that was held behind Homin’s back in order to make JYJ look good.

    -I’m really sorry for what happened to you and your child. In this case, because of Hotel girls’ characterization of the meeting, you’re projecting. We don’t know if JYJ (and their parents) went and called the meeting and never told Homin (and their parents) about it. That’s “doing things behind Homin’s back”. You just assume that’s how it happened. No. You want to believe that’s how it happened. Go ahead, believe it so is easier for you to keep supporting Changmin, overlook and even excuse his share of fault in fans bashing him.

    -You take offense that what JYJ family members did was secret. It wasn’t. I got the fact that the meeting wasn’t secret not from Junsu’s father but from the fansite DC TVXQ gallery. Again, believe your source. I’ll believe mine.

    -I never said JYJ family members weren’t responsible for their words and actions. I’m with you there. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, just like you’re responsible for your words here after reading and analyzing your notes. I’m not going to blame Precious for it. I’m not going to shift the blame.

    -I like that this meeting took place, that they explained what they could and that they asked the fans to stand by them. What was it that the fans did after the meeting? Stand by JYJ. It led to that because that was the request and fans acquiesced to it. If you wanna twist their words and make this meeting into something that wasn’t, that’s on you.

    – You don’t trust JYJ family members so you don’t trust their words, their motives and their actions. So anything they say and do will be filter as such: something to be suspicious of. So of course, in you mind, what motive they could possibly have to mention Homin but to cast shadows on them and is unthinkable that the reason was to explain the situation as it was. You’re hard fast that the intention was to spread more rumors using the fans and not to explain the existing rumors and therefore contain them. Here’s the kick, you don’t like that there wasn’t anyone to defend Homin, as if Homin was going to and was in fact attacked. Or that no one was there to explain the events from Homin’s POV because you’re predisposed to think that what was said about Homin were lies. No wonder reading the excerpts you have as they are translated. Your notes differ too much from mine. It all boils down to how credible any site is to you. Believe your source. I’ll believe mine.

    -I believe in what they say but that isn’t founded on what their jobs status is. You used Homin’s parents’ jobs to validate their reputation and therefore the credibility of the statements in those letters. I took offence to that. If you don’t want to be accused of prejudice, avoid wording your comments that way because that’s how it came across.

    -JYJ didn’t use fans as their mouthpiece. JYJ thru their lawyers had their own press release where they stated their reasons to sue. That’s the refutation you seek. There is no reason to respond to statements made by people not related to the lawsuit. Even thou Homin are in the same band, they are unrelated to the lawsuit.

    -I’m not denying Homin the right to express themselves. Their tone and superiority complex is contemptible. That’s my problem with them. If they want to keep undermining their credibility with the fans by siding with SME they can do it. Just don’t be surprised and be moan when fans call them on their lies.

    -SME couldn’t provide the evidence to a counter lawsuit they filed against Crebeau or to the current lawsuit they filed against JYJ. The evidence is lacking and that doesn’t give you pause? They don’t have it because that’s not the real reason for the lawsuit. Instead of dealing with this lawsuit as what it is, as a contract dispute, SME is using Crebeau as an excuse. Those contract terms were unbearable and unconscionable. But hey, believe what you want because if Changmin said it, it must be true.

    -The translations for 6.25 and Homin’s statements I got from DC TVXQ Gallery: Translation for Homin’s parents letters were from the site you go to. I have no problem reading and understanding his analysis for what they are, a SME apologia. It’s laughable that he never finds anything wrong with SME or that the contract was fair. The fact that he hasn’t translated or done an analysis of the injunction’s court judgment from October 09 (Or any of the subsequent rulings) makes me question the sincerity of his site. Those rulings counter all of his analysis; they found the contact unfair, unbalance and abusive. He’s quick to say that Crebeau’s defamation lawsuit favored SME and yet he can’t be bothered to say what happened to the counter lawsuit. He can’t do it because it shows that his site’s premise is built on quicksand. His premise is that Homin had no need to sue because the contract terms were fair (we know how that went) so that only leaves Crebeau as the sole reason (and we also know how that went).

    It’s a ProSME site that tries to defend the undefendable. He uses Homin as pawns to perpetuate the emotional manipulation of the fans but if the fans fell for it, that’s their problem. As if it was a sin to break up DBSK. As if it’s a sin that JYJ is asking the money owed to them; as if wanting to maximize profits is acceptable in a business but not for an individual. As if it was a sin to sue because during the process poor Yunho and poor Changmin were hurt. Poor twenty something guys that know nothing of life, why are these greedy, immoral guys corrupting their innocence …and you know what? They’re using fans to bash Homin …but…but…but fans call them liars because of 6.25, all stems from 6.25, if 6.25 hadn’t happened fans would have nothing to say to them. SME is fair, agreeable, generous…you see…it’s all Junsu’s father’s fault. He’s greedy; he pushed his son to sue…

    I’m SMH so much I got torticollis.
    Para terminar: No tienes por que disculparte, tu Inglés es muy bueno. Que pases un buen día

    • @apricotvodka

      You are to be commended for the most cogent and responsible reply to dear ‘Softly’. You waded into the murky waters and came out better than anyone could have hoped for. I salute you!

      One of the side effects I am discovering is that people are having to step it up with regards to ‘call and response’. This is not for the squimish, nor faint of heart. But it is also a learning experience. Tackling this contract issue, and all it’s many layers is much grist for the mill.

      Once this situation is done and over with, the brave and enterprising soul who can put together a fascinating book on the entire subject will surely make a valuble contribution to Korean society.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        you said: “apricotvodka, You are to be commended for the most cogent and responsible reply to dear ‘Softly’. You waded into the murky waters and came out better than anyone could have hoped for. I salute you!

        I will heartily second that. A great, even heroic job was done at what had to be a pretty thankless task. Aarrgghh! I hope it’s over.

      • @hyo

        For you too huh? Just imagine, it took this long to get this far! I’m going to repeat myself. All praises to ‘apricotvodka’, yeah!

    • @apricotvodka

      Thank you…i salute you!

      …my brain still hurts reading the ‘thesis’ from ‘softly’ who tried so hard to turn us around (altho i skipped most of it..blah blah blah..same o’ same o’) ..aiyai yai yai..these trolls will never learn, don’t they?..

    • Hola,
      ¿Cómo estás?
      Tu español es excelente, el uso de acentos fue lo que me convenció, hay muchas personas que escriben sin ellos. Ya que has hablado en español, esta vez mi réplica será en español, si no te interesa en lo más mínimo, por favor actúa conforme a tu conveniencia.

      “-I believe in what they say but that isn’t founded on what their jobs status is. You used Homin’s parents’ jobs to validate their reputation and therefore the credibility of the statements in those letters. I took offence to that. If you don’t want to be accused of prejudice, avoid wording your comments that way because that’s how it came across.
      -I’m really sorry for what happened to you and your child. In this case, because of Hotel girls’ characterization of the meeting, you’re projecting. We don’t know if JYJ (and their parents) went and called the meeting and never told Homin (and their parents) about it”.

      Yo: Que tú tomes ofensa en ello, no quiere decir que la haya, tu interpretación ha sido incorrecta, tú me has juzgado mal a mí en base a tu interpretación fallida y errónea; por otra parte, primero me acusas de utilizar lenguaje instigador y ahora de prejuiciosa, no sé si tengas claro el significado de estas palabras, en específico de la palabra prejuicio, pero es juzgar de antemano o bien elaboración de un juicio sin antes tener ninguna experiencia directa o real. El prejuicio consiste en la evaluación positiva o negativa de un grupo social y de sus miembros. Seguro habrá otras definiciones mejores pero estas son las que conseguí, recuerdo hace tiempo haber leído otra mejor, inclusive con los elementos pero la he perdido.

      Ese es mi juicio: HOMIN parents are pretty respectable in South Korea (one is lawyer and the other teacher), they wouldn’t risk their reputation.

      Lo formé con declaraciones de Yunho y Changmin, la lectura que di a sus cartas y tengo conocimiento que en Corea del Sur, ambas profesiones son muy respetadas y desde que tengo experiencia en el campo de Derecho, sé que es sumamente arriesgado hacer declaraciones como abogado que resulten ser falsas, pues te enjuician por ello y te sancionan con la pérdida de la cédula profesional. Sé lo que cuesta ganarse una reputación positiva en el mundo de la abogacía y no creo que la fueran a arriesgar así.

      Mi intención era puntualizar el riesgo que corrían ambos, pues al ser respetables en Corea del Sur y ya tener adquirida una reputación dentro de su trabajo o en su trabajo (y no a causa o a razón de su trabajo en especìfico), si mentían era muy probable que fueran demandados, acusados, enjuiciados y podían hasta perder sus trabajos como sanciones adicionales.

      Cabe la posibilidad que mi juicio o razonamiento esté equivocado, podrías haberlo debatido pero no acuses de prejuicio a alguien si no tienes claro el significado del mismo.

      Jamás dije: Los padres de Yunho y Changmin son muy respetables porque son abogado y maestro respectivamente.
      O bien:
      Si son Abogado y maestro, entonces son respetables, por lo tanto, tienen reputación y esto quiere decir que todo lo que digan ambos, es verdad y por ejercer estas profesiones, ambos tienen credibilidad.
      También pudiera ser en sentido contario:
      Si son abogado y maestro entonces deben de ser o tienen que ser personas sin credibilidad alguna.

      Me has acusado de dos acciones que no cometí, aún sí tú lo has tomado así.
      También parece que creías que estaba discriminando o menospreciando a los familiares de JYJ por tener otras vocaciones, así que si ese es el caso, también fui acusada de Discriminación, sin justa razón.

      Creo y no te ofendas por favor, que al menos mi respuesta acerca de la que tú comentaste no la leíste bien, en ella también dije que no tenía niños, por lo tanto, el ejemplo que te di no era de mi hija, sino yo soy esa niña de la que hablé. Gracias pero no debes de sentirlo, de eso aprendí y mucho; mi intención no era causar lástima, sino hacer notar que hay conductas de personas que no se deben de ver bien cuando son evidentemente erróneas.

      HOMIN parents are pretty respectable in South Korea (one is lawyer and the other teacher), they wouldn’t risk their reputation.
      (one is lawyer and the other teacher), esta aclaración entre paréntesis la utilicé para decir en qué ámbito o área eran respetables, no para atribuir el carácter de respetables a los señores por dedicarse a dichas profesiones. Jamás puse un conector o enlace, una palabra que pudiera dar a entender lo que tú parece ser que entendiste.

      Si hubiera escrito esto:
      HOMIN parents are pretty respectable in South Korea (because one is lawyer and the other teacher), they wouldn’t risk their reputation, so if they are lawyer and teacher it must be true, they are saying the truth, because their jobs.

      Tendrías razón, pero no fue así.

      No podría atribuir el carácter de respetable a la profesión de abogacía o a la educación, sino a la persona.

      Aclarado el punto, no tengo más que decir, tú puedes creer lo que quieras, al igual que yo. No refutaré nada de lo otro, porque no tiene caso.

      Que tengas un buen día y adiós.

      • @Sofly, etc.

        Re: all the above in Spanish

        Now, THIS makes it soooo much easier! lol I don’t speak a word of Spanish except for this: “Dos mas margaritas, por favor!”

      • First of all Yunho father is NOT a LAWYER. Jeez who has been feeding you lies because clearly you believe that. Why don’t you research about JUNG YUNHO’s father and you will come up short in finding he didn’t even finish law school. -_- But you will find a relative (hmm perhaps an UNCLE) that is the lawyer. You are 100% not korean and take what you read at face value. Do your research and find out the hard way Yunho’s father is NOT a lawyer. Also all the non sense you wrote before just proves you take what your “precious” says at face value without thinking and doing your own research. I hope you are not an adult because adults don’t trust someone so easily on the internet. -_- And adults like to do their research which you have done none. Again seeing how you don’t want to find out some sort of your truth the hard way and is content with already distorted “evidence” then I really can only assume you are a teenager who is blindly in love with HM and currently don’t know of the real world or presumably never had a job.

      • Just know this now, lawyers that aren’t hired by SME HAVE NEVER SIDED with SME. Even the law as far back as 2002 never sided with SME so if we must go there I believe the LAW compared to people who stayed in the company to protect the COMPANY. So good day and I also believe in what JYJ have said that they filed because of the contracts because if you weren’t already a cassie or an innocent bystander DBSK5 looked terrible in 2006-2009. And if you even know of H.O.T or Shinhwa (bet “precious” never brings up SME criminal records/ loses in courts/ or let’s see 15 artists that left the company and all revealed SME to be that “bad” of a company :D) this DBSK ordeal is no different and EVERY TIME SME came out wrong/”bad”.

      • You are really something. How the hell do you even know that Yunho and Changmin’s parents are respectable in their chosen fields? Did you walk with them on their graduation day? Did you interview with them at their future jobs? Have you seen them work? No. You haven’t. They could just be average in their work. Or they could be the best but you don’t know that because you don’t know them. I love JYJ but I don’t pretend to know their characters, the way they think much less that of their families.
        You only know what they choose to let you know. Watching their interviews, reading fan accounts and memorizing the color of their underwear doesn’t make you any better as a judge of character. In fact it makes it worse because you are now BIASED to that person. I know that when I read about a good deed or a kind word about JYJ that I am biased about it.

        The only people who aren’t love-struck hormonal women are….wait for it…..the COURTS OF KOREA WHO HAVE REPEATEDLY RULED IN FAVOR OF JYJ!!!!! I can assure you that these grown men and women of the law don’t give a damn about Changmin’s “adorkable” ears, Jaejoong’s singing voice, Yunho’s dancing, Yoochun’s acting or “angel Xiah”. Okay?! Can you comprehend that? Could you stop pretending to be an unbiased spectator concerned with the “fairness” of your precious Homin. What? Did JYJ’s lawsuit rob material for you to drool over? That is the only thing I see you getting angry about because if JYJ are unneeded and greedy and whatnot then you would just let it go. You would support Homin -sorry- “the new and improved TVXQ” and move on with your life.

        You? Studied Ethics/Rights/Law? JAJAJAJAJAJA~ Don’t make me laugh. If you did you would have better things to do than to go on a pro-JYJ fansite to bitch and moan about your favorite group. Get off your high horse cause you aren’t fooling anyone.

  100. I don’t need the 6.25 meeting to tell me SME was wrong. All I needed to do was read the terms of JYJ’s contracts to know that SME was wrong.

    To be honest, SME knows this too, which is why they use all these distractions to veer the public away from the real issue of the lawsuit. 6.25, Crebeau, and now character assassination, all of these didn’t and wouldn’t fly in court. Why? Because it’s not the issue of the lawsuit. The court doesn’t care about the motives behind the filing nor would they care about the characters of the people filing it – it’s a case for contract termination. The subject matter is the terms of the contract and that’s what the court would focus on. But hey, as long as some fans and the public can believe SME’s diversions, why does it matter if the court doesn’t?

    It’s this we’re-above-the-law attitude of SME’s that pisses me off and makes me wish to see their downfall, no matter how long it takes.

    • @aki
      you said: “It’s this we’re-above-the-law attitude of SME’s that pisses me off and makes me wish to see their downfall, no matter how long it takes.”

      Me too, aki. It makes me see red, especially anytime I stop to think of those 3 talented young men, how hard they’ve worked for the company all these years and how talented they are. If anybody deserves to go on and have a career where they actually will get to enjoy the fruits of their many labors, it’s them. And I also happen to believe that WE as their fans deserve the HAPPINESS of being able to watch them, listen to their music and just generally continue to marvel at how wonderful they are.

  101. @vickyg51 –
    you said: “They were all in the same boat. If they are considered to have “weak morals”, then HoMin have “weak morals”, too.”

    The whole “weak morals” ploy is just another attempt at misdirection most likely orchestrated by the brain trust of co-conspirators at SM. In my opinion, and as stated before by many others here too, it’s a transparently weak argument; really the worst thing about it is the new all-time low it achieved in the personal conduct and choices of YH&CM.

  102. Woah….this post is like ages ago but the war and troll floods still rages on. I notice JYJfiles had “invite” these trolls since the news of 86000 I-fans petition news broke out to public. People since then notice the movement. Before the success, I read somewhere taht they even reject/banned/block entries from JYJfiles saying its a propaganda. It even labeled JYJ3 doubtful.
    However the 86000 I-fans petition was like a challenge and clearly showing that JYJ fandom had spread as a place for people that interested in the legal battle more than the usual Kpop hype solely for entertainment. It actually turned into educational and definitely spark inspiration. I can see that JYJfiles and JYJ3 been viewed as a threat for hardcore OT5, SME supporters, HoMin hardcore fans and obviously Anti-JYJ.
    Well, I gladly to announce that we are a THREAT to those that harm JYJ. Its a given since we are JYJ foot soldier. More that protecting the name, JYJ survivability as an artist and as a human being is by far our utmost priority.

    Haters do welcome to this fandom by be prepared to be loaded with info and knowledge before giving you 2cents.

    • @9mmleftshinki –
      you said: “I gladly to announce that we are a THREAT to those that harm JYJ. Its a given since we are JYJ foot soldier. More that protecting the name, JYJ survivability as an artist and as a human being is by far our utmost priority.
      Haters do welcome to this fandom by be prepared to be loaded with info and knowledge before giving you 2cents.”

      Nicely put! Yes, I would say we serve as quite a formidable adversary at this point. I found this site, started reading it and then posting to the JYJFiles after having read just enough of the slanderous garbage the other side has been churning out to be damned mad and good and ready to do something about it. I signed the petition and will be happy to lend my hand to the fight for as long as it takes.

    • @9mmleftshinki

      You are absolutely correct this and all the other sites that support JYJ have done something SME did not expect. The sites and the support they offer, have given JYJ the opportunity stand tall and move on. Nothing would have made SME happier if JYJ had floundered and struggled. After all, they created the most incredible blockade that has ever been seen in the industry.

      Not that everything is all peaches and cream. But JYJ’s ability to function as artists, produce quality work, receive praise from all kinds of sources, serve as spokesmen for various products, used as ambassadors for worthy activities/causes, and last but not least – maintain the support of a fanbase that shows no signs of going anywhere soon – has got be the most unnerving situation imaginable for SME.

      I agree, the sight of that petition with those 86K signatures from all over the world has to very unsettling. I bet they were banking on the fandom to collapse completely. If this had happened, SME’s fondest wish would have come true, JYJ might be in the position of throwing the towel in, and come crawling home with ‘Their Heads Down’.

      But wonder of all wonders, that is NOT happening. Why? Because this fanbase is more savvy than they gave us credit for. There are way too many thoughtful, intelligent, caring, and fiercely loyal JYJ fans to let that scenario happen. New sites like The JYJ Files, JYJ3, and more established ones like DC Gallery, DNBN, and others, have banded together to provide Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu with the barriers, or shields if you will for the cover they need to keep on keeping on.

      There’s a saying,’knowledge is power’. Yes, it certainly is. The knowledge that all the JYJ sites offer, provide us with the power to make informed decisions and form appropriate responses. And now with the advent of social networking, our ‘military’ actions take on new meaning.


      So SME, put that in your pipe and smoke it!

      • I have, and appreciate the work you’ve done to compile a lot of the past references. I’ve seen some of them before, but never bothered to bookmark them. Many’s the time I’ve kicked myself for that. So, thank you for your efforts. I have made your site one of my faves. 😉

      • And JYJ3 has just recently reached 2MILLION hits!!!
        Once more, thanks to our loyal lurkers and schemers out there! LOL
        I’m not thanking OUR FAMILY for the hits cuz talking to each other AT HOME is normal ^__^

  103. I come back to his article and see the comment section has EXPLODED! LOL, my rehash:

    All of Homin’s words and actions reveal that HM are publicly endorsing SM’s stance/attack on JYJ. So honestly, I don’t care whether they “truly” in their “hearts of hearts” “mean” or “believe” what they say. That’s irrelevant. Their actions demonstrate they actively and publicly support/fight for SM Ent NOT JYJ in the SM-JYJ battle. They are the most effective medium through which SM can slander JYJ in the court of public opinion. HM have made their choice of who to fight for and how, we’re making an observation they have already done so.

    If you personally don’t want to be confronted with the reality that Homin have take sides and fired multiple shots, then stay in the comfy cocoon of Homin and “peace” prioritizing OT5 sites where you’re only fed confirmatory info that’s not non-threatening to your preferences and stop wasting everyone’s time here on JYJ Files.


  104. Here in the US, we’ve had a bit of a brouhaha this week when a large, deadly cobra escaped from its cage at the Bronx Zoo. It’s been recaptured now, but there’s currently a contest going on to name the the now-famous snake.

    Hmmm….. I’m thinkin’ Lee Soo Man might be good…

  105. WOW!!
    this comment……
    more than 700 comment….
    i hope we can have a fansite where’s JYJ fans and Homin fans can discussion each other about everything problem from both side, the rule is : this site is just for people who can control they emotion and respectful to each other when comment and replay (ot5 fans can give input to but you MUST respect jyj and homin fans), maybe it just me but i like and want to now from both site. (i hope i can make that site but i don’t understand about blog and etc.. 🙂 )
    i am sorry maybe it’s just my dream, cause i think we need a bridge for JYJ fans and HOMIN fans to communicate just like i hope JYJ and HOMIN have a bridge to communicate 🙂
    “i am sorry this is just a dream from one ot5 fans” 🙂

    • @tvxqact1

      I’m going to try and be as respectful of your feelings as I can. I do understand your desire and wish for a site where discussion can take place between all levels of fans – JYJ, HoMin, and OT5. Maybe you are just mentioning the wish, that too is ok. But and here’s the but, the sites that specifically have JYJ in the title, are just that, JYJ sites.

      One of the main reasons why these sites exist is because SME has taken the approach of blacklisting JYJ from all forms of outlets to promote themselves. They and their cadre of associates are treating JYJ as if a major crime has been committed, and they are criminals. What SME is doing is – mean spirited, petty, and downright viscious. The tone and attitude of its actions leave the fans of JYJ with a sour, bitter taste in our mouths. Why did they have to even go there?

      Those persons who have become spokespersons for SME, and they are many, make it difficult to hold a decent, reasoned discussion. People who have no part in the legal action, are inserting themselves willingly into something which does not concern them, individuals and industry entities.

      As long as Homin have free rein to engage in promotional activities and have themselves packaged as victims, the chance to hold ‘reasoned’ discussions is simply unlikely. This is an emotion charged situation. Yes, it would be nice if your proposed scenario could take place. But SME has removed ALL possibility for that to happen, by the continued blackballing and character assassination that is taking place.

      If the situation had arisen where the lawsuit was pursued, all parties conducted themselves in a civilized manner, and both sets of artists worked on the same playing field while the attorneys took care of the action in the court room; all that had to happen was each side do its own thing.

      But that is not what happened. There’s a saying – once the genie is out of the bottle, it’s hard to put it back. This is what SME let happen, the genie cannot be put back. SME chose to define the narrative by producing a negative, mean, and spiteful environment. Had they chosen instead, to present HoMin as a duo with fresh ideas, and opportunities, HoMin might have developed a better sense of themselves. Fans outside of their sphere might have been able to just go with the flow.

      JYJ fans are reacting to the intentional way SME decided to breakup the fandom – Cassies (new membership) only who support TVXQact2. How disrespectful is that? I am not a Cassie, but I started out being a TVXQ fan. But I felt the pain of those who had been there from the beginning. It was like a HUGE slap in the face. You simply don’t do things like that to people who demonstrated extremely loyalty when you needed them. I don’t hate HoMin. But it is hard to try and converse with people who accept the treatment SME has bestowed on JYJ, and those fans who support them.

      The way that HoMin fans, OT5 fans, and JYJ fans, can see YOUR scenario happen, is for persons such as yourself, to go to SME and tell them to begin acting like ADULTS and not spoiled brats, who want to take their ball home and not play any more.

      Yes, your desire is an honest and heartfelt one. I do sense that. But unfortunately, SME has not made it impossible for that to happen. The genie has been let out of the bottle.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –

        You said: “The way that HoMin fans, OT5 fans, and JYJ fans, can see YOUR scenario happen, is for persons such as yourself, to go to SME and tell them to begin acting like ADULTS and not spoiled brats, who want to take their ball home and not play any more.”

        I am, as usual, applauding BAF’s acumen and ability to perceptively assess this complex and emotion-charged situation.

        This is indeed what NEEDS to happen next. HoMin fans need to petition SM to “Stop The Insanity.” To end the fiscal subterfuge and settle this embarrassing (to SM) lawsuit and to let JYJ go, free of all boycotting and similar media harassment. HoMin fans need to raise as much of a stink as JYJ’s fans, both Korean and the international ones have done. They need to insist, keep at it and put some muscle behind their demands. “We love HoMin, but this is JUST Wrong!” That kind of thing.

        Were they to do such an heroic act, things would change, indeed, they would be spectacularly transformed. HoMin fans would in fact be directly responsible for the end of this terrible, crippling war.

        Will they do it? Will they be this wise and evolved?

        This to me is a far greater question than whether there can be a blog somewhere where JYJ and HoMin fans can come uneasily together for attempts at polite dialog.

    • @ButterfliesAreFree and Lilibaiyu
      “The way that HoMin fans, OT5 fans, and JYJ fans, can see YOUR scenario happen, is for persons such as yourself, to go to SME and tell them to begin acting like ADULTS and not spoiled brats, who want to take their ball home and not play any more.”
      🙂 i hope more person who have same though like me.
      if i in korea i will make banner ““Stop The Insanity.” “Stop Play Around with Your Artist they are not your Puppet, respect them” 🙂 i will put that banner in front of sm building just like junsu mozart banner^^ (but a petition to SM it’s look like so cool^^).
      i respect what your choice and i know this site have a GOOD reason to be there, hope everyone can be happy in this fandom^^
      i’m sorry if some of my word look like don’t respect this site and you jyj fans 🙂
      “sorry my english bad” 🙂

      • @tvxqact1 –

        Your English is approximately 1,000,000 times better than my Korean. 🙂 I quite literally NEED you to make these bold and important moves on the ground in S. Korea.

        Be our hero! Make history!

      • @tvxqact1

        I didn’t get the sense you were disrespecting, really I don’t. I understand the sadness. And in an ideal world, one would like for your scenario to take place. But as I said, SME is SOLELY responsible for this situation.

        Their not being able to accept the dissatisfaction of JYJ and their need to leave, led them to make them outcasts. Others will say, but that’s simply business. To that I say BS. Excuse my French. You make the choices you want to make. If you need to conduct your business with this kind pettiness, it doesn’t speak well for your maturation level.

        Business can be conducted without resorting to this kind of behavior, it’s done all the time. It’s just that SME expects everyone else to bow down at the alter of their feet. Again, I say, who died and made you king?

        The people who keep idols/artists popular are the fans. The fans are the ones who provide the companies with the profits they make. If there were no fans, there would be no profit. So, disrespecting the fans – no matter who they favor, is about as low as one can go.

        I hear the hurt in your comments, and it makes me even angrier at SME, because this is simple abuse. Bullies like abusing people. For this, they should pay a HUGE price. I look forward to the day they do have to pay.

        Hopefully, one day, the fans no matter what their stans, will come together and make a better way for all the guys. This would put SME in its place. I’m a firm believer, never say never. So, don’t give up your hope. Do not allow SME to cause you more hurt, don’t give them that power to use you like this.

        And don’t worry in the least about your English. As Lilibaiyu says – it’s probably better than my attempt to converse in other peoples’ languages. Just means I have to step up to the plate and improve my skills. 🙂 We’ll talk more and learn from each other.

      • thank you i still think my english not good.^^
        i know if both side can communicate with respectful we don’t have a fanwar in every comment session right^^
        Actually for me you are (jyj fans) the HERO, because even you are not korea people you try to brings a good environment in entertainment industry korea maybe it’s just for jyj but i know others artist (including homin) will have good impact to.
        don’t give up and

  106. all i can say is that Homin are just timids. they are afraid of losing everything if they left therefore they remain in the company as Puppets. if not so please give me a good reason for them to continue remaining in such a shitty company.

  107. @Loili –
    you said: “…please give me a good reason for them to continue remaining in such a shitty company.”

    I have been trying. Many, many of us have here. Really trying.

    I too loved the sound of TVXQ in toto and mourned its demise, really and deeply. Having said that, I always felt that as a vocal and creative factor, YH&CM were pretty much unnecessary, especially when put up against Yuchun, Jaejoong and Junsu’s considerable and ever advancing songwriting chops, their immediately identifiable vocal signatures and exponentially emboldening personal charisma.

    So, what to “stay” for? Arguably, huge money production values, in terms of who got hired to do which jobs on their CDs, which I still say sound and are GREAT in every department. And tour production details. All of these scheduled and then canceled dates, happening again now we see, are frustrating for the fans and bespeak a lack of professional sensibilities on the part of management, which let me hasten to add totally fly in the face of JYJ’s extreme levels of professional conduct.

    So for all of that, what’s the tariff? What would they LOSE to stay with SM?

    Everything decent and honest about them, everything brave, good and formidable. They would lose heart, their belief in their own talents and abilities and they would lose their future as true mavericks of the Korean entertainment industry. That’s what I think anyway. I think they chose well. I’m soooo proud of them.

  108. @SoFly You are really something. How the hell do you even know that Yunho and Changmin’s parents are respectable in their chosen fields? Did you walk with them on their graduation day? Did you interview with them at their future jobs? Have you seen them work? No. You haven’t. They could just be average in their work. Or they could be the best but you don’t know that because you don’t know them. I love JYJ but I don’t pretend to know their characters, the way they think much less that of their families.
    You only know what they choose to let you know. Watching their interviews, reading fan accounts and memorizing the color of their underwear doesn’t make you any better as a judge of character. In fact it makes it worse because you are now BIASED to that person. I know that when I read about a good deed or a kind word about JYJ that I am biased about it.

    The only people who aren’t love-struck hormonal women are….wait for it…..the COURTS OF KOREA WHO HAVE REPEATEDLY RULED IN FAVOR OF JYJ!!!!! I can assure you that these grown men and women of the law don’t give a damn about Changmin’s “adorkable” ears, Jaejoong’s singing voice, Yunho’s dancing, Yoochun’s acting or “angel Xiah”. Okay?! Can you comprehend that? Could you stop pretending to be an unbiased spectator concerned with the “fairness” of your precious Homin? What? Did JYJ’s lawsuit rob material for you to drool over? That is the only thing I see you getting angry about because if JYJ are unneeded and greedy and whatnot then you would just let it go. You would support Homin -sorry- “the new and improved TVXQ” and move on with your life.

    You? Studied Ethics/Rights/Law? JAJAJAJAJAJA~ Don’t make me laugh. If you did you would have better things to do than to go on a JYJ fansite to bitch and moan about your favorite group. Get off your high horse cause you aren’t fooling anyone.

  109. I’ve done a lot of reading. I was really confused about the issue. I listened to both Homin’s and JYJ’s music and I liked both albums…so I couldn’t choose by that alone. I was never particularly biased towards any of them so I couldn’t pick which group to support by that method either. (If you can call that a method LOL) I started to visit JYJ, Homin, OT5 sites etc, etc…. and while all groups had some nasty, mean spirited fans (correctly called stans) Homin’s sites were either…kinda empty or littered with anti-JYJ statements. OR This is A HUGE ONE….they drone on and on about how good-looking they are; “That is why they are the KINGS!!!” “Yunho, why so hot?” “Changmin is so tall and manly *moans*” ….yeah, that last comment made me wanna barf too.

    Don’t get me wrong…Some people here also greatly dislike Homin and say certain unflattering things about them but I have yet to see anyone call them, “fairies, homos, fags, girly-looking bitches, worthless traitors, uglies, stooges, inhuman trash, scum of the Earth (this one made me laugh….like really? They aren’t the axis of evil; Hitler, Stalin and Kim Jung Il or something. LOL) or some other REALLY, REALLY mean comments like Homin stans have been throwing at JYJ. I felt so bad reading this stuff. Then I started to think (after I watched KDG which was kinda…boring and predictable, actually) that Homin were in the wrong. Not because they stayed with SME (They are grown men who can make their own decisions) but because they can’t talk about JYJ gracefully or just let it go.

    • @Mia

      Hi Mia,
      My evolution concerning JYJ and the TVX2 ran a somewhat different course, culminating in my finding The JYJFiles after realizing that there were compelling and important issues afoot vis á vis the lawsuit with SM. But even before that, I’d come to the conclusion that as traumatic for all concerned as it was, the split could have unexpected benefits.

      The more I found out about SM, this ungodly unfair contract the boys signed as children and then how they have been robbed and worked nearly to death over the years, the more I knew that JYJ had done the right thing, not to mention the courageous thing in bringing the lawsuit.

      I also had long believed that The 3 were far and away the creative powerhouses of the old group, notably in the area of SONGWRITING, where any group gets its unique direction as they mature. Going forward into the future, I could not see how the relatively more limited talents and abilities of YH/CM would be missed much, from a strictly creative and stylistic standpoint, as cruel a blow personally as I know it was.

      I know what you are talking about with regard to what I refer to as “the screamer forums” – there’s not enough there to keep your interest for long if the main focus for liking the TVX2 is their physical appearance. Actually this was all news to me relatively recently: I’d asked the question that had long puzzled me here at JYJFiles: HOW on earth could there be so much anti-JYJ venom now, when it was coming from fans who had loved TVXQ so much? Didn’t they know perfectly well that The Three were invariably the lead vocalists on almost all of TVXQ’s most beloved songs?? It was then patiently explained to me that there was a large cadre of fans who were mainly interested in the individuals’ looks and not their music. See—I never would have even thought of that on my own. So I guess you could now count me an ardent (and biased!) JYJ supporter. This was my journey here.

      • I don’t know what keeps driving me to this site. Maybe because of intelligent, calm people like you. I have been reading alot of the comments, especially those of Sofly. Dear Lord and I thought I talked too much. I’ve learned some new things about JYJ and I’m certain that I’m right in giving them my unconditional support.

        It is interesting to read about how you ended up here. I can see what you mean about Homin. I just feel that JYJ’s music abilities (and they have a lot of that) will need to be managed better. They’ll write what they’ll want to. It will be great music. (I love their ENTIRELY self-composed Their rooms album.) But when it comes to their mv….ugh..not good.

        This I recognize has nothing to do with JYJ themselves but rather their management companies. In order for them to grow even stronger I’m certain that they need to gain even more fans. Their fans from the old TVXQ days are loyal, intelligent and know the game but more fans will bring an advantage in their sheer numbers. It will show SME that JYJ are a force to be reckoned with (more so than they are now) and they won’t be able to do their dirty, blocking ‘under the table’ deals.

        I am patient and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll support all I can but new fans…they can’t be expected to think the same. That is why it is distressing to me that they don’t have any mvs out yet. I know the situation will get better though. Oh and Homin…Homin…Homin… I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. It would be really sad if SME only had them to keep the dumb drooling masses at bay. I just find that really pathetic.

      • @Mia –
        you said “They’ll write what they’ll want to. It will be great music. (I love their ENTIRELY self-composed Their rooms album.) But when it comes to their mv….ugh..not good. This I recognize has nothing to do with JYJ themselves but rather their management companies. In order for them to grow even stronger I’m certain that they need to gain even more fans.”

        Yes, there’s been a lot of heated discussion about the “AYYY Girl” MV. You’re not alone in not liking it. I think that at the very least the concept was all wrong if it was to introduce the group and appeal to Western audiences. The look of it, all the unnecessarily dramatic make-up they wore, just the over-the-top theatricality of it in general was probably not going to fly with people here in the U.S. at the very least. Especially unfortunate because it was obviously very costly to make and this is the big stumbling block with making MVs in general. They cost a LOT of money to produce well. It’s an enormous investment for someone. So don’t be too hard on JYJ for going slowly in that department. I’m sure they are well aware of what a great marketing tool a good MV is. Successful K-pop groups all seem to know that. And certainly TVXQ, back when it really ~was~ TVXQ, had loads of great ones.

        So have patience. Jae, Yuchun and Junsu are waaay too photographically desirable not to have great MVs in the future.

    • I met a new Japanese fan on twitter who became a fan after seeing KYHD. So she was initially mainly a Homin fan and didn’t feel very kindly towards JYJ because the Homin fans were feeding her a lot of junk on how awful JYJ were. But after a while the she got so disgusted by the JYJ bashing she cut off her ties with them, changed her twitter account and seems to have become a JYJ fan. She keeps on tweeting “I’m so glad I got out.” She sounded really traumatized, almost like she had just escaped some crazy cult.
      Apparently those crazy Homin stans will use everything and anything to bash JYJ. Their looks, every little word they say, everything. And they spend their time actively gathering information about JYJ so they bash them some more. (Are there JYJ fans like that? I only seem to hear horror stories like that about Homin fans.) Critisism is one thing, actively hating and trying to do everything possible (including lying) to destroy someone’s image is something else and ultimately does more harm to yourself and the people you are trying to support. Why are there so many Homin stans like that? I mean they’re everywhere on the Japanese internet where they can make ugly comments about JYJ. And they just sound so ugly (and sometimes really stupid). Is SM hiring a bunch of no-life people who don’t have better things to do with their time to go around the internet posting this stuff?

      • Ha! I wouldn’t be surprised if SME is doing this…or maybe we are giving SME too much credit and some people are really stupid and just have no lives. Sometimes I think it is laziness. They can’t take the time to properly inform themselves about the JYJ/TVXQ situation and just latch on to the first thing they hear. If they like Homin’s music that is OK but meddling yourself into something you don’t know anything about is very stupid.

        If you don’t care for JYJ then why would you let other people goad you into spending hours manipulating info and spreading lies about them? It makes no sense. They have NEVER attacked Homin. EVER. They are too busy right now writing/composing their own songs and overcoming the highly childish-reminds-me-of-a-temper-tantrum-SME/Avex blockade. These men are busy and they are going to stay so for some time to come. They are not sitting around plotting against SME or Homin or spreading lies on the internet. They aren’t psychopaths like these people.

        What I can’t understand is the irrational anger. I read Lilibaiyu’s comment and I still can’t understand why people who used to be fans could have turned this vicious. Homin’s physical appearance might account for some of it but there is just so much hatred on the Homin stan side. It is astounding.
        It boggles my mind. They must be spreading some hard-core lies in order to gather this much hate.

        Or maybe. And this is just a small theory. These fans sense that unless the new TVXQ prioritizes their music they aren’t going to stay around for long. They almost always mention that it is JYJ’s “time to go.” That our love for them can only last so long. Could they be reflecting on themselves? Is it possible that it is not JYJ’s greed or “weak moral character” that disturbs them but rather their talent and dedication? That they could pose a legitimate threat against Homin if they can once again perform/promote normally?

        I think this could be and it is exemplified in Avex Japan. These people aren’t Homin fans…no they are investing in and promoting this group. They have much to lose if JYJ comes back. Why else would they deny JYJ the opportunity to stage a concert for a CHARITY EVENT FOR THE WORST MODERN CRISIS JAPAN has ever had? It is because finally the Saitama arena told Avex to piss off that they could finally perform. These people are really deranged and greedy….It sure as hell is not JYJ.

      • @Mia
        you said ” I still can’t understand why people who used to be fans could have turned this vicious. Homin’s physical appearance might account for some of it but there is just so much hatred on the Homin stan side. ”

        I share your dumbfoundedness, believe me. It really makes no rational sense whatsoever. And I also can’t help but think that there are master manipulators behind the scenes encouraging the ugly torrent of words.

        As for the latest Avex mess, isn’t it just part and parcel of the general last ditch scrambling that the partners and minions of SM are engaged in? These people are profoundly NOT used to not having their way, in all things, 100% of the time. They sign up CHILDREN with big dreams and no legal representation to 13 year contracts! Now, with JYJ, everything they are and have is starting the big slide over the cliff and they are just trying any crazy, mean-spirited thing they can think of to stop the fall.

  110. This is a big crux for the crazy Homin fans. (Not the normal ones because I have chatted with some very reasonable and intelligent Homin fans who just wanna enjoy the fandom with no DRAMA!!! Poor girls! Is that so much to ask?) “Why do you tell Homin to let go? Jae just posted “JYJ from TVXQ” Why can’t he move on” blah blah blah. The reason why it is different is because Jae’s twitter change is clearly fond nostalgia or maybe interest…(can’t rule that out. I don’t really know Jae all that well but he looks nice.) but whether the statement was made out of love or self interest at least it is respectful. I have read/seen all their interviews (You should see the one with Woody Talk in Thailand. Hilarious and LOL at Junsu and Jae. Watch and you’ll see why…straying off comment) and not once have they said anything disrespectful to Homin. Not even Junsu’s bitch fit over twitter was an insult to the other two’s character.

    Calling JYJ morally weak or short-sighted is really rude. If they really believe that about JYJ…fine….we can’t tell them what to think but at least be graceful on TV! Right? Yunho could say, “Well we had our differences. They thought it best to go and we though it best to stay. I hope they do well, we wish them luck.” or if they know it is still too sensitive of an issue they could choose to not say anything. It is probably easier said then done but really? This is between SME and JYJ. Yes they were also affected, that pissed them off, but if you can’t let it go then you are just siding with SME. Siding with SME is in the wrong because the courts have ruled against them and they clearly want to destroy JYJ. They aren’t going to be pacified with an apology. (Not that they deserve it) They are out for blood and Yunho is being really stupid if he can’t see that. Changmin? He looks so bitter, it seem that he just can’t be reasoned with yet.

    So…yeah. Those are my thoughts. I just hope that both groups (whether out of pain, nostalgia, bitterness, jealousy etc..) can move on. The drift looks too big to be brought back together especially after Homin’s comments. Would you go back to someone who said that about you? Doubt it.

  111. @Sofly

    I don’t like to use profanity or be vulgar in any way but you can be an exception. STFU & GTFO! If you want to write novels, do it on a TVXQ2 site! I started reading a few sentences in the beginning & I must say, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! Stop wasting our space here @ TheJYJfiles!

  112. Both men looks little slow to me.Don’t have any own opinion’n sort of crafty guys.
    But more worst Ent. is Jp.’s avex still selling JUNSU JEJUNG YUCHUN’s new release best hit CD/DVD/Calendar 2011!

  113. @Lilibaiyu and Ty

    I don’t think they are slow. Not about this anyway. Maybe they are a bit (to put it kindly) naive about SME’s real plans for JYJ. Their decision to stay however….that they chose themselves. I’m not going to call them trash or talentless or blame their parents or even SME like some immature, in denial OT5 cassies do. I actually like some of their songs. But I will say this, if they ever had problems with their contracts under SME (and evidence shows that they did) they chose to “suck it up” for the other benefits they perceived they would get from SME. Maybe a bit cowardly (or as the Homin stans would say, “smart” “dedicated” “loyal”) but they believed it would work for them. And in a certain sense it has. SME is investing in them like never before. The mv “Before U Go” is 16 minutes long. All of this for one freaking’ song! They never did this for TVXQ5. They didn’t need to.

    They are being promoted heavily and they are seen as the “good boys” of SME. The ones that stuck to their “morals” and didn’t stray. I’m thinking this praise has gone to their heads. This might be intentional on SME’s part. They are being rewarded with more attention (even SNSD, LSM’s favorite group isn’t getting this much love) and praise. Some of it is based on their music (they can’t just stand on the stage looking pretty) but a good deal of it seems to come from their actions over the JYJ/TVXQ lawsuit. I’ve been mulling this over and I think that is why they find it easy to say negative things about JYJ and stay with SME. Not because they are that indignant over the situation but rather because they get more attention and approval when they do. It is like living on borrowed time and they are milking it for all it is worth.

    I find that sad because that shows that they don’t believe in themselves. They don’t think that they can make what they have work for them. So they fall back on this. I think they believe that JYJ will come back to TVXQ before their charm dries off. (Ha! Like I’ll ever let that happen!) Jae is very sensitive about TVXQ. It is a very important part of his life…hell I don’t see Changmin or Yunho with a TVXQ tattoo and Homin can sense that so they talk and smugly think JYJ will come back on their knees to SME. Just like SME they thought it would be a quick and painful scramble back to them with JYJ’s tails between their legs. Now that they see that isn’t the case, they are “hurt” and “shocked”. They never knew JYJ were thinking of filing an injunction. (Despite evidence to the contrary.)

    Yeah…I talk a lot. LOL. I hope that isn’t driving you guys crazy. I just read something, look at some videos/interviews, compare to other idols within and outside SME and I come up with all this stuff. These are just ideas. I could be way off. Who knows exactly what goes on in their heads besides themselves?

    Apparently being able to visit foreign lands, go to premiers and get your picture taken many times over is worth putting up with SME. They think being worked like this for the sake of fame is enough. (Wait until their pretty looks dry up. I wonder how SME will reward them then? You know… for all their loyalty.) I sense that they worry about this too because I read a Yunho interview with some friend of his and he says to his friend that he “thinks a lot about the future.” Might be a wake-up call.

    • @Mia
      you said “I find that sad because that shows that they don’t believe in themselves. They don’t think that they can make what they have work for them. So they fall back on this. ”

      I have given this a bit of thought myself and have come to a similar conclusion about YH&CM’s future in the boy-band business. My take on it is that the two of them know only too well the exact limits of their talents. They know what they can and cannot do and in vivid detail. As duo performers they just don’t have enough to sustain a career, in my opinion. In the short run, SM can dump tons of money and big budget production values at them in order to fool young girls into believing that this is HoMin, going forward, the future of TVXQ, but it’s not. It’s just a cynical ploy by SM (and I’m predicting it will be of short duration) to aid them in undermining JYJ just long enough to get them to relent and return. And of course, it has been a spectacularly unsuccessful ploy as we have seen. But YH&CM without the individual members of JYJ by their side every step of the way never could have had a strong enough musical direction on their own to sustain a solo career. Why? 1. No songwriting ability, so no unique-to-them direction 2. No lead vocalist ability–no signature, unmistakable sound all their own. At least here in the U.S., if you don’t have those 2 things, you’re not going to get very far in the music business. Now, of course as we have seen in the short run, YH&CM can be propped up and padded out, groomed and auto-tuned by a cadre of behind-the-scenes professionals.

      But not for very long.

    • I think the entertainment industry (especially the idol industry) is basically about manipulating people. Manipulating fans, manipulating the media, manipulating the idols, etc. So there are bunch of adults who are professional manipulators surrounding Homin. Who knows what kind of crap Homin is being fed?
      I think that as long as JYJ is being successful SM probably will keep propping Homin up even if they lose money. I think they need Homin to have the last laugh over JYJ.

      • @sweetjj –
        “I think that as long as JYJ is being successful SM probably will keep propping Homin up even if they lose money. I think they need Homin to have the last laugh over JYJ.”

        I’m not disagreeing with you. SM will surely be propping and fluffing furiously for the foreseeable future. They’ve shown us how arrogantly stubborn and intractable they are. How they absolutely refuse to see any leeway in any form of negotiation so everybody wins and life can go on, fairly and honorably. But if YH&CM are a commercial flop and their fans continue to defect, how long can SM afford to back a losing enterprise, especially if a huge monetary judgement is eventually put on them by the courts?

      • @sweetJJ

        Yes, manipulation is the name of the game. This has been LSM’s template from day one, the creation of his entertainment baby. The formula has simply been handed down throughout the agency, no matter who the CEO happens to be. The model has never changed. I’m so tired of hearing, “but he’s no longer in charge.” BS! His portfolio ain’t hurting, just because his name doesn’t have CEO after it.

        As long as the manipulation brings in the profits, they don’t care how it’s done, or to whom it is done. So, all those who are still under the banner of SME are going to be subject to the scheme. For those who rely on SME for a living, whether voluntarily or not, this is the way it is. No matter if the choice is made freely or not, it is still a choice.

        We all have choices, and choices have consequences. JYJ, being the bright, talented, resourceful young men they are, simply decided they would make the choice to risk it all. This decision coming on the heels of continually being blown-off by SME. Since HoMin didn’t want to take the risk for whatever reason, they are also in the position of having to answer for their choices. But they should remember – no guts, no glory!

        JYJ have said they accepted the risk that they may never be able to sing again. They just could not take the situation any longer. I personally feel, and I think just about all rational thinking folks as well, the conditions that led them to take this risk were just too inhuman. The Korean courts have too. As my friends and I are want to say, “my momma did not raise a fool.” Their mothers didn’t either.

        So, for all those people who are HoMin/SME fans. Ask yourself this question. If you were in the same situation, being worked liked an animal and not being respected or paid, what the hell would you do? Stay there and let someone treat you as less than human? While at the same time, their ‘personal’ wealth, not the company’s, their PERSONAL WEALTH, grows bigger and bigger each and every passing quarter?

        If you are willing to allow someone to make a fool out of you, then have at it. But, don’t you dare call out JYJ because they won’t continue letting someone do that to them.

        Kim JaeJoong, Park YooChun, and Kim JunSu are GROWN MEN who DO NOT have to hold their heads down for anyone! They do not have to allow anyone to manipulate them for profit and disrespect them as human beings.

        This is why their fans continue to support them. We respect them as the the bright, talented, resourceful GROWN MEN they are.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “JYJ have said they accepted the risk that they may never be able to sing again. They just could not take the situation any longer. I personally feel, and I think just about all rational thinking folks as well, the conditions that led them to take this risk were just too inhuman. The Korean courts have too.”

        WOOO-HOOOO! Three cheers for ButterfliesAreFree!!
        Well said. You rock!

  114. Yeah. I’m thinking the same thing. I just can’t see how Homin cannot see that. Maybe it is easier for us because we are viewing this outside of SM, with their loyalty and “hurt feelings” crap. It is possible that they are seeing the situation in a partial manner so they don’t stop to think of what JYJ is going through…I don’t want to sound like some dumb OT5 cassie. They always go “OMG!!!That evil SM. They are probably holding Homin against THEIR WILL!!!!!” (dramatic sway/faint) I highly doubt that. They aren’t the secret service of Russia or something.

    They made their own choices but I also think that maybe under some pressure from SM. (The pressure being that they will never succeed without SM. Maybe Homin already though that (very likely since they didn’t seem to show much faith in JYJ) and SM was just the last push they needed to convince themselves to stay. They are surrounded by SM staff…who knows? But whether it is their choice through free will or manipulation from SM, it will never excuse their behavior towards JYJ. I’m trying to give them some room because even good people make decisions they regret but if they claim that they “remember all the good times” with their three friends then they wouldn’t say they have weak characters. We can’t fully excuse them.

  115. Whatever. I still support all 5. I love Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Changmin, and Junsu equally. This is their business (TVXQ5). *sigh* some fans need to stop talking shit; it makes them look really bad.

    I bet i’m one of the many fans that JYJ+HoMin will be proud of ^^

    • @lili –
      And I bet you’re one of the many fans that JYJ just shakes their heads at and thinks, “Girl…. that train has SO left the station… This is now. We’re going forward with our artistic lives. Please, please join us ~as we are~ from now on.”

    • WOAH~! Behold the staying power of the trolls~! LOL
      Then go ahead and read through these lines (and UNDERSTAND) what JAEJOONG HIMSELF just said to a reporter very recently:

      Inside Kim Jaejoong’s words were complexity. He wrote on his twitter profile “JYJ from TVXQ,” and on the day of the interview he posted a tweet reading “JYJ.” Could it be that the past and the present, the dream and the reality are muddled together?

      “That TVXQ is my beginning is obvious and is unchanging. I didn’t put any other special meaning into it (T/N: changing his profile to “JYJ from TVXQ”).

      On posting the (tweet) that read “JYJ,” it was because upon waking up in the morning I all of a sudden felt that the whole of my life was “JYJ.” The period (at the end)? Um, that really had no particular meaning… Haha.”

      ~You want the source:

      [NEWS] Interview with Jaejoong: On Twitter Changes; On Loneliness; On Wishing for More Activities; On His Tears and Desire to Meet with Fans

      ~You want the original, in Korean:

      • I like that you actually link your sources. Too many people rely on their ‘memory’ of an interview from two years ago. “Yeah Jae said this and that at an interview. Ummm… I don’t remember which interview but he definitely said that.” Makes me wanna smack them. This is also how faulty info spreads. Anyways…I’m glad that Jae said that. I think that maybe they were still thinking Homin would join them but seeing that they are enjoying their “SM induced popularity” too much at the moment they are finally REALLY starting to move on. Away from TVXQ which must be painful because it was also an important part of their lives as well.

        They deserve to continue with their new music, their new direction as a new group.

      • Thanks Mia… ^^
        I noticed that people here only want facts, so I made sure to put the links there so they can shut up. But then again, if the truth is staring at one in the face and yet the thing that one wants to see is something otherwise, then even facts are useless. In the end, these people who want to keep on going as they are will choose to stay blind eventually.

  116. She’s baaaaaaaaaaaack!

    Well Lili, just when we thought you might have met some untimely end, or whatever. You come back to give us some of your insightful swill. I just want to be the first to tell you this… I don’t give a rodent’s patootie what you think.

    You can save your tired comments about how much you care for JYJ. No one who is a regular on this site believes a word you say. Your sentiments ring hollow just like an empty barrel. It’s is sad to see you waste your valuable, I’m assuming it’s valuable, time visiting this JYJ site.

    Those of us who truly care about JYJ, are not the least bit impressed with your useless meanderings. One little small piece of advice…when you return to your HoMin site(s)…you might want to be careful when making your comments, not to mention how much you adore JYJ. I don’t think that will go over too well.


  117. Woot! So many comments!!!! I think Lili is one of those OT5 cassies that are biased to Homin. You talk about how much you love JYJ but in reality you blame them for ruining your precious delusions. If the 5 member group is meant to be then it is Homin who have to make a move, not JYJ. JYJ extended their hands and Homin clearly made their choice to not join them. Their loss. JYJ have already risked a lot.

    I see a lot of people like you. Some imbecile on youtube was begging JYJ to return to SM because Homin have improved musically and ‘now they can be a better team all together’. These people are delusional. If you like all 5 that is great but from the moment JYJ was formed it became TWO groups not one! Respect that. Stop going to fan meetings yacking about Yunjae and the “good old times”. It was nice I admit but it was their past. I go to listen to ‘Nine’ or ‘Mission’ and some jackass always goes, “It would sound better if all five were singing together.” Ummm…no it wouldn’t becuase this is JYJ’s songs not the old TVXQ. I notice that Homin videos get these comments less often than JYJ. I guess these people think that because JYJ isn’t promoting normally that means their music is lacking. Just shut up. JYJ are JYJ and they don’t need to go back or beg forgiveness from anyone. (some moron went to a JYJ site to type that.)

    • @Mia

      “Some imbecile on youtube was begging JYJ to return to SM because Homin have improved musically and ‘now they can be a better team all together’. ”

      I guess I must not be doing YouTube enough. Begging, really? That is delusional. My guess is, they have not bothered to check out the lawsuit itself or any of the court decisions. I’m even going to hazard a guess they haven’t even checked out the contract . If they did, they would know, JYJ didn’t leave because they wanted to hone up on ‘their’ singing skills.

      At this stage of the game, I wonder if any of these folks are suicidal. When JYJ wins the lawsuit, and it REALLY becomes obvious they ARE NOT going back to SME, how will they handle this news? Life will seem a whole lot different then.

      The only thing I can take from this is that even they perceive TVXQ2 is not all that and a bag of chips too.

      “I notice that Homin videos get these comments less often than JYJ. ”

      Well, from this and your last comment, this all smacks of desperation to me. Could the handwriting on the wall be any clearer. If their ‘team’ can’t produce enough material to hold its own concert, what does that say about their team’s management. It appears that green-eyed monster ‘jealousy’ is popping up. 😉

      • Hahaha…yes begging. It is so sad….I love Jae. I always go watch videos of his cute moments or his intermodulation photobook….I’m so in love. Anyways, some bimbo, aptly named Yunholover78 (must be 77 others I guess) called Jae despicable because he didn’t tattoo Changmin and Yunho’s names on his back. I was thinking, “You crazy B! I don’t see JaeChunSu tattooed anywhere on Homin much less the TVXQ name!” Hell it his body, he can tattoo whatever he wants.

        It also reminds me of how people never seize to amaze me with their stupidity. If you are such a Yunho lover why would you go to a Jae video?
        Why sour your day like that? I find Yunho attractive so I sometimes see some of his videos and I go, “cool.” I might make a comment or two (nothing disrespectful) and go see something else. I don’t mention JYJ or insult the Yunho fans. If there are days when I am thoroughly annoyed by him (which is becoming more common) I don’t go to a Yunho video and bash him or his fans. That is really stupid. AND I NEVER SEE A CHANGMIN VIDEO. I can’t stand that little….ugh…he annoys me so badly. Everyone says his “frankness” makes him adorable and brings him unique charm…I don’t see it. I have always seen him as…I don’t know….just don’t like him. So I never go posting lies about him or immature comments. That is for psychos with no lives.

        That is why I’m doubly disappointed when I see JYJ fans do that. You don’t like this new TVXQ? Fine, just don’t go around bashing them and bringing more annoying Homin stans around. Respect that they are two groups (JYJ being the better one, LOL) and let it go. If you comment on a Homin comment do so in a forum that is specifically about that topic. Don’t go to a forum about Heading to the Ground to bash Yunho on his music career choices. Not the place for it and you make us look bad.

        Yeah…those deluded fans are insane. I heard rumors (take ’em with a grain of salt) that some Cassie was going to commit suicide because TVXQ disbanded. I now it is mean but it kinda made me laugh. How sad are you that this would be your reaction? I can understand disappointment but….taking your life? Maybe this unleashed passion for them is what has turned once loving and loyal fans into ardent JYJ haters. JYJ left SM not TVXQ. They wanted better contracts and more control over their music. Unfortunately they had to leave. These fans don’t see that. They say JYJ left TVXQ to get more money and fame elsewhere and the only thing standing in the way was the SM contract. If this is true they must be paying a helluva amount of money to the media and the courts that agree with them…

      • Mia,

        I think what may be getting lost in all of this, is the possibility that a good number of the HoMin fans are not original Cassies. I would put money on the fact that a lot of these fans are more 2nd generation types, and a heck of a lot less mature.

        Most cassies grew up with all 5, and would be just about their age or a few years older. When all this negativity surfaced, I think a lot of them just went home, so to speak. I’m sure there are some mature HoMin fans out there, just as there are mature minded JYJ fans. But the behavior exhibited sure doesn’t indicate all are mature minded.

        What is being lost I think is the way SME played Cassies from the beginning. This company is all about manipulation. They are not above manipulating anything or anyone to get what they want, total control and huge profits. Everyone else be damned. I will give the devil its due. Manipulation is its strong suit. So conniving and whipping the natives up in a frenzy is how they have managed to define the way folks see things. Those who are simply JYJ fans without having been TVXQ5 fans are not absorbing the chaos.

        Reason doesn’t have anything to do with this. It’s by any means necessary, and SME’s means are vile and destructive. So, fans such as the ones you encounter are fodder for the mill. It’s sad but it’s real.

  118. I’m very disturbed by your comment. It reveals a very ugly thing. I didn’t really think of this before but sweetJJ posted earlier that she knew some Japanese Homin fan who eventually became a JYJ fan because they would just NOT STOP insulting JYJ. She was new to TVXQ so she knew Homin first and even she was disgusted by the hate these stans were unleashing. Lilibaiyu commented that she believed that there could be master manipulators behind the whole thing. But I replied that I found it senseless to let yourself be talked into manipulating info and hating a group that you don’t know or care for. These people devote hours doing this. This is very scary and sometimes I can’t help but fear for JYJ. Who knows (lord in the heavens forbid) that some psycho gets it into her head to physically harm them.

    This japanese fan quit all her old accounts so they would lose track of her and she kept saying she was happy she got out as if she had escaped a cult. I can’t help but recall that cassie who was supposedly going to kill herself. All this obsession over this group. Just imagine negative intentions behind that “love.” I think this goes beyond lack of maturity. Immature anti-fans make crude jokes and annoy fans on the internet with a few dumb jokes. This isn’t the same. Some of these stans are just crazy but it seems the bulk of them are japanese, chinese and some koreans. I have yet to run into an English speaking one. For that I’m glad. You are right. This lacks reason. I just hope these people stay far away from JYJ and me, they give me the creeps.

    • @Mia –
      Yes, to say the least, it’s unsettling. And I’m thinking, first: not from around here (the U.S.) It just seems way too rabid and unreal to possibly be from here. (this could be my bias–I would not deny that.)

      Also, I have since been educated to the fact that there are just lots of Cassies who simply live and breathe the visual and erotic charms of YH&CM, whether or not they can sing a note, write a song or count to 4 (as in 4:4 time.) There’s really no knowing for sure and if you try to have an intelligent discourse with them about anything…. well, I think we’ve all been there and it aint easy.

      Let’s not EVEN go there about some crazy coming out of a crowd somewhere and harming our boys. That’s just too awful and unthinkable to contemplate.

    • @Mia, @Lilibaiyu

      The unfortunate thing about this entire event is that the use of the Internet allows for anonymity. However, shameful the manipulation is it is very sad that there are people out there who are suscepitble to it. I feel that if
      Forever and Precious are ever unmasked, there will be some connection, however small. And I do feel SME engages in the cult thing with regards to it trainees and artists.

      Anytime you have people who are so willing to defend the undefendable, you know something is wrong. It takes all kinds of forms, but there is a certain amount of subtlety involved. What SME tends to forget is there is a limit to anything. The game gets old and stale after a while. That’s why you see a list of those who are no longer with them, almost as long as the one of those who still are.

      As I’ve said before, the talents of those who choose to leave or are deemed too troublesome, are better with each passing group. The ones who stay behind are the semi/marginally talented. Ask yourselves, why have groups with numbers as large as the ones they put out there? The pay scale will be much lower once you start to divvy up what you’re going to pay them. That’s why the constant need for the sideline jobs. If the talent were enough, why the need? Then there’s what each individual makes gets put into the pot to share with the others. This all Machiavellian if you ask me.

      The entire system is broken and they don’t want to admit it. Kind of like I’d rather go down with the ship. That’s why I feel this big group thing – UAM is like an act of desperation. The Hallyu Wave is ebbing somewhat, and they’re trying to plug the hole in the dam with a finger. Not a very scientific or efffective way to remedy the problem.

      • Precious is the scariest bitch ever. She seriously worries me. Forever? Who is that? Yeah the Hallyu wave is ebbing….these agencies churn out 10-13 or beyond member groups. All these people are polyglots and can fry an egg on their abs. It is absolutely ridiculous. Why don’t they just join the circus? Poor Japanese people. First the earthquake, the tsunami, the Chernobyl-level crisis in Fukushima and now these annoying, nasty rookie groups saturating any worthwhile talent?

        Have you seen this new girl group, Raina/Rain or something? I saw their mv for “Dr. Feel Good.” I just wanted to throw up. I posted that I didn’t like their style and I got attacked for being “sexist.” Apparently men can grind on the floor and grab their crotches, but women can’t because Korea and the world has something against sexy, “empowered” women. I countered that if you have to do that to enter the music industry you are far from being empowered. I say this as a woman myself. Even the ever so annoying SNSD never had to this.

        By the way, have you seen the dance choreography for “Before U Go?” I just laughed. I was amazed with myself. As much as I like how Yunho looks I was not attracted in the slightest. There is also a performance (Changmin was spared) were he was forced (who would want to wear that?) into some dress shirt. The part around his chest is black but the part on his shoulders and his arms is flesh-colored. He looked like he was wearing a corset. All these dummies were yelling like it was so hot but I could just not stop laughing. You can find it on Youtube.

        But yes. I posted about the psychos at night time. I was spooked out. I don’t why but every time I would hear a door creak or some other noise I though maybe one of them tracked me down or something. If I were reading this comment some years ago I might have though myself to be a spy working for the gov. Many internet sites that mock certain kpop artists warn you to not be stupid and reveal any info about where you live. And they ARE SERIOUS IN WARNING YOU! There is this site (I think it is abandoned now) called KoreanBeef that just jokes on any artist without discrimination and they warn you that if you want to be an admin you better be crafty because some fans just can’t take a joke.

        There is a Chinese saying, “You can die suddenly or die by a thousand cuts.” Agencies like SM have chosen the slow but just as assured death. They just want to continue doing what they do as if nothing is wrong. They don’t want to change. They don’t see why they should and JYJ is a rock in their shoe. A rock that get steadily bigger. I personally hope they get gangrene and die off. Companies like that are not needed. I don’t just think this of SM though. Yes, their abuses are the most documented but I’m certain other companies have their dirty tactics as well.

        Anyways, I have class now so I must go. Bye ladies.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “The entire system is broken and they don’t want to admit it. Kind of like I’d rather go down with the ship. That’s why I feel this big group thing – UAM is like an act of desperation. The Hallyu Wave is ebbing somewhat, and they’re trying to plug the hole in the dam with a finger. Not a very scientific or efffective way to remedy the problem.”

        Anything but admit the many problems lie squarely in their own system itself, that’s their stance. Changes that they would need to make to begin the process of making a workable, MODERN new system and to make amends to their fed-up artists would necessarily mean a lower profit margin, and now, with the advent of UAM, that would mean a lower ratio of profits for ALL of them. With the state of the music business today and how very much profits to the major labels and entertainment companies have declined thanks to the internet and downloading, an overhaul scheme that would mean even lower profits would probably not be a popular one.

        If you accept as valid Jimmie’s point about the historical correlations between SM’s haughty and dismissive (not to mention punitive) attitude towards its artists, keeping them living on subsistence wages even when they succeed, it may explain the reason why SM can feel so entitled to conduct their business in an environment where no negotiations for better working conditions and pay is possible. You can then also see that their attitudes are deeply ingrained and there is little likelihood that there will be any changes until the courts demand them, it seems to me.

    • @Mia

      With regard to the abscence of English speaking – western oriented – fans engaging in that kind of behavior. Yes, there will be a few immature ones as in any culture who don’t know how to separate fact from fiction. But remember, the west does not develop it’s singing and acting talent in the same manner as is done here in Korea and Japan and my guess, China.

      Disney is about as close as one can get to ‘organized’ development of young talent. They have been doing this since the early 50s. The main difference here, are the stringent laws about working children, and educating them. There must be child social workers and tutors on site during the working day. The courts also dictate how their money is to be handled. Now the parents, that’s a horse of a different color. 🙂

      • So rolling out young talent in the manner that is done over in the States, is going to produce a different atmosphere than that which is occurring in this part of Asia. Plus the music companies operate in a different manner as well. The setup has a lot to do with how young fans over here view their ‘idols’.

    • @ButterfliesAreFree and Mia –

      “@Mia With regard to the abscence of English speaking – western oriented – fans engaging in that kind of behavior. Yes, there will be a few immature ones as in any culture who don’t know how to separate fact from fiction. But remember, the west does not develop it’s singing and acting talent in the […]”

      Yes, you make a much stronger point here and I wasn’t happy at all with the way my earlier comment sounded once I posted it, so I’ll withdraw it now. I certainly don’t believe for one minute that there are no crazies in the US! What a colossal mistake that would be! lol But the system for child entertainers is so different, so feverishly monitored and protected that it is kind of hard to see where these “Hey, put up and shut up; we fans just want you to smile and look pretty for us” attitudes might spring from in the west.

      Anyway, my apologies to my JYJFiles buddies in the east. 🙂

  119. @ButterfliesAreFree and Lilibaiyu
    I just wish the Korean courts could fix this. These people are crazy and yes, those who know they couldn’t make it on their own talents or are too scared/complacent to try tend to stay. Case in point Heechul and BoA. Now BoA isn’t a bad singer at all but she has admitted that she doesn’t feel she has the ability to write her own songs. She noted in an interview, “if one person were to force their own will on something, then things that should have gone right could easily go wrong” and that she is “not all that unhappy with the expression that [she is] a manufactured star. In a way, that is true. Because SM Entertainment created the environment and all the surrounding conditions, [she is] able to be successful in the way [she is] now.” (her Wikipedia entry)
    She has written a few songs recently under pressure from fans that were criticizing her about this. She claims she wanted more control over her music. Everything else, the dances, the music videos, the majority of her songs: all chosen for her. She is an example of complacency because I think she genuinely has what it takes to succeed without SM. She speaks Japanese and Korean fluently, her English is not bad and she speaks a bit of Mandarin Chinese. She actually proved herself wrong about not being able to write her own songs. They didn’t blow me away but she isn’t as bad at it as she claims to be. SM does the majority of the “artistic” work for her, she is a very well established star in Asia so she sees no need to mess with a good thing. AND!!!!! Surprise! She is a shareholder in SM.

    Heechul…well come on. It’s obvious. He can be witty and he can hold a note for like….5 seconds but he definitely isn’t the talented one of SuJu and he knows it. I suppose defending the company that gave him a chance is his way of showing thanks. I’ve heard him sing live a few times and it is not impressive at all. Fans defend him of course. If comparing him to singers outside the group ‘he may not be able to hold a note for too long but he sings with more heart.” pfft. okay. When they compare him with other members in SuJu though, they reveal what they really think about his ‘talents.’ They laugh when comparing his singing abilities to those of fellow members Yesung or Donghae who are clearly a million times better. Choi Siwon, who is the ‘good-looking one’ and more of a dancer has better singing ability than him. He knows this very well and he worries a lot about the big 30. Makes the most melancholy statements ever as if he is going to die or something. Really ladies? Need I say more?

    I’m sure more artists will come to your minds who fit these categories. These two popped into mine. Yes. It is a sad situation indeed. I just hope JYJ the best and stay far away from people who might think to use them and certainly far away from SM. The artists there can keep their “loyalty.” Might give them something to eat when they become ‘used up.’

    • I don’t think the ability to compose ones own songs is what delineates the difference between a manufactured star and an artist. There are many fantastic singers that don’t write their own music. The key is the control over the aspects of the art that they practice. A singer as artist chooses the songs she sings, has some input in the arrangement, the staging. She doesn’t have to do everything herself (something Director Kim needs to learn, but I completely understand why he felt like he should) but she MUST have final approval over everything. It is her performance, her soul breathing life into notes and words on a page. That’s what the audience needs to feel.

      I think BoA could be that kind of artist. If she wanted to. But she has been isolated in the SME system for so long I don’t think she would know where to start. And I’m not sure if she really wants to. She reminds me of so many of these technically brilliant children that Asia produces — very good at their job, but without love for the work. (That’s likely an unfair assessment, but that’s the impression that I get much of the time.)

      This is what I think sets JYJ apart from so many of their peers (do they have peers? 😉 ) — they LOVE what they do. They love music and performing, but it isn’t their life, it’s part of their life. It is an expression of their life. And that’s what I see as the difference between a manufactured star and an artist.

      • I hope I didn’t come off as judgmental to artists who don’t produce their own songs. Maybe I spaced my points out too much. She has the ability to TRY. She just doesn’t seem to want to unless she is being criticized. Much like SM. They don’t improve their act unless they are called out on it.

        If no one says anything then they sure as hell don’t bother. Yes, I also agree BoA CAN be that kind of artist and if she ever chose to leave she would, like JYJ, have the advantage of a loyal fan base. She is just, as I mentioned earlier, complacent. She wouldn’t leave SM for the sake of artistic control or for a better contract because she was raised in that kind of system. She genuinely sees nothing wrong with it. Junsu started being a trainee when he was 12/13. She debuted at the age of 13! This is all she has ever known so as you say she would probably be lost if she left.

        On another note. Jae takes things personally when it comes to music. It is probably an issue of pride/artistic freedom/sense of responsibility that drive him to take on more than he should. I want to see their management companies step it up a bit more because all music is essentially a collaboration between many people. It can’t just be JYJ doing all of this and I know that they aren’t doing EVERYTHING themselves but I do want to see more from C-JeS and the others. Yep, you picked a good comparison, she is good at what she does but she never takes it anywhere special.

      • These issues discussed here I believe, are an example of what is lacking in the vision of companies like SME. Taking this talent in so young and moulding them into images, is at best short-term. Obviously, they are in it only for the money.

        When those with real talent are not allowed to be part of the creative team, this goes against their very nature. I recall reading in one post, Junsu said they would try and get suggestions put in regarding songs, and word would come back, the songs would go the way SME wanted them to. I think the few times they let them include works of their own was to placate them. This still didn’t keep them from holding onto the copyrights and royalties.

        For those who don’t feel comfortable contributing writing, that’s ok. But for those who have the drive and ambition, they should be encouraged. I don’t necessarily see it as a hindrance for Jae and the guys to pen their own work, at least for right now. They are so STARVED for the need to produce their own work, this is like mother’s milk to them.

        I seriously doubt if SME has had any artists in all their rosters who wanted to dive in this much. BoA at this point is too entrenched in the SME system to take whatever talent she has and really do something with it. She and her family have their comfort zone, and they are not leaving it. It will be interesting to see what direction her career goes in when she hits the big 30. This system doesn’t bode well for that scenario.

        The JYJ guys are such a different force. SME just wasn’t capable of recognizing the ‘do as I say’ method was going to be short-lived. This thirst to create, IMHO, has really been the catalyst to their current success. Jae, Junsu and Yoochun are like balled up energy, that once it reaches critical mass, will explode on the world.

        You look around the world, creative artists who have no restrictions, are still going strong, and I’m talking about ones from my generation. They are able to produce for themselves, collaborate with others, and venture into other formats. When you can do that for 30, 40 years, that’s amazing.

        I see this happening for JYJ because they want to create. No matter what the medium they want to express themselves. The Korean model is not going to be able to go the distance if it doesn’t recognize its shortcomings and admit them.

  120. @Mia
    Precious is a HE. Surprised? LOL
    You asked, who is Forever? To know about Forever is to know about the 6.25 meeting. I can provide you the link from JYJ3 discussing this topic in a series of articles so you can read through them. Here you go…
    It’s partly opinionated, but it really helps to understand what’s going on, and the how and why things have become so nasty.
    Just to explain in brief, this person was instrumental in the beginnings of the movement by SME to defame JYJ in Korea by spreading rumors about CJS leaving the group because of their dealings w/ a cosmetics business that has a shady reputation. These “lawsuit/disbandment” rumors were spilled to the unsuspecting fandom when the lawsuit hasn’t even been filed yet. So that makes one think, how did this person get his info? So that leads you to point to the manipulators… aka SME.
    Now weird as it sounds, this Precious is now doing the exact same thing with HIS blog for the purpose of telling “his truth” for International fans’ benefit, coz as you know, most of us are of course lost in translation.

    About the fan suicide, I know of one that is actually true. Someone is now maintaining the late fan’s YT side after she had committed suicide. She was a Jaejoong fan. She said she was heart-broken for her Jaejoong-oppa so she took her own life. I believe there’s also an article in JYJ3 about it.

    Hope these helps.

      • Yo. sam-sam. No! I didn’t know, threw me on a loop. You would think he would pick a better name. Precious? Really? LOL!!!!
        If I were him I would pick a name befitting of my gender like, Homan (you know like Homin) or Truthinvadeher since he is so concerned over fans (being females in majority) knowing the TRUTH!!!

    • that rerejae girl, I don’t think she really committed suicide, because I was curious I opened the youtube channel and she has a lot of recent activities.

      I’m from Indonesia too and I tried to search news about her but nothing out except for a joke in twitter.

      • If that is the case then anti-JYJ is the devil’s phlegm and the roadkill left after ravens feed off it. What a disgusting tactic. They played with this for what reason? To gain more anti-fans? What sad individuals.

        I didn’t know what an anti was until I by accident, clicked on an SNSD video. Some loser spent 10 minutes trying to prove that the girls had plastic surgery and that Yoona and Yuri serviced LSM, how else could they have become so popular? And the title was innocuous, simply titled SNSD. I’m not a fan of their work but I would never do something so vicious. I remember watching a video were Taeyeon was reading comments on the internet at some radio station where she was hosting. She looked so hurt and confused. Don’t know what she read but I felt so bad for her.

        This system is so extreme. These people who start going crazy over some perceived slight against their precious idols. The reputations they help ruin. I really think legal action should be taken against these people. I don’t care that they are 17 or that they did it because some friend told them to. I remember the super-glue incident with Yunho. He didn’t press charges because the girl was the same age as his sister. I really think he was wrong in this. He is lucky he didn’t drink enough of it to die. This crazy bitch didn’t even apologize for her actions. And why did she do it? Because she thought he was becoming too arrogant. He even talks about how he used to share all his drinks with the members, he was that scared.

        You think he would know by now to not feed more to these freaking crazies no matter what SME says. The choreography for KYHD was to me a simple “masculine” dance. Then some fans started to notice that they held up two fingers and put down three and how that was an insult against JYJ and blah, blah, blah….some fans noticed it and they were like…whatever JYJ are HOT!!! LOL. But some others went psychotic. How can they not know by now that these lunatics pick on the smallest of things and go all over the place with it? The song they picked. What message did they honestly think the fans were going to pick up on?

    • Dear God in the Heavens! Does JYJ know about this? See this is just disturbing. What was she thinking? What is this obsession that fuels these girls? This is why I think JYJ should seriously consider expanding their fan base to more males. Now I’m not bashing female fans (men can be just as extreme) but I notice that it happens far less often with them AND I HATE SCREECHING!!!! God! How annoying. I don’t know how any of them are used to it.

      It isn’t right to be this involved with ANYONE! Listen to some music, buy their stuff, if you can, go to their concerts, share the love, spread a good word for them, defend them against stupid antis but don’t freaking kill yourself. This doesn’t go to her, she made a decision with her life, what can I say? But for those who are still alive if you ever read this don’t ever do something so stupid.

      Really if the reasoning goes that she made a choice to kill herself I don’t see how Jae has anything to do with this. He didn’t know her and he wanted (after many unsuccessful talks with SM) a new direction in his life. Blaming him for this horrible tragedy is just beyond low. If there is a person in JYJ who wants to hear the least about suicides it would be Jae. How sick these people are. I wonder what they would say if some loon killed herself because Changmin decides he wants to be a businessman or something. (I sometimes see him and I think he picked the wrong career. He clearly hates the attention of his fans. They annoy him and I say this after watching countless videos of him as well as with the other members.) Will they start bashing Homin senselessly or will they suddenly become reasonable and see that they can’t control what their fans do.

      • @Mia
        “Now I’m not bashing female fans (men can be just as extreme) but I notice that it happens far less often with them AND I HATE SCREECHING!!!! God! How annoying. I don’t know how any of them are used to it.”

        lolol I’m right with you there, sister-woman! I hate it too.

  121. Just read that the charity concert was cancelled. I am beyond baffled at the rational behind it all. Media turning a blind, a company been so pressed to even cancel a charity concert.

    This move from their part seems so personal and not just business. Its like they’re driven with some much venom that they want to punish these boys at all costs. I don’t get the personal hatred that drives them especially such huge companies. People should be able to separate personal relationships and business which was a line was clearly crossed in this whole saga.

    All these boys wanted was to improve their contract which isn’t even a impossible grant. But in exchange they’re been ostracized in their society and treated like criminals. What baffles my mind is the need to treat them like criminals for wanting a better contract like anybody else would. Its the need to not let them go and the venom to destroy them. I clearly don’t get it and the actions are very disturbing. Its like they need a restraining order against them.

    I did some research to see if JYJ’s case is unique to the industry but its not. Korean actors/actresses/ comedians all terminate their contract. So I am puzzled ass to why JYJ got such a treatment of its not that much of a minute occurrence. Or is it because idols are seen of lesser value in their industry.

    I thought the loyalty aspect could explain such actions but even that has a limit. There’s a limit to which you can go after someone until it just becomes beyond disturbing.

    • You are absolutely right. I didn’t understand your comment about the media though. Are they questioning why the charity event was canceled? I think the big reason why they are gunning against JYJ is because they are massively popular, they are young and their activities; singing, dancing, composing etc, can be done anywhere unlike acting. You can’t just act in the middle of the street in defiance to an unfair contract but you CAN sing.

    • @oo
      ” I don’t get the personal hatred that drives them especially such huge companies. People should be able to separate personal relationships and business which was a line was clearly crossed in this whole saga.”

      The prime movers of SM are not normal corporate businessmen, it seems to me. They are tiny tyrants of an illusory fiefdom; they appear to be mentally stuck in the 15th century.

      Jimmie had an excellent short explanatory segment of her “almost letter of resignation” which detailed a bit of Korean history vis a vis how it has regarded and treated its artists throughout its long history which is quite eye-opening in terms of understanding what on earth is WRONG with SM. Check it out.

    • @oo

      With regards to actors/comedians, my understanding is that the movie/tv industries have been regulated, whereas the music industry has not. This is why they are fighting so hard to keep the status quo. Artists being able to go from agency to agency or even start their own, will cause some financial hardships.

      Couple this with the fact that for SME, JYJ is part of the biggest money making group they ever had. Who knows when they will EVER have another set-up such as this? If we’re lucky, NEVER! In any event, SME is frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog, because their meal ticket TVXQ is no longer going to make them even richer.

      Their behavior is definitely not normal, but if you look at the behavior it screams, “How dare you do this to me after all I’ve done for you?” A jilted lover? A precious gift presented, no thank you in return? What? To this crew, there is no view except the one that says, “I own you.” SME is using that old Korean feudal concept to hold onto their talents. The fact that they have convinced most of them they cannot survive without SME, shows how insidious they are.

      JYJ simply happened to have the good common sense not to allow SME use and abuse them any longer. They decided, enough is enough, we’re outta here. I personally feel there are some real abnormal behaviors coming from SME and AVEX. I don’t think companies headed by people such as these, will last too much longer. It’s almost as if they are on the verge of imploding. They can’t help themselves.

      If company A can’t see its way clear to setting aside their animosity so a group of young men who love your country like their own, can help raise much needed funds to aid in the recovery after a devastating natural disaster, then you know there are some real sickos heading the company.

      If company B is frightened that the legal action taken by three of its artists will unearth their shady financial dealings, and are willing to do anything and everything to destroy them for it, again, you know there are some real sickos heading this company.

      Neither of these two entities can accept responsibility for their own actions, it is the fault of someone else, JYJ. Well, ultimately these companies are going to find themselves beaten and battered, because nothing good comes from evil.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “If company A can’t see its way clear to setting aside their animosity so a group of young men who love your country like their own, can help raise much needed funds to aid in the recovery after a devastating natural disaster, then you know there are some real sickos heading the company.”

        We are so on the same page it’s scary, BAF. lol

        Which brings us to TODAY. How can SM (and by extension its running dog partner in crime AVEX) who have recently had a judgement against them by the court and are now legally directed to cease and desist interfering with JYJ’s right to do business getting away with this!!?? How can they be stopping the arena from booking JYJ on the grounds of (oh, I loved this) “contractual issues” !!?? Is there anyone with an answer to this?

        (Oh, where is Jimmie? Gone for one day and we already need her wisdom BADLY……)

      • @Lilibaiyu

        Well, it falls into the category of needing ‘proof’ that said action is taking/has taken place. Knowing that something has occurred, is not the same as having actual proof. Gut feelings won’t hold up in court. One needs the ‘smoking gun’ so to speak. But what excuse will they use once the final decision comes down on JYJ’s side? That will really be the big test. Because as they say, “it’s the lawsuit thing”, well the lawsuit is over now, mis amigos. Put up or shut up.

        I’m more curious about Japan, and how the act of scheduling a concert for a date after AVEX’s contract ends with JYJ, translates into we cannot schedule at this time. I’m sure JYJ did not proceed with the plans while they were still going to be in contract conflict with AVEX. My guess is AVEX blew a lot of smoke with the arena, and the arena fell for it.

        One issue that struck me, was the fact that all these arenas in question – Tokyo Dome, Yokohama (sp), and Saitama – were also going to be used by AVEX. Wanna bet they were scared JYJ would bring in a full house and they couldn’t? Let’s not forget, two sold out concerts last June – 100K total. Bangkok saw JYJ do better than a full slate of kpop artists. Fear can be an awesome motivator.

        Either way, AVEX is going to come out of this looking like a loser because they have NO MORAL ground to stand on. Again, this is a case of some serious mental issues here. Someone phrased it as borderline obssessive. I don’t think it’s borderline at this stage, full outright obssessive is more like it. To me, it’s similar to the arrogance that brought down ENRON.
        No company, I don’t care where they come from, is ‘too big to fail’. These two aren’t that special, in their minds only.

      • @ButterfliesAre Free –
        “One issue that struck me, was the fact that all these arenas in question – Tokyo Dome, Yokohama (sp), and Saitama – were also going to be used by AVEX.”

        Another possible scenario – AVEX merely said, “You want OUR business from now on? Then you can’t do business with JYJ. YOU decide.”

        The arenas, seeing it as a simple fiscal decision, chose AVEX.

      • Well, either way, AVEX should concentrate on building itself up instead of trying to take down JYJ. I haven’t looked at their stock price lately, but it hasn’t been looking good at all.

    • @yunjae

      Obviously, my friend Lilibaiyu took the bait. Since you seem to feel the need to get a rise out of folks, I’m simply going to tell you what I tell others such as yourself.

      I don’t give a rodent’s patootie what you’re trying to sell.

      Your juvenile attempt at trying to defame people is a waste of effort. I don’t have any intentions of clicking on the link. Not because I’m ‘scared’ to see what it might revel, but because you and your ilk are not worth my time.

      It must suck to be you. There is nothing positive going on in your brain. The energy you waste doing this kind of stuff, you could use to promote your obvious fave – Yunho. Give the dude your undivided attention and try to do something uplifting to support him, rather than slosh this kind of crap around. If he’s so important to you, don’t you feel he deserves better from his fans? How pathetic is that.

      Your efforts are a waste here. Go home and take a good look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself, what is wrong with this picture?

      • @ButterfliesAre Free –

        Yeeeeah, OK, I admit it–I was offended. These are some crazy ass freakin’ loonies to come on here and try to float that kind of nonsense. I feel badly for all 5 of the former members that these mentally unbalanced idiots with issues actually call themselves “fans” of theirs.

        But then I thought…. HEY! That’s yet another thing that the members of JYJ no longer have to act out at the behest (that’s putting it politely) of their overlords … sexually ambiguous fan service! Imagine the pressure it takes off of them…

    • What ‘evidence’??..doesn’t even look like jaejoong at all!!..If you’re so confident-go and send it to the press..this stupid nonsense really need to stop!!..

    • I’m just passing by and just caught by this comedy!
      Dear do you want me to show you a picture of Michael Jackson and Jae holding hands while singing Keep your head up April 17, 2012. If you want, my 13-yr old sister can make you plenty of that, or you can make a request, Brad Pitt or even Bruce Lee with Jae….thanks yunjae, you,ve just given me a good laugh!

      • Kris,

        Your 13 year old sister? I’m impressed, even I can’t do Photoshop. Good for her! April 17, 2012? Why didn’t ‘this yunjae’ think of that! 😉

      • @ButterfliesAre Free
        Even me also can’t do photoshop, but my sis used stay on the computer most of her time so she learned a lot, and I even watched her did one for her friend and her friend’s crush, two different pics ,cut, combined and can really deceive someone who’s not literate of this photoshop technique. To learn this needs patience and time, but you can learn by yourself if you really want to.
        So to those very delusional out there, I suggest you better make one of yourself and Jae on bed, that would really be nice!
        You can use the 3voices picture, you can do simulated pictorials based on that then photoshop…send to JYJ3….1’ll be waiting..

      • @Kris ENVY your sister, i’m not to good with photoshop either.

        Yunjae, i’m also waiting for that pics, atleast i’m just scrap your face and replace it with mine, and i will put that picture in my desktop BG for myself-satisfaction and spazz around with my friend but i will not tell my friend that picture its a facts.

  122. @yunjae –

    Jeez, could you ~be~ any more offensive? What is WRONG with you??
    Go away. This is a serious discussion blog for intelligent, thoughtful people.

    You just failed the entrance exam.

  123. ok im failed and it suck to be me, anything. but what is wrong with you? in that pic, jae sits in the same car as yunho (date 2011/4/10) consolation for stans – maybe it’s Jaejoong’s evil twin… or something

      • What i have to tell you? Yunho is only a human and people lie for different reasons, but my eyes not.

      • See, that’s the reason I didn’t bother to fall for it. As my sisters say below…PHOTOSHOP!

        Look, I don’t know or care what your motivation is. This however, is going to be my last comment to you.

        Are you more interested in YH’s sex life or his career? If it is his sex life, and if he does prefer men, and I said if, what good does it do you to try and get in his business? It is none of yours!

        If you care about YH’s career, why don’t you try doing something that makes you worthy of being called his fan? Cause this nonsense definitely doesn’t. He truly deserves better than you.

        End of discussion.

    • im curious so im open the link
      truth its hurt dear
      hang on to something while reading my comment
      “that picture is photoshop”

      • i’ve been in yunjae fandom for 3 years LoL and i’m still reading yunjae fanfics till now XDD

        Trust me it PSed all yunjae pics and vids lately its been PSed. If you see new yunjae vids with real interaction between them must be taken from old vids and new pics meant PSed. I dont believe yunjae is real untill yunho and jaejoong said it with their own mouth.

        But my opinion Jaejoong like Chicks XD, he admit that and even give those fanatic yunjae shipper clues but they just shut their eyes and ears with their own “faith” so they refused to see and hear it. My suggestion is when you read fanfics read the disclaimers there one written “I don’t own DBSK, this is a fiction story, and made out due to my inspirations. Characters listed above have nothing connected to the real person in the real life.”

    • @yunjae
      “in that pic, jae sits in the same car as yunho”

      Dude! OK–you’re still not getting it! So let’s review:

      There’s this groovy new computer program called PHOTOSHOP!
      You should see this thing–you can take 2 completely unrelated
      photos and merge them together convincingly as if it’s all the same photo.
      Really! I’m not kidding. You should check it out.
      Oh no, wait–you already have a pretty good example of how to use Photoshop.

      It’s the photo you tried to wing past us.

  124. Hello there!
    Reading about JYJ’s charity concert cancellation is both heartbreaking and uplifting. Heartbreaking because the boys were denied the opportunity to help the people who gave them a second home. Uplifting because Avex and SM just proved to all of Japan what a bunch of desperate, scum-suckers they are.

      • @ButterfliesAreFree –
        “Ain’t that the truth.”

        Maybe yes, maybe no, but the fact now remains, it’s time for the Japanese fans to STAND UP and do something. You all know how much JYJ cherishes YOU and now it’s time to give something meaningful back.

        They need some kind of reckoning here! This can not be the end.
        They really want to show their love and solidarity with the Japanese people right now. Please, please start a petition to allow them to perform. Avex’s “reasons” for keeping them off the bill are bogus and everyone who knows anything knows it.

        Please–DO something for Jae, Yuchun and Junsu.

  125. Mabe they r controlled by da SM.E for their answers, y would SM stop if tryin ppl on their side. I think they will do anythin for their company, even distroyin people`s life.
    Meaning da answers dat changmin and yunho gives r both lies. They r controlled by SM.E! I think.

  126. @Eliene
    “Meaning da answers dat changmin and yunho gives r both lies. They r controlled by SM.E!”

    Yes, not a doubt that they have been directed to do certain things by SM. But they are both intelligent 25 year old men. They are not helpless children who cannot control themselves or what they say and do. These are their BROTHERS they are slandering. Turning on them as they have and following the SM party line down into hell is a situation I find unforgivable. I can never enjoy their music or watch them again.

  127. well yea it I get waht u mean. But its no choich if u get pressured by the company and or family, I hear that korean child r very loyalty 2 their family. And u c dat many JYJ programs r not on public channels in korea dat cause SM r pressuring da programs. and also JP entertainment too like Avex Track. Seriously how far they go? Is dis all for da sake of a cent or pennie mabe even a quater. I hate how SM deals with stuff

  128. Just want to say I argue with Eliene. Although they are grown-ups, I think Homin are in a situation which they can hardly say bad things about the company (even though if the bad things are true). Anyway, I just hope the two are treated fairly by the company and are not under pressure to do things they are not willing to.

    It’s a pity that I only know and start listening to TVXQ’s songs after they disbanded. I enjoy watching the five-members’ MVs and hope they will come together as a group again. I feel sad that they once worked so hard together for years and now are on different paths, just like 2PM and Park Jaebum, I wish the groups can get together again. Before then, I hope all fans can support all of them until we see them on the same stage again…

    • @jliely
      ” over 800 comments already? this is a hot mess. i see no benefit in fighting each other, fandom is getting way tooooo ridiculous;”

      Yes, maybe. It does become quite tiresome. However as regards this particular list, the JYJFiles, I believe it’s fair to say that no one here ever goes out roaming the internet to start trouble. We are interested in following the progress of the lawsuit here. Having said that, when troublesome individuals appears before us, we will always answer them promptly. We don’t sit quietly and say nothing when people come here specifically to make rude and needlessly provocative statements. Since most all of them disappear again as quickly as they show up, I guess it just goes with the territory. 🙂


  129. Lady…just shut up. You don’t care what we think? Then why are you posting your “support all five even though they aren’t together” kumbaya crap at a JYJ site? Why don’t you share your thoughts with the Homin fans? See how they respond.

    • @MIA2
      “Then why are you posting your “support all five even though they aren’t together” kumbaya crap at a JYJ site? ”

      lolol that was really funny…

      • Yes, that’s a funny line XD
        Why are these people still coming here to comment on such an old post?

      • @NingK
        “Why are these people still coming here to comment on such an old post?”

        It’s funny, I was just discussing this a little with ButterfliesAreFree yesterday.
        These poor HoMin stans are depressed! Really, really depressed and feeling angry and powerless about this whole post-TVXQ situation and the direction each of the 2 new groups has taken. Depression as I’m sure you know, is rooted in anger and the trouble-makers who keep showing up here ranting about the same three or four old, OLD things (the 6-25 meeting, the greed thing, the cosmetics thing) **siiiigh** well, it’s just getting kind of sad at this point, but they’re angry, they are on the losing side if they are still supporting SME and more than anything else, they are just stuck, emotionally, in still wanting what they want when there is virtually NO chance of that happening, if it involves a reunion of the 5 any time soon. YH&CM are obviously unhappy, seem to be at odds with each other and it’s just not looking healthy with them at all, so there’s just not a lot to celebrate with them these days. So the HoMin people come here to vent.

        Anyway, that’s my take on what’s happening.

      • @Lilibaiyu
        Homin stan? I hope you’re not talking about me, and you probably hate me just as much, but I’m a Cassie. 🙂 Strange that you’d think a Homin stan would want a reunion between the five of them, so I’ll assume you’re talking about Cassies instead? If you’re not, you should just disregard this.
        Emotionally stuck? Well, speaking only for myself, maybe I am, but I’m not expecting a reunion anytime soon with all this animosity between not just the companies but the fans, too. I do think that Homin are unhappy at times, but it’s probably the same feeling that JYJ get from time to time, that feeling of missing someone… I come here to see JYJ’s side of the story and comment here because it’s what I think after I read the article here.
        Well, it was interesting to read and respond to your opinion. 🙂

      • @Mika
        “Homin stan? I hope you’re not talking about me, and you probably hate me just as much, but I’m a Cassie.”

        OMG, nothing could be farther from the truth. As I said a minute ago in response to another post to you, I certainly don’t “hate” you or anyone for that matter and I don’t think anyone else who posts to this list does either. The JYJFiles list is a very conservative, conversationally polite list that features reasonable discourse on various issues surrounding the lawsuit.

        HoMin fans have been a problem here in the past because of the factors delineated in my post above. It’s been tiring dealing with them. Cassies, if I’m not mistaken, are forever faithful to The Five and again, as I said in an earlier post, I just don’t think there’s going to be a reunion (I guess you don’t either) as realistically, it’s not legally feasible not to mention it’s very likely due to all the “divergent personalities” in play at this point.

        Anyway, please feel free to come here any time and contribute. You are welcome. We just don’t get involved with rants and overtly stupid postings but you obviously are not one of those people.

      • Hmm… Because I didn’t come across it until now. I wasn’t really expecting anyone to reply, either, because like you said, I didn’t think someone would bother coming to comment on such an old post.

    • How can I not care what you guys think? Even if you guys hate Homin and I like them, I still love JYJ, too. Sorry for being idealistic 😐

      • @Mika
        ” Even if you guys hate Homin and I like them, I still love JYJ, too. Sorry for being idealistic ”

        As far as I know, nobody “hates” here. Nobody “hates” anyone. True, we do not follow YH&CM but…. I mean, this is the JYJ3 list. Hello?? Here is where you should come when you want all the latest news and some interesting points of view and chat on the doings of JYJ. There are of course several sites that do the same thing for YH&CM. So go there for news and info on them.

        I think it’s really time to just tone down all the crazy, over-the-top rhetoric about JYJ vs YH&CM. There’s really no competition, no comparison and nothing to be gained by yelling back and forth about each of our preferences.
        We like JYJ here. If you like YH&CM, that’s FINE. Go to the sites that feature them and ENJOY!

        Don’t you think that’s the best idea?

      • @Mika

        Oops, sorry, it’s not the JYJ3 list, it’s the JYJFiles list. Everything else I said applies.


      • Oh no love the comment wasn’t for you. It was in response to dbsk5always. She is always spouting her holier than thou crap. Can’t stand it.

  130. i think before u guys bash the other sites.please gather many information and find the truth behind all of this?r u sure jyj never talk bad about homin???r u sure the 6.25 meeting is to support all the 5 members??try read it again and u will find it differently….i dont want to say that they right..they wrong…i want u guys to find the truth youself.bcuz it’s not fair to bash someone but u dont really sure the truth is.the fact is not the evidence.but fact is the truth and cannot be changed.find the true fact and think carefully….r u taking the right action or not?it’s all depends on how much effort u want to know the truth and not being a fool that do something without any evidence and be reasonable…..i ask this sincerely from my heart.i want everyone to face the reality although it will make ur heart broken into pieces……….when u can face the reality,,then speak what’s on ur mind……

    • @dbsk5always
      “i think before u guys bash the other sites.please gather many information and find the truth behind all of this?r u sure jyj never talk bad about homin???r u sure the 6.25 meeting is to support all the 5 members??try read it again and u will find it differently…”

      Hello – you may have been misinformed. No one here on the JYJFiles list has ever gone to another list and bashed anyone. You may have us confused with someone else. This is not our way. We are exclusively interested in examining the finer points of the lawsuit between JYJ and SM Entertainment. We hope to understand, in depth, the truth of the matter at hand, the issues surrounding the lawsuit, after this careful examination.

      We are not interested in further examining the 6-25 meeting. This is a moot point, merely a point of reference where people expressed opinions in the distant past and does not figure in to our interest here: the eventual outcome of the lawsuit.

      Once again, it is not our policy to go to other sites and bash. When divisive troublemakers come HERE to the JYJFiles site (as you have done) and intentionally make vague, wrong-headed statements — to intentionally create dissension in other words, we will refute those things we feel to be factually incorrect both vigorously and emphatically. That’s all. We will never go to sites we know to be the environs of HoMin fans, TVXQ5 Forever fans or the like and make pointlessly provocative, questionably truthful statements to get a rise out of people.

      Frankly–we wonder why people do that sort of thing here.

    • What? When have you seen people from jyj3/files go to other sites to bash Homin? Unless you are referring to trolls who go around pretending to be OT5 or JYJ fans to gain more antis. They do that a lot in case you didn’t know.

      We are well informed about JYJ so you don’t have to worry about us “facing reality.” And you ignore one very crucial point in your so-called “heartfelt” speech….Ready? Here goes…Since JYJ have left SM they have been gaining more fans. Fans who don’t give a damn about Homin or SM. The ones who have been commenting on this post are usually fans from the DBSK days. Otherwise? They don’t care about a nutjob like you. ^_-

      Seriously get a life. We do many things to support the boys and this site doesn’t pretend to be OT5. It says so in the website’s name: JYJ. You can read right? So go to some OT5/Homin site and spread all the truth you can. Want to keep trolling here? Be our guest.

  131. Ahhh… fate can be so cruel…It’s so heartbreaking to watch everyone fight. I can’t love Homin and JYJ the same way I loved DBSK, but I’ll still support both. I would ask for us fans to be united, but what do we even have to be united under anymore? Hope? Faith? That’s for the optimists. I guess the most cheery thing I can say right now is to treasure the memories. I also suppose I’m just glad that this controversy isn’t bigger than it is, even if it’s already pretty big.

  132. This will be the longest comment that I’ll ever make.
    I am quite lazy and prefer to read rather than post comments.
    After 10hrs of reading, khalas! I finished this thread.
    I’ve no plan of commenting, but i felt that I should do since I spent hrs just to finish this super long thread.
    I happened to stumble on this because of one comment I read in YT regarding the 625 meeting that I’m actually unaware of so I spent afternoons reading those things including reading different sides of the story.
    I won’t share my conclusions much on it ‘coz I’m not really good at putting my opinions into words.
    So I’ll just say that I applaud most people(particularly the ‘WE’ people) here for their ever so intelligent responses that I found myself nodding at most of the words they said.
    I also happened to learn some interesting words/trivia/quotes etc. one word for you people ‘AWESOME’.

    I agree to those people who said that if some people doesn’t like the way things here, then kindly excuse yourselves w/o leaving some unnecessary comments, or comments like defending your bias so much that made you looked more pitiful/pathetic rather than making sense ‘coz the last time I checked this is the THEJYJFILES site (and people no matter how you put it, you’re so transparent). But anyways, because of those comments, I happened to know how articulate, wise and intelligent fans retort back. (more applause)

    Though before I’m not so active on surfing the net 4 updates now almost everyday after work I surf to get updates of JYJ, read comments and rarely post my own, although on some situation I have this huge desire to reply “shut-up, and do something productive” I’m not replying back ‘coz either others have already done it (on my behalf) or mostly I find those posts silly. I sometimes find myself in homin sites or videos just to kill the curiosity, but I never clicked dislike button just to attract (-) attentions(it’s childish) or post offensive comments against homin just because I choose to side w/ JYJ and happen to no longer support homin or insist my opinions on others that I am well aware that there’s a very high possibility that they will not accept my opinions for it’s their turf, so I do wish(but not insist) for others to do the same thing. But if you make sense, one tries to logically share reasoning. This is a case of defaming one’s family member in front of them in their own turf.
    You must be aware and responsible of whatever comes out of your mouth for it maybe used against you. How it will be discerned by others – that you must be most prepared and aware of. As for those who have formed their opinions it’s theirs and they have right to express it, but expressing one’s opinion is taking responsibility thereof and requires right place, time and situation and a lot of thinking(think a thousandth times).

    I just want to see them share the same freedom as the others are having, because blocking them only shows how afraid one can get. But what made me admire them more is the fact that they have courage to fight for what they believe, for their dreams and for what they want whatever it is.

    And btw JYJ is w/o a doubt the group that I would gladly spend my hard-earned money just to see their concert because I love their music, I love their personality and their charm (if my sched permits). Though I will stay in love for dbsk,tvxq,tohoshinki’s music when they’re still 5.
    -i’m famished, tired and happened to spent my whole day off reading the thread as well as writing this-
    -to those who agree, gladly accepted and to those who don’t suit yourself-
    -i have so many to add but can’t put it in words and I already spent most of my time so I will now succumb to the temptation of coffee beanery-

    -and to those ‘WE’ people, count me in-

    • @hazy
      “-and to those ‘WE’ people, count me in-”

      Well…. wow! Congratulations on getting through all ten hours of reading this remarkable thread. There should be some sort of badge you receive upon successfully reading through the whole thing. But instead, here’s a formal “Welcome to the JYJFiles Society Of We!” As the person who originally got into such trouble with one of the Difficult People over using the word “we”, it seems only right and proper that I be the one to welcome you. As you’ve just learned, there’s A LOT to read and a lot to be learned about the situation JYJ found themselves in, the lawsuits, the background on the cast of characters, and of course the good ladies of the JYJFiles’ opinions and assorted commentary. Most people just don’t want to do the reading involved quite frankly, let alone the THINKING involved. Since you alluded to doing a bit of both in your post, you seem like a the likeliest candidate in months to be part of the group we have here. As you can now see–it’s a pretty special bunch of ladies from all over the world.

      So stick around and feel free to post when the spirit moves. Borrowing a catch-phrase from that famous TV series “The X-Files”… The Truth Is Out There. I like to think we hold a special place for it here on the JYJFiles.

      • @lilibaiyu – I specifically like those quotes mentioned.

        after I wrote that long post, I was not planning to reply to any subsequent comments, but after the cold raspberry frappe and saw your warm welcome, I gladly say Thank You so much!

        Actually I love reading relevant, deep and logical reasoning it makes my mind sharper and learn more. And I happened to learn as well that forming retorts is never easy for me and so I commend those wonderful statements.
        I’m not so good in writing, and working in an -english is not their 1st or 2nd language- country drags me to the point that I don’t care whether my grammars or sentences are correct or not, as long as they understand what I mean.
        Actually though I don’t know much the exact reason/truth behind this situation but I came to my own analysis and presumption based on what I heard, what I read, what I saw with a spoonful of some same situation happening in the ent world and as well as the ordinary working environment. When you come into a conclusions or presumptions it’s your choice, no one will disagree w/ you for that as long as it is conclusive, but if such is shared and is rebuttable then you should be aware of what comes next how (+)(-) in your point it may seems, ‘coz really both parties are just sharing the same dilemma.

        I for a fact have experienced/saw such thing happened and still happening in some ordinary working environment, in an employee-employer or employee-employee relationship and to iterate what I said, this is my own point of view. And I prepared and save for the rainy days.
        This is what I come to realize though, when you are not well compensated, heard, and appreciated or simply put fairly treated (-) feelings piles up, how can you continuously work enthusiastically?-read the management books about good leadership and employees behavior, though i forgot the context some values was etched in my heart.

        summing it up for everyone.
        -jyj fans is for jyj same goes to their fan sites
        -homin fans is for homin same goes to their fan sites
        -TVXQ5 fans are for their fan sites as well, unless they’re taking sides.
        as you can see there are 3 distinctive sides it’s for you to discern and analyze.
        *for the 1st two it’s like water and oil*
        *for the 3rd, if your are on 5, please refrain from making statements in 1&2 that is leading…
        as for the topic above(referring to the interview) FOR ME it’s leading but for others they may not so respect is the common word.

        I’m sleeping off the other opinions I have in mind coz I can’t put it into words so. goodmornight for me!

  133. JYJ’s side has their own argument, HoMin’s side has their own argument as well. I really don’t know who to believe sometimes. It’s confusing and tiring, I just wish that JYJ would come out and say something. It’s really painful to see how five boys who were so close to each other drifted apart like this. It’s uncomfortable to know that either JYJ or HoMin is actually evil when most of us would never have expected that any of them would be like that when they were still together. I sometimes feel that JYJ have done nothing wrong and HoMin are just a bunch of SM bitches just like all the other SM artists but part of me just can’t accept that so I still support HoMin with all my heart. I sometimes feel that HoMin are the loyal and innocent ones, and JYJ are a bunch of money-hunger twirps but I just can’t accept that either so I still support JYJ and I think I support JYJ more somehow, probably because they have it harder now with all the restrictions and they haven’t said anything bad about HoMin. I mean look at Junsu, for eg, it’s just hard to imagine him being evil. JYJ, please say something instead of leaving Cassies in the dark, it gets tiring.

    • @Leanne Park
      “JYJ’s side has their own argument, HoMin’s side has their own argument as well. I really don’t know who to believe sometimes. It’s confusing and tiring, I just wish that JYJ would come out and say something. It’s really painful to see how five boys who were so close to each other drifted apart like this.”

      Hi Leanne,

      I’m glad you’ve managed to find your way to the JYJFiles because here you will find answers at last.
      Yes, I agree it was sad at first that such a beloved group had to break apart but it’s clear that both groups have moved on now and probably it’s time for Cassies to do so as well. Certainly there were a few factors involved in JYJ’s decision to leave SM and file suit against them for their freedom to pursue their own destinies. Likewise there were a few factors which came into play in YH&CM’s decision not to go and to stay and re-sign with SM.

      My suggestion to you is to take a bit of time, if these answers to your questions are really important to you, and read this topic. Many if not all the answers are here on this page, although is is a bit long. 🙂
      I don’t know about labeling either JYJ or YH&CM “evil” –I’m not sure that’s necessary. What they all are is human; they had dreams, they have aspirations and all 5 chose in their own ways to follow those dreams. One thing I will tell you about the ladies who regularly contribute to this list–they are NOT liars. What we are after here, what we have always been after is the Truth. The contributors here are highly intelligent and articulate people who are interested in the progress of the lawsuit and the various issues that it raised, both for JYJ and for the K-Pop idol industry in general. Occasionally, as you will read, Difficult Persons arrive say things that embarrass themselves and then depart. But mostly I think you will find intelligent, rational commentary on what has been going on with the group, the lawsuit and the future for JYJ.

      Enjoy the reading, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  134. I’ve read a lot from various websites representing both sides. And I have to say, all of them have a little bit of bias in them, and that includes the original Korean news articles. I do find this website informative and tend to lean towards the JYJ side. I watched Knee Drop Guru and have watched various interviews with both groups (JYJ & DBSK). In any argument/disagreement everyone is going to have THEIR OWN truth.

    While I don’t believe that JYJ broke away from SME PURELY because they wanted to invest in Crebreau, I do believe that it was “the straw that broke the camels back.” I mean seriously, who would take the gamble to leave everything behind, just because big boss man said , “no, you can’t invest here.” I do believe that the remaining two members knew about the plan to file a lawsuit, but once they decided not to join, why would the remaining three continue to update them with the progress of the lawsuit? Would you do that? I sure as hell wouldn’t keep people in the loop if they weren’t going to join in. So therefore, I can also believe that they didn’t know about the lawsuit the day it was filed. I think both sides may be leaving out tiny little details like this that may not make much difference to them, but seem to make some of their fans go crazy with anger/resentment/grief.

    Now, on to comment about the actual post. While this post was inflammatory for the so sensitive fandom, it’s not like this wasn’t posted anywhere else. Did all you people go to every site that had this episode and complain there too? Is it that surprising that a JYJ informational website would post this? Are you guys children? Think about some of these things. Don’t let anyone spoon-feed you information and you just take it as-is, no questions asked. My thoughts were formed after pouring through different websites, trying to make sure I was getting info from various sources (doesn’t make sense if all info is from the same source).

    Ohh, and a shout out to the ladies of theJYJfiles! Thank you guys for taking the time and energy to find, translate and post this info (esp the court proceedings).

    • “My thoughts were formed after pouring through different websites, trying to make sure I was getting info from various sources (doesn’t make sense if all info is from the same source). ”

      I hate it when some “fans” call me a fake OT5 (coz I am btw lol just to make things clear) just because I keep defending and supporting JYJ. Honestly, what’s there to defend HoMin of? Are they even part of this lawsuit?

      I don’t see as many people bashing HoMin as I do JYJ, so I defend JYJ more. Also because as far as court cases go, JYJ has been on the winning side and SME has spurred too much bullshit for me to take them seriously. Why do they still defend SME? Why do they mention JYJ’s wrongdoings again and again when these “wrongdoings” aren’t even directly related to the lawsuit, whereas some of SME’s answers in court have been complete and utter bullshit (of course, truetvxq doesn’t report that kind of info so the readers still think SME is righteous LOL)?

      I appreciate you JYJ fans more than HoMin fans. You’re indifferent to HoMin at best, but HoMin stans seem to hate JYJ and their fans with a passion… and for what reasons? I can’t help but assume that it all started with that stupid blog “truetvxq”. It’s not the “TRUTH” and he is biased, he and his readers admit that fact openly. His translations may be accurate but the comments he make are full of bias. The 6.25 meeting is OLD; just listening to it, there was little on there that I didn’t already know so it was (still is tbh) pretty irrelevant to me. I read Precious’ interpretation, I thought “That’s possible…” but what makes his interpretation “the truth” when most of it was assumption anyway?

      Aggghhhh I’m ranting again.
      Anyway, thank you JYJ fans. I appreciate that you don’t hate on HoMin, I really do 🙂 Their fans however… lol whatever floats your boat. I don’t particularly dig them as well, and I’m an OT5. I don’t know how you guys manage.

  135. @casschung

    Wake up, girlfriend. It’s 2011. The old 5 member group is gone. They’re not re-forming.
    Now there’s JYJ and well, the other two. I won’t call them DBSK because of course they’re not DBSK. You gotta embrace reality now. This is reality. All the back and forth-ing about who did what to whom is moot. It’s all past history. YH&CM are signed exclusively to SME now. JYJ will NEVER go back there and be slaves again just because some fans like all 5 together. it just aint gonna happen. I’m sorry that you’re angry about that, but it’s not going to change anything.

    This is kind of an older thread on YJYFiles and I doubt very many here will even respond to your post because we have all moved on long ago. We are happily enjoying JYJ’s great music and all of their other various doings. They’ve been really busy and happier than they’re ever been. We’re all thrilled for them and excited about a new album that is in the works.

    Be well and take care.

  136. I only read this because I clicked on notify many months ago when I commented. This is such an old post and guess what? There are actually a lot of people who don’t give a damn to the two. I don’t call myself a Cassie any more either so you can get off your high horse about all your emotional rants. I am not ashamed as I have no reason to. I did not make up false stories nor did I continually try to force other people to accept my opinions when they have their own.
    I question the credibility of every site I go to and this is one of the few that actually have credibility as opposed to the every ‘precious’ one.
    Please open your eyes and ears, Jaejoong, Yuchun and Junsu have said many times now that they are JYJ. Why can’t we call them JYJ? They call themselves JYJ.
    I won’t call the other anything because I do not want to be talking about them at all. Why should I? I’m not interested in their music nor their performances. This is the same attitude I have towards whatever artistes out there who I’m not interested in. I only bother when there’s potential harm to JYJ.
    Please get this. There are people who do not care about what you care about. This is life. We don’t force you to believe anything you don’t want to and you don’t have the prerogative to command us to do/believe or not to do/believe anything. Respect other people’s choices and opinions. I don’t care what you believe in or who you believe in, you are entitled to your opinions even if I scoff at them, just don’t be so imperious as to assume you have a right to demand that everyone else have to think the way you do.

  137. This really disappointed me. I’m a TVXQ5 fan and I really love them, but reading this breaks my heart. I can say that my bias is JYJ since the beginning and before the lawsuit went out to the public. And reading this information only proves that the 3 deserves my support. If HoMin really cared about their friendship or business relation to JYJ for many years they should have not talked like this. It just makes the situation worse.

    Bashing and making malicious statements can make bad feedback to both sides. Their most treasured fans will just divide and even fight among each other. Why not let the law decide and say nothing about it until time comes that all of them (five) can sit and talk about what happened to them in the future. They are nothing without their fans and by doing this it just breaks their fans’ hearts.

    And about other artists who gave their freaking comment about this, I can say that they have no right because this is a matter between SMent and JYJ. To think each and everyone of them are just depending to their fans and now they are acting like they are all good and JYJ are the bad guys. Fans are the ones who give them a living and keeps them on top. I don’t care if they are SUJU BOA etc, but to me if they are once friends of JYJ, why do you guys have to break them and push them down?

  138. OT5? Was it not Sm that said that TVXQ only consisted of two members. Wasn’t it SM who basically slapped Cassiopeians in the face when they announced that TVXQ fan cafes will now only consist of two members? If HOMIN really cared about protecting TVXQ, then lets go down to the source of TVXQ: CASSIOPEIA. And yet not only did SM’s actions slapped fans of Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun, Yunho and Changmin didn’t do anything about it despite the fact that they say they want to protects DBSK’s name and save their fanbase. Coming back with the name “TVXQ” was an insult to JYJ and to the fans that were turned away. Jaejoong stated when there was the whole issue about his self composed song, he came out and said that the song was just for DBSK, for his four band members. But what about HOMIN? They not only stood by the side as SM pushed Cassiopeians fans of Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun out the door, they came back with the title TVXQ (Despite the lack of 3 members) and they sung songs that all five of them once performed together. How can the Cassieopains that were pushed out of TVXQ’s fan cafe not be offended by the precious leaders actions after the man had said many times “DBSK isn’t DBSK without five members.” Now there going to judge their brothers of seven years saying how they can’t differentiate between whats right and whats wrong? I stood by their side waiting for them to respond to the whole mess, I mean JYJ at least gave the fans some info, some insight on the whole issue while HOMIN were silent. I didn’t care that they stayed silent, but when they finally do decided to speak, I wish they had stayed silent instead. JYJ had never bashed HOMIN, Junsu’s tweet was an expection but that wasn’t even a bash, the man was simply stating his feelings. I’m not saying that it was right of Junsu to do it, but it by far better than what HOMIN has done. JYJ hasn’t even made a single bad comment about HOMIN despite everything they were going through. Unlike HOMIN who had everything at their disposal, JYJ couldn’t even promote in their own country.

    Changmin’s whole geese comment was a complete shock to me, I held onto blind faith, wishing that it was SM Who made them say that, but even now Yunho joins in. Even if JYJ left for their greed, I don’t give a crap anymore. Because at least they stood up for what they believed in. TVXQ had once stood for so much for many people, and now what? Nothing but shambles. Yunho had once said that Cassiopeia, Big East, and DBSK fans were what he treasured most…

    But what now? Clearly we fans don’t mean as much as we use to anymore. I was sad when I heard about the news that DBSK might break up, I was upset when JYJ sued and the 2:3 divison happened, I was sobbing when JYJ released “W”, I was mortified when HOMIN stayed silent, I was shattered when I heard TVXQ only consisted of two members and any JYJ fans are not welcome into TVXQ’s fancafes, but now I’m completely heartbroken what in front of national TV HOMIN would say such inconsiderate things about JYJ.

    I don’t want the title Cassopeians anymore if it means that I am supporting the members who clearly have completely sold their souls for a little fame, a little money, and a little protection under SM. Harsh, but you two have already disappointed me too much.

    • Totally agree with you. I mean seriosuly, even though HOMIN say that they want to protect DBSK, what did they do when SM basically kicked all JYJ fans out of TVXQ fancafes saying that JYJ were no longer TVXQ and TVXQ only consisted of HOMIN. They did nothing, when fans of there brothers were turned away, forced out of cafes that once represented the five of them. And people still expect us fans to listen to there story when they didn’t even have the righteousness to extend out a hand to JYJ fans during that period where JYJ was completely bashed. Because no matter what, those said turned JYJ fans were once Cassiopeias, that loved them all.

      I have had it with there bullcrap too, I mean the whole entire geese comment just made me think…why are you even saying something so pointless, if your not going to help them then don’t just sit there and point fingers just because you have SM to back you up on it. And the whole entire parents thing, Changmin and Yunho’s father had it coming for them. Seriously Yunho, your going to say that you were afraid that your father would get view negatively by teenagers when it was your father who launched an attack on JYJ first. Even if the parent’s dint know any better, HOMIN should have, they should have know that in that chaotic mess JYJ fans were still waiting for an official statement from HOMIN
      about the issue. Its not like this is the first instance that someone has verbally attacked a DBSK member and walked out without Cassies making judgements. From past experience such as artists who as much as look like DBSK members are acused of plastic surgery and such, Yunho and Changmin should have know it was coming that fans would react to what their fathers had said: so don’t say that you were worried about your fathers because fans don’t know the truth and crap because as member of DBSK you should know what your fanbase is capable of, after seven years. Or at least I hope you do, or you don’t know Cassies very well at all.

      It was HOMIN who first turned there back on Cassies with the bias of Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu. And HOMIN, in my opinion. were also the first ones to turn their backs on JYJ.

      Also, don’t need to say it as you the only member with family that were affected by this. Even though you said something that was kind about worrying for your father, its stupid because it just makes JYJ fans mad. Were JYJ families not affected? Sorry if there not like HOMIN’s parents, maybe they should write a letter too and broadcast it. Oh no wait, they cant and probably won’t, because apples don’t fall from there tree. Meaning since JYJ hasn’t even said one bad thing about HOMIN, I doubt there parents will too. Thats how low JYJ’s morals and there judgement from right and wrong are *sarcasm*

      • sorry leader-shi, the only one who looks like they have bad judgment is you right now. Its was bad judgment for you to say such thing on TV since it’s still a sore spot. Its was bad judgment of you to bring up your parents as if they were innocent victims. It was bad judgment of you to say you didn’t know that the whole issue (I guess that’s why they gave him the title “Uknownothing”) But I will say this….JYJ did have bad judgment too.

        …it was bad judgment on their end to actually still believe in you guys after all the crap you placed them through with your innocent comments. And it was my bad judgment to actually think that you guys would at least have some decency to not bash your brothers of seven years on tv when they have done nothing but support you in the small interviews that they have had. This is the last time I will be praying for you and Changmin, I pray that his wrist will heal soon and your ankle will heal soon because I am done praying that your promotions will go well so SM won’t drop you after all the crap you have placed JYJ through. My prayers now go to JYJ, whose heart you have most likely shattered with those comments and your actions of returning as TVXQ, and singing DBSK songs.

  139. My god, I knew it was bad, but not to this extent. The information this site is propagating is so horribly and disgustingly distorted and biased. Wow. All I can say is wow. And look at all of you here actually buying into it. Im not HoMin biased, nor am I JYJ biased for dat matter. Im not even a Cassie altogether. I had just started to listen to TVXQ music last year june, when I started hearing all the rumors and drama about members leaving because of slave contracts. I started digging around myself. I collected all the raw korean transcripts of contracts and agreements and such, along with the transcripts from the trials. I sure as hell wasnt gonna end up like some ass defending the wrong side because I didnt understand Korean and had to depend on BIASED translators and down right liars. I got my aunt to translate everything for me since she lived in Korea for about 12 years. Me, now that Ive actually been enlightened, with a few insider scoops, I no longer support JYJ. And this site, is a downright sham. Baseless accusations and biased assumptions written in a way to draw in ignorant people. That is all it is. But I have faith that the truth will come out very soon…

    • How convenient of you to suddenly have a Korean literate aunt who translated for you, arduously, into English, court documents that most Koreans are unable to make sense of in their own language let alone translated into English.

      You even said yourself that you are not a fan and yet you proclaim that you went ahead and gathered all the relevant documents from unfiltered sources and had your aunt translate the hundreds of pages that it would have involved? And you expect us to believe you?

      The courts have repeatedly sided with JYJ on their complaints with regards to their contracts (in your “research”, have you forgotten to look at the past court rulings and statements? Particularly the preliminary injunctions?) Please don’t be an idiot and expect to fool JYJ fans into believing you know something we don’t because you’re clearly just farting from your mouth (well, I should say from your keyboard).

      And FYI, there were no transcripts of the trials. There are only fanaccounts of the trials for transcripts were never officially released. If you really gathered information and have done what you’ve said you’ve done, you would have known this crucial fact.

    • LOL, why are you lying?
      There are no transcripts of the hearings because it was a closed hearing. If there were transcripts, then there would’ve been media in the courtroom.
      That and unless your aunt is a lawyer there’s no way you or your aunt would be able to understand “legalese”. If just anyone could understand it, then why would people go to law school for so long? The terms used in a contract have different meanings in legal documents then they do in any other document. Its almost a completely different language.
      You’re just here trying to start crap but unfortunately for you, we’re much too informed and up to date on this issue for you to ever trick anyone here.
      Move along now and stop acting so desperate.

  140. @onemissionthreedreams :
    Hi !
    I’m writting this to you because , correct me if I’m wrong, it seems to me that you have been an OT5 until you found about yunho’s and changmin’s statements, and then you made the choice not to suport them anymore.
    I too have been shaken and sadden by what they said ,but did you really expect something else from them, who stayed by sm’s side ?
    I”m still an OT5 and I know it surely sounds ridiculous because of all the reasons you mentioned, but please, consider my arguments (not that i want you to become an OT5 again , I do respect your decision !)
    Of course, homin’s worlds were harsh to hear for anyone who believed in the five’s friendship, above all because they are untrue. Of course, saying that SM was behind their back is not enough but only if you consider that they should have flee with JYJ, and following sm’s orders and will was their position from the beginning so those statements are thus perfectly normal from this point of view (not my point of view at all though, believe me !).
    Eventually, my last point, I know it sounds like a fool’s words but maybe they could make up, jaejoong seems to want that to happen deeply according to a tweet of the 25th of july
    so it might not be over yet and even if you are disapointed by homin, please, still believe in dbsk because jaejoong still believes in it !
    Anyway, thanks to the jyjfiles for gathering all these thoughtful people even if it hurts to face some kinds of reality sometimes !

    • Yes, I was a OT5. All your points makes sense, and I know that JJ probably still has hopes for a reunion. But it gets irritating tiring seeing how JYJ has to back down and take the blame because HOMIN suddenly comes out to make a comment. I know that the comments that they made from their point of view is normal since they have chosen to stay by SM, but I saw no need of playing the innocent card and the character assassination. I mean Yunho mentioned how he feared that the controversy would bring negative attention to his parents, while dismissing the fact that his father stepped into the controversy by himself. The man basically in a letter stated that JYJ were greedy people. I mean, has anyone ever walked away unscratched for making a bad comment about any DBSK member? No, cause Cassies would never allow that. Entertainers that even glance at DBSK get negative comments towards them.

      I want to stay as an OT5, but it just become impossible when HOMIN comes out and says such things, it makes me not even want a TVXQ reunion. I wouldn’t ever want to work with someone who thought that I couldn’t differentiate between right and wrong and at one point thought I was nothing but a greedy scum. JYJ deserves better.

      After reading threevoicesonemelody’s comment kind of opened my eyes a little. Did HOMIN not turn their backs on Cassies? It was really rude of them to come back as TVXQ since there was only two of them. I don’t expect them to be a hiatus forever, but they could have come back with a different name like JYJ. They were inconsiderate to the OT5 fans. And then there was the recruitment of new fans for TVXQ2, were does that leave the TVXQ fans with bias of JYJ. Nowhere.

      In my eyes, HOMIN have turned their backs on the fans that they once treasured. So I can turn my back on them, even if JJ doesn’t. Even though I support JYJ and Jaejoong is my bias, I just can’t accept it that HOMIN can make such comments while JYJ just has to take it without being about to retaliate.

      Thank your for responding, love to hear others opinion on this issue.

  141. don’t be harsh on homin u never really know what they’r thinking
    cuz they’r still under SME and they’r statement maybe scripted by SME
    they can’t really say whatever they want even if they did it wouldn’t be shown in the show right ?!
    SME would cut it ,can’t we wait & support the 5 of them & i don’t think that JYJ or HOMIN
    are happy about the way things are right now !
    being on this show was planed by SME trying to drift homin & jyj apart even more
    but i’m still supporting the 2 groups with all my heart hoping that LEESOOMAN would BURN IN HELL he’s the only one who should receive my HATE >_>

    • I don’t get this “homin can’t say what they want” when Heechul, Shindong, etc say whatever they want whenever they want.
      So, are they scripted to put themselves in the controversies they got into time and time again? C’mon now, SM wouldn’t intentionally put into a “script” anything that would ultimately hurt their bottom line.
      So, you say homin “didn’t mean it” but then you’d get mad if I called them puppets wouldn’t you?
      So which is it? Are they puppets, or are they grown men that said what they wanted to say and had to face the consequences of their comments?
      I’m sure it is the latter.

    • @homin+jyj=dbsk

      Oh, please. You come here to the JYJFiles, the place where rational, intelligent, thoughtful adult people come to discuss the issues relevant to this case of JYJ vs SME and you try to float a theory that Homin are selfless martyrs?? Or was it that they are literally being held hostage by SME, unable to do anything but silently survive their captivity?? You’re seeing some grand secret plan by the 5 members, are you?

      Well, good luck with that. And I did read the entire page, just for the record. My conclusion: delusional hogwash.

  142. I can’t believe this discussion is still going on. I settled all this in my mind the day this article was posted in March. That was when I decided that I could no longer support Homin and no longer wanted to see the word TVXQ. Doesn’t mean I don’t still play their OT5 songs like crazy and watch their old shows.

    I think that a reunion is impossible because of the difference of opinion about what TVXQ is. According to Yunho, TVXQ is an act created by SME and can only exist in that way, and JYJ’s firm commitment to a “f*** of, no more talk” attitude towards SME. Don’t see how that will ever change unless SME goes out of business.

    Personally I don’t want a reunion at this point. It would be too hard to forgive what has happened. I love JYJ as they are and don’t think they would fit together anymore with the other two.

  143. now, please.. before everyone draws out their conclusions… please, still.. keep the faith. don’t fall into SM entertainment’s trap. they’re dividing Cassies into who’s side they’re gonna be. JUST KEEP THE FAITH. our boys said it themselves. we, as fans, don’t know the real reason behind.
    if you want our 5 boys back together.. i repeat:


    • Dear you can hope for a reunion but these arent things that are made up.
      these are things that they have said
      It is upto fans to make a choice.
      TheJYJfiles dont say in this article that Yunho and Changmin are bad people for saying these things. Just that they have said these things some of which are factually inaccurate and can be used by SM and the media AGAINST JYJ
      but some of the things they’ve said are obviously untrue and might even be hurtful to some of their fans who support JYJ.
      You cannot expect fans to NOT make a choice,

      If you support both sides its OK
      just dont expect JYJ fans to do so.

  144. I like that everyone here considers themselves rational and intelligent when what you guys really are, is bias. Then again I didn’t expect anything better since the website is called Jyj files. Each of you are entitled to your own opinion and I won’t exactly call you ignorant because you obviously have ‘proof’ and some sort of backing for everything you say but don’t you think it’s downright retarded to congregate on a blog to just rant out your hate and yes it is hate.

    I don’t see why HoMin supporters even bother coming here to post, it’s utterly useless. JYJ is doing their thing and they’re doing it successfully, which is absolutely amazing 😀 HoMin is going strong and I wish both of them the best. All 5 may or may not EVER be together again but if you think you can’t support the two separately or be like one those optimistic fan dweebs who want them to reunite (fairytale style) then so be it. SME is not holding a gun to your head to be a TVXQ fan and I heard Jaejoong and Junsu moved Into 3 Billion apartment. Life is good.

    • @Mustqiue
      “I like that everyone here considers themselves rational and intelligent when what you guys really are, is bias. Then again I didn’t expect anything better since the website is called Jyj files. ”

      Hi Mustqiue,

      I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy reading the comments here on JYJFiles. Just our own opinions of course although we do go to some pains to back up our conclusions with the facts that have come out surrounding the lawsuit. I think for the most part the posts here **are** rational and intelligent, I know I was happy to have found the site because the usual fangirly silliness and immaturity of other forums has been a turn-off for me. JYJFiles was the first site where I actually felt comfortable posting my own perspective on the progression of JYJ’s determination to break free of SME and take charge of their own destiny. It’s true that many of us don’t have much affection for YH&CM, I don’t look at that as a crime in and of itself. This is pop music and nobody really should have to like what they just don’t like, right? We do try to keep the focus on JYJ here though, as the name of the blog indicates. Anyway, again–sorry it was not to your liking; the other blog I like a lot is JYJ3. Why not try that one?


    • @Mustqiue “I don’t see why HoMin supporters even bother coming here to post, it’s utterly useless.”
      I would totally applaud this statement, EXCEPT that you also just posted “Finally, someone who I can agree with on this effed up place. Did you see the size of the scroll bar lol O_O.” in AGREEMENT with a “hate-filled rant” (and here, I’ll borrow your own words “yes, it is hate”) by a @Karumi here on 8/23/11 @0256 spouting that “The information this site is propagating is so horribly and disgustingly distorted and biased….. I sure as hell wasnt gonna end up like some ass defending the wrong side because I didnt understand Korean and had to depend on BIASED translators and down right liars. I got my aunt to translate everything for me since she lived in Korea for about 12 years. Me, now that Ive actually been enlightened, with a few insider scoops, I no longer support JYJ. And this site, is a downright sham. Baseless accusations and biased assumptions written in a way to draw in ignorant people…”
      This talking out of both sides of your mouth really cast a schizophenic haze over your opined comments and lends you little credibility—–UNLESS you just presssed the wrong button and really meant to direct your reply to @bmw81187 instead?

    • Well, of course they’re all biased here.. it’s a JYJ site, did you expect something else? ._. Being biased does not make you irrational and stupid… and they are biased for a reason – they don’t see good in JYJ because they are biased, they are biased because they see good in JYJ.

      Comments like that have been confusing me for years lol “Your opinion is invalid because you’re biased” “You’re so biased you don’t realize there are better songs out there than these” – lolwhut? I see comments like that all the time and think that the logic is completely messed up.

      I don’t see why HoMin supporters bother either, the comments I see here that “bash” HoMin aren’t half as bad as the comments I see on 2VXQ stuff that bash JYJ. Most JYJ fans are indifferent to HoMin, why are HoMin fans so defensive?

      I still love all 5. I realize the chances of them reuniting is less than a percent at best, but I’m still hoping… if they don’t get back together, I’ll be sad but not completely frustrated, because what I wish for is NOT for them to get back together, esp if they don’t want to, but for them to be happy with what they’re doing. And for me to be happy for them, I wish the fans of JYJ and HoMin would stop trying to slit each others’ throats all the time because it frustrates me, and for OT5s to stop trying to shove JYJ into HoMin fans’ throats, or HoMin into JYJ fans’ throats. It’s not right and it’s not fair.

      Btw, I’m not referring to you JYJ fans here. I actually genuinely enjoyed reading through this page (yes I read everything LOL). I agree HoMin should stop talking about JYJ, and JYJ should also stop talking about HoMin. I also understand that sometimes it can’t be helped. I don’t criticize either side (along with many other OT5 friends of min) and I’m hoping many others do the same as well.

      Even though I have completely sided with JYJ in this lawsuit, I still love HoMin… I hope you JYJ fans understand my side. If not, ahhh well lol I can’t have everything. No pain, no gain =3=

      • @only5ive
        ” I agree HoMin should stop talking about JYJ, and JYJ should also stop talking about HoMin.”

        I enjoyed reading your comments. Thanks for expressing your views. Only one thing puzzled me, when you said “JYJ should also stop talking about Homin.” I wasn’t aware that they ever had, anywhere. This has been one reason I think JYJ fans have rallied around them so fiercely–they refuse to “fight back” when it comes to Homin. Their only focus has been the lawsuit with SM and getting on with their careers as JYJ Do you have additional or different information about that point?

      • <3<3<3. I'm SOO Sick and tired of these thick headed people that keep saying Junsu bashed DBSK. where the hell do they come up with these conclusions? Did he call anyone names or make up foul rumors? I don't think so. His tweet was just to express his disappointment and I admit twitter was the only way. It's obvious it was for YH, why would it be anyone else. Don't ignore the hints.

        But the timing with all DBSK's comeback was kind of Wrong, too. Nonetheless, those other SM artists can stand up for DBSK but they need to do so w/o making themselves look Arrogant and instead seem Well-mannered. They clearly bashed Junsu& put him down. But this is where you find out who your real friends are.

        I still wish DBSK spoke up about the issue but I know they have their own reasons, whether SM is not letting them speak the truth why they stayed, or that's really how they feel. Whatever it is, just b/c everyone doesn't agree doesn't mean it's wrong. People have different morals and values. We can't expect JYJ to stay and be thankful they became idols b/c of SM when they aren't satisfied, and we can't expect DBSK to leave b/c they may really be thankful for SM.

        Don't get me wrong, just putting in my two cents. I totally agree w/ you!

  145. feel so sad reading this article…a bit angry against those 2 for saying these on JYJ but im happy that god things are happening to JYJ.

  146. why is everyone like this? it makes me sad reading all this comments. u once love homin before. jyj once loved homin too and i think still loves them until now. i know, they will be hurt too if they read this, u guys hating on homin just because of the stupid lawsuit. when i saw this wordpress, i thought this will just post love and fandom of jyj but not hate. im so disappointed….im looking forward for the goodies of jyj but why this? and i thought i cant leave without leaving a comment. i love both group but im not wishing them to get back together b/c i know they cant now. they’ve move on. and did great with 3 and 2 but i dont hate any of them. and it struck me, there are few cassies now. i mean the true blooded cassies. they will be hurt too if they read this. stop the hate. just live with love guys. 🙂

  147. LMAO at all those “Ot5” comments. Preachy, fake, and annoying like always. And FYI, in order to make a sane comment, you don’t need to over abuse the number 5 to make your points.

  148. sorry I agree that they shouldn’t be talking bad about JYJ, but JYJ is not all that innocent they did bash HoMin before look it up and you can see it. All SM singers stood up for HoMin when JYJ talked bad about them. I think for now they shouldn’t even think about each other or it might get ugly. Its sad it all came down to this I hope they can forgive each other and overcome this one day.

    • @sam
      “I think for now they shouldn’t even think about each other or it might get ugly. Its sad it all came down to this I hope they can forgive each other and overcome this one day.”

      I think that they are not even thinking about each other at this point. Both groups seem to be busy and engrossed in successful careers. It’s going well for both of them and they look and seem really happy with their new lives.

      I think it’s the fans of each that need to forgive each other. Harsh words have been exchanged and people have had hurt feelings. I think it’s time that everyone lets go of the past and moves on now. We are all free to like who we like, there is no one to stop us from that. Both groups are great. Let’s try to stop all the pointless arguing. It never changes anything.

  149. They’re asked about it, they answer from their point of view, they feel betrayed. It’s sick that there are only few normal fans that can still like DBSK and JYJ at the same time. Stop hating.

    • @Drago
      “It’s sick that there are only few normal fans that can still like DBSK and JYJ at the same time. Stop hating.”

      I want to stop the hating too and I don’t even think you have to necessarily like both groups. You just have to acknowledge that both are here now, they are doing fine, they are both fine performers and everybody is free to like whoever. The key is: stop bashing, stop blaming, stop looking to “prove guilt” in the other side. Just let it go and like who you like.

  150. now, i’m asking the same quetion..
    why wont JYJ left TVXQ alone???
    why ? why? why?

    TVXQ clearly dont need JYJ anymore.

    please somebody tweet jaejoong to erase the word TVXQ from his bio.
    since yoochun had cut 2 of 5 stars, so you should have cut ties too!!
    go ahead and look for it.. it’s still there. Posted by your oppa proudly!!! 🙂
    JYJ never from tvxq. CJS were from tvxq.

    please, dont mention yunho or changmin again!!! even if you cant contact them/dream about them.
    yunho/changmin never mention you guys, they clearly have move on.
    so please move on jyj 🙂

    • Talk about being butthurt. Just stay at where you people usually congregate little girl, please spare us your lack of punctuation. I don’t know why people persist in commenting on this old post. I think I should go stop that subscription on follow-up comments through email, it’s annoying getting these comments through my email. Now who’s the one who hasn’t moved on?
      JYJ has a right to TVXQ. TVXQ debuted as 5 member group and they got to to where they were together. I have no right to say otherwise, neither do you.

  151. Rude + Delusional + Spiteful. Gullible + Overreacting + Illiterate. You all really lived up to my expectations 😀 I am proud of you!
    Who here read past the title and analysed the article before commenting?

  152. what pathetic replies. You all act like one side’s to blame in this mess. Then again, arguing with stans is like talking to a wall

  153. GAH! i luv TVXQ! (meaning both HoMin and JYJ) but why would HoMin say such things? D: but even if they did say it I will never believe they mean it! maybe SME is making them or something? i dunno but even if it means turning a blind eye to this i can`t hate HoMin and will have to strongly believe they still care about JYJ! I still believe they are planning to get back together despite everything that they all miss each other…5-2=</3 TT^TT

  154. I’m TVXQ! fan since January 2011, so I’m still the newbie, but I often search lot of info of them..
    I really speechless after read this article because in these few days, I just read some articles that posted ‘hidden reasons’ why must JYJ left SM and why must HoMin stay in SM, even though it was just fans speculation but it’s enough to make me still believe that the problems aren’t among the members but it is ONLY between members and the agency so, I hope, maybe someday the problems could be solved, seriously, I cried when I saw their old videos and memories, i really miss them as five..
    I don’t believe if 8th years of close-friends-relationships between the members could broke easily just because of the unobvious reason..
    But, if they will NEVER back as five again, I hope that they are never forget each other and their memories, I hope the best for them..
    From today, I just want to still KEEP THE FAITH..

  155. OH MY… I’m at a loss of word.

    Why fans are siding? And why there’s TOTALLY different evidences surfacing? Some says JYJ and their family purposely tried to make HoMin look bad, so that they could get out of SM or sth. Now this news, about HoMin’s fathers.

    I can’t believe anything unless it’s live interview or sth.


  156. I heard that YH& CM’s parents own SM stocks. Is this true. If it were, they probably stayed so they won’t affect their families.

  157. don’t you think homin is being manipulated by sm? like sm tells them what to say and such. don’t get me wrong because, really, i love jyj(especially chunnie :)))…

    there is this variety show before, back when they were dbsk5, that showed their scripts. scripts even for a radio show they have to go to. i mean, they were even given scripts on what to say and also the reactions of the members are slightly orchestrated.
    maybe,just maybe, homin is being manipulated.

    i don’t think the kind of friendship they had is really that weak.


    • @mytotalrandomness
      “don’t you think homin is being manipulated by sm? like sm tells them what to say and such. don’t get me wrong because, really, i love jyj”

      Hi–This really is the thread that refused to die! lol Wow, over 900 posts and here’s another one. I think I for one have moved on from many of my comments above, as it’s been awhile since I made them. My focus now is just that everybody needs to move on in their thinking about these 5 men because they now belong to two distinct musical groups and have their own destinies. Both are quite different now from one another–they are no longer the 5 close brothers that we saw in TVXQ days. JYJ has had to fight very very hard to get to the position they are now in. And the fight continues, every step of the way courtesy of SM’s vendetta against them. But that’s their reality and they are learning to deal with it. It’s been hard and hurtful and incredibly difficult going–any and everywhere SM could hinder their progress, they’ve done it.

      Now as to SM’s possible manipulation of Homin, here’s how I see it and I think many here would and in fact have agreed with me: They are grown men, not children, not puppets and if at any point they honestly felt that they wanted to speak up for their brothers and basically say to SM “Stop this–it’s wrong what you’re doing” I’m pretty sure we would have heard about it by now. If this was truly how they felt, they would have done it. They haven’t done it, quite the contrary. They have made comments hurtful to JYJ and have been seen to support others at SM who also publicly disparaged JYJ.

      Further damning in my estimation, they have literally had the career benefit of JYJ being banned from TV and influential charts in SK, in other words of not having to compete fairly and as a result JYJ is absent from the award shows and of course of winning any of the end of the year awards for which they should obviously at the very least be in contention. Homin is profiting from SM’s illegal activities in blocking JYJ from these things, in other words.

      There was a time when I loved the music of TVXQ but since the lawsuit and the split of the groups and each group’s subsequent actions, I find I can no longer watch or listen to Homin. I was never a Cassie but I was a fan of the five. Now I am only a fan of JYJ. They are true heroes in my eyes. They deserve every success. God only knows what Homin “deserves” for their actions in all of this.

  158. i saw them (homin) sayin all those things but it sounds normal to me until i read all this comment and still i dont think homin makin fault wat they say is the truth and looks like an advice for jyj not for bash jyj

  159. I have an idea ! why dont we burn the sm building ? joking XD bt i hate this company !
    look i support both groups so dont bash me ! but i seriously think its sm’s fault and i can see that from the weird comments homin makes 2nd rumours are spreading out about shinee and suju facing problems with sm and also if you remember casssies in 2006 there were rumours that tvxq was getting beaten by sm which break up wasnt even mentioned yh i know rumours are rumours but i dont think sm is clear at all and theres probs a logical reason why homin stayed they might have been afraid of sm’s power if you think about it micky jae and junsu are more carefree and brave but changmin and yunho are more serious and responsible. They risked their whole career to get free from sm although i believe homin gt scared at the last minute cause they understand tht they dont stand a chance on sm ( which is totally logical) and got quite surprised that they jyj is actually getting out well right now. And all the harsh comments from homin are probs sms job
    I dont knw about others but i will always keep the faith 😀

  160. I am tired of all this. I thought we were a family? I read comments like, “Homin, you just lost a fan” and whatnot, and are you for real? We should support both groups no matter what. What happened to the biggest fanbase? Aren’t we the strongest? But now, because of this, all we do is bash each other and the group! They have feelings too, they’re also human! Don’t you think that this is affecting them as well? They’ve been together for like, what, 8 years? They won’t just throw away their friendship like that! Maybe there are some misunderstandings, but think. Junsu also bashed them and other SM artists defended them. Fans thought of this as ganging up, and started to bash Homin. Can’t you think about both parties for once? They’re all in this together, so stop hating, people! “I don’t really care about Homin. So screw them.” Oh, so it’s okay if I said, “I don’t care about you, bitch. Fuck you.” to you? Just stop the bashing, and if you have some hurtful or crude comment, just leave it to yourself.

    • @yoomin

      I’m guessing that this is the wrong List for you to be on. We do not do things or think things blindly. We do not “support no matter what.” We also do not use the language you seem to need to use instead of making a reasonable point that people could consider.
      This is not an organized Cassiopeia fansite. It is a list for educated people to learn about the lawsuits JYJ are involved in. I’m sure there are some former Cassies here, but they know how to behave themselves civilly and they are a welcome addition. What is NOT welcome is telling people whom they “should support no matter what”, name-calling and swearing.

  161. You all say these thing about HoMin saying bad things about JYJ and it makes it seems as if JYJ is the only good one here. Truthfully, I love them both and I want them to be together again and it makes me sad to see them apart but how do you guys know what is going on? SME could be telling them what to say but will we ever know what exactly happened? Maybe, maybe not. JYJ + HoMin!!Fighting ^^

  162. I dont understand why this is Homins fault ! I just started liking DBSK and I have watched that show where Changmin and Yunho expressed their thoughts on their breakup. Why do cassies have to fight over JYJ and Tvxq ? Everyone is assuming stuff from Tvxq and Jyj’s song lyrics, tweets and now even what they say at a show. Why in the world is Homin even being bashed ?? i dont see how this is their fault AT ALL. I am not blaming JYJ either, I dont want to blame either of these two groups cause its just not right! If you really love DBSK, you wouldnt be bashing wither groups cause of assumptions or deductions made from their actions. I really hope that one day, even if the groups dont get back together.. i hope that we, fans can get back together as Cassiopeias. No fan wars between two groups that used to be one. No bashing of either two groups. I think that if tvxq or Jyj knew that we fans are one, waiting for them and supporting them, they would be much happier than they are now.

    • @slyphy

      Hello, my friend. Welcome, if belatedly, to the JYJFiles. As you may have noted, this article was posted in March, 2011. Much as changed, there has been much water under the bridge, and there has been much calming down from the original high anxiety of the early days of the lawsuit. That said, Homin did say some cruelly unfair and hurtful things about their heretofore close brothers JYJ and the times themselves were nothing if not fraught with betrayal and a concerted effort by SM to discredit and disparage the motives and characters of the members of JYJ.

      Intrepid fans of the three (including myself) were heightened, incredibly protective and touchy – and for good reason. Nearly every day during this time there were new, damaging and untrue rumors going around about JYJ – terrible lies put forward by the SM Entertainment P.R. machine to try to discredit and END THE CAREERS of JYJ. They referred to it themselves in their recently released magazine of their first 1000 Days – SM threatened them and told them if they left they would never work in the music business again in SK and they meant it. SM did everything possible to ruin their reputations and careers.

      An important thing for you to understand is that we are all NOT Cassies. After the break-up of DBSK, SM Entertainment announced that they would require a re-joining of the Cassiopeia fandom for all previous members. This re-joining would be for Homin fans ONLY. So to say there is still an all inclusive five member Cassie fandom is impossible. There can be NO Homin-JYJ Cassie fandom – SM Entertainment made a point of ensuring that. Additionally, JYJ has amassed many thousands of new fans that have nothing to do with Cassies. For the members of JYJ, Cassies are a thing of the past, suitable perhaps for nostalgia but for little else.

      The Cassiopeia fandom in any case has been problematical, even dangerous for many. In some small part it was cynically used by SM as a means to brainwash fans to continue to buy SM product. The JYJ fandom rejected this ploy and rejected being manipulated by this unethical company. We do not and will not buy what SM is trying to get us to believe, ever again. They have shown themselves, in technicolor, to be willing to tell any lie to achieve their ends — making money from naive fangirls who have been enticed to believe that they are in love with SM’s roster of young men.

      Finally, it’s true, not all of us like Homin or what they do. For me, the fact that they have each said on several occasions “TVXQ without all five members is NOT TVXQ” and then went on to perform shamelessly as TVXQ at the behest of SM is unforgivable. I for one feel that their talents are a woeful shadow of the great wealth of talent of JYJ.

      I have a lifetime spent in the music business in the U.S. and I have made my living choosing exceptional musicians and singers. The members of Homin, I had identified long ago were at best marginal singers, helped along by various studio tricks and electronic embellishments. Now, they mostly only lip-sync live and when they actually do ever sing live, it’s awful – unbearable for those of us who can discern pitch. They are attractive boys who dance well. If that’s your idea of a world-class singing group, then enjoy. They are not my cup of tea and I feel absolutely NO allegiance to support those whom I cannot, as a fellow singer, support honestly, I’m sorry.

      I was not and of course am not a Cassie and have not been damaged and sucked in by the Cassie rhetoric. I support those who are legitimately excellent. Only those. No others because someone says I must.

    • The “If you really love DBSK, you wouldnt…” rhetoric won’t work because we are JYJ fans. I don’t know why some people persist in using “cassies” to label us when we don’t want to be part of that fandom. All the specious arguments about how “cassies” shouldn’t fight is not even valid because we are only fans of JYJ. We have no wish to be “cassies”, some of us were but we have made our choices. I hope that “cassies”, new and old, respect that. Stop asking us to support another group that we have no interest in. As long as SM continues this illegal and morally wrong block on JYJ, I will be boycotting the company and all their products/artistes.
      It is interesting that we keep getting non JYJ fans coming here to comment on an ancient post. Is there nothing happening in your own fandom? You need JYJ fans to be “cassies”? Whatever it is, we have long formed our opinions and there is no need to try to convince us with illogical reasons and invalid excuses.

      • @NingK

        Hi Ning… Yes, this is a very very old post. Every time I see someone has commented on it, I unconsciously say “Uh-oh, here we go…” to myself. lol

        The thing that doesn’t get mentioned much by Cassies who insist that “we HAVE to support both groups” is that some time back SM insisted that all Cassies RE-JOIN the fandom after pledging their allegiance to Homin only. Fans of JYJ were therefore specifically excluded from the new and improved Cassie fandom. I don’t know why this never seems to enter the equation of what we JYJ fans HAVE to do. It also added to the puzzlement factor why SM said in their post-trial statement that they had finally realized that JYJ no longer wished to be managed by SM since not too long after the split SM insisted that all Cassies rejoin the fanclub as Homin only fans.

        Just another instance I guess of SM assuming that they can say anything and do anything and no one will bother to call them on obvious inconsistencies.

      • @NingK, @lilibaiyu

        Color me stupified when I ran across @NingK’s link on Twitter. There are just not enough words to describe my reaction. There really are people out there who actually believe they can effect a change with this nonsense. And on this page of all pages. It’s been four years of non-stop BS from SM/chohorts, and “it’s let bygones be bygones.” “They (HoMin/JYJ) after all, mean so much to each other.” Amazing.

        I don’t suppose the meaning of the word NO is part of their reality. But they are entitled to their delusions.

        People, when SME owns up to the BS they have been spewing. When HoMin apologizes for all the uncool hurtful things they’ve said or hinted at. When ALL the broadcasters put JYJ back on TV/radio where they belong, then we can talk. Anything less than this does not even merit a discussion. Thank you.


        P.S. Not all JYJ fans were Cassies even if we started out being DBSK fans. I know I wasn’t.

  163. WOW!! I found this interesting topic in 2013. and all of the comment above was like a huge war for me. O_o Seriously i don’t care when the group was separate. I heard all rumors and decided to not take someone side. because i love them all. Sure, 5 of them have a pain on their mind and maybe still do. But i think there are 2 side stories [HoMin & JYJ] and every side is the fact from each member views. It’s just a path which they choose, that’s all. ^^

    But I think SME was a real EVIL. [I believe SM control everything from what i had heard about what they did to shinwah and some member of SJ]

    I don’t blame Homin And also JYJ. My duty as a fan is to support all of them ^^ and wish THE REAL EVIL GET THE PUNISH SOON. LOL [you know they make our beloved Group be apart, and make all fans which once be the most powerful&united fight against each other.That’s very bad]

    P.S. Maybe the reason why i don’t surprise when heard that TVXQ was seperated because i can sense something weird in their last concert in Thailand. Their move was different, Style of the outfit very unique for each other and sang like saying goodbye. After concert, me & my friend were talking about maybe 5 of them grown enough to fly alone now.. it’s heartache but we know it will happen. but we don’t know it’ll happen like this.

    I also mention that HOMIN use a lot of effect with their voice too!! ^^ I think it because Yunho have a lower voice and Changmin have a highest voice. the 3 middle tone disappear. so they fix this problem by using electric sound. ^^ but JYJ have a large length of voice. Everyone can be high, middle and low tone, so it fine for them. I think HoMin doing great with Model. because their body fit to be. Now 5 of them look happy in their own path and i really appreciate that.

    – -” OMG… I don’t know my comment will be this long. I just can’t be quiet after read all of the past comment. LOL sorry for my disturbing your blog.

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  168. Do u think jyj hav gud hearts juz coz they have not speak bad of tvxq? or r u sayinthat coz of their gud lukin faces? bullshit….nobody knows noone…at least homin r speakin openly without hidin & they hav respect for the company who made them goes forr every industries whether if it is sm,jyp or yg its abt respect..even yg is a lil bit strict towards their artist but still those artist respect him coz they kno..i used to lik tvxq but not anymore after they broke aprt ..jyj cud settled the matter in a frendly way if they had thought homin asfren but theyg betrayed them

    • Well, gosh, you know they did try repeatedly to be heard by their managers at SM and to get changes in their contract. They knew they weren’t being paid fairly, that SM was stealing from them but there was nothing they could do while being in the contract to force SM to provide them with royalty statements so they could see where all this money they knew they were earning was going. They had to literally sue to get an accounting, among other legitimate grievances they had, none of which were addressed in the many talks they had privately with SM before they saw it was hopeless. I don’t know if you have a job yet, if you work for a living but when you do and you work as hard as DBSK did, it is frustrating and painful to find when it comes time to be paid by your employer that they are stealing from you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Also you find out you can’t quit, you can’t leave that employer without suing to be released. And from that point on, your employer does everything they can think of to make sure you never get to work ever again. You see the problem? Exactly what is there about this employer that JYJ should have respected? How powerful, corrupt and cruel they were?

    • @rocio

      Well, you’re probably young. As an adult when faced with an unavoidable reality, we move on. TVXQ5 is over. I’m sad for you that you are stuck in a past that can not happen again. One thing is for sure: this is the fault of SM Entertainment. That’s the truth. They had every opportunity to turn things around but they absolutely REFUSED to do so. Instead they threatened JYJ and debased an entire industry with their terrible vendetta to ruin JYJ. Now, they have Homin under exclusive contract. Even if they were suddenly DYING to, Homin would not be allowed to step foot NEAR JYJ. But of course they’re not dying to. Both groups have made their choice. it’s up to fans to see that and accept it.

      • yeah..maybe its just a dream that will never become true but stil i will support the two groups JYJ and TVXQ, and if you think that i am stuck in the past,,,,,well this post speak about A PAST too that concerns a present, the present of JYJ..and it seems that many people of here thinks its HOMIN`s fault… and i just cant stand that. Becouse i love the two groups even after the lawsuit i find the way SOME jyj`s fans talk..inmature …and i am 19 years old..yeah young enough to say my thoughts like all of you…

      • @rocio

        It could never be said to be “Homin’s fault.” When you do the research you see quite clearly – it was SM and their greed and arrogance that directly caused the split. The members of JYJ started out wanting to stay, of course – they just wanted changes in their contract and an accounting of the expenses that supposedly ate up all of their earnings. SM said no to both requests. JYJ then felt they had no choice but to leave and sue and that’s absolutely true – they could not have “forced” SM to give them an accounting or to pay them their true royalties. The HAD to sue in order for the court to do those things.

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